《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 122: Butterfly



The battle resumes immediately. While we’re befuddled by Norf’s accusation- or rather, his voice, Sig snatches back his rapier from Minna and draws his blade… against Enbos. Deftly, Enbos parries Sig’s blow with Bloodletter while the rest of us back off towards the walls. Sig then leaps to the side as Norf fires three arrows at once, however, Enbos somersaults down the corridor and evades every shot, including a hidden fourth.

The three men come to a standstill. After a moment of hesitation, both Sen and Minna stand by Norf’s side while Lili and I are still gauging the situation.

“Damn it, what is going on? Are you two really working for Tascus?” exclaims Enbos.

“There is no point feigning ignorance. You already stumbled on two occasions,” says Norf.

“Three, if you’re willing to count my two penz, you changeling.”

“P-please everybody, did we not suffer this already?” I interrupt. “You all need to lower your weapons and try talking this out.”

“Hachirou is right,” says Enbos, although nobody is breaking their stance. “I have no idea what you suspect about me, but unless you’re actually cultists in disguise, this is probably just one, big mis-”

“Is it really? Go on, tell us then: what does Hachirou really look like? After all, most of us have seen his face already.”



“Your silence is a good answer… Mr Kell.”

“… *Sigh* Good greef. Already? I forta did a good job imatatin im.”

My blood turns cold as “Mr Kell’s” voice leaks from the clay mask. His entire presence changes in an instant and I’m left wondering how I could ever have mistaken him at close range. Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel a perverse sense of admiration to his craft. From Enbos’ unique combination of scents to the wear and tear on his replica equipment, he is an outward doppelganger of my closest friend. B-but how on Aren did he learn to speak Japanese? Ah, of course! He must have ! He could’ve eavesdropped on our conversations in the Vivian Forest.

“Y-you!” spits Sen as he lowers his crippled friend. “What on Garea did you do to Enbos?”

“Nuthin at all. Otherwise, I woodent be standin here ta catch ya. He’s locked imself in dat room, but I wasn’t lieyun about ‘im being knocked out. Terminal saz he’s still alive, but he hazzent moved fer quite a while.”

“Damn it!”

“Anyhow, I’m embarrassed I slipt up so fast. If I had known ya sounded like dat, I would haff taken your face instead, Norf. Do ya mind reveelin how you managed to expose me?”

“… You copied Enbos’ movements too closely. We recently gifted him a steel breastplate, and even if it was hidden, your movements didn’t accommodate for that fact at all.”

“Ah, I see. And you, Mr. Senseless?”

“I figured you out with this,” says Sig as he pulls out a broken signal baton. “I gave one to Lili and one to Enbos, each linked to their own pair. The fact your pants ain’t flashing like the sun proves everything. I’m glad Norf was acting as my escort, ‘cause we were able to talk it out on our ownsomes.”

“Hm, fair enuff. Still, Enbos could haff abandoned his armour in battle and lost da baton in da prosess.”

“Which leads to your most egregious mistake of all,” says Norf as he pulls back his bowstring. “You let me tap your shoulder. From the very beginning, even after everything we’ve been through, Enbos has always been conscious of my presence. He would never let me, or anyone else for the matter, get so close, let alone touch him.”


Huh? Did he really confirm Enbos’ identity with a single tap? W-wait, could it be Norf actually knows he’s…

“Good Lord, really? I fort afta all dis time he woulda gotten closer to you guys. Ah well. Guess it’s a good fing I prepared a continjinsee.”

“After what you did to us and Eric, do you really think we would let you walk away?” growls Sen.

“*Chuckle* Wat do ya fink I waz buyin time for?”

All of sudden, a chorus of pained groans can be heard down the way we came. Although we do not yet see them, they are undoubtably getting louder.

“It’s the undead horde!” exclaims Minna. “The necromancer must still be alive and well.”

“Damn it! Lili, Minna, Hachirou! You three hold back the undead. The rest of us will take out Kell before-”

“Oh, I don’t fink so, Sen. Tracker overload: activate.”


All of a sudden, Eric begins screaming in immense pain, catching everybody in the vicinity off-guard. He is clutching what remains of his arm so tightly that he’s reopening old scars. Appalled, Sen and Minna move to restrain his thrashing, all while Mr Kell watches with a hidden smile.


“S-stop it, Eric! You’re killing yourself! Hurry Lili! He needs your-”

“L-Look out above!”

