《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 22: A world of pain


AN: Sorry guys for the long wait. Anyway School ended for good and now I have much more time to write. I noticed that my writng juice is slowly running out. I noticed that the consistency is still not there. In order to improve this fiction I need to work harder on it. This can mean that I am not going to release as fast as before. I think the characters are still lacking. Anyway thanks for reading and your comments.

PS: I broke the 2000 average views count. You guys are awesome.

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The woman 'I thought I lost forever is standing in front of me. What does she want? Did she come to save that pathetic man?.

''Hoo, If it isn't Verrona. What do you want?''

Verrona seeing Garadon's pitiful condition became shocked.

"Thorus. What did you do to Garadon?"

I sighed at this question.

"Can't you see? I am going to kill him in the most gruesome way possible. Do you want to watch? If so I will arrange a chair for you to sit on, you are going to need one. Yeah… this will probably take some time."

"What did he do to deserve such a death?"

"He wanted to kill me for embarrassing him."

"I can understand that you would want to kill him, but can you not let it slip this time?"

"You dare ask me to spare him? Know your place woman."

At my harsh words Verrona became startled. A few days ago I would do anything to suck on her tits, but right now I see her only as an annoyance.

"Please, If you love me spare him."

"You damn woman you dare to play the love card. I have no feelings left for you, so you better watch what you say or I might kill you."

Her face became pale and she seemed scared.

"W-what happened to you? Why are you so evil all of sudden? I thought you were a good guy."

"Hahahaha. So much for your character judgment skills. I was wicked from the start. Didn't I introduce myself as a madman? It is your own fault for not taking me seriously. You might have cured my wicked thoughts. I was willing to sacrifice everything for you and settle down."

"It is not too late for that. I followed you because I realized who I truly like."

"You "realized", hahahaha. You are the best. How can I believe your words after all the things you made me go through."

"Verrona, how can you say such things. Don't you love me?"

Garadon interrupted our conservation.

"No, I never had feelings for you in the first place. Our marriage was arranged, so I had no choice but to pretend that I loved you"

"Hoo, so this was the case all along."

"Yes, Thorus believe me when I say I have no feelings for this man."

"So then it should pose no problem for you, if I kill him."


She made a complicated face.

"I knew it. You are too soft. I need to kill him, I have to set an example. Anyway, I have talked for to long. Verrona watch how I am going to torture your fiance. Soon you will see the real me."

"Don't. Even if I don't love him, that is just wrong!"

"Shut up! You are starting to get on my nerves, if you continue to oppose me you will follow the same fate as this piece of trash."


I released a huge amount of killing intend towards Verrona. She was forced on her knees, the pressure preventing any attempt of standing.

She seemed to accept the situation and didn't cause any more disturbances, as she became silent with tears appearing in her eyes.

"Finally. Let's have a good time Garadon."

"You bastard, I am going to kill you."

"Hahahaha this is great, please continue. This is too amusing."

'It is finally staring lad. I can't wait to see his pained face.'

'You won't be disappointed.'

'You are the best.'

AN:*Mature content*. Contains torture, don't read further I you can't handle it.

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Now, how am I going to torture him?

First, I should take it easy starting with the classics. Like a tempered hot steel rod to the face and other various parts of the body.

I took out some material out of my ring of storage and converted it to steel rod.

The crowd seeing this were astonished.

I tempered the steel rod with my fire magic.

"Are you ready?"

"You bastard, do it if you dare."


I cast a binding spell so he couldn’t move and placed the hot rod onto his face burning his skin.

He screamed in agony, and the sweet stench of burned flesh slowly filled the air.

'Yeah, the tempered rod a classic.' Urkras seemed to enjoy it.

Verrona had a pained expression and she looked away. The crowd cheered.

"I am going to kill you! Kill you!! Kill you!!!."

"Yes, yes, you said that already."

Hmm somehow this doesn't satisfy me yet. I need to step up my game.

I kick down Garadon and he is on all three. This will be so evil. I put down his pants and exposing his bare ass for everyone to see.

Some people looked away, while some sick perverts were watching with anticipation.

"W-what are you doing you bastard, sick pervert."

"Try and guess where I am going to shove this steel rod."

Garadons scorched face went completely pale.

"No, no please don't. This can't be happening."

"Hahaha, prepare your anus! This will be really painful."

"No,no, no,no!"

I shove the tempered steel rod in to his ass. The sound of frying flesh can be heard.

He screamed like dying pig and lost concussions.

'Lad ,never before did I see such torture technique. I guess I have to take some notes. I can learn a lot from you. This is so great. I was right choosing you'

Some people showed pity for the poor Garadon.

"Please, can't you kill him already!" Verrona yelled with pleading eyes.

"What are you saying? The fun part starts now."

'Show me your best lad.'

I slapped Garadon's face so that he woke up.

He wakes up in pain and confusion, the rod still in his ass has cooled down.

"W-what? This pain is unbearable. Please kill me."

"You have no right for a quick death."

"You monster, you will be punished by the goddess."

"The goddess can go fuck herself."

"How dare you talk like that."

Annoyed at his remarks I convert a pincer.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I am making you shut up."

I force his mouth open and rip his tongue out with the pincer. A huge amount of blood is coming out of his mouth. His eyes became teary and he slowly begins to accepts his fate.


'I can't get enough of this lad. Please cause him more pain.'

'Will do'

I take the rod out of his ass and lay him down.

No words are coming out of Garadons mouth, he just screams and tries to resist.

