《A Good Bargain [HIATUS]》Chapter 7 part 2 : Learning more
He left the apothecary feeling defeated. Not even having the chance of bargaining he felt annoyed, like a child having his parents tell him he couldn’t play his favorite game.
However, he felt reassured that he now completed his assignments and procured the various items.
He already didn’t think about asking others about their gifts anymore, as he knew he would have more than enough to compensate Robert with.
As he thought of the items he had just put away a smile crept on his face. Magical items! He was excited to learn about them and took one of the items from his pouch so he could appraise it. He then studied the information on each of the items.
Lower quality mana water crystal
Smal crystal holding a minimum amount of nature’s force. Nature’s force is better known as mana. Mana is used various ways; mostly to activate or trigger a response from weapons, tools, and items. It is a form of energy that comes from nature itself. A mana crystal is formed at a place with a high density of mana. The dominating force of nature will become apparent in the mana crystal’s usage. Water energy is a very useful force, it can be gentle and flowing, yet strong enough to erode or shatter stones.
Liquid mana stimulant
Liquid mana stimulant is natures force purified to a point it becomes liquid. It is very potent and is considered dangerous as it can combust or explode when it is not handled carefully. Because of its high purity, it is often used by rich nobles to strengthen their corporeal body, or better known as a vessel. The strength of the vessel determines the amount of mana a body can attract and hold.
It is also sometimes used in extremely high priced weapons and magical artifacts. However working with the substance is extremely difficult due to its combustible nature.
Mana calming elixir
Mana calming elixir is used to relax disorderly mana. In various items, medicine and artifacts mana calming elixir is used when fusing different mana forces together to help them calm down and settle without causing conflict.
When using Liquid mana stimulant in combination with Mana calming elixir the pain of strengthening the vessel is lessened, as the mana becomes more docile.
Mana calming elixir is made from 36 herbs and the recipe has always been kept secret.
Warren studied the given information thoroughly, absorbed by it and thinking about the various means of using the items he made his way back to the mansion followed in tow by his two remaining servants, Mary and James.
His steps were quick as a fire once more was lit in his mind thinking about asking Robert about his gifts. As his mind was preparing the upcoming conversation he stumbled upon something very interesting!
His appraisal on the Master Apotheker had given him more information after intently staring at the tile of his profession. As he once more thought back to the appraisal he had used on the elderly man the blue box containing the information of the Apotheker once more popped up.
He had once more was happy with the automatic memorizing ability that came with his appraisals. It was like he had an external USB plugged into his mind that stored all the information he got from appraising. Rule four of his experiments.
Knowledge on appraised items is saved and can be reviewed at a later date.
He then reasoned, if thinking about appraisal gave him information on his gift, and thinking about a profession would explain that profession, it would mean that whenever an (i) was stated in the appraisal box, he could learn more about it.
As if struck by lightning, his mind suddenly cleared as a single thought popped up.
“I can appraise my second gift! I forgot! I’m such an idiot, APPRAISE, appraise Elemental affinity!” He was glad nobody could learn of his thoughts, as he felt ashamed he hadn't thought of such an obvious thing to do.
Elemental Affinity
The power to communicate with natures force. Allows the user to feel the flow and density of the mana around himself. Currently, it is possible to do slight alterations to the flow and density of mana when communicating with the forces. Upgrading this gift is possible
As he read the information on his second gift he felt like he was stupid, he didn’t really get any of it. Communicating with natures forces? Flow and density of mana?
However, he still felt happy – how can two gifts not be better than one?
Not to mention Appraisal was massively helpful.
In a happy and cheery mood, he once more resumed his walk in a hasty manner towards the mansion, quickly returning had once more become a priority.
His thoughts were dominated by questions and at this point, he couldn’t come to another plan than to just ask Robert.
As he walked up to the mansion he instructed the servants to bring all of the purchased goods to Robert his office, except the magical items, those he kept with him.
After that, he decided to look for Robert, as he wanted to discuss the recent events and find answers to his questions.
In the end, one of the servants told him lunch was going to be served soon, and that Robert was sure to show up there. Warren rationally decided to make an appointment with Robert during lunch. He had up until lunch for his assignments so he was sure Robert would have taken this into account.
He found both his father and Robert at the table, eating some bread eggs and meat. Luxury food that nobles take for granted and the poor can’t afford on a regular basis. Warren, however, came from the 21st century, this was the bare minimum for him and he really didn’t think anything about it. However, he did feel everything was tastier in this life than his former life.
As he sat down at the table he grabbed some food off the plates in the middle of the table, seemingly unconcerned with the recent events. He knew the time to tell everything and more importantly ask everything would come. When having lunch it wasn’t proper to disturb others.
So he ate and waited for both his father and Robert to finish up as well. It was incredible how much his father ate, Warren thought.
“He could’ve been one of those American hotdog contest winners.” Warren chuckled at the image of his father eating dozens of hotdogs.