Despite his excruciating pain, Eric manages to give a desperate warning. Without a second thought, Norf fires at the space above us and forces the hidden assailant to the ground. It’s the cultist with the bandaged head, and landing in our midst, Sig, Lili and myself are suddenly cut off from everybody else. Worse, the horde of undead finally reach Sen and his party, just as Mr Kell and his partner charge toward me and Sig.

Lili casts as she puts her back to the wall. I dodge a swing from Mr Kell and perform an iaijutsu strike. He easily deflects my attack with his scabbard then rapidly thrusts the replica Bloodletter. It’s disconcerting to fight somebody with my friend’s visage, although honestly, his technique and speed exceed Enbos’ own. As before, I’m only just keeping track of his flurry of strikes. With my heart drumming against my chest, I can’t help but recall our last exchange, and so those he. He is deliberately replicating my wounds from that night, and it is only a matter of time before he pierces a tendon.

No, there is more at stake than my own survival.

“Huh? !”


“Lili! Protect yourself!”


There is no mistaking it: that throwing knife was clearly directed at Lili. She is presently the most crucial person here. Eric is writhing in pain and clawing at his bloodied limb. Sen, Minna and Norf want to help, but they’re preoccupied with the undead horde, wielding unblessed weapons against an unyielding mob. They all need Lili’s magic. I have to force Mr Kell back before Eric bleeds to death!


Reining in my heartbeat, I accelerate my flow of spiritual energy while fending off Mr Kell’s thrusts. Although time yields for no one, I suddenly become conscious of every motion before me, all at once. I tighten my movements with every clash and begin dodging his attacks more adeptly. I then duck beneath his latest swing and delve deeper into his zone of attack. A faint tremor in the air alerts me to a dagger from my blind spot, which I deflect with nary a thought. Noticing my change in demeanour, Mr Kell breaks away to re-evaluate his options as I stand with my back to Lili.


“Hm, ya suddenly moving a lot betta now than in Kasseus. Seemz Enbos is a betta swordmasta than he is a magic teecha.”

“No, Mr Kell. Enbos helped me find my own strength, and this time, I will best you with it.”

“Ya getting ahead of yourself, kid. You’re desent, yes, but dat’s only fer somewun of your age. And dis time… I won’t be taking you lightly.”

Unexpectedly, Mr Kell throws his sword at me with great force. As I deflect the spinning blade, he is immediately upon me with a pair of long knives. Although I can keep track of his attacks, I am no match for his dexterity as he juggles his blades in a whirlwind of short, precise swipes. Despair washes over me as I track all his movements, and yet my own limbs are too stiff to match them. Over and over again, I’m forced to step back, but I’m well aware there is only so much space between me and Lili.

He's still aiming for my tendons. Is he prioritising my value as a hostage? No, he's trying to force me to use , the one technique that can pose any danger. Lili can heal me, but time is not Eric’s ally. I… I need to create an opening.

What if you face a stronger opponent? I'd rather you ran, but I know that's not the answer you seek. You are a good listener, little brother, so remember well, for we do not have time to teach you my sword arts. Let's see... Do you know why Ken has never bested me, despite being as broad as a yagi? Like any good warrior, he fights in both the present and the future, his attacks flowing and adapting like water. But a better warrior would read their opponent’s “future”… then convince them it will come to be…

… Thank you, Eldest Brother.


I use my skill in apparent desperation, and as expected, Mr Kell deflects all my strikes and thrusts one of his knives. I grit my teeth and prepare to receive his attack, forcing my body still as the blade comes within an inch of my shoulder. There is a sharp burst of pain, however, with Lili’s magic and my spiritual energy, I can still…


“Heh. Too obvious.”

I bring my katana down with enough force to slice and shatter the ancient stone floor. Mr Kell uses to invalidate my attack while I remain frozen in place, as if unable to lift my own sword.

“Good resolve, kid, but dis is as far as it goes.”

“Hachirou! ! !”

“Don’t bover tryun, Lili. I’ve seen him in dis state before. It’ll take more dan a few spells to-”



As fast as a striking serpent, I raise my katana the moment he takes a step forth. Again, he dodges my swing, but the shock in his voice is as clear as day. Encouraged, I continue swinging my katana without losing any of my explosive power. Although none of my attacks connect, he can no longer deflect nor parry any strikes. Every muscle in my body is under strain, but I mustn’t lose focus. I have to keep circulating my spiritual energy.



