《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 23: Tower of Power *raw*


AN: Sorry guys for the wait. I think I have come to a standsill as an autor. Writing at this point becomes much more difficult. I struggled the whole week without coming up with something good. The problem is that I don't plan ahead and just start writing. The longer I don't write the more difficult it is for me to continue writing. Soon I will be on vacation and I'll will have the time to structure the whole story till then please bear with it. I won't abandon this fiction no matter what.

Also this chapter is rather short, sorry in advance. Thanks for your supportive comments thus far. Thanks for reading.

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Standing in front of the mirror I admire my new self. I look so badass now I can't even describe it. My black angle like wings combined with my pitch black eyes makes me look very sinister. My eyeballs are glowing a faint red and this black aura that is emitted out of my body. I would give a 8 out of 10 on the sinister scale. The only thing that is missing is a tail and horns.

My canines and nails also grew, which makes me more beast like.

I made different poses to admire my bulky and muscular body.

"Master what are you doing?" Shael asked me.

"You won't understand."

Satisfied with my body I nod and head out.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to enhance the village's defense."

"I see, shall I come too?"

"There is no need. You can have the day off."

"Very well. If you need something just call me."

"I will."

_ _ _

Walking around the village many people greet me. Some of them even feared me, well can't be helped if you look as awesome as I look.

Checking the village's current defense structures I can only sigh. There is only one watch tower and just a bunch of guards.

If a enemy were to attack, than we would be at their mercy.

"If it isn't the lord Thorus, what are you doing here?"

"I am thinking of building defensive walls around the village."

"Really that would be good, you see our defences are quite lacking."

"Leave it to me."

"Great when will you begin constructing."

"Right now."

The old man's eyes widen in surprise.

"How? We don't have any materials to build a wall yet."

"I have special power, you'll see once it is built just go home and rest. I will call you all when I have finished. And by the way when will the other elders arrive?"


"They will arrive today, thought I don't know when exactly."

"I see. Well I'll be probably have finished the walls before they arrive.

"I can't wait to see their faces. If you need something just call me."

I just nod.

The old man chuckled to himself while leaving.

Having a mental image of the village, I go to its center. I take a bunch of materials out of my ring of space.

Now what kind of walls should I build? Normal stone walls are just too ordinary and won't show our might.

Metal walls would be a good choice, but metal walls don't look sinister enough.

After contemplating a while I have come to a decision. I will make the walls out of obsidian. Not only does it look cool, it is also very sturdy and can take one hell of a beating.

The walls should surround the whole village. Also a few watch towers should be built. The walls should have spikes pointing out. It should also have at least two gates, one in the north and one in the south.

This should do for now.

Satisfied with my concept I place my hand on the ground and with my other arm I point to the pile of materials.

Imaging the walls the whole village starts to shine. People start to panic not knowing what’s happening. I should have told them beforehand. Well.. whatever..

The obsidian walls slowly formed, with watch towers soaring into the sky. While in the process of converting, a great idea pops out in my head. I equip each tower with a gatling gun and enough ammo to take out an army of thousands. I also place wireless surveillance cameras on the walls. Well that should be enough. With the gates formed I have finished the walls.

The people were dumbstruck, they couldn't understand how such big walls were formed in mere minuets. If it were to be build in the conventional way it would take months.

They were in awe seeing the about 30 meter high walls. I also made the walls about 30 km in diameter, leaving more space to expand. The trees that stood in my way I also converted as materials.

If the wood elves would see their precious trees wiped out they would go mad. These fucking hippies. One needs to destroy the environment to advance their civilization.

The old man and the others ran outside hearing the commotion.

"My lord, you... how..."

"Hahahaha, isn't this great? Look at the people they are all dumbstruck."

"As expected of my master." said Neurocarnium.

"Whoa, I would have never imagined something like that."

"This is the least thing I can do for my people. Now I need to build a castle before our guests arrive."


