《I Graduated to Become an... Ant Queen?! (Isekai)》Chapter 6: [Part 1] I Need to Find Her Now!


“Haah… mmm… haah.... Oh… Ariki… Ariki… Ariki! Mmm!” Holding a shirt to my face I take long whiffs. Taking in the exuding scent of a girl’s shirt.

Lilac… Ariki’s favorite perfume… I can’t get enough of it!

Rolling around in my big bed as I pleasure myself. My eyes shut tight as vivid images of my fantasies arouse me further. With no one to disturb nor stop me my moans leak out. Quickening the pace of my fingers, I scream out her name.

“Mmm! Ariki!” Reaching my climax I thrust my hips up tensing my muscles before relaxing back onto the bed. I take deep breaths as I listen to my heart beat fast. Before I could take another whiff of Ariki’s t-shirt there was a loud knock at the door downstairs. I quickly hide the shirt then clean myself up. Before succumbing to my naughty desires I laid out a towel on my bed to make sure any mess I make is easily disposable. Using one of my perfumes I spray around the bed. Before running downstairs I throw the towel in my dirty laundry basket.

“Hold on! I’m coming!”

Reaching the front door the person outside rings the doorbell. I enter a code into a numpad next to the door. After hearing a beep from the numpad I finally unlocked the extravagant door.

“Hey Ari, come in. Um… my parents are on their business trip at the moment so it’s just us.”

“Huh? What about your maids, Isa?” She walks in carrying her school bag decorated with various video game merchandise. The tint of purple from her dark long hair showing under the sun. She wore her usual white sundress, pastel red shrug, and plain round-toe date pumps.

She’s always gorgeous in everything she wears… mmm…

“Oh they’re out for the day, but they’ll be back tomorrow sooo… we totally have the place to ourselves!” I yell out causing an echo in my home. Ariki smiles and cups her hands.

“That sounds great! We should play some games then!”

I laugh and cup my hands like her.

“Yeah I already set up the tv in my room! I bet I can beat you this time!”

“Hahahaha. That’s funny, very funny, I didn’t know you’re gonna major in comedy, Isa.”

“Sure am, since I know a joke when I see one.” I stick my tongue out at Ari and turn around. Running off up the stairs to my room.

“Hey! Take that back!”

Ariki chases after me into my room, closing the door behind her as she runs in. Taking off the shrug she chucks it at my face, but luckily I was prepared to catch it. She sighs and drops her school bag by my bed and sits on the huge bed besides me. I’m already sitting crossing my legs at the edge of the bed. I hand Ari her controller and start up the console. The game blares its starting screen theme song as soon as it loads. After a few button presses we get to the character screen.


I toss her shrug back to her.

“So um.... Ari?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Are you actually gonna… move?”

“Hmm… well…”


“I talked with my family about it, they’re all for it. And I really wanna go… it's just the matter of still supporting them from another city.”

“...w-well if that’s the case why not try for the colleges here?”

“Because this is exactly the one I was gunning for since the start of sophomore year. You know this, Aisaki.”


Despite our conversation our fight in-game intensely continues on. Our eyes glued to the tv, the clicky clacky of our controllers loud as ever. Smacks, punches, throws, grabs, swipes, power moves, and jumps. I did my best to keep on my toes against Ari’s fighting style.

“Yeah… I know. I just… I just want you to stay here. Ahem with me.”

“You’re always so clingy with me” She nudges me and I look at her. She gives me a big cheeky smile while smacking a button on her controller.


“Hey! No fair! You distracted me!”

“Do what you gotta do. Hehehe~”

“Rematch! I demand a rematch. And this time I will take you down KillerKuin.”


“So how about you, Isa? Our graduation day is in a few days, you gotta have some plans for college or something by now.”


My plan to convince her to stay didn’t go so well… but I still got this plan... Hopefully I won’t sound too weird… I did my best to get into the same college she got. I’m not gonna be left behind especially in this dreaded house. But…. how should I tell her though?

