《The Demon's Gate》Cultivation levels.


Due to a request, I am posting all the cultivation levels here, so that people can easily come here and refresh their memory. As the MC himself does not know everything about cultivation, i have purposefully left out a few things here, only writing what the Mc himself already knows.

Cultivation levels. 3 Mortal Earth's, 3 Houtian Skies, 3 Xiantian Heavens: The start of cultivation, the majority of people in the universe are in this level, many of them forever stuck and unable to progress. Cultivating at this stage is very easy, as one really only needs to absorb enough Qi, strengthening and accustoming the body to Qi and the Laws. Immortal Rebirth. Divided into Ascending Immortal, Soaring Immortal, and Transcended Immortal. One sheds their mortal shell and starts to truly embrace the Laws. Earthly Deity. Divided into Early, Middle, and Late stage. One has transcended above embracing the Laws, slowly starting to control the Laws. Heavenly Deity. Divided into Early, Middle, and Late stage. One has grasped full control over one or more laws, their bodies almost fully assimilating with the Laws. Godking. Divided into Immortal Godking, Transcended Godking, and Primordial Godking. One has transcended above the Laws they are cultivating, fusing them together with other Laws and creating a brand new Law unique to them. As they have transcended the Laws they are cultivating, they are immune to any attacks that contain the laws they are cultivating. -- Body Cultivation. Written here is only what the Mc himself knows about body cultivation so it'll be updated in the future as he learns more. The Mc follows a rather special body cultivation path and it is that path which will be described here.

Blood Drop realm. Equal to the earliest stage of Qi cultivation. The cultivator must drain the blood, Qi, and flesh of countless cultivators and Demonic beasts to form a condensed drop of blood known as a Blood Heart. He must then absorb this Blood Heart and fuse it into his bone marrow, allowing it to produce stronger blood in the future.


Blood Puddle realm. Equal to the Immortal Rebirth realm, must absorb at least 10 Blood Hearts to enter this stage. The Blood Hearts will start strengthening the bones of the body, forming a tough and durable foundation for future cultivation. At this stage, the physical might and lifeforce of the body will sublimate and condense, forming a type of energy known as Monarch Essence. While not as versatile as Qi, it is far heavier and contains more might, it also grants the body cultivator a heightened regenerative ability, allowing him to quickly heal from most wounds.

Blood Lake realm. Equal to the Earthly Deity realm, the Blood Hearts start to strengthen the flesh and skin of the body, giving the body cultivator a body with the resilence of a deity.

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