《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 20: Fight for your rights


AN: Sorry guys for the long wait. I couldn't wright much because I am busy. I can't upload daily at the moment. After the 27th I will deliver as usuale. Thanks for reading and your comments.

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"How long until we arrive your village?"

"We'll arrive in about 15 minuets."

Neurocarnium, Daisy and I were headed to the dark elven's village. On the way Daisy did nothing but complain. Her knees and hands are bruised already from walking on all four.

After about 15 minuets we are standing in front of the village. The dark elven village is not much different than the normal elves ones.

Walking in to the village the dark elves gather around me. They seem furious, they didn't like seeing one of their kin being treated like a dog. A young man came through the crowd of onlookers.

The young dark elf had white hair like Daisy and crimson red eyes.

"You bastard what are you doing to my Sister?"


"She is not your sister anymore. She is my dog."

"What? You bastard."

He was fuming from anger and charged at me with his sword.

This time however I did bother to dodge.

Seeing me dodging the attacks, Daisy became worried for her brother.

"Don't brother, you don't stand a chance."

He stopped and looked at us.

"How can you say that. I can't let you be treated like that."

"I know but please, stop before you will get hurt."

"You better listen to your sister."

The guards came to aid the dark elf.

"Neurocarnium watch my back."

"Yay, at last I have something to do."

"Guards let's attack together."

They nodded and about seven people charged me. Before they could reach me I flew above them. I took one of the guards by the head and gained altitude. When I was about 400 meters In the air I dropped him.

Neurocarnium in the meantime was busy with the other guards.

The body crashed on the ground, somehow he managed to stay alive, he must have enhanced his body with magic in the last second.

The people started to panic and went back to their houses.

"You monster, come down here if you dare."

I did what he wanted. It's no fun having too much of an advantage.

When I landed an old dark elf came. He also had white hair and red eyes.

"What is this commotion."

"Father. This man took Shael and keeps her like a dog."

"What? How dare you do that to my daughter. Arlen step aside I will settle this matter."

"Yes father."

"Old man don't think I will go easy on you just because you are old."

"Pah, I will teach you true pain youngster."

"Please do so old man. Thank you for you guidance."

A vein popped form the face of the old man. His hands where coated with dark magic.

He pointed his hands at me and continuous dark flames were shot at me.

I was confident enough to not dodge the flame. Taking the flames head on is a good way to know my body's limit.

The dark flame hits me.

"You fool you should have dodged."

My metal body temperature rose slowly. Step by step I walked to the old man.

"No way, you monster. Stay away."

He poured more mana into his spell the heat build up but it was still bearable. Everything except from my coat and helmet burned to ashes.


I stopped right in front of him, his mana run out and the dark flames disappeared. I was now in front of the old man, naked and my body glowing like tempered steel.

He was exhausted and looked at me with eyes full of fear.

"What are you?"

"Your worst nightmare. You ruined my clothes."

I grabbed him by the neck. His skin burned and the smell of burnt flesh could be smelled.

"Master please let my father go"

Daisy begged me with pleading eyes.

How can I say no to such a cute dog. She had eyes like a sad puppy.

I threw him to the ground.

"I didn't come to fight.I can understand you being angry at me. Let's make a truce for now and settle this matter like civilized beings."

The old man having no other choice agreed even thought he seemed pained at how I treat her daughter. As expected of an old man, he is a wise one.

"Let's go to my house."

"Father, how can you d-"

"Silence know your place. You stay here, I have to talk with the guests."

"Now follow me please."

We went into the old man's house. He offered us seats and Neurcarnium and me sat down. Daisy were looking me with expecting eyes.

"You may sit."

She sat down and rubbed her sore knees.

The old man poured us some tea and sat down.

"So young man may I now your name?"

"My name is Thorus the madman. And yours?"

"My name is Elion Darkmoon. I am the elder of this village. May I know what my daughter did to you, to deserve be treated like that."

The man choose his words wisely, he tries to avoid provoking me.

With my body still hot as hell smoke under my ass rises.

"Before you say something please wear some clothes first." said daisy while blushing.

"Ah. Right I totally forgot."

I took a mana crystal out of my ring of storage.

I start to convert it to some fine black clothes. The crystal starts to shine with my red-black-purple mana coating it.

Having finished the converting I put on the clothes.

"T-that red mana, are you perhaps related to the god of madness?"

I raised a brown. It is the first time someone mentioned the god of madness except for Urkas.

Should I tell him that I am the champion of the god of madness? If he also worships him then it would benefit me. If not... Well than I am strong enough to defend myself.

So I decided to tell him the truth

"I the champion of the god of madness."

His face tuned pale and the old man and Daisy got on their knees.

"I am sorry for the rudeness. If I only knew. Please forgive this foolish one."

See, everything goes smoothly.

