《Fragment of a Dragon Soul》Chapter 48: The Stolen Crown Jewel


The beheflea queen could not heal itself if they dealt a constant stream of ferocious attacks. Ibnoxe and Holoxe coordinated their attacks to maximize their small mana reserves.

First, Ibnoxe discharged all 10 Mu in a series of [Infuse Ice] shots with his gun.

Name: eX-0281

Mana Reserves: 0

Once that happened, Holoxe took over to keep the beheflea queen at bay. His mana soon ran dry as well.

Member: eX-0704

Mana Reserves: 0

By then, Ibnoxe had partially regenerated his in the mana-rich environment.

Name: eX-0281

Mana Reserves: 9

So, he loosed another series of attacks and reloaded the clip of ammo while Holoxe took over. This teamwork steadily chipped away at the beheflea queen's health.

Target: Beheflea Queen

Vitality: 50%

Discrete Parts: Abdomen (25%)

Mana Reserves: 1,500 Mu

"Halfway down," Ibnoxe relayed to his partner without the battle assistant.

"Let's keep it up," Holoxe replied to acknowledge.

"Or… I could end this here," Victoria offered. Her first became enveloped in streaks of lightning. She leaped up and delivered a devastating blow to the abdomen.

Discrete Parts: Abdomen (0%)

The beheflea queen dropped to the ground and started flailing her six legs. It tried to initiate the green glow for a [Cure] spell.

Victoria slammed down on it like a lightning strike. The bug guts squashed out, and the bug twitched with the last of its nerve signals.

Target: Beheflea Queen

Vitality: 0%

"Well, that takes care of that," Victoria said. Her hands clapped together as if to dust off the ash.

Some black specks lingered in the air from the electrocuted behefleas. Her boots stomped over the crunchy insect corpses, and Victoria ripped an object out of the beheflea queen's body.

Ibnoxe analyzed the green, sparkling orb in her hand.

Component: Crown Jewel of the Beheflea Queen

The abdomen of the beheflea queen holds a valuable, emerald gem which radiates with the last of its life force. This luxury gem is befitting a queen, often enjoyed by women in fine jewelry.


It can be used to store mana.

The Disco Menace pocketed her spoils.

A bad taste was left in Ibnoxe's mouth. Is she really gonna try taking that for herself? The drop from the beheflea queen seemed like the best prize from this hunt. If he wanted to do anything about her blatant greed, he better speak up now.

"Hey!" Ibnoxe said. "You can't take whatever you want off the battle site. Theft is a prosecutable offense."

"I killed it," Victoria stated innocently.

"All remains belong to…." Ibnoxe was about to say Grandesia Power Company out of habit, but he gladly changed that to, "Every participant of the fight."

"Ibnoxe and I had the situation under control. We got it down to half health," Holoxe snapped. "Then, you stole our kill."

Victoria shrugged and tossed out her hands, as if inviting them to try her. "It's mine. Unless you boys wanna fight me for it?" A smirk curled up to her lips, accentuating the scar on her jaw.

Ibnoxe and Holoxe gritted their fangs, but neither of them made a move. Even with their electrical resistance, they would be stupid to face Victoria head on.

"Yeah, I thought not." Turning round, Victoria gestured to all the dead bugs around them. "You're free to take all the rest."

Briefly, Ibnoxe checked the log on the beheflea in case there was more than what meets the eye.

Name: Beheflea

Drops: None

"These are all useless!" Ibnoxe growled, even angrier that Victoria would try to insult his intelligence like that. Especially when he had the mutant database to confirm his suspicions, he could not be fooled.

Instead, he glanced at the fallen monsters that might hold some value: the stalker behemoth and the real disco menace. A [Scan] pulled up the information.

Name: Stalker Behemoth

Drops: Behemoth Shadow Horn


The meat off the stalker behemoth had already languished in the sun for too long, gnawed by the behefleas which once protected it. So, if they were to get anything useful off its body it would have to be that horn.

Component: Behemoth Shadow Horn

The smallest, hornless behemoth variant reveals its horn only upon its death. As a cursed remain of the stalker behemoth, this item constantly emanates an eerie energy.

This is a necessary item to perform the Behemoth Calling Ritual to summon the king of behemoths. However, they are more commonly a collector's item and can fetch decent prices among enthusiasts.

Its remnant of shadow magic could also be repurposed to temporarily mask the user from prying eyes.

Next, he looked to the other mutant which had perished against the behemoth.

Name: Disco Menace

Drops: Disco Alloy

The following pop-up described it on screen.

Component: Disco Alloy

This shiny, iridescent metal is more than just fashionable; it is also an incredibly durable material. While brittle and strong in its natural state, this metal becomes extremely ductile when charged with mana.

This makes the disco alloy highly coveted by master craftsmen and command high prices on the market.

Similar to the crown jewel of the beheflea queen, they could either sell the behemoth shadow horn and disco alloy or find a way to use them. Regardless, Ibnoxe shouted, "We're taking the behemoth's horn and the disco menace's metal!"

"Fair enough for you guys?" Victoria asked. "We all get a valuable drop. There was no need to get your tails all twisted up."

Meanwhile, Holoxe had been lost deep in thought. "What about the regular behefleas? Does the system sat anything about those?"

"Nothing useful," Ibnoxe said shortly.

"Hm." Holoxe did not seem satisfied by this answer and mused, "I wonder if the vuls could eat these."

A smile entered Victoria's dark eyes. She pulled out some large garbage bags from her supplies and shoved them into Ibnoxe and Holoxe's claws. "Bright idea. Not good enough for humans to eat, but I'm sure the vuls will love 'em."

Victoria walked over to the rubble where they had originally taken cover. "I'll keep watch while you guys get bagging. And by keep watch, I mean that I'm going back to my nap. Wake me when you're ready to go."

The dragon brothers procured the behemoth shadow horn first. Initially, they were puzzled by its seemingly bare head. When Ibnoxe extended a claw to its coarse fur, the last of the shadow behemoth's energy accumulated there. A petite, black horn—swathed in a radiant, purple energy—fell into his hands.

Ibnoxe shuttered as if he had just touched ice, but far worse. "I don't like it, but it'll be good to hang on to." The horn was much more comfortable stuffed in one of the bags.

In the same trash bag, he began shoveling the beheflea corpses.

"Ibnoxe!" Holoxe whined. "Stop picking up all the charred ones. The vuls won't wanna eat those."

"Nothing wrong with them," he objected. "They're just a little extra crunchy. Like potato chips except they're insect chips."

Holoxe scowled, and Ibnoxe did not pick up any more blackened bugs. Once they had their bags stuffed full, they slung them over their shoulders and picked up the disco menace corpse together.

"Onward!" the brothers cheered. They set off to return to Purity Grove, eager to show everything to Lottie and feed the vuls.

Only the Disco Menace had her hands free. The group hoped that they would not run into other mutants on the way back.

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