《The Tail of a Dragon》Salutations Freedom 1


“What’s your name dragon?” The sheep asked, stomping around and eating some grass while it awaited an answer. The dragon flapped its wings, and shifted spots from its earlier location. The red dragon yawned, and then fluttered its eyes open. “Nyama?” It asked, craning its head.

Sal sighed, this dragon’s intelligence was more than frustrating to him. “Follow.” He said, hoping the dragon would understand this basic command. If it didn’t, Sal was more than happy to ditch the dragon and find something better to do with his time. The thought of this dragon was more than interesting to him though.

The red creature chased him vigitantly, the sheep was glad that the dragon wasn’t a complete imbecile. This made his life easier as they hiked out of the woods and into an open plain. “First thing is first, we have to be able to communicate with one another. Looks like I’m going to have to force an evolution.” The orange sheep said, looking down at the dragon that resembled a happy dog with little care for anything other than lamb chops.

“Level-Transfusion.” Sal chanted, grabbing the dragon with a magical purple orb and connecting their manas together. Sal stumbled, as he began to drain the essence of life into the dragon. It began to grow and distort in painful revelations.

+LEVEL UP +1 TO ALL STATS Common Evolution Forced: Large-frame +LEVEL UP +1 TO ALL STATS Common Evolution Forced: Greater-Mind +LEVEL UP +1 TO ALL STATS ??? Evolution Forced: ???

The dragon grew double in size, its wings were much thicker now and its hard scales were clearly visible. The frame of the dragon was on another level compared to dragons its age. It had the look of a three-month old dragon. It shrieked in jolts of pain as the sheep transferred quality essence to the dragon, resulting in a deviation of genetics.

“Oreep?” The dragon said in a more confident voice, but it was still off. It had the voice of a boy rather than a baby. “Oreep do?” It asked, feeling completely different from before. He stared at his claws, and stretched his wings. The dragon darted off into the sky, flapping its wings. Finally able to fly without splatting to the ground. This was a special moment for the dragon. Being able to soar in the sky felt ambiguous and profound at the same time.

Sal sighed, “I performed a forbidden magic to force your growth. Now dragon, tell me your name.” He said, trying to spark discussion with his new acquaintance. He began to levitate, resting against the air as if it were normal for sheep to do this often. The orange sheep let his eyes drift into the blue sky, clouded with big puffy...clouds. His tenacious confidence perplexed the dragon at times.

“Name?” He asked, tilting his head as he had done previously. Not only did this infuriate Sal, it pissed him off. He had willingly sacrificed so much of his own power for this dragon only to end with little result. At least the dragon could perform basic thoughts and understand them as well now. The sheep yawned as he sat his feet back down on the ground.

Through the trees, a few knight heads peered out and set their glance on the duo of strange instances in this world. “Well, Mr. Dragon, we better get moving before those knights catch up to us and try to kill us.” He said, his natural prey instincts emerging from a submerged depth.

“Food?” The dragon asked, looking around for food as Oreep mentioned the word ‘knight’ to him. This was plenty of reason to stick around, the dragon was kind of hungry anyways. He could do with a feast after all that travelling. The dragon flapped its wings when it caught sight of a knight, soaring straight to him with no strategy in mind.


Sal ate some grass out of stress, he swallowed it, “Why did I even try? I guess I’ll see what happens to this dragon and be on my way. No need to get tagged.” He said, muttering to himself as his gaze shifted over to the tree line. There was likely to be a small conflict here, until they detained the dragon once more.

The dragon had never heard his prey scream with such a high-pitched voice as this knight did. He held his metal sword in front of him, as a shield to block the vicious, oversized bat heading toward him with those razor sharp claws and teeth. “When did this dragon get so big!?” The knight asked himself as his sword came in contact with the claws of the dragon.

The dragon’s larger frame was more durable and energetic, allowing the dragon’s claws to tap against the knight’s armor, but nothing more with that longsword in the way as a natural barrier. “G-Get off of me!!” The knight screamed, pushing it back as best as he could. He was about to turn tail, which is something they are taught not to do in Knight School.

Diving-Attack Level 1 Unlocked!

The dragon flapped its wings away from the knight, pushing him to the ground as the dragon continued to remain in the air. The dragon darted into the tree canopy, looking to find an easier prey that would show little to no resistance. It had no interest in losing its claw or fighting for its meat at the moment, its stomach growled constantly.

