《The Demon's Gate》Chapter 122: Broken Gate.


Chapter 122: Broken Gate. After the incident that happened in Winter Wind Town, Yao Jun and Guo Luo became much more cautious. They would have Little Gray land much further away from any city or town, they would then spend a few days at the place where Little Gray landed, either cultivating in silence or making love. After a few days, they would use Guo Luo's illusions to disguise themselves. Only when they had done all this did they feel that it was safe to enter any city or town. Thanks to taking all these safety measures, Yao Jun and Guo Luo were no longer recognized by anyone upon entering any city or town. They would also change their disguises whenever they traveled to a new place, so not even the people in the towns they had visited would be able to recognize them if they were to see them. “Should we take a break?” Yao Jun was breathing heavily, his entire body drenched in sweat and nearly devoid of energy. Guo Luo was laying next to him, resting her head on his chest and listening to his heart beat, a content smile on her lips as she asked him. “You're going to be the death of me woman.” Hearing Guo Luo's question, Yao Jun's lips curled into a wry smile as he leaned his head down and planted a kiss on her lips. Guo Luo returned the kiss, the two of them sharing a soft yet passionate kiss. It had already been four months since Guo Luo woke up after being poisoned. In these four months, the two of them had continued their journey towards Golden Moon Town, enjoying themselves inside the various cities that they spotted along the way. The reason behind Yao Jun's wry smile was because he had learned something new about Guo Luo in these four months. She was almost completely insatiable when it came to making love. With her taking the lead, the two of them could easily go at it for several hours, most often ending with Yao Jun completely exhausted. Yao Jun would of course not complain about this. Not only did it feel great, it was also slowly raising their cultivation. After the third month, Guo Luo had broken through in her cultivation, entering the 2nd Mortal Earth. Every new breakthrough would greatly strengthen them, giving them access to new abilities that they could use. Guo Luo had acquired one that was especially useful, bordering on ridiculous. She could now switch her position with her illusions, allowing her to appear wherever one of her illusions was. Of course, she could currently only do this within 100 meters, but it was still extremely powerful. Yao Jun watched Guo Luo get out off the bed and slip into her emerald green qipao. While she was getting dressed, Yao Jun's eyes never left her figure. It was probably just his eyes tricking him, but he swore that she was getting prettier and prettier by the day. Despite four months having passed, the weather was still chilly, so she also put on the yellow scarf that Yao Jun had bought back in Snow's Heart Town. Yao Jun eventually also got out off bed, putting on his emerald green shirt and pants. When the two of them didn't put on their disguises, they truly made for a wonderful sight as they stood next to each other. Yao Jun's cultivation had yet to break through, he was still only at the early stage of the 2nd Mortal Earth, but he had consolidated his cultivation, focusing on stability. His entire body was slowly starting to radiate with the majesty and tyrannical pressure that befitted a demon god. With his long violet hair swaying in the wind and his ghastly grey eyes that seemed to pierce one's soul, he made for a grand sight. While Yao Jun was starting to resemble a majestic demon god, Guo Luo was growing more and more into a person befitting the title of Illusion God, her body releasing an otherworldly and untainted aura. Rainbow colored hair, limpid pink eyes, and a figure that was growing more and more enchanting by the day, she was slowly turning into an otherworldly beauty. “Hang on, let me fix it.” Guo Luo's eyebrows slightly furrowed as she watched Yao Jun get dressed. She stepped forward and put her hands on his collar, adjusting it and making sure that it was straight. Despite his broken arm being healed, Yao Jun was still not quite used to wearing a shirt and pants, being much more used to wearing robes. Once she fixed it so that it looked properly, she leaned in and gave him a kiss. Over these last four months, the two of them had grown much more intimate and unrestrained, even giving each other several kisses in public. Of course, once it was just the two of them, they would be much more intimate. After they got dressed and Guo Luo covered both of them in her illusions, they left the inn and started wandering around the town they were currently in. The town they were in now was called Willow's Whisper Town, it was a town that was famous for it's weeping willows. The town followed a different style of architecture than normal towns, it's houses made out of logs instead of planks or stone. The houses also lacked the standard engravings and lanterns, making the entire town give off a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Spread around inside the town were several lakes of varying sizes, each lake surrounded by weeping willows and pavilions that people could sit and rest inside. The pavilions were all painted in white and cleaned regularly, making them a wonderful place to simply sit and drink some tea, watching the lakes. Guo Luo and Yao Jun had rented a small blue boat and taken it out onto one of the lakes, simply letting the currents pull them along. Besides the weeping willows next to the lake, there were several patches of floating lotuses in splendid colors growing on the lake. Their boat was slowly moving between these lotuses, filling the air around the boat with a pleasant scent. Yao Jun was sitting at one end of the boat, Guo Luo leaning her back against his chest as he embraced her from behind. She would follow Yao Jun wherever he wanted to go, but she had to admit that she preferred it when they were like this, peacefully enjoying each other's presence, not having to worry about getting attacked or battling all the time. “How much longer until we manage to reach Golden Moon Town?” While listening to the sound of the wind rustling the weeping willows, Guo Luo slightly turned her head and looked at Yao Jun. They were still heading towards Golden Moon Town to reunite with Yao Jun's parents, something she was both looking forward to as well as feeling nervous about. She was looking forward to it because she finally got to meet Yao Jun's parents and introduce herself, but she was also nervous about it because she was worried that they would not like her and try to make Yao Jun leave her. “If we continue at this