With Garadon's body lying on the ground I take my knife. I cut open his belly and grab his guts ripping them out of his body. I stop the bleeding with my healing magic. I can't let him go yet.

Taking his intensities I play skipping rod with them. Some shit was still in them but it didn't bother me.

Everyone including Verrona were dumbstruck. I guess that was too much for them. Urkrass seemed to enjoy it though, as expected of the god of pain.

Garadon seeing his guts being used as a skipping rope was speechless. Even if he wanted to say something he wouldn't be able to, as I ripped out his tongue.

Some of the people left, not being able to bear it any longer. Some lost interest, while others went away to puke.

As time goes by, the crowd is gets smaller.

Man this is getting boring. I think it is time to end his misery.

Taking the knife I begin to skin him. I start with his arms. First I make a neat cut working my way up with the knife.

Garadon cries like never before.

Ah his cries are so pleasant to my ears. Garadons's crying is like a magnificent symphony orchestra playing a godly piece.

It took some time skinning this guy. He often lost his consciousness from all the pain, only to wake up again screaming.

Most of the people already left. Verrona not being able to comprehend the situation looked broken. She even threw up, but strangely didn't leave. Even if she wanted to leave I would have forced her to watch.

Anyway in front of me lies a skinned elf. He is barley alive with shallow breathing.

"Take this bastard and feed him to the pigs."

The guards nodded and threw his soon to be dead body to the pigs.

The pigs began eating him alive. Squeezing sounds accompanied with Garadons crying voice sounded out of the pig pen. Satisfied with my work of art I approach Verrona.

AN: *Torture ends here.*

_ _ _ _ _

Verrona seeing me coming closer to her takes a few steps back. She seemed like someone who saw a ghost.

"Go away, you monster!"

"Look at me" my body full of blood.

"This is the real me. I enjoy the suffering of living beings. I am a sinister being who someday will bring doom to this god forsaken world. Pray all you want. I will kill everything that stands in my way."

"How can you enjoy such things. This is beyond me. What happened to the cute kid who seemed so innocent."

"You had your chance to cure me. You could have been my salvation, but you are partly to blame for all this. I was sick from the beginning, but you created a true monster."

"How, why?"

"They say in times of pain one can change dramatically."

"Now come with me or suffer."

"No, no go away. I don't want to see you ever again."

She tries to get away from me but I order my guards to catch her. She is a elven elder, she is more useful alive. Taking her hostage can have a lot of benefits.

"Take her to the prison. Don't touch her or you'll regret it."

"Yes my lord" The guard agreed and took her away.

"The goddess will punish you for this. You won't ever live in peace."

Verrona screams at me, struggling to break free from the grip of the guards.

"I don't want live in peace and the goddess can come down and try me. I bet she is a bitch just like you."

'You are the best, lad! I am looking forward to be working with you.'


'Alena are you there? I haven’t heard anything from you for long time.'


Is she upset? Why I wonder, well whatever.

Neurocarnium and Shael came to me.

"Master you were great. I never knew you could such things to living beings."

"Follow me Neurocarnium and I'll show you much more wonderful things."

"Yay, great."

"What is the matter Shael you look troubled."

"Ah, it is nothing I just thought about how you killed that man."

"Well what do you think?"

"I think you over did it a bit."

"Maybe you are right. It is my first time torturing a humanoid, so I think I could do much better. Anyway with this, our enemies will grow in numbers, so there will be many opportunities to practice my skills."

"Anyway I am tired. I will go lay down for now."

_ _ _ _

Finally I can rest a bit. From all the things that happened today I became quite tired.

Closing my eyes I drift into sweet dreams, or so I thought.

Instead of a sweet dream I saw a place filled of darkness. Why does it have to be dark anyway?

Well let's see how this dream develops.

Suddenly voices could be heard.

"Why did you kill me?"

"You monster."

"You will pay for this."

"Who is there?"

Out of the darkness the guys I killed appear in front of me, including Garadon.

"Why? Why?!"

"Jeez, you guys getting on my neves. I want to have sweet dreams."

"You don't deserve happiness." says Garadon.

"Well it depends how you view it."

The dead men came to me and grabbed me shaking my body.

"Yo, guys chill. We still can talk this out."

"You deserve to die!" The men said in unison.

"Die, die!, die!!."

I sighed. This situation is ridiculous.

"Fuck off!."

I slash them with my arm. The men all are cut in half.

At last silence.

The silence broke and the bodies glowed, turning in to a dark mist.

The mist forced its way in to my mouth entering my body.

This caused me a great deal of pain. I screamed in agony but no sound left my mouth.

What the hell is going on? Can't be helped let's see how this will turn out.

After 10 minuets of agonizing pain and a burning sensation I was forced to wake up.

"Aaaaaaaah" I woke up screaming. Shael, Neurocarnium and the old man rushed in.

"What happened master?"

"Wh- what happened to you?"

"Uhh, that was a hell of a dream."

"Yo, what are you doing here?"

"Master, you body. It changed."


"As expected of my master. You look much more sinister than before."

"Give me a mirror I want to see."

Looking in to the mirror I couldn't believe my eyes. My crimson red eyes turned in to the darkest black, while my eyeballs were glowing in a faint red color. That is not all. Out of my body a dark aura was emitted, it seems like I can't turn it off.

My finger nails became pointed and more durable. Also my canines became sharp like those of a wolf.

"Woah, look at me I look badass!."

"Are you alright master?"

"I feel much better. It feels like I can do anything."

"As long you are alright than anything is good." said Shael.

"Well, let's see if I powered up."

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