I layer my skill atop of the effects of . Although swung in one hand, Mr Kell is forced to block with both knives as he slides back several feet. Unfortunately, I do not give chase, as I grapple with my spiritual energy.

My strategy has failed. All I have done is left a few chips on his blades. Now, I can only fight in earnest.

“Dat skill… It’s not a one-shot trick afta all?”

“It was, Mr Kell, but no longer,” I say as I savour the moment of reprieve. My throat sears with pain, but I dare not reveal my shortage of breath. “ pushes my body to its upmost by releasing the bounds of my mind. However, by accelerating my flow of spiritual energy, my recovery speed and physical limits are now greater, allowing me to sustain my unleashed state.”

“I see.”

Nevetheless, the skill is not without risks. For one, I have not been spared from my skill’s cost; I’ve only substituted it with my spiritual energy. While Enbos is unfeeling, I have seen my sister push herself before. I fear the same fate awaits me.

“Da power’s dere, yes, but wat really scares me is dat ya still have some control. Dear me. Guess I hafta reevaluate ya afta all. Still…”


“… you’re just too green around da ears.”

Again, he evades my moves, but instead of backstepping, he sidesteps my thrust and kicks me as I’m lunging forward, turning my speed against me. My concentration almost breaks, and he exploits my distraction to cut my left flank. He’s other knife aims for my neck, but then I realise it’s a feint. However, my body stiffens for a fraction of a second, enough to swing his foot into my open wound.

Rather than reading him, he’s the one reading me. As I feared, I’m still not comfortable with my empowered state. He’s realised I’m limited to basic moves.



Behind me, Lili casts her spell through her transparent barrier, blasting Mr Kell’s sight with golden light. I follow-up with a desperate strike, but faster than I can swing, he leaps above my katana and over my head. I panic for Lili’s life, but to my shock, he kicks off her … and heads straight for the preoccupied Sen.




To my horror, I watch as Mr Kell dives towards Sen. Sen quickly turns around, but not quick enough to raise his spear. Helpless, we watch as Mr Kell performs two simultaneous swings.

… at thin air. In fact, he’s landed well short of Sen’s position.

“W-wat on Aren iz-”


Mr Kell leaps out of the way of Sen’s attack. No, more than that. He’s overreacted and is now further from us than before. Resting his head against one hand, he glares at Lili as she rushes to Eric’s side.

“You… You ain’t no cleric! Wat in Maleosis’ name did ya do to me!?”

Huh? What did- Oh, I see now! Lili must have distorted his depth perception!

“Tch, neva mind. Now I know wat dat magic feels like, I won’t fall fer dat ag-”

“Brother, to your left!”

Unaware of his current positioning, Sig seizes the opportunity to swing at Mr Kell’s head. Mr Kell immediately dodges the blade and flips to his companion’s side, but not without losing the left antler of his mask. While Sen, Minna and Norf fight behind us, I stand beside Sig to confront the pair of skilled assassins.

“Lord bless, ya almost got me. ‘Ard to believe you can hold off Colligo ‘ere and still care to attack me. Are you really a B rank advenchera?”

“Or maybe you’re just drake? If you face us wurms, prepare to be en’lite.”

“… You know wat? I’m not gonna bover rememberun your twisted speech patterns.”

“*Whistle* You’re a dead man now.”

“… But I agree we should be more practical ‘bout dis. Brother Colligo.”

Colligo brings out a small wooden rod and breaks it in his hand, releasing a flare of light toward the roof. My tail curls as I immediately realise it’s a signal baton: he just called for reinforcements.

“Although dey’ll be takin’ de long way around, your fates haff been sealed. Jus’ make it easier on yourselves and ya might live to see da New Dawn.”

“I refuse, Mr Kell. So long as my friends continue to stand, I will never surrender.”

“Preach, my jobber. Besides, our prospects are a lot better than you loonies. Did you not get the pigeon? Even if your holyman or whatever ascends, the knights will just break the bridge and turn this place into your tomb.”

“Hahaha! Did I not say His Holiness was prepared? Da bridge- no, even da teleporter in de cave outside… exists in just one subspace. We haff others, includin’ a direct connecshun to Catorrem.”

“N-no way.”

“Yes way. Do you see now, kid? Once our “imprisonment” is confirmed and da labrinf shrouds are lifted, we’ll emerge from the streets of Catorrem and show da world His Holiness’ new power. No more doubters. No more hidin’. Come morning, Catorrem will be the heart of a new world order!”

