《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 21: Unexpected Reunion


"Ah, thanks for the meal it was delicious, old man."

"I am not worthy of such praise, it was my daughter who cooked."

"Ohh? Shael you and cooking?"

"Of course that's the least of the things I can do"

"Wonderful what else can you do?"

"Eehh. I can ... I am good at magic?"

"Doesn't sound convincing to me."

"I- I can also do other things."


"Like, ehm you know."


"Aaaah, that's enough you're just teasing me."

"Woah, chill it was just a joke."

Shael realizing what she just said begged for forgiveness.

"I am sorry master. It just slipped."

"Hmm, why do you apologize? You don't have to worry, say what is on your mind. I don't need servants who can't be honest. They have to say what is on their minds. In certain situations it could be fatal. Like when I oversee a mistake and you don't correct me thinking it would hurt my pride."

"So I can behave the way I want?"

"Pretty much yes. Just don't shame me in public."

"You are too good to me."

"I see, so how about we get too know each other better?"


"Guys, can you leave us alone for a while."

The old man nodded and left with Neurocarnium and Arlen. I swear I think I saw a mischievous smile on that old man before he left.

Being alone with Shael she got really nervous. I looked deep into her eyes which she responded with averting her gaze.

In front of me there is a dark elf babe with white hair and crimson red hair. With a slender body and long legs to die for makes it really hard to control my self.


"Yes master?"

"Thorus is enough"

"Really?" she blushed.

"Yes, just try saying my name."


Her face became a more red with saying my name.

"Shael, do you know the reason why we are alone together?"

"To get to know each other?"

"Hmm, yes I said that."

This girl is to naive.

"Anyway let's sit down on the sofa for now."

We sat down with her body pointing towards me.

After a while a moment of awkward silence I break the ice.

"Can you strip for me?"


"Come on, I am broken hearted"

"You pervert, is that something you ask a girl?"

She became angry all of sudden, what is with her? I just wanted to take a peak.

"Well I was mesmerised when I saw you naked at the sea. The memory of your naked body is slowly fading away. I just thought you could refresh my memory of your stunning body."

"W-what? Is that all you can think of, you monster?"

"You are hurting my feelings."

"My feelings doesn't matter to you or what?"

"Don't assume things on your own. Of course I can show you something in return."

"What can it be?"


"I show you my dick, are you interested?"

"Wh- wh- wh- wh- what are you saying are you I- insane?"

Her face was redder then the fierce red of a full ripe tomato. Though she was showing showing resistance it looked like she was

"I am just a humble madman."

"That's so wrong, don't you have any shame?"

"Shame, hah good one. There is no shame. It is all in your head. It is the society what teaches us what is shameful or not. I am not bound to common sense."

"This doesn't make it better. Can you stop pestering me?"

"Che, you are no fun. I thought you were more adventures."

"Even if you are my master doesn't mean you can demand everything you want."

"Hoo? You are more brave then I thought."

"You said that I can behave like myself so don't whine."

"That's the way I like it. Your resistance only fuels my passion. A loose woman is not worth conquering."


She had a surprised flushed face.

"Don't play dumb. Can't you notice the advances I made towards you. When I saw you naked something inside me changed. I was deprived of any feelings except for grieve and hatred. When I saw you bathing at the lake, it struck me. My broken heart was fixed by you. You took the shards and put the pieces together."

"R-really. You have feelings for me?"

"I don't know what this feeling is. I just know that you are beautiful and have a screw loose. This combination makes you really attractive to my eyes."

"What do you mean with a screw loose?"

"It is just a saying. It means you are interesting."

"Hehehe, for the champion of the mad god to praise me makes me happy."

Too easy

"Now can you show me your tits?"

"You jerk, just when I thought you were a decent guy."

Her mood changed to the worse and I saw a slap flying my way. Because I am a man I of course take it. Maybe ,I even deserved it but just a bit.

*slap *

After the slap Shael realized her huge mistake. She got too comfortable with me and forgot who is sitting in front of her. Realizing her mistake she became pale fearing the consequences. Of course with me being a gentleman, I won't punish her. After all, I was really bold. For the sake of seeing her tits one day I won't do anything.

"I- I am sorry master. I got carried away."

"It is okay. I told you, be yourself. If your character involves violence then just show it. This was a splendid slap. I almost forgot how it feels to be put in place."

Someone knocked on the door. Who can it be? I hope he brings me good news.

"Come in"

The door opened and the old man came in.

"My lord, some elves came to our village and it appears that they are looking for you. Their leader is called Garadon, he doesn't seemed pleased."


"Garadon? Who the fuck is that guy."

Well I was getting bored after I realized that I won't see any bare skin. So this visit came like a blessing.

"I will greet our guests. Shell you can stay here and wait for me. It won't take long."