speed, it should be around one year, maybe a little less.” Yao Jun did the calculations while putting one of his hands into the water, letting his fingers brush past the leaves of the lotuses that were growing around them. In what felt like the blink of an eye, it had already been over five months since they returned to the Grand Quan continent. As he was counting the months, he also realized that he had already turned 16 without noticing it. Yao Jun suddenly felt a tremble in his chest, as if it was trying to tell him something. The tremble quickly faded, but as it faded, it seemed to try and guide Yao Jun, heading towards the north. Yao Jun turned his head and narrowed his eyes, looking towards the north. The tremble had come from his Demon God's Gate, and it seemed to be trying to lead him north. “What's the matter Jun'er?” Guo Luo saw Yao Jun suddenly turn his head towards the north and narrow his eyes, as if he was trying to see something that was incredibly far away. This was not normal behavior for him, so she quickly asked. “Did you feel a tremble in your God Gate just now?” Yao Jun did not answer immediately, instead asking her a question instead. He wanted to find out if it had been just his Demon God's Gate that had trembled, or if all of them had. But he also knew that the odds of all the God Gates trembling was small, if all of them had trembled, Guo Luo would not have asked him what the matter was. “A tremble in my God Gate? No.” Guo Luo quickly shook her head. Since he suddenly asked about her God Gate, it was clear that something that had to do with his God Gate had just happened. Anything that had to do with their God Gates was a big matter. “My gate just trembled, it even tried to get me to head to the north. It seems like there is something for me in the north.” Yao Jun nodded his head, explaining the feeling he had just felt. Since it was his Demon God's Gate that had trembled, it seemed that there was something in the north that was calling for his Demon God's Gate. “Should we check it out?” Guo Luo also turned towards the north, asking Yao Jun as she did so. Since his Demon God's Gate had called him towards the north, it was clear that there was something there that it wanted. “We are heading north anyway, so if it is on the way, we might as well check it out.” Yao Jun shrugged his shoulders as he responded, a carefree smile on his lips. Since they were heading north anyways, he would not mind checking it out if it was on the way. But if it turned out to be too dangerous, he would also not shy away from simply ignoring it and pretending like he had never felt that tremble. – While Yao Jun and Guo Luo were discussing whether or not to check out the place where Yao Jun's Demon God's Gate was trying to lead him, the massive castle located at the bottom of the ocean also had some movements. The headless man clad in a black robe that obscured his features was hurriedly moving through the halls of the castle, walking past the same humanoid fish-men that he had passed the last time. He stopped outside the same grand door as last time, taking another deep breath before entering it. The large hall that stood past the grand door had not changed, seeming as if it was frozen in time. The black stone throne at the center of the hall still held the chained old man covered in white hair. “Why are you always in such a rush Little Chao?” The old man spoke out when he saw the black robed man rush into the hall, his face seemingly trying to show a pleasant smile. But since he had been chained to the throne for so long, even some of his muscles were starting to fail him, so his attempt to smile only resulted in his lips twitching. “Sir! An anomaly has appeared! One of the broken gates has suddenly opened, appearing on the Grand Quan continent!” The black robed man did not respond, instead heavily dropping to his knees. His voice was slightly shaking as he reported what he had just learned. Others might not know what it meant that one of the broken gates had opened, but he certainly knew. “What?! A broken gate has opened? Impossible! They are broken and dead, they should not be able to open!” Just as he expected, the white haired old man let out a loud bellow when he heard the words of the black robed man. A broken gate opening and appearing in the world could easily lead to a large amount of chaos, which could easily throw all his plans awry. “I know, sir. But this information is trustworthy, one of the broken gates has definitely opened on the Grand Quan continent.” The voice of the white haired old man boomed through the large hall, causing the black robed man to shiver furiously, small cracks appearing in his body. The old man's voice alone had been enough to almost destroy his body. The black robed man hurriedly explained, afraid that he would die if the old man shouted out once more. “Is anyone from their group close to it? And which of ours are close to it?” The white haired old man quickly calmed down, his mind racing as he was trying to figure out how to react and handle the situation. Every time a God Gate holder died, the power inside the God Gate would weaken slightly, and the weakened God Gate would find a new host. But the energy that was lost as the God Gate weakened did not vanish. But even the white haired old man did not know where this energy went, only that it still existed somewhere in the universe. A broken gate was that energy, a God Gate whose host had already died. The white haired old man could not help but worry. Ever since the God Gates had first appeared in the universe, there had never been a time where a broken gate had opened, so why did one suddenly appear now? “The Demon God's Gate as well as the Illusion God's Gate from their group are close to it. As for our group, the Human God's gate as well as the Element God's Gate are close to it.” The black robed man hurriedly responded. He was in charge of keeping track of everyone who they controlled, so he knew exactly where every single member of their organization was at all times. “Very well. Send both of ours to the broken gate, they must capture it, no matter what.” The white haired old man nodded his head, quickly giving the order. It was impossible to know which of the broken God Gates had opened, but the white haired old man knew that he could not let the broken gate fall into the hands of anyone other than him. If anyone other than him got their hands on it, they might be able to destroy his carefully laid plans. “As you wish!” The black robed person immediately responded, standing up and leaving the large hall, leaving only the white haired old man inside the hall to continue his almost everlasting waiting..

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