“I see. So, you dastards want to take the city of Catorrem, correct?”

Huh? Sig’s voice…

“And what, pray tell, will happen to the Velvet Road between the Lysium Theocracy and Reinsol Kingdom?”

“Hmph, dere will be no dealun with heathens. With the wisdom of da golden age, we’ll acheev true self-suffishensee and build a civilisashun free of vice. We’ll not rot like da false church.”

“I see, I see! Well now, that’s truly a shame since we love catering to “vice”… I’ve heard enough.”

“S-Sig, what do you-”

“Stand back and protect the others, Hachirou. .”

Suddenly, before anyone can react, Sig appears right in front of Mr Kell. Although he is taken aback, Mr Kell immediately attacks Sig out of reflex. However, his dual-handed attacks are being deftly repelled by a single rapier. No, more than that. Sig is actually pushing him back.


Colligo joins the fray and launches an attack from Sig’s flank. Incredibly, his skill is deflected by an even swifter kick from Sig as he also parries a coordinated attack from Mr Kell. The pair of cultists launch another simultaneous attack, but in a show of supreme resourcefulness, Sig kicks up the severed antler from earlier and uses it to catch Mr Kell’s dagger. As he twists it out of his grip, he thrusts his rapier at Colligo without turning around. His attack misses, but with a twirl of his weapon, he catches his opponent’s dangling bandages and pulls him in for a sharp kick.

He has no stance or signature skill, but his flexibility and sense of flow is leading the cultists by the snout. H-he is… strong.

“Seriously, who in Maleosis’ name are ya? No B rank advenchera could know or take two of us at da same time!”

“Why, I’m Sig the “Fencer”. A man of words, a man of my word… and a man of our mutual acquaintance, “Johnathan Terrace”.”

J-Jonathan? That’s Zur the Crimson Hand! Then that means…

“D-da underground guild!?” stammers Mr Kell. “I fort we had an agreement! Why would you interveen in our affairs?”

“Hey, don’t blame us, my man. You were the ones who complained to us about Enbos’ conduct. After the holy knights got involved, the big guy told me to investigate. So, you say you want occupy to Catorrem, hm? That doesn’t sound good for business. Not. Good. At all. Mind, you did no favours blowing up his favourite festival, either. Sorry, loonies, but as Jonathan’s envoy, I have to say: you stepped on our toes, now prepare to get stomped!”

Without a shred of hesitation, he dashes between them and begins overpowering the two cultists. I watch for a moment to intervene, but between their fast movements and Sig’s fluid fighting style, I can’t find an opportunity. How should I-


Hearing Eric’s ongoing screams, I turn to find Lili is having trouble holding down the thrashing patient. Sen, Minna and Norf are doing an amiable job holding back the relentless horde, but their fatigue is starting to show. After one last look at Sig, I rush to Lili’s side and grapple the flailing Eric.

“Thank you, Hachirou.”

Lili taps Eric on the head, and mysteriously, he enters a wide-eyed trance. I’m about to relax my grip, but Lili stops me and pulls out her ceremonial knife with quivering hands.


“Lili, what are you-”

“T-there is something within his amputated arm. He might awaken, so please, keep him still…”

With some hesitation, Lili makes deep incisions on his scars then digs her fingers inside. Although still entranced, his body convulses a few times before Lili pulls out her fingers and immediately closes the wound. Eric’s body suddenly relaxes, and in Lili’s blood caked hand is a small, dark orb.

“A-a magic core?”

“Yes, Hachirou. When the cultists took away his arm and his leg… they left something behind.”

“By the spirits. No wonder the cultists were able to track- Ah! There is no time! I need to warn everybody!”

“I’ll buy time. Everyone, fall back! . .”

Sealing off the corridor with her magic, the risen press themselves against the shimmering wall, while the at their feet greatly weakens them. Sen, Minna and Norf take a moment to breathe while Lili steps forward to channel the two spells.

“*Huff, huff* Thank you, Lili. Is Eric alright? Oh God, w-why is staring blankly into thin air!?”

“He’s fine, Sen. I had to put him under a spell but his condition has improved.”

“I caught a bit of what you said, but is trouble coming, Hachirou?” asks Minna.

“I-I’m afraid so, everyone. Colligo and Mr Kell have just called for reinforcements. We must leave this quadrant quickly!”

“By the spirits, they just don’t let up. Should we join Sig and take down Mr Kell? A-actually, isn’t he already doing well on his own?” remarks Sen as he spies the lightning-fast exchange down the corridor.

