《The Bear - First chronicle of the Children of the Bear》9. Mage’s Guild


Nelly did not account for how well Bryn knew the countryside. Even while dragging the crippled mage, Bryn made it to Snærheim in three weeks. The mage moaned until Bryn had gagged him and had tried to jump off a cliff twice. But Bryn didn't let him die.

As they approached the Guild, the guards of Snærheim gathered, warily watching the large man with the dead eyed, handless companion. They approached the sheer cliff that the guild had made into a home, magically shaped balconies and stairs connecting it's many caves like some sort of hive.

Bryn took the mage by the front of his now tattered robe and dragged him up the narrow stone steps towards the cliff. A rift, like a moat, fell black and empty below the stairs. The man tried to jump but Bryn held him tight. A thin tall mage with pale blonde hair and thin disapproving eyebrows stood in Bryn's way.

"Only guild members beyond this point."

Bryn's eyes darkened and he held the crippled mage aloft. "Here is your guild member," he spat. "Do you speak for the Guild?"

She looked at the ragged man in disgust. "Yes, I do and I can assure you this is not—" The man looked up and the woman's face changed. "Stars, Torbold! Is that you?"

Torbold moaned and Bryn threw him down. "Not sure, never caught his name. But he tried to kill me. I don't know who set the bounty, but if anymore of you snivelling magic weavers come near me, I will do the same to you, but I may do your eyes too and I won't escort you home like Torbold here."

"What you—? Oh gods ,his hands! Torbold, is that really you?"

Torbold looked up and moaned. Bryn gave him a kick and laughed. "Go on Torbold, tell her what you are."


The mage knelt down and grabbed Torbold's face. He rolled his eyes trying to deny as she caught a glimpse of his mouth. Her face paled.

When she stood up, Bryn grabbed her throat. "I will say it again because you mages aren't very bright. Stay away from me, drop the bounty, and Torbold will be the only one to get my special mage package."

The girl gurgled and tried to cast a spell, but Bryn batted her hand down. "Don't," he growled and heaved her over the rail until she was dangling over the thousand foot drop.

"Do you understand?" He loosened his grip and she grabbed his arm desperately.

Gasping she answered, "Y...es."

He dropped her onto the stone bridge and walked away. He heard her scream as Torbold threw himself into the rift.

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