《Fragment of a Dragon Soul》[New Story Announcement]


Do you want a story which features full-blooded dragon shifters—a classic fire elemental and [something cooler]?

Do you want a glimpse into this world's past when the tension between humans and dragons were at its peak?

Then please check out Burden of a Fire Dragon!

Captured as a baby dragon, Fia is forced to fight for her life in a coliseum.

And she's not the only one.

Thrown into a cell with an aggressive, juvenile dragon, Fia hopes to survive if she can appeal to the mysterious Umbra Caligo. However, Umbra seems as desperate to survive as her—and Fia has nothing to offer him.

The older black dragon is far too young for the countless scars on his wings. Fia wonders if she must become more like him to not only survive, but also escape and make it home….


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