《Hattie: An Old Maid's Adventures》Ch. 18 Dinner with a Gentleman (1)


After the meeting with Liobald, Hattie and Monte went to the Mage Academy. For one, she needed a fresh change of clothes, and she also wanted to check on Dawson and Vivianne.

Hattie brushed by Nancy, and peeked into his office. Dawson's eyes were tired, and his bright red hair a bit matted. As usual, he was busy with paperwork in his office. His frantic moring hadn't done him any good. A pang of guilt struck Hattie, and she clenched a fist. If only she hadn't caused such a ruckus for the poor man. She decided not to bother him, and that they could talk over what had happened at his house when he finished his work for the day, as he'd suggested.

Instead, she sought out Vivianne. Hattie had disappeared in an abrupt and loud manner at the bar, and it was only appropriate to give some sort of explanation to her friend. Vivianne was in class, and Hattie waited outside the room until the professor dismissed the group.

"Vivianne!" Hattie called out when the students began to stream out the door.

Vivianne turned to Hattie, her face going from despondent to exuberant in seconds.

"Miss Hattie! Monte!" she ran to them, "I was so worried when you disappeared! What happened? Are you okay? You're still wearing the same clothes!"

"Yes, dear, I'm fine." Hattie lowered her voice, "There was a small problem with my bond with Monte, but I believe we've mostly worked it. I do apologize about what happened."

"I'm just glad you're okay," Vivianne said, and then her brow furrowed, "Arthur was awful. He was really rude about the whole thing," she shook her head, "I'm not talking to him right now."

Hattie hadn't liked Arthur much, so she didn't feel particularly bad for the fellow. Monte agreed.


"Well, my dear, I'm doing much better now, truly. And with that exam done, my schedule is quite open now. You've one more exam, right?"

Vivianne nodded.

Hattie smiled, "Then, once you finish, I would be delighted to spend some time with you. Would Han's food stand work? It's been a while since I went."

Vivianne smiled, "That would be great."

"I look forward to that," Hattie said, "Let's talk more tomorrow."

Hattie gave the young lady a brief hug, stopped by her room for a fresh outfit and an apron, and left. Back at Dawson's house, Hattie made dinner. She was in his kitchen stirring a pot and keeping an eye on two others when the front door clicked.

"Miss Hattie? Are you here?"

[I'm in the kitchen,] Hattie found this easier than shouting, since she was in the midst of transferring hot water out of a pot.

Dawson walked into the kitchen, and set down his bag. "Nancy told me you stopped by the school today. Is everything okay?"

"Mm hmm," Hattie said, "Dinner is ready. Do sit down."

"Oh," Dawson blinked at the numerous pots and pans Hattie had out.

The table was already set, and Dawson took his seat. Hattie finished the last steps of the dishes, and then portioned out fried rice, fish cutlet, spicy noodles, and a simple broth. Dawson's kitchen was quite well stocked.

She set two plates and bowls on the floor, and two on the table.

Shia stayed hidden, but food disappeared off her plate in steady increments, while Monte dug in with gusto.

"Thank you very much, Miss Hattie," Dawson said, "This is delicious."

Hattie waved her spoon, "It's the least I could do after all your help."


"How was your day?"

"That's just what I wanted to talk to you about," Hattie said, "I do think I worked out the problem in the bond."

"That's great," Dawson smiled.

"I would still like you to take a look," Hattie said.

"Of course."

"But let's finish eating first," Hattie smiled.

Dawson ate a big bite in response, his eyes full of humor.

"I must insist on washing up," Dawson said when they were done, "As able as you are, Miss Hattie, I think you could use as much rest as possible."

Hattie agreed, so she didn't argue. The whole day she'd traipsed around town, and the usual strength her bond with Monte supplied her with was diminished. She was exhausted.

She helped clear up the plates and wrap the leftovers, while Dawson rolled up his sleeves and scrubbed the dishes.

Once everything was in order, Hattie and Dawson sat at the table agian. When all was calm, the two dove into the bond. The shivering links of the connection washed over the four of them. Monte and Shia stayed at the peripheral level, by the communication channels. But together, Hattie and Dawson plunged into the deep link between Hattie and Monte. Hattie tried to show what she had seen before, and what she had done. Dawson made a few tweaks to some obscure loops that Hattie had already altered.

They floated around the metaphyscial magic of the connectin for a while longer. Dawson inspected every nuance for potential danger. When he was satisfied, they both came up for air, back into the the world beyond the shimmering swirls. Sharp teeth and knife like claws retracted from Hattie's person. They must've come out during the process. Hattie noticed that Dawson was clutching the table, his knuckles white with the pressure.

"Is this sorted out, then?" Hattie asked, her voice thin and reedy.

"I think so, but only time will tell. You should keep Monte close by in case we missed anything. And we should probably do a check over in a week or so, to make sure the changes stay."

"That sounds sensible. I'm going to head back to the school then," Hattie yawned, "Good night, Headmaster Dawson."

"Ah," Dawson looked surprised for a moment, before he ran a hand through his red hair and looked down, "for some reason, I thought you'd be staying tonight as well."

"Oh," Hattie was confused. She was alright now, and they'd sorted the bond out as well as they could, so why should she have stayed?

"Nevermind," Dawson shook his head, and stood up. He walked Hattie to the door.

"Good night, Miss Hattie, Monte."

"Goodnight," Hattie waved.

Dawson watched as Hattie's light colored dress melted into the darkness of the night. He had grown to like this woman, perhaps too much. After all, his outlook in life was a rather strange one, what with his bond with Shia. No matter how well meant and advantageous his connection with his life long friend, there was no question it hadn't warped his youth, and even his old age.

As if he'd sensed Dawson's melanchonly thoughts, Monte's head turned back for a moment. Dawson froze. In those few seconds, Monte was every bit the predator.

The wolf's silvery eyes glimmered back at Dawson, before turning towards his partner. Dawson saw Hattie reach down and pat her companion's head.

The night swallowed their forms.

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