《Fragment of a Dragon Soul》Chapter 36: Menace vs. Menace


The true disco menace had a narrow, emaciated frame and an engorged, round head. The slight shift of colors on the porous surface truly likened its face to a disco ball. The large nodules at the end of its hands and feet exacerbated the waifish body, almost like a classic alien's physique. One of those hands lifted evenly with them.

The metal spikes shot out. A singular rod had more pikes extend from it like a snowflake.

The human Disco Menace lunged backwards and upset eX-0281's feet with her heels. She made his legs shift into a new stance, and struck a pose with his arms. The [Charged] energy coursed through him but not enough to hurt him. This time, she had helped him dodge.

Observing the way that they stood, he thought, Maybe this is why it's called a disco menace. The creature bore a certain resemblance and made them dance.

The species description confirmed that much about it. eX-0281 skimmed for the crucial information.

The disco menace will attack anything that it can hear with its extreme sensitivity to sound.

Gingerly, eX-0281 clapped his fingers over Victoria's mouth. "That thing attacks noise," he said in his quietest whisper, directly against her ear. "We need to be absolutely silent."

The nod could be felt against his hand.

The vul, on the other hand, did not get the memo. It made a strangled sound, somewhere between a dog's growl and a cat's angry rev. A second disastrous bark fell from the vul's jaws.

"Shit," the Disco Menace said. So much for staying quiet, she pointed at a ceiling light the other way. A [Thunderbolt] flew from her finger and made the glass enclosure explode.

The real disco menace lifted both arms, one in each direction. This time, eX-0281 had wrapped his hands around her wrists and followed her as she dodged. Only her supercharged reflexes and a bit of luck saved them once again.

They stumbled back together as the spears were withdrawn. eX-0281 and the Disco Menace kept their feet silent. As for the vul, he used [Manifest Ice] on its face to form a muzzle.

While they moved back, the Disco Menace took aim at the next farthest light down the hall. Her [Thunderbolt] made that one go off with a similar bang.

The true disco menace launched its attack, and its shuffling feet carried the mutant off in that direction.

Since it was far enough away, Victoria dared to stand on her tiptoes and whisper back to eX-0281. "No chance we can let the vul run off as a distraction?"

He had to bite back his outraged shout, or else he would have drawn the disco menace back towards them.

"I'm kidding," she whispered. "I've got another thing in mind."

The duo had made it across the corporate building and found themselves in a lobby. Here, they hid in a corner alongside a fake potted plant that had mostly avoided breaking down. Victoria sent new [Thunderbolts] towards the fancy chandelier lights.

When the old bulbs popped, the fixture came crashing down. Shards of glass were like a waterfall and continually clinked across the ground. It did not take long for the disco menace to clamber into the room and pommel its spear-like hand into the ground.

What are you doing? eX-0281 did not understand the plan. If they wanted to sneak away from the disco menace without a fight, they had already done that. Victoria could always electrocute the metal monster easily enough, especially with her type advantage.


Instead, she kept playing with it while smiling the entire time. A [Thunderbolt] could not break the next target. She juggled the section of pipe in her palm before she tossed it like a tomahawk across the room, towards the main windows.

The glass fell like a curtain. Only then was the greater threat unveiled. eX-0281 realized by the clamoring buzz and shredded shadows that the stalker behemoth lurked just outside.

The disco menace lashed out at the noise as expected. The primary spear stabbed into the thick chest of the behemoth, and all the other spikes managed to take out some behefleas. A number of the insects dropped to the ground either dead or floundering about uselessly.

"Come on!" Victoria grabbed his forearm and ran with him.

The infuriated roar of the behemoth drowned out her voice, and the constant buzz of the behefleas blanketed their running strides. The disco menace continually attempted to stab the enemy with both its spear-headed arms shooting out.

When they ran far enough away, an easy-going laugh bounced from his chest. "You know, that monster back there was registered as a disco menace."

"Was it now?" she asked. "Ha, how insulting."

Just as promised, the Disco Menace had saved him albeit in an unexpected way. The two of them ran across the noxious landscape. Crumbled slabs of pavement gave way to longer stretches of spongy moss. His claws soon uprooted tufts of grass as he entered the wilderness.

The humble town of Purity Grove welcomed them as a sanctuary. eX-0281 passed through the [Purifier Net]. Crisp, clean air filled his lungs, and relief flooded him. Unable to take another step, he collapsed to the ground. "Ha."

"You good?" the Disco Menace asked as she crouched down.

"Yeah." He pushed himself up and strolled through the trees towards the Bouchard's home. "I'm just glad we're back."

"Me too."

"We're really back," he huffed out of disbelief. Tonight had been quite the adventure. eX-0281 looked forward to doing absolutely nothing but rest the entire day tomorrow. I wonder if there's a heat lamp by any chance.

When they walked up the porch, the Disco Menace held the door open with a wink. "I think someone's been waiting for you."


eX-0281 took one step into the warm, glowing kitchen.

A large figure had cradled himself on the floor in the corner of the room. Long claws tugged through the spiny quills that sub-dragons had to resemble hair. eX-0704 looked up with shock and worry on his face. He proceeded to rush him at once.

"281, I was so worried!" eX-0704 flung his arms around him in a hug.

"Ah, yeah. Sorry." eX-0281 closed his eyes for a long time and relaxed in his friend's embrace. He winced over his busted wing but said nothing. He would have hugged him back if he did not already have the vul in his hands.

"See?" the usual, snide voice of the Disco Menace said. "I told you I'd bring him back. There was no need to get so ornery with me."

eX-0704 twisted around to shoot a glare at her, but the contempt had disappeared from his eyes. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." She shrugged. "I'm going upstairs to be with my brother. I assume Josie's healing Lottie right now. Um, would you guys wanna come with me?" The Disco Menace rubbed at the back of her neck. "Let's ask Richard where you guys can sleep."