That’s where it spotted a fine specimen, one who was definitely an easier prey than those alert knights. He was sitting down in shame, twirling his index finger into the dirt of the forest with his head resting on the palm of his other hand. He had no interest in helping his team out in this instance apparently.

The dragon changed courses, flapping its wings in a different direction and diving toward the knight with intention to contest this man from the back. It hoped to end its life and eat it like a big snack. The only problem was prying its teeth through the armor of those knights, they had tough skin for sure. It wasn’t enjoyable for the dragon to eat things that hurt its teeth.

Flying Level 5 Unlocked!

The claws were honing in on its target when the knight turned around and aimed its grasp at the dragon’s neck. It was none other than Orion himself as he caught the dragon with ease. The dragon choked and cawed around his manly grip, his eyes were cold and fierce. “You’ve caused me to be late, and now the Duke will not honor my arrival. Do you realize the severity of what you done dragon? Of course you don’t, none of your kind are worth shit!” He screamed, crushing the dragon’s windpipe, the knights enclosing a circle around Orion now.

You are suffocating! - 10 HP

The dragon reminisced on his earlier bout with that hunter bandit, he had been choked by him with similar technique. This enraged the dragon, he was supposed to be at the top of the food chain and no one else was. He couldn’t die here, nor could he afford capture. He had to find his brothers and siblings --especially the blue dragon. His arch nemesis was his own blood, no one could replace that. These humans were below the dragon, and that’s something he wasn’t about to change his opinion on.

It grew and expanded in size, the dragon was infuriated and ready to brawl one out with these silver-ranked knights. He had no intention of letting them live. It was too late to be forgiven. Its red canvas expanded in size, a red aura emitted off of its skin.


Your “Angered Spirit of the Red Dragon” evolution is now fully-activated!

The dragon was fuming, literally and metaphorically. With no remorse, the dragon sent its tail point into Orion’s waist, chipping the armor and reaching a second layer of armor. “Damnit, Robin --or someone help me get this dragon in a bag! It’s pissed!” He said, struggling to keep the dragon in his hands. The dragon wasn’t suffocating anymore due to its size, nor did it care. It was going to kill everything in range of its claws.

Orion had to let go of the dragon, his hand began to convulse in sporadic shots of pain. He backed up, drawing his sword. “Everyone, at guard!” He said, making sure everyone was in position to disarm the dragon, but most importantly protect the lives of his squad. Most of the men here were the finest trained soldiers under the duke. Despite a few cowards in the bunch that had been recently promoted, lying to get their way into a better paycheck.

The dragon growled, giving off a hell-hurdling screech that made all of the birds in the forest fly up and away. The knights held their ears, the sound ricocheted violently within their helmets and caused them a major disorientation. Some fell to their knees as the dragon resounded a noise so profound and significant. Even Oreep had to cast a spell to resist hearing such a thing.

The scream dissipated, but the energy the dragon carried did not. He charged Orion while he was disorientated. Orion glanced up at the last second, only to be tackled by the dragon he’d tried suffocating into captivity. “Oh my Noble Lord, help me in my times of need!” He prayed vigilantly, prying the dragon off and throwing him under his weight as he punched the dragon in its teeth.

The dragon’s tail frantically stabbed upwards into Orion’s armor, making him flee from the fate of his dick being impaled, or worse. He launched an attack with his sword at the dragon, losing control and losing his cool for the first time in front of his men. “Fuck you!” He breathed for air, sending a hard overhead strike at the dragon only to be met with razor sharp claws that stopped the strike. The dragon flapped its wings up, dispatching a turmoil that only Orion could match in speed and strength.

“Sir Orion! Save your strength sir, we will take him on!” Robin said.

“Wha--no I have it!” Orion gasped for air in between strikes.

“You fool, back off!” Robin pushed Orion out of the way and began attacking the dragon with heavy strikes, sending it back in its own exhaustion.

“Robin, you…”

“He’s a good man. Let him do his part.” One of Orion’s men put his hand on his shoulder.

The dragon fled behind a tree to catch its breathe, flapping its wings and using its claws were heavy on the heart. Blood flowed, but the angered spirit within the dragon did not falter. He was still induced into this angry state, while trying to remain strategic in the face of danger. Oreep’s level transfusion had left the dragon with more tactics than it had than before.

The claw-machine returned from the tree and approached Robin confidently, “Kill you.” It said with clarity in its voice.

“H-huh….?” Robin said, his voice growing cold as he processed the words.

