《A Good Bargain [HIATUS]》Chapter 7 : Learning more pt.1


Warren kept checking the blue box floating in his vision. His mind completely went blank after reading that there was another gift written below Appraisal. He hadn't heard of someone awakening to two gifts, he was both incredibly happily - cloud nine feelings - and anxious. He knew all too well this might not be as great as it seemed to be. Even in his own world being too talented would sometimes be detrimental.

Warren Amberheart Age 7 Years Occupation Honourable Student (i) Gift(s)

Appraisal (i)

Elemental Affinity (i)

Only after feeling a peculiar gaze from Jamy and Oliver his mind snapped back to reality. Both Mary and James had too caught up once more. Jamy and Oliver looked strangely at Warren but after noticing Mary and James catching up and Warren once more moving forward they simply thought he had been thoughtful of the servants.

"Oliver, Jamy, you can take the equipment we bought and bring them over to the mansion. Notify Robert about the purchase, he'll take care of it. Also, tell him I'd like to speak with him upon my return." Warren instructed the duo of guards, as the heavy tools had been purchased, he didn't need them any further. Not to mention, he had brought them along for their advice on weaponry, with his appraisal he had really only used them for carrying.

Jamy and Oliver quickly nodded and bade Warren and both servants farewell. Their faces cheerily as they looked at the purchased goods. Even if Jamy was somewhat airheaded, at least Oliver would have figured out for whom those weapons were purchased. With their bright faces, it was almost as if the weight they carried was negligible.

He then quickly made his way to the carpentry, he wanted to return with haste as he had many questions to solve with the recent discovery of his gifts.

He walked into the carpentry slammed the list of things he needed to purchase on the counter and immediately started to bargain. He couldn't even be bothered anymore to ask about others gifts. He was way too concerned with both of his gifts to pretend to give a damn. He also thought Robert wouldn't be bothered as he had very good reasons to make haste.


After getting a 25% discount on the best quality tools he could find using his appraisal he left the shop, the clerk still dazed that he just made the easiest and quickest sale ever.

He then proceeded to visit the general store in the same fashion. Stating his wish to purchase various things he was professionally helped. This even threw of Warren, as he hadn't expected this kind of service after both his visits to the smithy and the carpentry he had thought service in a backwater place as Easton wasn't up to any standards.

Surprised by the keen shop attendant he didn't even get a good bargain. He only got a small 10% discount on his purchase. This time he left the shop feeling like he just lost an important battle. It thoroughly annoyed him that he had been led around the nose by a shop attendant.

What he didn't know was that that exact shop attendant was the owner of the general store, a man who owned shops all over the country. That owner had been extremely surprised at the witty and sharp Warren. To a point, he had even broken a sweat at some points during negotiation. He had been famous to be a great bargainer, he felt ashamed as he just had just completely gone serious on a 7-year-old kid.

After that the owner started fostering ideas on getting his hands on this kid; he truly was gifted! He had seen the talent the young kid had, and he immediately started to look into his background.

Warren, unaware of the chaos he had stirred in the mind of the owner of the esteemed general stores, had gloomily walked towards the apothecary. He sulked all the way over, even the servants with him didn't dare say anything to the otherwise cheery Warren. Warren only recovered when he was getting near the apothecary's front door.

Their elegantly designed shop stood in steep contrast with their surroundings. The blue building was richly decorated and had a sign handing over the door that resembled the apothecaries sign of Warren's previous life. Noticing this he was stumped somewhat. For some reason, the sign of those studying medicine didn't change even after reincarnation.


After seeing the elegantly displayed wares his mood had grown more serious, once more wearing his money face. Thoughts on a quick return to the mansion fleeted from his mind as he felt this was going to be a harsh challenge. Bargaining had become a game for him and he took it very seriously.

He once more read the list of things he had to procure, the most interesting items left on the list.

"Mana crystal - lower quality. Liquid mana stimulant. Mana Calming Elixir."

The herbs stated on the list didn't even caught his attention as his eye were caught by these words. His curiosity burned in his mind, his blood boiling. He decided to first search the store to see if he could find the prescribed items.

He quickly found all the herbs on the list and picked the freshest, most energetic looking herbs as he used his appraisal to learn about their properties.

He, however, couldn't find the crystals, mana stimulant or calming elixir. Worried he made his way over to the counter, pushing his basket filled with herbs on the counter, examining his rival - cough, the clerk. He sized the elderly looking man up and decided he looked knowledgeable. He then used his appraisal in the hope to learn anything else.

Albert Shepherd Age 57 Occupation Master Apotheker (i) Gift(s) Unknown

There was little to be learned from the appraisal. However a Master Apotheker... That sounded rather impressive.

As Warren focused on the words Master Apotheker a line of text popped up in a new box.

"Apothecary is a very well respected profession. In order to become an Apotheker vast knowledge and many years of practice is necessary. Their concocted medicine and stimulants are considered their life's fortune. Apothekers are riddled in mystery as they never share the secrets of their profession.

Master Apotheker is the title that is given to those who can concoct level 5 elixir. This can be considered the apex of the profession."

As Warren read the last line his eyes grew a little wider as he felt respect well up in him for the elderly man in front of him. His adversary in the bargain was very tough. Stirring Warren his competitive nature.

The Master Apotheker had begun verifying the herbs and their quality as he nonchalantly glanced at them and put them back in the basket whilst noting his findings down on a notepad. He seemed completely disinterested in the work that he was doing as if he really wanted to be somewhere else.

When he finished he then glanced at Warren, only a flicker of surprise was seen in his eyes, but he quickly once more became the disinterested master Apotheker that he had been all along the assessment of the herbs.

"Would that be all, young man?" The old man inquired in a very flat voice, not friendly nor impolite, just very disinterested.

"No respected elder, I'd also like to have a lower quality mana crystal, liquid mana stimulant and a mana calming elixir." Warren had become somewhat docile after reading the information on the Master Apothekers profession. He had decided to show his respect by addressing him as a respected elder. He really would like to forge a good relationship with the aloof elderly man.

The old man's brows lifted, then he turned around whilst murmuring "Interesting fellow indeed."

Warren, not hearing what the old man said, then looked bewildered at the man leaving the counter and making his way to the back door of the shop. After some time the man came back holding on various flasks.

"Right, these are the things you requested, all together that makes 2 gold and 65 silvers, no bargaining." The old man simply told him, without holding back anything.

Warren, put on the spot, simply agreed and paid the man. He then found he only had a few silvers left after everything he had spent so far. His profit was negligible for his efforts and he felt cheated by Robert. After carefully taking the flasks and safely putting them in his luxury bag hanging around his waist. He felt he needed to take these precious items himself. Not that he distrusted his servants, but he felt better after putting them away himself.

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