Robert then shot Warren a questioning look.
“Have you finished your first assignment?” He then asked curiously.
“I have acquired everything you asked me to obtain, I’ve asked the servants to put them in your office. Might be a bit crowded there by now though.” Warren smiled as he thought of the small office being stuffed with various tools and herbs.
“I see, let’s check those out then. It is easier to continue this discussion in my office anyways. Though if it really is to crowded you’ll have to help clear some space for me.” Robert answered nonchalantly, not too concerned with his office being used as a storage room.
The two then bade farewell to his father and started to walk down the corridor towards the East wing.
“You’ve mentioned the first assignment, somehow not opting to tell me about the other one. Are you going to tell me you couldn’t finish it?” Robert raised his brows as he asked inquisitively.
Warren acknowledged with a nod, he had hidden that subject as he knew it was going to turn in quite a discussion. However he was impressed with the quick deduction of Robert, the man was very quick on the uptake. Definitely not one easily fooled.
“Yes, some things occurred whilst shopping that distracted me from asking around for peoples gifts,” Warren answered, keeping his answer intentionally vague as he felt it was better to sit down in Roberts office to discuss the matter as he held it in great importance.
“Seems this… occurrence… was rather important? I don’t feel that you would take an assignment lightly. You have made me interested, we should continue in my office of you’re deliberately keeping things vague.” Robert once more struck with his words. He easily uncovered the crux of the matter and responded accordingly, once more impressing Warren. “Truly not a simple man.”Warren thought.
The two of them then made their way to Roberts office, as they opened the heavy oaken door they were greeted by a room stuffed with all kinds of tools and various baskets with herbs. Robert could still barely make his way through the room and took a seat behind his desk.
“Well, somewhat crowded, isn’t it? But it should do. I’m bad with curiosities, I’m very interested in this, occurrence, that you mentioned. Take a seat, and tell me exactly what happened.” Robert said as he moved a basket with herbs to the side of his desk so he could see Warren as he too took a seat.
“I was at the smithy’s shop. I inquired various thing from the clerk and both Jamy and Oliver. About the metals, the crystals, anything I found interesting.” Warren started to briefly describe what happened before his gift activated. Robert nodded, attentively listening, his face in anticipation.
“Then, as I was focusing on the wall with weapons, I felt my body grow hot. As if a fever rose out of nowhere, completely spreading through my body. My mind dazed off and I don’t even know how long it took for me to snap out of it. Then a wave of cold rushed through me and I just felt great after that.” Warren tried to explain the peculiar feelings he had felt the moment prior to his appraisal popping up.
Robert nodded “So you felt heated all of a sudden and then followed by a cold rush?” He asked, leaning back in his chair in a relaxed manner.
“Yes, exactly as I’ve described it,” Warren confirmed, wondering why Robert asked confirmation.
“So, what gift do you have, Warren?” Robert asked leisurely as if the story before was a completely normal phenomenon.
“Does everyone go through that?” Warren asked, he immediately noticed the relaxed manner of Robert and the way he wasn’t surprised at all.
“Yes, though, not everyone feels it as clearly as you have. Basically, it is the core of your gift being completed and then settling in your body. The reaction to this is the heat and cold waves you felt.” Robert stated matter of factly.
“Well, you might ask, why didn’t he tell me before, right?” Robert chuckled at Warren’s puzzled face.
“I was going to in one of next sessions, but usually it happens close to the eight birthday or even later on in the year you turn eight. There was no immediate priority to tell you about it, I decided to get you familiar with various gifts first.”
“Anyway, there will be another opportunity for you to learn about other gifts. It is very important to learn about gifts, as properly understanding and using gifts is very important to success in any business.” Robert the scholar once more resurfaced as he lectured on the importance of learning once more. Warren nodded, trying to put his thoughts back in order after hearing nothing wrong had happened, it was even very normal to happen.
“So – tell me about your gift, a reaction as yours would surely hold potential.” Robert smiled encouragingly.
“Two gifts, I have two gifts actually…” Warren studied Roberts face as he said the thing that had been on his mind the second he discovered it.
“Two gifts? You say you have two gifts?” Roberts face immediately turned serious after the shock receded from his face, his eyes twinkling intensively as if he just heard the most interesting thing in the last decade.
“Yes, the one I’m most familiar with is Appraisal, I’ve used it a lot during my trip through town. Basically, it gives me information in items and people. For items, it tells me what the item is, what material it consists off and what quality the product is. It sometimes also details some specifics like who made it.” Warren answered, trying to summarize the information best he could.
“Right, very useful indeed. So I take it you bought all the best quality stuff of what I asked you to purchase?” Robert smiled, apparently very pleased the gift had been used for his benefits.
“Yes, I used it a lot to verify the rules that apply to this gift,” Warren answered.
“And people? What does your gift tell about people?” Robert once more snapped back, asking relevant questions.
