《A Good Bargain [HIATUS]》Chapter 3: Forging a path!


Chapter 3: New Life and Beginnings

Thinking back on his birth, shivers still went down his spine. He was sure he’d develop a trauma at that point. After birth, there and then he swore to never be present at a delivery. The pain had taken a deep root in his memories.

“Perhaps getting reincarnated with your memories makes you conscious earlier. I definitely don’t think anyone should remember his own birth. I even pitied mother at that time, she looked so happy – yet so devastated. It’s given me a whole new perspective on giving birth. I’ve seen my kids getting born on Earth. But it has never been so vivid as this. Glad that even in this world I’m a male. Giving birth just seems so unpleasant. When I was getting pushed through downwards towards the open world, I felt the constraints around me, the force exerted, me clumsily finding my way down. For me it was hell, but I guess it shouldn’t have been any less painful for her. Since then I’ve recognized mother as a person worthy of a ton of respect. Even made me miss my earthly mother a bit sometimes.”

Warren, had come to terms with living in this new world while in the womb of his mother. However, he hadn’t thought he would accept his parents as ‘his genuine, real, blood related and beloved parents. He already had parents, that was how he thought. But at birth, he firmly decided to at least accept his Aerth mother. Through their mutual suffering, he had grown a bond with his mother. He also reckoned that being carried around in her belly for months helped a bit in growing that bond.

Because of this, over the last few years, he had become what you’d call a ‘momma’s boy’.

Not that Warren cared anyways. At this time, he was 7 years old. Coupled with his previous life and the mental strains he had gone through, he was mentally well developed.

Due to some kind of luck, he had been named Warren by his parents at his birth. He felt rather happy to at least retain his name in this unfamiliar world. He vaguely had some suspicions that Yaksa had something to do with it. He had decided rather quickly to suppress his memories of his former life. He knew he needed to focus on the life in front of him. There was no way back, dying was in the end still dying. At times when his feelings were swayed, memories would however still pop up and haunt him for a bit. But for the most part, you could say he adapted to his new life pretty fast.

His starting point in this life was rather decent. He even felt he was rather lucky. Loving parents and somewhat of a standing in society. No harsh youth working in a farmer’s fields. His father was a retired army general with some prestige to his name. His father lived on the edges of the Copia kingdom for most of his life defending the kingdom from the invasion of the barbarian tribes in the East. His father told him he’d served the army between his 14th and 38th winter.

For some reason, they don’t refer to years but survived winters. His mother told him that in the old days, winters were harsh and the kingdom was underdeveloped. Many of the people went through harsh winters, some even dying due to the cold. His father had met his mother during one of his tours in the East.

Her mother told him that at that time his father had been the most handsome and most charming men in the entire Eastern continent. He had shrugged and quickly dodged the subject. He simply didn’t want to hear a sweet and heartfelt story of how his father had won the heart of his mother. He still got the quick summary though – his mother didn’t let him off that easy. She was a herbalist living in one of the smaller villages near the border. His father was lightly wounded and sought out her help. She told him that he was such a wuss. After that he set sights on her, eventually taking her away and retiring to their village “Easton”, far away from the border. His father had gained the position of chief of the local defense garrison for his exemplary behavior at the front.


Warren had 2 elder brothers in this world: Terry and Constance. Awful names according to Warren. (and the author agrees, but deal with it!) His elder brothers had taken a lot of their father. Aspiring to at one point lead their own troops – decimating barbarians at the border.

“Idiots... So young and already looking for ways to throw their lives away. I hope they don’t do anything stupid and at least survive. They’re still my brothers. But those war idolizing idiots only see fame and glory. Hardly even think of the hardships that come with being a soldier. Death, terror, wounds. As general you’re also responsible for the well-being of the troops. But at least dad is teaching them, that knowledge might save their life a couple of times. I hope so...”

His father had also wanted Warren to join in on the warring fun thinking his most sensible child would make a great general. But was flat out denied by Warren. He sincerely wanted to have a long and blissful life. Throwing it out on someone else his whims was something he’d definitely wanted to avoid.

In order to appease his father, he did every so much time join in on those meetings. He at least wanted to have some peace in his household. His father had been hugely disappointed after being so harshly denied. Warren understood his father cared a lot for him and tried to pave a way for a good livelihood later. But he couldn’t relent here! He had to forge another path! No glory to find for me at the battlefield were Warren’s thoughts.

He started planning for another career directions several months after denying the burning wish of his father. He knew in order to get the approval, he would need to show his talents so they would support him in his decision to find luck elsewhere. This was the reason why he still went to those war meetings of his father. To impress him with quick wits, to show him he could be more than a general on the battlefield.

He would at all times point at logistics, funds, losses, and gains. His father had after several of those meetings gone to his study. Warren had followed to know the thoughts of his father. He had stood in front of the heavy wooden door of the study. Even with the mass of the door and the sturdy walls of their house, the cries of his father were still very audible.

“Such a smart son, such a good son, such a genius. Gods above, why must you be so cruel? So much talent yet refuses to follow the martial path! Why!? Why must my son be different! God knows I love and cherish my sons, but heavens, why can’t he be like me!? I know he’d make a great general... I know that he’d do the things that I couldn’t. I cannot teach him anything else... I’m not fit for such a son. What should I do, gods of olds, help me finds a path for my son! I can’t bear to have him suffer.”