“Don’t fret Robin, dragons are intelligent creatures! Of course it can speak..” Orion stood up.

“I know, I just..”

“Grab a hold of yourself man!” Orion was back in action, right behind Robin with his sword. “We will do this together, now find your confidence in my crew. This is a baby dragon, we can handle him!” Orion assured Robin.

The dragon wasted no time in their petty discussion, sending his claws into Robin’s chestplate while he was off guard. This time the dragon punctured under the skin and made the knight bleed.

“Oh fuck!” He said, trying to detach the dragon only to be met with a set of teeth at his neck’s end. The teeth just cut into his skin as they pierced the armor like a thin layer of butter. The pain of sinking its teeth into the armor was negated by its infuriated anger. It detached from the knight, narrowly dodging the grasp of Orion.

“Robin! ROBIN!” The knights screamed.

“I’m okay, worry not for me! Hold the formation and make sure this little fucker doesn’t escape before we capture him.”

The scene shifted back to Oreep, who was using a spell to see what was happening from afar as he levitated in the open plains. “This dragon is a strong one for its age. I’ve never seen such a young dragon come so far. What a great deal of intrigue this brings me.” Oreep said, he turned his head and his entire body went pale.

“Oh fuck.” He said.

Back in the forest, the dragon continued to make dents in the armor of the two knights, sustaining his own injuries along the way and draining his own stamina. Eventually it resulted in a stalemate of sorts, with the individual knights not being up to par with the dragon by themselves. It wasn’t going to end nicely for either party, especially not the tired dragon.

You have been cut! -19 HP.

The trees began to mysteriously bend as if the wind were blowing especially hard.

Orion dived at the dragon, attempting to full-body catch him, but this also ended in failure. The dragon puncture the knight’s armor, using the potential energy to dig deep into Orion’s rib cage.

“Shit!” He screamed, blood emerging from the gash in his armor. He held his side, the knights breaking formation to rush to his side.


“No! ORION!” They screamed, pulling him up as the dragon detached his tail and fled with his wings once more to regain its breathe. The dragon was cut and had all sorts of injuries. The dragon’s health was soon to reach a critical threshold. This wasn’t making things better.

You are malnourished -1 HP.

The dragon was beginning to suffer the early stages of hunger, and it wasn’t like he could just eat grass like Oreep. He had standards unlike that orange weirdo. The dragon thought back on his blue counterpart, ‘would he have finished this by now?’

“Orion, we’ve got you.” Robin said, tears filled his eyes. He took his helmet off, wiping the tears.

Orion smiled, as blood gushed out of his side, “You know you’re...not suppose to cry. Those are knighthood standards….” He said, his voice weak but he wasn’t gone yet.

He grabbed at his helmet, his fingers sliding off of it. “Take this damn thing off of me.” Robin took it off, revealing Orion’s face.

His white hair and crystal-green eyes looked toward the sky, as his breath became more impatient for air. “Robin...I declare you Head Knight of my crew. I won’t….” He ached in pain between sentences, “...make it back.”

Robin had served under Sir Orion for only a few years but this was just too much, “Sir, you are one of many up and coming heroes in the duke’s territory! You must jest. This dragon could never defeat the likes of you!” He began to shake as tears ran down his eyes.

Orion’s gaze drifted toward the plains, “Alas we’re here...my own anger led to this foolish death….” He said, before a laser beam caught him in the heart and killed him instantly. Robin dropped him, avoiding the attack. The beam hit the ground and made a large pink explosion in the forest.

“Holy shit!” A knight said.

Oreep smiled far away from the actual scene of battle, blowing on his hoof like it had recently shot something out. Which it had. “Don’t let him suffer. You guys have a ‘bigger’ problem coming your way.” He said, enjoying the battle.

The dragon had recovered, and was ready to take on Robin once again. “Diee!” It screamed, flapping its wings toward Robin.

Robin was filled with anger, he grabbed his sword and charged at the dragon as well, emotions overcame him. They were going to clash at any moment, but then something colossal befell upon the forest. With the roar of a titan came a new ushering of problems.

Name: Attributes: Skills: Race: Dragon (Uncommon) STR: 19 Stealth: 1 Level: 10 AGI: 21 Hunger Resistance: 2 Age: 6 Days DEX: 17 Meditation: 3 Gender: Male END: 18 Flying: 5 HP: 380 INT: 29 Fire-Breathing: 2 MP: 335

WIS: 26 Diving-Attack: 1

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