《The Demon's Gate》Chapter 55: If the strong feast on the weak, then we shall feast on the strong!


Chapter 55: If the strong feast on the weak, then we shall feast on the strong! The two young men immediately reacted upon feeling the aura that Yao Jun was sending out. They turned around to see who was making a commotion, and upon seeing Yao Jun, although they felt some fear, their mouths quickly twisted into sneers. “Be quiet! We are men belonging to the son of the city lord, we have come down to these disgusting streets on a mission for the Young Master, anyone who interrupts us will be killed!” One of the two young men shouted at Yao Jun. In this city, whenever they mentioned the son of the city lord, the bystanders would immediately lower their heads and step aside. Yao Jun simply ignored them, his mind was currently entrenched in the Demon God's Gate. His vision was focused on the ancient tree located at the center of the garden. The area around the tree was currently in utter chaos. Little Thunder was standing beneath the tree, roaring at the sky. The sky above the tree was filled with black clouds, purple lightning flashing and striking the tree, the sound of thunder roaring out without pause. While the lightning raged above the tree, fierce winds howled all around the tree. Sirius was standing on one of the branches of the tree, howling at a moon that could not be seen. When Sirius howled, the winds grew stronger, howling around the tree like an undying storm. This was the first time Yao Jun had seen Sirius unleash it's power, it was also only now that he learned what power Sirius had given him and why the previous owner of the Demon God's Gate called it Sirius. Sirius seemed like a normal wolf, but it held one of the noblest bloodlines in the world, the blood of the divine beast, Sirius The Sky Wolf. And the power it granted Yao Jun was the power of the world's winds. Little Gray was flying above the ancient tree, letting loose loud screeches that seemed to drill into a person's mind, blurring their vision and tempting them to follow it into an eternal rest. All three of his Demonic beasts were releasing their power to their fullest, mixing them with the dreadful and ancient aura that the tree was releasing. Lightning, Wind, Illusions, and the ancient aura from the tree. The four powers fused together into a single beautiful symphony, their power channeling into every corner of Yao Jun's with every beat of the ancient tree. Yao Jun felt like this was the first time he had truly used the power that the Demon God's Gate had given him, the power to grasp the universe itself within his palm. Yao Jun pulled his mind out from within the gate and returned his focus onto the two young men in front of him. The aura from his body grew stronger with each step closer he took. Right now he was not thinking about anything, he just wanted to kill these two young men. Then he wanted to head into the large mansion at the center of the city, if there were people like these two men in there, he would kill them too. Sword Empyrean Heng Jiang wanted to break the seal on this world and allow it's inhabitant to gain true freedom, freedom to explore the greater universe. Yao Jun did not want that, he originally only wanted to allow his parents to return to the Yao clan with pride, and then live his life in peace. But how could he and his parents ever live in peace when there were people like this in the world? People like this seemed to run rampant all over the world, making no place safe. Since no one was trying to deal with them, it would be up to him, he would cleanse this world of people like this, monsters clad in human skin. Once that was done, then he would think about trying to break the seal on this planet. Yao Jun looked at the two young men and slowly raised his left hand. As he raised his left hand, the wind that was howling around him started raging and surging, everywhere the wind passed was sliced open. He pointed at the two young men and the wind shot forward. The two young men had not even reached the 1st Mortal Earth, they did not even have the chance to react. The wind flew over them like a gentle breeze, but when the wind flew over them, their legs were separated from their bodies and they fell down. The unconscious woman in their arm also fell down, but the wind had swept over her and left her completely unscathed. While the surrounding citizens were running away in fear, and the two young men were wailing in pain, Yao Jun walked over and grabbed one of them by the throat, lifting him off the ground. “You are not people, you are maggots. You are a filth that taints this entire world, you should not exist.” Yao Jun spoke slowly, his voice clear and emotionless. He was just about to stab the young man when he felt the ancient tree within his gate move. The branches of the tree moved, sending out a feeling that was close to hunger. While Yao Jun was slightly shocked, he stopped his hand, allowing the tree to do whatever it was planning. A strange energy seeped out from the tree and into the body of the young man Yao Jun was holding onto. When the strange energy entered the body of the young man, Yao Jun could feel the Qi within the young