《Private Academy System》Chapter 42: Picking the students


After thinking for a while, Ensen narrowed it down to what he thought were the top three people with the most potential. Two of them were boys who seemed well-spoken and mature for their age whereas the other was an incredibly shy girl who seemed like a loner. She sat away from all the other kids during their lunch and read a book when she finished eating.

Looking down at the list in front of me, I spoke to the lady who seemed to run the orphanage “Could you please get me, Anabella, Warren, and Stephen please?”

With a slight nod, she began to walk off to gather the three kids.

While a few of the kids did have last names, the majority did not so the staff preferred last names not to be used unless necessary to make everybody feel included.

After waiting a few minutes of waiting, Ensen began to grow bored when the three students arrived.

Remembering their looks from when he had met them previously, the blonde boy on the left who wore a dirty white t-shirt was Warren and the boy in the middle with black hair and a baggy black sweater was Stephen.

On the right was a girl with large glasses and light natural red hair. This was Anabella and similar to Stephen she wore a baggy black sweater. While she could probably different clothes to wear, Ensen assumed she wore it because of how comfy it was.

Slowly lining up in front of them, they all were visibly confused about why they were called here in the first place.

Deciding to take the time they are confused to check their talents, Ensen began with Anabella.

[Name: Anabella]

[Affiliation: None (Homeschooled)]

[Talent Rank: A]

[Specialty: Studying]

[Innate skill: The way of silence]

‘That’s an… interesting innate skill name.’ Ensen thought as the system showed details on the skill.


[The way of silence causes the skill user to be silent, only speaking whenever it is necessary. Because of this, they are commonly seen as a recluse from society as well as a cold person who does involve herself with or care for others.]

After reading the description given by the system, Ensen thought it made sense.

‘Is the studying specialty rare?’ Ensen asked in confusion. He certainly did not expect there to be a studying specialty.

[That is correct, the studying specialty is incredibly rare. In fact, the majority of people who helped advance society to where it is today had it. For example, the inventors of the wheel, printing press, and vaccinations all had it. It provides many benefits with the largest one being it raises their talent rank by an entire grade.]

‘Wow, it really is an amazing specialty then.’ Ensen thought as he turned his gaze over to Warren.

[Name: Warren]

[Affiliation: None (Homeschooled)]

[Talent Rank: C]

[Specialty: Classical dancing]

[Innate skill: natural fighter]

‘What a weird combination, well luckily his talent reaches the minimum so I’m happy.’ Ensen thought in relief.

Taking a moment to pray that Warren wouldn’t be a trouble maker, Ensen turned his gaze to the final person he had picked, Stephen. As he was about to use the talent scanner on Stephen he realized that they had been standing there for nearly a minute while he was simply just looking at them.

Feeling awkward about what he had done, Ensen quick greeted them “Oh I’m sorry, I was just in deep thought. Feel free to sit down while we continue.”

Pausing for a moment, they looked around in confusion before taking a seat at a nearby table.

“Okay, do you guys know why I brought you back here?” Ensen asked, curious about what they were thinking.


After a few moments Warren responded bluntly “No we don’t”.

Not sure how to feel about how Warren was acting, Ensen began speaking randomly, trying to buy enough time for him to check Stephen’s talent rank. “That’s a good question Warren, and the answer goes back to…

After focusing on Stephen for a second a blue box popped up.

[Using talent scanner costs one education point. Do you wish to use it?]

Feeling his heart falling apart from his rapidly depleting funds, Ensen confirmed and Stephens’s talent values showed up.

[Name: Stephen]

[Affiliation: None (Homeschooled)]

[Talent Rank: B]

[Specialty: Leadership]

[Innate skill: natural leader]

‘Wait, he has two leadership skills? Well, no time for thinking.’ Ensen quickly stopped himself as he turned his attention back onto his speech.

“And that’s why this city was founded in the first place… Okay, that’s enough.” Ensen said.

‘What was I even talking about? Well, it worked, they seemed to ignore completely ignore it anyway, besides Anabella. Why is she staring at me?’ Ensen thought as he collected his thoughts.

“Anyways, the reason why I’ve brought you all here is I want to offer each of you a scholarship for my school as I said earlier. Does anybody have any questions?” Ensen said kindly.

“So it doesn’t cost money?” Stephen said in a suspicious and unbelieving tone.

“It’ll still cost money to get there and eat,” Anabella said, so softly that Ensen had barely managed to hear her.

“I will help you out with all of your expenses so don’t worry. We can figure out the transportation issue too. Any other questions?” Ensen responded.

Pausing for a few moments, Ensen continued “Okay great, then does everybody agree to become students at my academy then?”

Seeing everybody nod, Ensen smiled gently and said “Good to hear. I will inform you guys when school is going to be starting then. In the meantime just try to read some books you’re interested in to enhance your knowledge.”

After a few more minutes of discussion, Ensen informed them that he would be leaving and returned to his car.

Opening the door to his car Ensen thought ‘I hope they have decent knowledge about the subjects I’ll be teaching. I know wanting to know advanced English is unreasonable, but it will set things back quite a bit if they need to learn a few year’s worths of classes.’

Slowly driving making his way back to his apartment for the day, Ensen smiled in satisfaction and tough “Show me my status.”

[Don’t use the system and drive. It is against the law.]

Mentally face-palming, Ensen yelled, “Damn it!”

Arriving back home, Ensen proceeded to take a long shower.

“I’m surprised those kids haven’t contacted me yet. I’m giving them free education, and good education at that. But I guess it would sound suspicious if somebody randomly came up to you and said that even if they could find me just by searching me up. Well, there’s still some time left in the day so I hope they call soon.” Ensen thought out loud.

After a while, he proceeded to get out of the shower and change clothes before heading towards the couch.

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