“Not much, name, occupation and gifts. However, whenever I try it on people their gifts come back blank.” Warren honestly admitted. He didn’t hold back anything, he also wasn’t planning to hold back either. He knew it was important to be open about this to improve their teacher-student relationship.
“Hmm. Still very useful. It would immediately tell you if you’re talking to a person with some skill. This information can be used to your advantage. Don’t underestimate your gift, from what I’ve heard so far it is greatly useful to you.” Robert said seriously.
“What rules have you confirmed so far about your appraisal gift?”
Warren then one by one told him of the rules he found and how he verified them.
One must be able to see the object or person the user wants to appraise. One must be within 5 meters of the object or person the user wants to appraise. Information on objects can increase the proficiency with items go up. Knowledge on appraised items is saved and can be reviewed at a later date. Persons are apparently very complex as the appraisal only states the name, gender, and age of the person who’s appraised. The knowledge you have on people you appraise is added to the description. For every appraisal, an amount of mana is used appropriately to the size and complexness of the object that is appraised.
Robbert nodded “Well done. Knowing the limitations of your gift is a very important step in mastering its uses. You’ll find out you’ll learn more and more about your gifts as you use them more. What about your other gift?”.
“It's called elemental affinity.” Warren started, Robert immediately sat straight up and once more resumed being a cautious listener, not missing out on any detail.
“Supposedly it would make it possible to interact with natures forced. Feel the flow of mana and the density of mana. At least that was the description from my appraisal skill.” Warren then looked to Robert who was still sitting upright in his chair, as if waiting for more information.
“That’s all you know now? Supposedly.. You’ve not used it yet? And your appraisal can even appraise yourself and skills?” Robert asked, rapid firing his questions. Apparently, he was extremely curious to this skill.
“I have not used the skill yet. The appraisal had an immediate use and activated on itself. I'm not too sure on how elemental affinity works yet..” Warren answered, slightly ashamed that he hadn’t tried his second gift yet. He didn’t answer the other two questions, as they answered themselves as he ignored them.
“Then use it right now. I’m curious towards its use. The description makes me think it could be very useful to you.” Robert gestured Warren to try with his hand, as he put his chair slightly back, leaning back relaxedly once more.
“Uhmm, how do I activate it? Appraisal just pops up when I want to know more about an object or person..” Warren asked inquisitively, he felt like he should know such a thing but since he couldn’t think of a way he had no other option than to ask.
Roberts brows shot up, apparently surprised by this situation.
“In many cases, it just naturally flows from within you, instinctively many people know how to use your gift. However, the name and description of your skill heavily focus on natures forces. Try and feel them around you, inside of you, closing your eyes might help.” Robert then said, even though he was surprised he had quickly come up with a hypothesis and given Warren something to try.
Warren then closed his eyes and tried to feel if anything felt different. At first, he didn’t notice anything in particular, but after a couple of breaths, he felt something, some kind of energy gently move through his body. A very subtle cool energy.
He followed the energy, tracing it from his abdomen throughout his body. After some moments he discovered the energy was cycling through his body, his abdomen was like a battery and his body was wired into it. The energy then cycled through his body before returning to this sphere of energy in his abdomen.
After forming a mental image of the connections that ran throughout his body he felt more enlightened. It was as if he felt more ‘complete’ than before, his improved understanding made him wonder what else he could find. Thus he turned his attention outward from his body.
At first, he could only feel emptiness as if the surrounding was a dry desert. However, once more after concentrating he felt some traces of energy permeating the air. As he began to become more familiar with the various traces he started to feel more comfortable. Only after a while, he noticed that he must’ve closed his eyes for a long time, he thus decided to inform Robert of his findings.
He then lively and as accurately as possible tried to explain the various experiences he had gone through whilst he had his eyes closed.
Robert pondered, musing unintelligibly, deep in thought.
Silence fell as Warren was waiting for Robert to come with a plausible explanation.
“These energies that you feel in you, are your own mana. They circulate your body as to nurture it. This is in line with what many scientists claim that mana does within a human body.” Robert said, his face still looking thoughtful.
“As for the energies in the air, I presume they are nature’s forces, mana that naturally spreads through the air. I haven’t heard of this phenomenon before, or how humans can interact with it.”
“However, this is the most plausible explanation after listening to your explanation and the description of your gift. I would say it is 90% likely… However, you’re going to have to interact more with these energies to distinguish them. Every mana source is different in nature, each has different qualities and therefore will likely ask for a different approach.” Robert conjectured and explained his thoughts thus far.
“Usually gifts stir the surrounding elements, natures forces, mana, however you wish to call it by sending our own mana out to resonate with the natural forces. In your case, however, you can directly communicate with these energies. I don’t know what uses you will find for it, but it is most interesting. We’ll have to slowly find out as these things are very hard to understand.”
Roberts' face was serious, but Warren once more found the twinkle in his eyes, as if being very happy to be part of such a discovery.
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