“Even if you do, that is the wrong way to go,” says Minna. “Kell lured us too far from the only exit.”

“Minna is right,” concurs Norf, his voice still a foreign experience. “Even if we leave now, it would still take a few minutes.”

“Damn it. We have to fight our way through after all.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Sen! We’re already having trouble with a dozen undead. We can’t possibly handle any more enemies.”

“Right, Minna. Then we stand our ground, maybe set up a trap. Does anybody have any ideas?”

“… .”


“,” repeats Lili in a soft voice. “I can incapacitate the cultists once they come into range, b-but… I will need time to cast on a large area.”

“Then we’ll buy you time! Lili, undo your barrier and focus on your spell. Hachirou, protect Lili in case Sig slips up. Now, let’s go, you two!” yells Sen.

As the trio rush to the front, Lili rescinds her magic then assumes a kneeling posture. Puzzlingly, she pulls up her hood and places the bloodied magic core on the ground. Standing guard beside her, I immediately notice a change.

(L-Lili, your ears!)

(I know, Hachirou.)

I can see her ears for what they truly are: long and pointed beneath her white hood. Her fair skin is faintly luminous, and her eyes resemble a glittering lake. Her hair is as illustrious as white gold, imbued with the holy power that’s maintained her illusion for all this time. With Eric’s blood still fresh on her hands, she begins drawing runes around the magic core, several of which I recognise from Enbos’ magic extender.

(To be honest Hachirou, I think Enbos has had too much of a bearing on me. I would never have conceived such a macabre idea, nor end up lifting my longest spell.)

(Y-your appearance is exposed from the front! Your complexion is one thing, but if it’s just your ears-)

(No, Hachirou. I mustn’t hold back… because Enbos would not. I’ve spent a lifetime helping others from a distance, asking for their heart yet refusing to show my own. At some point, I started valuing that “distance”... but no more. At the very least, if I must oust myself, I couldn’t ask for a better group.)

(I see.)

(… I can only inscribe the first circle. I have to incant the rest, but I can’t afford to cast a barrier. Please, protect me, Hachirou.)

I respond with a nod, then Lili holds out her sceptre and begins chanting in an ancient and unintelligible language. Strangely, I can feel my body getting warmer, although her magic is by no means the fiery kind. The two cultists suddenly stiffen as I position myself in front of Lili and take a defensive stance. Whatever they may think of her magic, they have certainly noticed her luminous form.

As Sig repels Colligo’s retractable blades, Mr Kell drops a small device that explodes into a thick cloud of black smoke.

“In your dreams!”


Sig breaks the other signal baton in his possession, launching twin flares from his and Lili’s waists. The darkness instantly disperses, leaving only a carpet of black mist as Sig immediately swings at Colligo trying to get around him. His attack connects and Colligo’s arm is sent flying away as Mr Kell moves in to protect him. I breathe a sigh of relief as Sig pushes back the cultists once more. Although it’s a prosthetic, Sig has firmly gained the upper hand as Colligo dives in to-

Huh? D-didn’t Enbos say Colligo was able to replace his limbs? Why is he rejoining the battle without a new arm? Unless…

“B-be careful, Sig!” I yell. “That man’s arm is hiding in the smoke! It must be some kind of tr-”


The moment I hear that sound, I realise my mistake. As feared, Colligo can control his arm remotely. With a retractable blade, it launches itself from the low-lying smoke… and aims for Lili’s exposed throat.


Faster than koboldly possible, I dash back and deflect the arm before it can touch Lili. Almost immediately, my entire body is wracked with electrifying pain as I accidently lose control of my spiritual energy. Lili’s voice slightly falters, but she pushes on with her incantation.

“[,denrut si wodniw eht ,nepo ediw seye htiW …

…rorrim tseraelc eht ot ssalg detnit morF]”

Lili is not done, and she is in no position to heal me. I-I need to regain my tempo. Soothe the body-wide exhaustion. In the meantime, where did that arm-



All of a sudden, I’m grabbed by my heels and forced on my back as something drags me away from Lili. Looking down, I discover my legs are tangled in steel wires, connected from the prosthetic arm to Colligo who is reeling me in. I try to cut myself free, but to my horror, I drop my katana while my hands are numb. I can’t escape!


Coming to my aid, Sig appears between me and Colligo and severs the wire with a single swing. However, in that critical moment, Mr Kell behind Sig, with a glistening dagger in his hand.


