《Game On》Chapter 4: First Encounter


As several long moments of silence passed, Rebecca’s knees began to shake and grow weak. With his delusional timer expired, who knew what Matthew might do next? Thoughts of being stabbed or blinded by a ruthless attack with those scissors flashed through her mind. All she could do is shake and hope that someone would show up and save her soon. All she could…

“AARRRRGGGHH!!!” With a sudden scream, Matthew leapt forward and crashed into the bathroom stall in front of where he’d been standing and staring. “Die you bastard! DIE!” Sounds of porcelain shattering echoed through the small, cramped bathroom, and a loud clang reverberated as the metal casing around the toilet paper holder flew off and ricocheted across the floor. The thin divider which separated one stall from another shook wildly left and right, and an inhuman screech echoed out and around the room.

“You son of a bitch! Try and gut me?!” Matthew was screaming in a voice that echoed both anger and disbelief.

“HEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!” Unable to take any more, Rebecca screamed and dashed past the stall without looking in. Rushing to the bathroom door, she began to bang on it frantically. “Someone! Anyone! Let me out of here!”

For several moments, she banged relentlessly on the door hoping to get someone’s attention – and then someone banged back just as hard. “Please! Let me in! Let me in!” The voice of a frantic sounding young man pleaded on the other side, begging to be let in.

“Let me out! Please!”

“Let me in! Let me in!”

As the two shouted at each other through the thick wooden door, Matthew finally came out of the stall and rounded the corner. “Becca…” His voice was a low, almost menacing growl, and he seemed to be slightly out of breath.


Swallowing down the lump that was forming in the back of her throat, Rebecca slowly let go of the handle to the door and turned to look back at him. At first, she could barely believe her eyes and had to rub them several times to make certain she wasn’t seeing things as Matthew stood there, just a few feet away, covered in blood and holding a head by its hair, in his hands. Blood was splashed all over his arms, face, and torso, and he had a wild look in his eyes.

“Back away from the door,” he commanded, slowly and in a tone that said he wasn’t going to brook any argument.

“Wha.. Who…” Rebecca’s mind was starting to go blank and she felt half faint. She’d seen for herself, the bathroom had been empty except for the two of them. Slowly, she eased back away from the door and held her hands up in front of her as she hugged tightly against the wall and slowly eased around Matthew and back into the bathroom.

The scene inside was now one of pure mayhem. Staring over into the stall where Matthew had been, was what she could only describe as a scene of carnage. The toilet was broken and water sprayed out in all directions, raining down on the bloody corpse of something which didn’t appear to be human, but was almost human. The thing crumpled inside the stall was headless, with a puddle of dark green blood oozing and pooling all around. Two arms, two legs, with a thin manlike bipedal frame, in the dark it could’ve been mistaken for a person -- but, they weren’t in the dark. Pale, lime green skin; long, sharp claw-like fingernails; and the lack of digits on the hand – this thing only had three fingers and not five – made it obvious that whatever the creature was, it wasn’t human.


Shock washed over Rebecca like a cold, calming wave, and her knees buckled as she collapsed – sweet darkness rushing to take it all away as she’d finally reached her limit and collapsed to the ground in a faint.

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