《I Graduated to Become an... Ant Queen?! (Isekai)》Chapter 6: [Final part] I Need to Find Her Now!


I close out the screen and look up at the skies.

The weather in this world is more or less the same. Makes things a little easier to settle in here.

Looking back down I see a small ant already kneeling to me.

“Your majesty, I congratulate you on your birth. I hope things have been going well while I was away.”

“Hmm. Thank you, you may rise. So, the rumors are true? That you are the strongest in this colony despite being a small born?” With a slight smirk I gesture for the little ant to stand.

“Yes, your majesty. If you wish to see my strength, I shall give you a magnificent display.” Even with my retort to her rumors of power, she stood tall looking me in the eyes.

I couldn’t help but feel a shiver run through my insect body. The pressure from her now is palpable. This was enough to convince me of her power, but I always need to see it to believe it so I slowly nod to her.

“As you wish. Konchu! Please assist me. Our majesty wishes to see the truth for herself.” Her shout to Konchu reverberated across the field.

“Yes, Ma’am!”

They line up a couple meters away from me and Maru. Starting things with enough space between one another to charge at each other if need be. Both the small ant and Konchu look at me as if waiting for my mark to begin the demonstration.

“You may begin.” I ordered.

Right at the end of my sentence, Konchu charges at the tiny ant with unworldly speed.

Her LV 7 skill, charge, clearly is something to be feared. Especially if one’s not expecting it.

I look at the ground that crumbled under her legs then glance at the opposing ant. But before I could see what happened Konchu flew backwards sliding across the dirt and grass.

“What?” Is all I could say, taken aback by how short it took for her to send a hardened commander ant flying backwards.

Although she was brushed away so easily, Konchu quickly got back up and charged. Again and again the ground crumbled. Marks are left where the attacking ant launches herself from, and each time she’s easily thrown aside. The little ant did move to defend herself, but she kept to a certain spot as she deflected the charging bull. As if reading my mind, the tiny ant catches its jaws with Konchu’s jaws. Locking themselves into a sumo match of sorts.

At this point she’s toying with her. Hmm. I need to make sure I can keep her in check. She’s dangerous.

Not giving up, Konchu attempts to fire a breath attack at point blank while locking jaws. Already anticipating that sort of move the small ant clamps her jaws and swings her head up around then back down in quick succession. Interrupted by the counter-throw the big ant gets slammed into the earth creating a small crater.

“That’s enough!” I yell out to stop her demonstration.

I casually walk up to them through the settling dust cloud. Taking notice, I see a small fire fizzle out in the dust. Coming close to where I initially saw Konchu get put down, two ants stood still ready to blast each other with their fire breaths.

“I have a feeling, you’d come out unscathed even if she did shoot her breath in your face. Konchu go get healed.” I commanded. They both turn to me and kneel before the other rushes off to receive care.


“Was our spectacle to your liking, your majesty?”

I scoff and turn heel, before I leave to the hill I order the patrolling guards to return inside. Instinctively I clench my jaws, which is the equivalent to my habit of gritting my teeth whenever I’m stressed. Without facing the elite ant I begrudgingly answer her question.

“I understand now that you’re a pillar in our colony. Come. I have a lot to ask regarding your recent scouting mission and where to find a certain… something.”

“As you wish, your majesty.”

Reaching my massive chambers I sit at my dirt throne as the ant stands before me. I motion for Maru to sit by my side. Like an obedient dog she quietly scuttles over to her designated spot.

“I assume she’s your personal servant.” The small ant questions.

“A close friend, I take great care of my… colony. Her name is Maru, please call her by her name from now on. And you, just like Konchu… I shall name you…” I ponder as I look at her unscathed carapace.

Compared to Konchu she doesn’t have a single mark on her, which is very odd. Considering the fight she showcased was in close-combat… Hmmm. Her skills probably allow for a perfect shield and spear combo.

“I think Athena would work for you. It’s a strong name, perfect for a strong ant of your stature.”

She kneels showing appreciation to me and her new name.