I hear a tearing sound, but Sig manages to flip over Mr Kell’s head and kick him in the back. As the former guide somersaults to an upright position, Colligo charges after Sig, his missing hand replaced with serrated claws. I manage to roll to a safer position but maintain my kneeling posture as I focus on recovery. As before, Sig is repelling every attack and forcing the pair of assassins onto the defensive. I should have enough time to-


For a shocking instant, Mr Kell knocks Sig’s rapier out of his hand, but Sig jumps back to fetch it before dashing back in. Was it a momentary slip? N-no, the resonance of their clashing weapons has changed. Sig is…

“Damn… this is… drake.”

“Wat’s wrong? Outta breth already? Or are ya finally feelin’ da effects?”

I-I knew it. Sig has been afflicted by one of Mr Kell’s deadly poisons! If he keeps pushing himself, he's going to die!

“S-somebody… help Sig. H-he’s-”


In silent horror, I watch as the pair of assassins methodically take Sig apart. I don’t know what kind of poison it is, but is fast acting as Sig turns paler than mountain snow. I can still hear Sen and the others fighting with the undead, which means…


“T~oo slow.”


Move, move! By the spirits, let me fight once again! The pain means nothing, b-but please, rid me of this weakness in my flesh. I-I have to help him now. I have to stand and-


The moment I put strength into my leg, my ankle rolls and I tumble onto the ground like a battered sack. I don’t even have strength to clench my fist in frustration. The only thing I can do is keep my eyelids open and watch as Mr Kell deflects Sig’s rapier… before Colligo moves in for the kill.



Colligo’s metal claws tear through Sig’s leather armour and cleave deeply through his flesh. A burning sensation flushes my face and clenches my throat as our companion collapses to the ground in his own blood. The larger-than-life eccentric that I have come to respect… has returned to the Great River.

“Sig? Damn it, Sig has been-”

“Look out, Sen!”

I’m too weak to turn around, but by the sound of commotion, it appears their reinforcements have finally arrived. Mr Kell looks over my pathetic form and kicks me over, giving a clear view of my friends being subdued. Unaware of her surroundings, Lili is alone, still chanting her mysterious spell.

“[,denrut si wodniw eht ,nepo ediw seye htiW …

…rorrim tseraelc eht ot ssalg detnit morF]”

“I haven’t forgotten ‘bout you, ya crafty witch.”

“L-Lili, ru-!”


… It was over in an instant.

With a flick of his wrist, Mr Kell lodges a small knife straight into Lili’s chest. My shocked eyes lock with mine as she slumps to the ground, and all her radiance from before becomes a fleeting memory. As Sen and the others cry out in shock, I can’t say a word as I choke on my shame and tears.

I couldn’t protect her. I-I can still hear her heartbeat against the ground, but at this rate…

“Gag dat trio then take everybody to His Holiness, ‘sept dat blasted heathen. She can bleed out fer all I care.”

“N-no, please…”

“We haff everybody we need, espeshally you, kid. Really, I hafta thank ya for distractun Zur’s illiterate spy.”

“Please Kell, I beg of you. Don’t let Lili die… D-don’t let Lili…”

Why am I such a failure? How could I let things come to this? I wanted to find my own strength, but in the end, my efforts can never compare to my family. I can never be another’s pillar. I…

“I’m sorry, everybody…”

“… up! Wake up, Hachirou!”


Hearing Lili’s healthy voice, my mind enters a state of disarray as the world around me slowly comes into focus. I don’t know when I ever lost focus, but the scene before me is vastly different from the nightmare I just witnessed. Lili is alive and well, although her body is no longer radiating holy energy. Sen, Minna and Norf are still standing, confronted by a dozen or so masked assailants. Nearby, Mr Kell and Colligo appear to be approaching our position. I say “appear” because everybody besides Lili and myself are mysteriously frozen in place, with only the slight swaying of their bodies disputing that they are life-like mannequins. Their eyes are wide open and staring blankly into space, with several muttering incomprehensible words under their breath.


“Lili, what is happening? I-I swear you were… were…”

“I don’t know what you saw, Hachirou, but I can clearly tell you were distressed. I’m sorry I couldn’t spare you from the effects, but it’s the first time I’ve cast such a powerful spell on multiple targets. Please understand.”

“Huh? Then that means…”

“Yes, Hachirou. We made it. is now in effect.”

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