man slowly draining. The Qi went from the young man, through Yao Jun's body, and into the tree. When the tree absorbed the Qi, it's leaves slowly turned greener, the entire tree seeming slightly more vibrant than it used to. When the tree turned more vibrant, the garden also had slight changes. Yao Jun could feel that some of the Qi that the tree absorbed was split between himself and his Demonic beasts. While the Qi didn't help him improve his cultivation or allowed him to evolve his Demonic beasts, he could feel that the bodies of his Demonic beasts, as well as his own, were slowly growing stronger. Seeing this spectacle Yo Jun slowly understood. Killing and absorbing Demonic beasts would allow him to strengthen and evolve his Demon God's Gate and his Demonic beasts, while killing and absorbing other cultivators would allow him to strengthen his own body as well as the bodies of his Demonic beasts. “Truly, the power of a demon god.” Yao Jun couldn't help but mutter as he came to understand how the Demon God's Gate worked. Not only did it advocate killing hordes of Demonic beasts, but also killing hordes of cultivators. Yao Jun allowed the tree to suck up all the Qi from within the body of the young man before ending his life with a stab through the heart. Yao Jun tossed away the body and picked up the other young man, who had now turned completely pale. But Yao Jun did not kill him immediately, he grabbed him by the neck and turned around, walking over to Guo Luo. “Kill him.” Yao Jun tossed the young man down in front of Guo Luo and handed over his sword, before pointing at the young man and spitting out the words in a cold voice. “What? You want me to kill... him?” Guo Luo was still processing everything, so she did not immediately understand what Yao Jun meant. She quickly gathered her thoughts and timidly pointed at the young man. Seeing Yao Jun nod his head, Guo Luo couldn't help but freeze up slightly. She knew that the young man was not a good person, he was probably a vile and detestable person, but she still found it slightly hard to kill him. “There is no need to think too much about it. He is a monster in human skin, a taint on this world. How many people do you think have died because of him? How many women raped and abused? Killing him is a blessing for everyone in this town.” Yao Jun saw her hesitation and spoke out again. Guo Luo was going to be traveling with him in the future, Yao Jun wanted her to at least be capable of defending herself when the need arose, maybe even defend him at some times. The first step to her being able to defend herself and him was being able to kill. He also knew that even though he wanted to cleanse this world of tainted people like this young man, he could not do it alone, he would need people he could trust, people who could travel beside him, Guo Luo could become such a person. Her power was weak now, but there was no telling what it would grow into. Hearing Yao Jun's words, Guo Luo knew that he was correct. The young man in front of her was a monster in human skin. This was a world where the strong ate the weak, but she had always pitied those who were weak and wanted to just live in peace, but could not do so because the strong were abusing them. Guo Luo steeled her heart and turned her eyes onto the young man in front of her. She knew that Yao Jun was doing this for her sake, to allow her to grow and be able to protect herself. She also knew that by killing this person, she could help the weak people in this town escape his abuse. With that thought in mind, she stabbed out with the sword, piercing directly through the chest of the young man. She watched as the life drained from his eyes and he slumped forward. But to her surprise, she found that she did not feel anything special. She felt like she had just slaughtered a pig that was to be used for dinner. She couldn't help but be slightly scared at how easy she found it to kill him. She was still slightly scared, but when she turned her eyes to Yao Jun and saw him looking at her with gentle eyes, all the fear faded away. She had left her home, Yao Jun was the only thing she had left to rely on, as long as he could accept her despite this, she felt that everything would be fine. “Good. You said that this is a world where the strong feast on the weak? Then we will become the ones who feast on the strong.” Yao Jun reached out with his arms, using one hand to take back his sword, and the other one to gently pet Guo Luo's head. He spoke with a comforting and gentle smile, trying to help Guo Luo ease her turbulent feelings after her first kill. After he finished speaking, he turned around and faced the large mansion that stood at the center of the town. His eyes lost their previous gentleness, anger and determination replacing it. “Come, let us go cleanse this town of it's filth.” Yao Jun did not look back as he spoke, he just stepped forward and started moving towards the mansion, sword in hand. “Yes!” Guo Luo gave a strong nod before moving forwards as well, walking up to stand shoulder to shoulder with Yao Jun. With these two kills, Yao Jun took his first steps on the path of a supreme ruler.

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