Muffled and crying sounds, smothering and heavy breathing, sighs and cries came from that room for the entire afternoon of that particular day. It was at that moment his father too had won a place in the heart of Warren. Even though the man was stoic, hard to talk to, harsh in his critics, he had truly shown love towards Warren and even Warren would hold such love in regards. He could even vaguely relate to him, as he too had been a parent at one time. He knew his father had paced about the entire afternoon, wracking his brains to help his son secure a future. From that point on, his father had been more open to different career paths. He even went as far as to have a talk about the future with his at that time 6-year-old kid. Warren had truly been surprised the old’ man had such a progressive approach to the situation. He felt taken serious – something hard to imagine when your outer appearance is that of a 6-year-old kid. This too touched the heart of Warren. He remembered that talk with his father well. You could say It was etched in his memories.


“Son, I know you don’t wish to be like your father. I can see it in your eyes. You don’t wish for glory on the battlefield. You’re different from your brothers. You’re smarter, in many ways. I sometimes find it hard to believe that you’re only six years old. I mean, there are veteran commanders that take their supply line less seriously than you do. You must know it’s hard on your old’ man. I can’t teach you more than warfare. I’ve done nothing else in my life. My dearest wish is for all my sons to be happy, to have a good future. I worry for you, little man. Your brothers will be fine. I’ll get them a safe spot somewhere not too close to the border. I’ll prepare them well, use my connections to get them to go through the military camp training. But you son, I don’t know what you wish to do. I don’t know how you’ll provide for your family later. You’re young, but you must have some interest in some occupations? Like old Burke the smith? Or like Gallen the tavern master? Or like Vaswel, traveling as a merchant and trading over the continent? Tell me, son, what is it that you like? What is it you want to do later?”

At this point, Warren knew he had succeeded. He found a way to forge his own path with his father’s approval. All he had to do was pick what he wanted. But he knew rather little of what occupations did well on the continent. So he decided to use his youth as an excuse for a delay. Knowing it wouldn’t harm him in the long run. Not to mention, as a six-year-old kid, these kinds of things shouldn’t be chosen in haste.

“Father, bloodshed, and cruelties on the battlefield scare me. I heard from Vaswel how many people die at the border. He said you were lucky you lived through so many years in the army. I don’t want to die. I want to live” Yep, as a six-year-old, you can definitely manipulate your dad when telling him you’re scared of something. Using Vaswel, the merchant, as a cover for his story. Vaswel was a traveling merchant that once a year passed through their village. His father would never grow suspicious of his story as he had been through town on his own quite a few times on errands for his mother.

“He tells interesting stories of the continent! Like about the Elves in the north! And the dwarves in the southwest! He swears he had seen them! His life seems interesting. But I simply don’t know enough of this world to know what to do. I know it’s so big. Maybe I can be like Vaswel. Or maybe I could be like Gallen! He’s really nice!” Gallen gave him some small sweets every time he went to the tavern so Warren had quickly put this man on his “nice list”. Even in his former life, he was a bit of a sweet tooth.

His father had looked with an asking gaze the whole time Warren had been talking. After he was done with his small ‘performance,’ his father had a thoughtful look, his brows making a V sign on his usually so stern face. Warren knew his father was thinking what he could do now.

“Warren, I’ll get you a teacher. Someone who can help you learn about this world. I’ll ask around a bit to find someone with much knowledge of the continent. He should also help you learn about politics, history, and arithmetic. As a merchant, even I know that it is important to have a good grasp on these things. Reading and writing we wpuld normally start teaching you when you are eight. This also when your first gift develops. It is an important moment in your life! We'll start earlier with you, as it might help you find a path to walk."

"However! You must not neglect your duties to your mother. Also, you must be present at all the war sessions with both your brothers. You can still learn from it. I also think it would be good if you learn some things for self-defense. Your brothers are already getting taught the sword by me, and the bow by Uncle Ben. You to shall start on this. Only if you agree to work hard on this will I let you learn with a teacher. It is important that I know there’s a career path I’m certain of that you can take. So even if you don’t want to, I will have you trained for it.”

Warren wholeheartedly accepted this proposal. He knew this was the chance he had been waiting for. Learning about the continent and the people and the written language would definitely help him along in his new life. Having a well-trained body also didn’t sound like a bad idea. He’d take this deal even if it had much more disadvantages. From that point on, he knew he had tons of things to do and learn. He was genuinely looking forward to it.

Trying to pretend to be a kid to his parents, while still impressing them so he could get the opportunity to learn had been harsh, he planned to as quickly as possible impress his teacher with arithmetic and writing and reading. This way he’d be able to more quickly have more time to learn about the world. After a year worth of military training and much begging on his part to his father, he would finally start his first lessons with a teacher. It had taken a full year for his father to invite a special teacher in the capital. He knew his father had worked very hard to make it happen. Using all his connections, and even some money to make sure it would work out in the end.

This brings us up to speed with Warren's life! Finally, he could start looking forward!

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