“Very well, this glorious name I shall keep with pride. Thank you, your majesty.” She praises.

“Hmm… You’re welcome. Well with such formalities out of the way, let’s talk. What were you scouting for and what have you found?” Almost demanding with my questions.

“My mission was to scout out our surroundings. For any other ant colonies, sects, and two-legs. To which I have found, one other colony very far west of us and the two-legs up northeast from us. The two-legs, I would consider the closest threat as of now. Also… it seems the colony of two-legs northeast of us have amassed some pseudo-army of sects, including several elders.” Athena informed, emphasising her concern of the closest threat to our hill.

“I see… another ant colony and two-legs? Along with another army of… sects and elders? Hmm. I’m not sure if queens are supposed to be born of immediate knowledge so I ask again. What is two-legs, sects and elders?”

She immediately explains the three terms that I’m not aware of. And something clicks in my mind.

So. We’re actually bigger than humans in this world. Meaning… Ari may be able to notice me, which is great. But I’m still a fucking giant monster ant, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy a loving embrace with her with these dull cold insectal legs of mine! Dammit! Communicating is nonexistent between humans and sects too.

Clenching my jaws, I let out a low frustrated groan. Using half of my willpower to not smack my throne into pieces, I shift in the way I’m sitting and question Athena once more.

“So… regarding this two-legs’ giant stone nest… will you be able to guide me there?”

“If that is what you wish. Then I shall guide you there, your majesty.” Athena bows.

“It is what I wish. Now go, Athena. Prepare a small unit of elite troops and bring along Konchu… I have a plan before we make any contact with the giant stone nest. And there’s not a moment to waste we’ll leave at sundown.” Raising my front leg I declare order to swiftly act to Athena. Upon hearing my next demand she quickly stands and excuses herself. The moment she leaves I sigh of relief and sit more comfortably on my throne.


“Now then… Maru I want you to bring a small group of workers with us. Go on.” I gently pat her head.

“Uhh… okay, I’ll grab some of my sisters to come with us. Excuse me, my queen.” She quickly replies and bows before running off after Athena.

“Damn that Athena. She’s exerting pressure for some purpose… Tch. I will not succumb to whatever game she’s trying to play. No one will stand in my way, not even in this world. Not when Ari is here.” I swore to myself while opening up the status of Athena. I go over the skills that allow her to be seemingly invincible.

Name: Athena

Race: Fire Ant

Class: Prime Champion

LV 7

HP: 1,600 / 1,600 (green)

MP: 100 / 100 (blue)

SP: 1,100 / 1,100 (orange)

Offense: 2,000 Defense: 1,100 Magic: 100

Skills (25):

[Iron Skin LV 7] [Strength LV 7] [Life LV 5] [Accuracy LV 7] [Touch Sensory LV 7] [Smell Sensory LV 7] [Vision LV 5] [Movement LV 7] [Intelligence LV 7] [Fire-Breath LV 5] [Resistance: Fire LV 7] [Bite LV 7] [Movement Increase LV 7] [Intel LV 5] [Weakness Exploit LV 7] [Increase Damage: Humans LV 7] [Increase Damage: Sects LV 2] [Close-Counter LV 7] [Throw LV 5] [Deflect LV 6] [Wrestle LV 7] [Foresight LV 5] [Mucus LV 5] [Adapability LV 1] [Pressure LV 5]

“Uh-huh… Skill-wise she's way stronger than Konchu. At least she doesn’t have much resistance to my Manipulate skill. Damn her for trying to put me under her pressure. From the moment she appeared she kept that skill activated on me. I’m too weak since I’ve only been alive in this world for a week or so now. Haven’t got a chance to take on any enemies for actual experience… Konchu’s training did help me settle in my ant body and how I can engage in combat.” I sigh to my own incompetence. While waiting for the ants to assemble their two small squads I take the time to read up on Athena’s skills.

“Hey my queen, I… hope this is enough of us for what you need.” Maru hesitantly answers as she leads a group of five worker ants.

I turn to greet her and the other ants. They bow once they face me.

