《The Demon's Gate》Chapter 12: Cloud Wilderness Expedition


Chapter 12: Cloud Wilderness Expedition.

The spatial array located in the town center was owned by both the city lord, the Yao clan, and the Peng clan, so they all sent guards to protect it. If someone who was not part of either of the three factions wanted to use the spatial array, they would have to pay two Mortal Grade Spirit Stone per person who wanted to go.

Of course, even those who belonged to either of the factions had to present proof that they were allowed to travel for free, if they could not, they too would have to pay. Yao Jun only needed to show the azure jade token before he was immediately and respectfully sent through the spatial array.

The people of the clans were always respectful towards the ones who joined the Cloud Wilderness Expedition. The expeditions generated a lot of revenue for the clans, and the people who participated in the expeditions were under constant threat of death, so everyone who was part of the expeditions could expect the highest level of treatment.

The spatial array was a simple array that was set up using the blood and bones of a high-grade Demonic beast. The blood was set down in one location, while the bones were set in a different location. A cultivator who specialized in arrays would then inscribe runes into the bones and blood, connecting the two. One could then use either Spirit Stones or ones own Qi to activate the array, transporting the one standing in it from one location, to the other.

The other end of the array was placed in Golden Cloud Town, a small town built by the city lord, the Yao clan, and the Peng clan, outside of their section off the Cloud Wilderness. There were very few people living in the town as it was impossible to know when Demonic beasts would swarm out from the Cloud Wilderness and attack.


Due to this, the town only held a few stores that sold necessities, a few hotels and some pleasure areas. The disciples would often stay in the pre-arranged housings that the clans prepared for them, but some disciples would use the hotels if they were going to associate with others that did not belong to the clan.

Yao Jun arrived in the spatial array in Golden Cloud Town and quickly headed towards the Yao clan area. The Yao clan area was just a large gray building that was used to house the disciples that ventured into the Cloud Wilderness, and the elders that were stationed there to watch over them. After arriving at the building and notifying the head elder of his arrival, Yao Jun was brought to meet with the other disciples from the Yao clan that he would be traveling with.

He was brought into a small lounge that contained a few couches and tables, allowing the disciples to relax and converse with each other. There were already three other youths sitting in the room chatting, upon noticing Yao Jun's arrival, the largest of the youths waved him over.

“You must be a new kid, i'm Yao Min and can be considered the leader of this group.” The largest youth, Yao Min, looked almost 20, had a tall body and was sturdily built, almost resembling a bear. He had short black hair and a chiseled face.

“That's Yao Qin, he is in charge of identifying herbs and other flora that we find. You'll be hard pressed to find a kid more knowledgeable about herbs in the younger generation.” Yao Min pointed towards a youth that seemed to be about 17, short brown hair and a simple and honest face.

“That's Yao Xiang, he doesn't know too much about herbs, but he is good at fighting and if you need someone to help keep you alive in the wilderness, he's your guy.”


Yao Min pointed to the last guy, a youth who looked almost 18, his head was clean shaven and he had sharp eyes. A scar that went across his chin made him look ferocious. As Yao Jun greeted them all, he noticed that all three of them had a few scars, whether it was on their arms or heads.

“I'm Yao Jun, you can consider me a jack of all trades. I am knowledgeable about herbs, survival, and fighting. Pleased to meet you.” Yao Jun cupped his hands and gave a short greeting and introduction.

“Alright, i'm going to call you little Jun since you are now the youngest. Let me ask you little Jun, have you ever killed anyone before?” Yao Min patted Yao Jun on the shoulder and gave him a seat as he spoke.

“Killed? No Humans, no. Only some animals and Demonic beasts. Why?” Yao Jun sat down and asked in response.

“As you may know, we often venture into the Cloud Wilderness alongside people from the Peng clan. The clans say that this is to foster friendly relations, but it is mostly to train the younger disciples.”

“Whenever we venture into the Cloud Wilderness together and find something good, it always ends in the people of the Yao clan fighting the people of the Peng clan, which can easily result in death. If you are too soft hearted while fighting them, it can quickly lead to the death of people from your own group, so I need to know if you are capable of killing someone before I can bring you along.” Yao Min spoke emotionlessly as he looked at Yao Jun, awaiting his response.

“No problem, as long as they attack us, I have no problem killing them.” Yao Jun responded just as emotionlessly as Yao Min.

Yao Jun wanted to become strong in a world focused on cultivation, and cultivation required resources. Fighting over resources was as common as the clouds and the law of the jungle reigned supreme. His parents had long ago instilled in him the mindset that one could not show mercy to ones enemies, so Yao Jun would obviously not shy away from killing someone if they wanted to kill him.

“If you say so I can be a bit more relieved, we will probably end up spending a long time with each other, so we can be considered brothers, it is always sad to lose a brother.” Yao Min smiled at Yao Jun's response and gave his shoulder a forceful pat.

“But I must warn you, in two months we will be venturing into the Cloud Wilderness with people from the Peng clan again. Until that day we will try to teach you everything that we know so that you will be better prepared, but there is no telling what might happen in the Cloud Wilderness, always be focused and on guard.”

“Yeah, I heard that one time, someone from the Peng clan walked a route they had mapped before, but a spatial node suddenly opened next to him and sucked him in, no one has heard from him since.”

Yao Min spoke with a solemn expression as he warned Yao Jun, and Yao Qin chimed in with a rumor he had heard somewhere. It was like this that Yao Jun's stay in the Cloud Wilderness began. The next few weeks were spent taking short trips into the Cloud Wilderness, allowing Yao Jun to get used to the environment and improve his fighting capabilities by sparring with Yao Min or Yao Xiang. Before anyone had noticed, two months had passed and the day they would venture into the Cloud Wilderness with the Peng clan had arrived.

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