"Can we watch?"

"Why not."

I went to a flat piece of land. Now what kind of castle should I build.

After thinking for a while I came to the conclusion that I don't want to build your average castle. Every Kingdom has one. Instead I will build me huge ass tower that reaches till the skies. That will show them not to mess with me.

First I should build the tower, the defense systems can wait. I still can build laser cannons, gatling guns and such when the tower is complete.

The only problem is that I might not have enough materials. Well.. we will see, first the tower takes priority.

I take bunch of materials from my ring and also convert the earth beneath me. I imagine an obsidian tower with a height of about 1 km and 5 km in diameter.

The tower forming is a slow process and takes much longer then the walls. When the conversion finally finishes I was really exhausted.

The old man and the others had their mouths wide open.

"This... this...this" the old man fainted.

The others witnessing my power kneeled down.

The village people seeing the tower came to us.

One of them shouts.

"This is the mighty power of our savior, our king, the champion of the mad god. All hail Thorus."

Every person in unison

"All hail Thorus."

"Hahahahahaha. This is only the beginning. Soon we will rule the world. This for me, is just a stepping stone to world domination. We will show them our might of kingdom Furor."

I went with everyone into the tower. Leaving the old man behind.

The tower has about 130 stories.

First I need to create a power supply, for that I create a mana converter, which converts the mana in the air to electric power. I coat every floor with a special material, that powers electrical devices through induction.

I also create a high speed elevator with a special rope making it possible to reach the top in no time. It would be such a hassle to take the stairs all the way up.

"Master what is this?" asks Shael.

"This is an elevator."

"What is this elevator?"

"It is a moving room that will take us to the top."

"Whoa, I have never heard of such thing."

"Let's go inside."

Inside the elevator I press the button 130 and we are moving in high speed. After about 40 seconds, we arrive at the top.

This is where my throne will be. I look around and see only darkness. Ah, right I forgot to build windows. Realizing my mistake I convert the walls into bullet proof glass.

"Whoa, look! I can see the whole Forrest."

Shael and Neurocarnium run to the window and enjoy the view.

My job is still not done. The tower lacks personality.

I look in my ring of storage to see how many materials are left, with a sigh I realize there is almost nothing left. After I install the defense system and add some furniture, I will only have my sword left.

Well whatever, I have no choice.

I take all my remaining materials and place my hand on the the ground.

I imagine deployable gatling guns and laser turrets, the tower shines and the outer defense are taken care of. I install surveillance cameras in every floor. Then I create some screens in the throne hall showing me the pictures of every surveillance camera.

Nice I have some materials left. I make a throne out of obsidian and I also create some modern toilets with a sewage system leading out god knows where.

I also create some nice furniture in some of the floors making them in to luxurious rooms.

Satisfied with everything I sit down on my throne. Shael and Neurocarnium noticing that kneel down in front of me.

"Stand up and relax, today is a good day."

In one of the screens I see the old man looking kind of lost.

* Sigh*

"Shael take your old man here up to me, it doen't look like he'll find us anytime soon."

She nodded and went down with the elevator.

I should also have built a speaker system.. well whatever I can still upgrade my tower.

Waiting for the old man to arrive, I considered the things I have accomplished.

I would have never imagined that one day I would create a Kingdom. Nor did I ever think that people would follow me and treat me like a god.

Thinking about what I have accomplished I can only smile, then it dawned on me, how the hell am I going to explain all this to my parents?

They must be worried sick, before I could get a reply from them I left the elven village. They could be looking for me.

Oh jeez, the future indeed looks bleak.

The old man arrived at the throne.

"My lord, in my whole life I would have never imagined such things you did. This castle.. or should I say tower will show out might-"

"Yes,yes. Now when will the elders arrive?"

"One man of mine told me that they will arrive in about one hour. They must be pissing their pants right now, seeing the tower coming out of nowhere.Hahahaha"

"Hahahahah, that might happen."

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