“You may stand, and this is good. Thank you, Maru, for bringing them. Now we can leave to one of the smaller two-legs nests.”

“My Queen, the squad is ready to leave when you are.” Konchu bows awaiting my signal. Behind her stood fifteen elite soldier ants.

Acknowledging Konchu, I take the time to briefly explain a few things to Maru about my plans. Recalling my only knowledge I have through history class and gaming, I came up with a few formations and strategies for us to use. With the help from a Prime Champion and a Hardened Commander they shortly refined my tactics.

“Athena take the lead! Konchu, you and your squad keep a small perimeter around me, Maru and her squad. Keep a tight formation till we reach the nest. Now, let’s move!”

Broadcasting my voice, the ants yell ‘Yes, My Queen’ in unison. Like a horde of horses we take off at full speed. The sun has long since fallen and been replaced by an enormous crescent moon. Proportions in Celestia are apparently twice as large compared to Earth, including the moon and the sun. Even though its size, it’s still a crescent moon allowing for an ample amount of darkness. Which puts us ants at an advantage against humans.

“There’s a small nest ahead. I don’t sense any two-legs patrolling the area” Athena quickly informs as we approach a farming field.

I give a chirp to signal us to slow down and move quietly. The rumbling of the ground tends to give away our location because of our large stature and weight. But with us trampling over the moist ground and plants it serves us in silencing our steps. The village we came to is tiny. The area around it is mostly farmland, and the seven buildings in the middle weren’t big at all. The homes are dated, simple straw roofs with stacked stone walls. It’s like going back in time to a western’s medieval setting.

From the looks of things maybe twenty or more people live in this cozy little place. Is this world regressed in terms of technology? To be honest… I thought they’d be more protected against giant insects like us. Strange though… if monsters like the sects exist then humans should be pretty much struggling in living in such a world.

We come to a halt by one of the homes and Athena turns to me.

“Your majesty, I sense no powerful two-legs in this village. A lucky find for us. Although the houses are somewhat protected by a spell imbued into the walls.” She faces the house placing her front leg on the stone wall. It faintly glows a blue-ish hue as she touches the wall.

“So that’s how they do things… Will this be a problem?” I run my leg along the wall with a slight fascination of the blue hue glowing wherever I touch.

“No, with the sisters I’ve chosen we will make quick work of these.” Athena affirms.

“Good, surround the village. We’ll round up these two-legs as I need as many subjects for my plans to proceed. Maru and your squad wait with me” After issuing my commands I move to the edge of the village. We come to a large middle path splitting the buildings apart and wait. I take a moment to look around.

I almost forgot how actual silence is in a place people live. No cars, no planes, no trains, not even the common sounds of a bustling city nearby. Soon… Soon I can enjoy this sort of peace with Ari.

I give one loud chirp and in that instance the sound of walls crumbling echo throughout the village. Not long till the screams and yells of humans erupt from an invasion of the six-legged creatures. It didn’t take long at all for Athena, Konchu, and her team to round up all the ‘two-legs’. Like cattle they are steadily directed to the middle opening pathway in the village. Taking count of each person, I notice something odd.

“They’re all men… Why the hell is that?” Even with my ant form, I can almost feel my face distort in revulsion. I look at Konchu guiding another young man to the group.

“Konchu, any other two-legs? Small ones, old ones, or the female kind?” I take a look at the man she’s guiding. I see his eyes facing down, I hear his short quick breaths, and notice quivering hands.

“No, My Queen. We’ve only been capturing males.” She shoves the man into the grouping.

This is fucking suspicious. Villages would have families… children, women, grandmas, and grandpas. These are all just stupid adult men!

Another minute passes and more men dressed in normal peasant clothing pile in.

“This is clearly a trap. Maru, have your sisters stay close to me. Konchu! Call Athena and gather the squads. Be on the defensive. Now!”

“Yes, My Queen!” Konchu turns to run off. Before she could take another step, a single light orb shoots off into the sky.

“Who?!” I turn to look at the group and I see the trail of smoke right above the men.