“So... I may or may not be going to the same place you’re going too”


“I-I got accepted to the same college…!”

“Hahaha I hear you, you don’t have to shout. I’m really happy, I guess I can’t go to college without my best friend.” She wraps her arms around me hugging me tightly.

“I’m proud of you.” She smacks another button on the controller while holding it with one hand.


“How- do you do that??”

“Hehehe~ By the way, what’s the perfume you used today? It smells pretty good.”

After hours of playing we let the tv run music as our background noise. I sat on my chair in front of my desk while Ari still sits on my bed. She pulls out her laptop from her bag, turning it on and opening up the MMORPG game we always play together on. Logging onto my pc I also open up the same game. She laid on her stomach, feeling up my soft silk blanket with her milky skin. Her dress was a little pulled up baring the majority of her legs and thighs. My curiosity unable to resist the magnetic force of her beauty, I eye her up before she notices. Ari then stretches turning over to face me.

“Well if you’re gonna come along then… I got big news!”

Already facing my pc and typing away at my keyboard.

“What’s the big news, Ari?”

“Hehehehe!~ So… you know… Hideki…”

My heart drops.

I recognize way her voice changes as she mentioned that guy’s name.

A growing hole invades my stomach as I try not to breathe too heavily.

No… No, don't talk about him. Don’t. Please tell me she’s just gonna talk about dumb conversation she had with him and nothing more.

“... Y- yeah, I remember Hideki. You talked about him before… but he didn’t really seem like much.”

“I know you don’t trust guys. But at least trust me, Hideki isn’t a bad guy. And we planned a date in the city of the college. It’ll be a few days after our graduation buuut… yeah. Since you’re going to my college too, I want you to meet him. After our date of course. I can’t third-wheel my best friend.”

I feel a vein in my head expand as I clench my teeth. I take a deep breath and look at Ariki. All I could muster was a wry smile.


“I- I don’t think he’s good for you, Ariki.”

“I think he is. Look Isa-”

NO… Ari why? Why would you betray my feelings like this?!

“No! Ahem… sorry. Um... Look I’ve heard some rumors about him. He’s a playboy. He’s got his eyes on you because you’re very pretty and smart. He wants to use you.”

“Aisaki, what are you saying? I’ve known him for a while now and I know a shitty person when I see one. And trust me he isn’t that sort of guy.”


“Well then maybe you’re just stupidly blinded by love!”

“Aisaki! You can’t tell me that. Sigh… I know I’m attracted to him but-”

The rest of what she says fade as my eyes focus on her lips. Her words became incomprehensible leaving only my words rattling in my mind.

Ari can’t love him. She shouldn’t love that nobody. I won’t let her. She’s no one else’s to have. No one else deserves her. She’s only mine. Only mine. Only mine. Only mine.

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” I cover my ears, shut my eyes, and scream. A moment passes and I open my eyes to see Ariki standing up and close to me. Her hand outstretched to me.

“Aisaki… look let’s just talk this out okay-”

“No!” I smack her hand away.

“You betrayed me now get out! Please just… Just Get Out!” I turn around on my chair facing away from her.

“Isa…” She sighs and grabs her laptop and bag. I listen to her walk to the door and open it.

“I’ll see you at the graduation okay?”

She closes the door. Her footsteps echo down the stairs. The only noise left was the music. I shut off my pc and jumped into my bed grabbing my pillow and screaming into it. I screamed, yelled, and cried till my voice started to hurt. My tears soaking a spot on the pillow.

She’s gone… I… I lost her. She… I… No. He took her away from me. It’s all that stupid nobody’s fault. Poisoning her mind with stupid fantasies. It’s just all a fucking ruse so he can use her. I know it is! Ari doesn’t understand… it’s not her fault for being so blinded by such filth, trash, pathetic, insignificant, insect. I… I gotta save her somehow. Save her from the pain. Only have her be happy, happy with me.