The offer was oddly polite for her, and they took her up on it. Quietly, they ascended the stairs and peeked around the open bathroom door.

A stiff, worried air dominated the atmosphere. Mr. And Mrs. Bouchard tended to their daughter. Standing off to the side, Mr. Bouchard provided moral support—the one who had been by Charlotte's side this entire time. Mrs. Bouchard took the active role in reconstructing her leg from the core.

New, healthy flesh had already sealed away the bone. The high-level [Cure] spell worked its way out to the dead, white skin. The process was long. It would have looked painful if eX-0281 did not already know the soothing sensation for himself.

Charlotte sat on the counter and leaned back against the wide mirror. Her hazy eyes stared at the reflected version of the wall. Similarly, her expressionless face was only visible through the glass.

"Richard," the Disco Menace whispered, "I'm back with the second lizard boy."

Without a word, he pushed himself off the wall and went to join them.

"Wait," a small, whistley voice said. Charlotte sat to attention, now that she realized the new company. Her glimmering eyes shone up to him. "281, you're my favorite person in the universe."

"Um, you're welcome?"

As simply as she had said it, Charlotte made her proclamation sound like a normal way to give thanks. Her eyes stayed wide until a salmon-colored tone overwhelmed her cheeks.

A sharp look was cast between them from none other than her father.

If sub-dragons could blush, he would have turned more red than Charlotte. Before things could get any more awkward, he slipped out of the bathroom. Nevertheless, he felt really happy.

It does feel nice to have someone thank me like that. I did a really good thing tonight…!

"281, wait," Josie called. "You're hurt. It won't take me long to set your wing. Sit here next to Lottie."

"Oh, um, okay."

He perched on the countertop and enjoyed Josie's [Cure] spell. The way his body blocked her mother's view and the way her father waited outside, no one could see when Charlotte grasped her tiny fingers around his claws.

Wait. Why is she trying to hold my hand?

After clearing her throat, she said, "I meant to say thanks for saving my life."

"I know," he said with an awkward lizard's trill in his throat.

Her hand slipped away as quickly as she grabbed him, and Charlotte cheered, "Isn't my mom amazing? I told you she could patch me up like new! I'll give you a tour of the town tomorrow."

"She really is. Thanks, Josie," he said once she had restored the shape of his wing.

On occasion, Josie needed to step outside and walk past the [Purifier Net]. When her empty mana reserves had refilled, she could continue her miracle work on Charlotte's leg.

"Well," the Disco Menace said with a little wave, "goodnight boys."

"Goodnight," eX-0281 and eX-0704 called after her.

"This way," Mr. Bouchard whispered as he led them down the stairs. "I'm afraid we don't have any more spare beds at the moment, but you're more than welcome to sleep here."

"Thank you." eX-0281 was glad enough that they were not going to be put out after everything.

The Bouchard family seemed like respectable people who would help them after tonight's ordeal. If Mr. Bouchard had tried forcing them out, then eX-0281 and eX-0704 would have curled up on the front porch and slept there.

As things were, eX-0281 felt so tired that he could fall asleep while standing. Complete exhaustion had washed over him like a wave, now that he was safe. Today felt like the longest day of his life.

Mr. Bouchard led them into the living room and gestured to the couch. "This is the best I can offer. Please make yourselves as comfortable as you can. I'll bring some extra pillows and blankets."

Left alone in the living room, it was up to them to figure out their sleeping arrangement. eX-0281 and eX-0704 were too tired to fight over who got to sleep on the couch. They stripped off their armor robotically and got to feel comfortable in their regular clothes. Nothing was sweaty because sub-dragons could not physically do that in dragon form.

"Ah," eX-0704 said with a big stretch of his wings. "It feels like we were in our gear for eternity."

"Yeah." eX-0281 curled around his human toes and enjoyed the feel of the carpeting before he let his claws grow back.

What they did have the energy to bicker over: the vuls.

"You got to carry two on the way back. I get to sleep with two now," eX-0281 said.

"But… fine!" eX-0704 said in a dejected tone. "Only if I get to have two in the morning."

An odd number of vuls seemed problematic in the short term. The third vul would have to be shuffled between them constantly. For now, eX-0281 was plenty happy with the two vuls that he got to cuddle.

The sub-dragons and the vuls cozied up on one side of the couch each. eX-0281 plunged into sleep the second that his scaly cheek touched the armrest.

When Mr. Bouchard came back, everyone was fast asleep. One corner of his lips tugged upward, and he shook his head at the fatigued guests. Even so, he laid a blanket over each of them. Carefully lifting their heads by the horns, he tucked a pillow under their heads.

For a moment, Mr. Bouchard lingered in the room. "I never dreamed I would house defectors of Grandesia Power Company—never even knew it was possible for sub-dragons to resist. Yet my family owes you our life. I could never thank the two of you enough for saving my wife and daughter." A big, relieved sigh left his lips. Mr. Bouchard flicked out the lights so that they could sleep in peace.

The blankets provided no warmth, given that their dragon form could not produce any heat to be trapped by the fabric. For reptiles, it felt most natural to sleep when chilly. Nevertheless, the covering gave them comfort. eX-0281 snuggled up with his two vuls and wrapped his wings tightly around himself. In doing so, he pulled the blanket up to his chin.

His scaly face did not move, but a broad smile would have spread across his human face even in sleep. eX-0281 felt profoundly happy.

At last, he was free. Already, he had used his freedom to do something that he chose without the duress of the company.

I really do feel like a hero.

He had no dreams, but he never slept more soundly in his life.

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