After a certain height the small white orb slowly ascends almost like a balloon floating away. It’s soft whirs echoes throughout. All the surrounding ants and I couldn’t help being drawn to the light source.

Whiiiirrr… BOOM!

In a split second it reaches its peak and the orb explodes into an enormous blinding light.


“I can’t see!”

“P-protect the Queen!” Blind from the flash, my soldiers quickly try to go into a defensive formation.

“F-fuck! Ugh! Maru and your squad keep close! Everyone else prepare for an ambush! Use your chirps so we can coordinate! Damn these filth.” Unable to keep my composure I yell out.

Okay gotta calm the fuck down… Our eyes may be taken out, but we got other senses to rely on. At least there’s wasn’t a fucking loud ass sound. They’re all probably soldiers or hunters or whatever. Fuck.

Switching to communication with our chirps we slowly position ourselves in small close-knit groups. For some reason things around us are astoundingly quiet. The sound of rustling clothes, heavy breathing, and jumbling footsteps on the dirt are all gone. Our chirps continue to echo, but steadily the chirping of our soldiers quiets down.

“What the fuck is happening?” I feel my jaws jitter a little as I speak.

“I… I uhh I- I don’t know, my queen. We still can’t see…” Maru presses herself close against me along with the other quivering worker ants.

I feel like a minute or two has passed and this blindness still hasn’t worn off. This might be an actual debuff with a set time… At least my worker ants are surrounding me. They’ll serve for a decent shield till I can figure out what the hell to do.

Boom! Whiiir! Boom! Kaboom!

More explosions go off, but this time they have a familiarity to them. Blood-curdling screams of humans ring out, breaking the deafening silence. Shouting, swords clashing, war cries, and ant chirps finally invade my hearing. As if the quietness cast upon me dispersed from initial explosions.

“Your majesty. We’re under attack by more two-legs, apparently a bigger reinforcement force was waiting just far enough outside this village.” I hear Athena inform me from behind me.

“Athena! God dammit where- Ahem. I see… if that’s the case. These two-legs here are just a distraction for the reinforcement to arrive.” Letting out a small outburst before composing myself I turn to face where I hear Athena talking.

“Then… their plan must be to surround us. We are all in the middle of this cursed village.”

“What are your orders, your majesty?”

“My orders? Hmm… Exterminate. Get rid of all the two-legs here! Then we’ll counter attack their reinforcement before they surround us. We can… we can use these structures as a natural defense. Curse these filth for wasting my valuable time like this” After ushering my order, I mumble my cursing under my breath.

“Understood, I'll get our soldiers prepared shortly.”

I huff to Athena’s calm statement. Through the entirety of waiting my blindness kept in effect. Once Athena made her way into the heat of battle, she quickly snuffs out the shouting of men. And under a few minutes, our chirps reigning supreme again. Coincidently, the blindness wears off. Now I see the littered remains of human bits spread across the grounds. A lonely head separate from its body stares up at me in terror, the same head of the young man Konchu guided earlier. I look down on the distorted face feeling the same disgust I still possess when I first set eyes on these men. I kick over the head as I make my way to Konchu and Athena.

“My Queen, we exterminated all the two-legs in this village. Athena has set our squads in place for a counter-attack.” Konchu bows.

“Good. Now we’ll destroy the oncoming force before they can realize their own stupidity of challenging me.” Condemning the rest of the humans preparing to attack us.

These games I have to play. If I need to conquer the damn world to stop everything and everyone from interfering with my plans than so fucking be it! I will not let my initial plans of having my life in the arms of Ari’s be ruined by men. All of them, worthless. No more-so than my monster for a ‘father’.


“Before you say... Anything, Athena. I want you to capture a small group of these filth. We’ll show them our power to render some of those too terrified to fight, and I’m sure those will be the easiest to capture. But... If you can find and detain their leader, I’ll reward you. Greatly. Is that understood?” I demand, each word seeping with resentment, annoyance, and aggravation.

“Yes, I understand your majesty. I shall carry out your orders as I always have. With... Pleasure.” Athena bows stating her last two words with a hint of sick delight.

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