《The Colour Chronicles》Chapter 35 - Reunion


She is? Then where is she? I look around me and see nothing.

A laugh brings me back to the phone. "If I were behind you, wouldn't you hear my voice behind you?" Oh, yeah that makes sense, I'm stupid. I feel my face turn hot.

"Wanna find me? Go to my favourite spot." April smiles happily before disappearing. The phone makes a few beep beep noises before it's back to how it was before.

April's favourite spot? In her soul space? At least I know that this isn't it now. The courtyard? The throne room? The entrance? What else did she make?

The kitchen? I don't think she likes food that much that the kitchen is her favourite. The common room? That could be it, I guess. There's books there, and it's nice to relax.

No use staying here, she won't come here. Should I take the phone with me? Just in case? April can reach me through that, so it should be with me.

I pick up the phone and climb the ladder. She's not in the throne room, also not in the courtyard. Good to know, so now where is she?

Not the common room either. I checked all the halls on the way here, and there's no one. Where would she be?

All I can do is aimlessly walk around, hoping to accidentally find her. Think, what would be her favourite spot?

She told me she liked the sun, but her soul space doesn't have it. Instead a full moon stands in the middle of the sky.

That reminds me, they renamed the sun to Kena here, didn't they? April called it a sun too, maybe it's just the language here?

The language changed a lot, it's not what I used before. It's why I can't read anything here, it's too different.

Back to the point, April. The soul space seems to be a copy of mine, I don't know if she changed anything or not, didn't go to the secret room before.

If she made another room to be her favourite, I wouldn't know about it. She should know that, that means it's just the rooms we know about.

The rooms we made, I made the bedrooms. She wouldn't pick a random bedroom as a favourite though, I wouldn't be able to check all the rooms.

That would leave the room I made for her, right? But I didn't show her, so how would she know about it?

I got time, so I should head there just to be sure. It's the highest tower, easy to find.


As I arrive there, I find the door open. Does that mean this is it? It's been a long time since I last saw this place.

A laugh appears next to me as I walk in. "It took you a while."

I turn around and see April stare at me, she's sitting on the big bed. I want to jump in her arms to hug her, but I'm not sure if I can.

She, however, has nothing holding her back. She smoothly jumps off the bed and stands in front of me.

"Hey there, Blue. I missed you." She places her hands on my shoulders, before dropping her head on one of them.

The place she dropped her head is quickly stained with tears. "I told you I would follow you everywhere, and I failed. We're in this new place, and I… I couldn't find you for four years. If anything happened to you in those years, how could I live with myself? We all left you hanging for so long…" April talks fast, but not loud.

I would calm her or say that I'm fine, but my hands are tied. I'm powerless, I can't help the people I like at all. It's so frustrating, I want to do everything I can to help, and I end up being useless.

I clench my fists, and lower my head, silently crying to myself.

We stand like that for quite some time. I'm glad to have her back, and I don't want to let her go again. It's been lonely without anyone else who gets me.

She didn't force me to talk even one time, as if she understands that I can't.

A new voice speaks from behind me. "Hey leader, long time no see. I hope I'm not disturbing you at a bad time."

I look at the source of it and see Julie smiling at me, with her teasing smile.

April takes one step back from me and nods at Julie. "Hi White, look who I found," she says through the tears.

White? I stare at Julie and realise her eyes are white, is that the reason for the White? She looks different from before, like she's not a little kid anymore. There's an air of confidence with every move she makes, it was there before, but a lot more now.

"Great, now we don't need those missing posters anymore." Julie laughs.

"What would you put on the posters anyway? Missing child, isn't ours but bring her to us?" April teases.

With a few words of Julie, April is back to her usual self. I should've been the one doing that, but of course I can't.


"So, leader. Can I get a bit of love too? Or is that reserved for Yellow only?" Julie taps my shoulder. The tap doesn't feel like a teasing one, even though she's still joking around. The tap is calming somehow, telling me it's okay.

As I turn around to face Julie, something pushes my back and I hit Julie.

"Don't tease me like that, White!" April shouts. I'm guessing she pushed me.

Neither of them uses any other names than White or Yellow. Did they throw all that away?

"Don't be rude, I didn't ask you!" Julie laughs. She pats my back a few times before stepping back. "Whatever it is you're doing, we're here to help. Although I'm guessing we'll be useless. Go ahead and finish what you've started, don't worry about us."

Did she call herself useless? She's been more useful in these few minutes than I have been in my entire life.

"We'll be waiting for you, just give us a sign." April finishes Julie's speech.

"Now go out there, you're stronger than this. You don't need to run away from your problems, you need to face them head on." Julie gives me another pat on my back, and then disappears.

Surprised I look around, April waves at me and disappears too, leaving me alone in her room.

How does Julie always know what's going on? It's like she has a speech prepared to reassure everyone at every time.

I need to get out of here, they're waiting for me. I can't let them wait for nothing.

With a deep breathe I leave.

I open my eyes and feel something cold in my hand. Quickly moving my hand up so I can see what I'm holding, I stare in surprise.

It's April's phone. I forgot to give it back to her… But I can bring items from the soul space here? I need to hide this, I can't let anyone find out.

The phone disappears into my body, it's like the sword, isn't it? Did I make it with my soul? Or since I brought it from April's space, is it made with her soul?

Whatever it is, it's good to know I can use the items in my soul space.

The door to my room opens. "Honey, it's time for school." Sigh, I need to do this.

I prepare myself mentally and physically. It's just a bunch of kids, they can't do anything to me.

We're going with the same monster as always, it's easy and quick. If only we had it back in my old world, traveling would've been so much easier.

It starts to rain, it's accompanied with a ticking sound against the windows.

"Luckily we brought an umbrella, your mom has prepared us well," 'dad' says.

Never heard of that before, they have all kinds of useful inventions here.

"Okay honey, we're here now," 'dad' announces as he opens the door. I hop out by myself, almost getting drenched by the rain.

Before that happens there's a huge shade hanging over me. 'Dad' holds up a stick with some kind of fabric above me.

It stops the rain, and like that we reach the school without being drenched.

"Here, I'll put the umbrella in your locker. Don't go outside without it." 'Dad' opens something he called a locker and puts the umbrella in. Then, how will he get back without an umbrella?

Of course I can't ask him and he leaves without showing me.

The day goes by uneventful, because of the rain we aren't allowed outside at break time. It's boring, but if this is how it will be for the rest of the time, I won't have a lot of trouble finishing.

The whole school ends at the same time, and the doors are filled with kids running outside.

I take my time and grab the umbrella, it's not like I can go through all the kids anyway.

With a few minutes all the people are gone and I stand at the door, looking for 'dad'. I don't see him anywhere though, did he leave?

All I see is a lonely figure standing in the rain. Upon further inspection I'm surprised to say that it's Sophie. What is she doing here? All alone in the rain…

With my umbrella in my hand, I run towards her. I'm trying to outrun the rain, it's not working though.

As I reach her I put the umbrella on the ground. That should give her the hint, while not breaking any rules.

She looks at me confused as she picks up the umbrella. "Uh, thanks?" It's probably too late already, it doesn't look like there's a dry spot left.

"Your father asked me to pick you up, he couldn't make it or something." Really? What a coincidence. Especially since you should've seen it by now…

"And uhm, I don't have a key to your house or anything. So you'll be going to my home for the time being."

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