I shot up, sitting on my bed with my hair hanging down my face. My tears continued to fall, but my urges to scream my urges to cry are gone. I chuckle to my brilliant realization. Moving my hair from my face I get up and sit back on my chair. Turning on the pc, I frantically searched around the web.

“Hehehe… yeah… she’s just confused, fooled, blinded. For someone so innocent… she can easily be corrupted by fake fantasies from a demon. I’ll just have to save her. Make sure she’s safe… take her… to a safe place. Make sure she’s only mine.”

The day of High School Graduation

I open up a decorated bottle dropping a few pills inside the drink before closing it up and shaking it. I do the same for my bottle. Looking down at the bottles I couldn’t help but smile. The corners of my lips curled as high as they could.

Hehehe… hehehe… Ari… Oh my Ari… I found it. I found our solution. Your solution. Your salvation. A way for no one to bother us. A way for our future to never separate. A way for you to finally see the truth. I had to use my trash father’s money and my slut mother’s connections, but it won’t matter anymore when we go to our special place together.

I walk out of the school’s restroom in my graduation dress. After a few minutes of searching I find Ariki talking to other classmates. Quietly I come up behind her and poke her.

“Hey Ariiii!”

“Oh hey, Isaaaa!”

We both collide hugs happily jumping up and down in our dresses.

“Look Isa I’m sorry about what happened at your house I-”

“Oooh… It’s okay, Ari. I forgive you. I can’t stay mad at my best friend forever you know?”

“Hehe… I’m glad. I can see you’re feeling great too, got my goofy smile on your face.”

“Well I did bring you something… Here!” I throw her a bottle and she almost drops it.

“Hey! Little warning next time okay?”

“Payback for cheating ingame!” I hold up my bottle decorated with my favorite characters from the MMORPG we always play on. She smiles and holds up her bottle. Then comes in for a hug.

“It’s sooo adorable! I love it! Thank youuuu! Yours is so cute too!”

“It's your favorite drink too, my special made green tea.”

“I totally love you, please be mine”

“Gah- huh?”

“Haha I’m teasing. Let’s go. The ceremony is gonna start soon.” She takes my hand pulling me to line up with the other graduates.

Ari sat a few seats away from me in my row. Most of the ceremony went normally with the exception of my best friend’s family cheering in the background. Halfway through they began calling each student to come up the stage and receive their diplomas.

“Aisaki Kawari!”

Getting up, I glance at Ari. She was already smiling and waving at me. Her radiance hit me hard making my heart skip a few beats. I shiver from the bottom of my spine to the top of my head, but I kept steady and returned her a smile and wave. Upon walking on the stage Ari’s family kept cheering for me, calling out my name in their cheerleading routine.

“YAY! YAY! Gooooooo! Aisaki! A! I! S! A! K! I! Congratulations! Aisaki!”

Waving out to them I smile and yelling out to them.

“Thank you!”

Don’t worry Mrs. and Mr. Kuin… Your daughter is gonna be safe with me. I’ll make sure she’s forever happy. So don’t worry.

Taking my seat again I made sure to secretly keep an eye on Ari. Few more names were called.


I open my bottle and take a large gulp of my drink. At the same time Ari took a couple sips of her drink.

“Ariki Kuin!”

I’m sorry, my Ari… It’ll be painful at first, but soon things will be better from now on. I made sure these pills are perfect. I made… perfectly sure. Hehehe...

Her hair gleamed and flowed as she took the stage. To me, she seemed to be illuminating a heavenly glow under the stage lights. Like the spotlights only focused on her with each step she took. The gown dress gently flowed with the movement of her body. My the corners of my lips curled up high and in that moment our eyes met. Exchanging smiles and waves to each other, I could not care for anything or anyone around me. Just her.

“Ari- cough…”

Within my heart a growing fire abruptly rose and in seconds I’m coughing blood. Unable to speak another word silence fell upon the crowd, but not for me. Looking up I watch as Ariki falls. The grin on my face grew to its fullest form, blood trickling down my cheek. Without breaking eye contact from each other we watched as our world around us fades.

Don't worry... I’ll find you…

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