She nodded and I went to greet our guests. Before I closed the door I could hear Shael saying something to her self.

"How bold can this man be. Even c-c-calling me beautiful."

_ _ _ _

I went outside to the center of the village. A lot of people where watching it is rare that elves visit the dark elves. So most wondered what they are doing at the village.

About 20 armed elves came to our village.

Their leader seemed to recognize me and shouted.

"There you are, Thorus you bastard. Today I will pay you pack for embarrassing me."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"W-what, how dare you to forget me."

"What do you want? Stop pestering me and state your business. Whoever you are."

"You must be kidding me. It's me Garadon the fiance of Verrona."

Then suddenly something clicked.

"Aaaaah, that pathetic elf who was beaten so easy."

"You bastard I am gonna fuck you up."

"Can't you say anything else besides bastard. Well anyway please do so but don't think you gonna leave this place alive. You dare to invade my country? Your act is clearly an act of war."

"What are you saying? Country?"

"Ahhh, that's right you don't know yet. You are currently in Furor the Kingdom of the madmen and I am their king."

"Hahahahaha. Stop your jokes, the elves aren't allowed to establish a Kingdom."

"Do you think that will prevent me from creating one. You are currently in the capital Blackwood. Can I see you actions as a declaration of war?"

"I can't take you claims serious. Stop kidding me and let me end you life."

"You can try."

Garadon was fuming from anger and ordered his man to attack me.

"Neurocarnium protect the citizens, I will handle the rest."

"Leave it to me."

The men of Garadon charged at me with their swords. Garadon himself was standing at the back. What a pussy, I think it is time to use my gun.

I took out my baby and shot one of there soldiers directly into his head. The exploding bullet did its work making his head explode with a bang, spraying gore and brain matter everywhere.

Seeing a guns for the first time the solider didn't even try dodge. The bullet was just too fast. After realizing the deadliness of my gun the solider became aware of its danger. They had a shocked face, not able to believe what they just saw.

Some citizens where frightened by the power of my gun. Killing a trained solider in blink of a eye. Few citizens cheered me on while some fled to their houses not wanting to get involved.

The big commotion I caused made Shael come out of the house. She looked at me worried but that soon faded away when I shot my guns once more making a poor soldier head exploded.

"W-what is this weapon? I have never seen something like this. Mages, put up a magic barrier"

Seeing the panicking Garadon really puts a smile on my face.

A barrier with a green hue formed in front of the elves.

"Yo, if you put up a barrier how are you suppose to kick my ass?"

"You bastard, just you wait."

"I am tired of waiting."

I took out the explosive ammo out of my gun and reloaded it with magic piercing ones.

Aiming at the mages I pull the trigger. Boom, one down. Boom second down. The bullet just goes through the magic barrier like a hot knife through butter. Killing the elves with my guns doesn't feel real. I just pull the trigger and headless corpse are falling to the ground.

"H-how can this be. This must be a nightmare."

"You choose the wrong motherfucker to mess with."

Killing all the mages the barrier was no more.

In front of me a bunch of frightened pussies where standing in front of me. Some even pissed their pants.

"I- I am out of here, this is not what I signed for."

"Me too, mommy."

"Where do you thing you are going you disloyal bastards. Go back and fight him."

"You must be insane, there is no way I am fighting this monster."

The soldiers run away to save their lives.

"Wait for me I am coming too."

Garadon seeing his attempt to kick my ass to be futile also wanted to run away. No way I am going to let him be.

"Yo, wait. Stay here."

"You bastard, I will pay you back one day but it seems it is not today."

I chuckled at his attempt to flee.

I aimed at his knee and shot my gun severing his leg, making him fall on the ground.

Putting my gun back to its holster I slowly walk to the poor Garadon who is still trying to flee with his arms.

"Yo, where do you think you are going?"

"Hiii- spare me please I was foolish."

"Indeed you were. I hope you are prepared. You will soon experience pain like never before. You will wish that you weren't born at all."

I cast fire magic to burn his wound on his leg to stop the bleeding.

"Aaaaaahh." he screams in agony.

"Take it like a man."

I dragged him back to the center of the village. The people still dumbstruck watched in silence.

"Citizens of Blackwood. This piece of trash dared to invade our Kingdom with his soldiers. We might still be a small Kingdom, with only a village as its capital. But that doesn't give him them right to come on our soil and threatening the king. I judge this person to be guilty of attempted murder on me, your king, that is why he is hereby sentenced to death in the worst way possible."

The people cheered and praised my name.

"Hail the king."

"Death to our enemies."

I thought of a way to make his death as painful as possible. While thinking a woman struggled to go through the people of onlookers.

The woman cought my attention when she made it through the people, I couldn't believe who it was.

It was Verrona.



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