"Stand up there is no need to beg. Tell me are you guys also worshipping the god of madness?"

"Yes we are. We dark elves are the only people that still worship him. After the great war, it was prohibited to worship the god of madness by the goddess Chadera. We fancy the dark arts so it is a given that we still worship him."

"Your race seems to have a backbone. It is good to see that my god has still worshipers. Sorry for treating your people poorly."

The old man bowed to me.

"No it is us that are sorry."

"Anyway, the reason your daughter is treated like that is because she tried to kill me."


His face paled and the old man looked at Daisy.

"Please forgive her she didn't know who you were just as I didn't knew. Please spare. If you must you can kill me instead of her."

"Woah, woah chill I won't kill you guys. How can I kill the ones that worship my god. We have the same faith. We are brothers."

His face regained some of its colors and he became relived.

"I need to keep your daughter for a while, she is an amusing one."

"It would be a-"

Daisy interrupted.

"It is a honor. Please forgive me Master. I didn't know you were the champion of the god of madness. It will be a honor serving you."

"Hoo. Now you changed your mind? Well that suits me just fine. Congratulation you now are graduating from the the life of a dog. You know are dark elf with dignity and you can keep your old name."

"Really? I am so glad. Thank you master."

I approached her and freed her from her collar.

I patted her head and said:

"You are now mine Shael."

While patting her she looked at the floor from embarrassment. Her face was flushed with the mightiest red.

"Anyway old man. With me being the champion of the mad god the dark elves will follow me right?"

"That's right. They will see you as their leader. We dark elves don't have a kingdom on our own. We are scattered in the Forrest and are only allowed to live in small villages. We are prohibited to united the villages and are kept low. If the elves didn't tolerated us we would have been driven out of existence."

"I see. Old man do the dark elves desire a dark elven kingdom?"

"For centuries we were suppressed. Us dark elves had to endure hardship and humiliation. We wish nothing more then Kingdom. A Kingdom so mighty that no one will ever dare to look down upon us."

"Okay it is decided."

"What my lord."

"I will fulfill your peoples desire."

His eyes widen in surprise. He bowed to me a few times and thanked me.

"Thank you so much my lord. Words can't describe how grateful I am."

"There is no need to thank me. It is only natural to help the people of the same faith. You dark elves have suffered enough."

"Send words to the other elders. We will have a meeting to decide the future of our nation. Also gather the people of the village I'll give a speech."

The elder ordered one of his man to send word to the elder and to gather all the people from the village.

We stood in front of the elders house. Waiting for all the people to arrive I think of a cool speech I could give.

I think I'll mix some quotes of great men from my old world and adjust it to my cause. This is truly exciting. Watch out world I will rise to be the greatest of the greatest.

With everyone from the village gathered the old man begun speaking.

"People of Blackwood village. Thank you for gathering here today. I have a big announcement to make. Our prayers where heard and the champion of the god of madness has come to end our lives of misery. Oh, hear him what he has to say. I the elder of the Blackwood has confirmed that he is the truly the champion of the mad god.

The people were surprised you could hear chatter everywhere.

I used earth magic and created a podium.

The people where looking with expectant eyes.

"I am Thorus the madman the chosen one. Hear me dark elves for the words I speak are the will of the god of madness."

The people still couldn't believe it.

"How do you expect us to believe it where is your proof?"

"You fools how dare you-"

The old man got angry. I made a sign to let it be.

"You want prove you can have it."

I raised my hand shot my pure mana in to the air. The amount of pure mana I released was ridiculous large. The mana beam of red-black-purple was 10 meters in diameter and seemed endless. I released it for about 10 seconds.


The people were shocked and dumbstruck for a moment until one shouted.

"The Champion of the mad god has arrived to free us from misery."

Everyone got on their knees. About 200 people held their head down to pay me respect. Hahaha, this is fucking great. If this keeps goes on I might loose my self in greed.

"Stand up people of Blackwood. Hold your head up high as this day will go down on the history of this world."

They stood up with pride and great joy. They prayed to my god with unshakable faith even when the praying to my god was banned. They didn't give in even when they were shunned. With me appearing in front of them, they finally got a sign from the mad god. The mad god who was kept imprisont for a long time by the goddess Chadera. Centuries went by without a word from their god. After such a long time to receive a sign is like salvation for them.

I took of my helmet and inspected every person standing in front of me. I nodded and begun my speech.

"Brothers and Sisters the day has come. The day of salvation. The people of our faith were suppressed and shunned. They look at us with eyes full of hate. These people who pray for the Goddess Chaderea pride themselves to be caring and peaceful. They believe peace and love is the right way of life. I won't deny that but that is not the problem here. The problem is their hypocritical behavior. While they preach freedom and love yet they hate us and deny our existence. Who the fuck are they to deny our faith. Who the fuck are they to decide whom we believe in. These two faced bitches are the cause of our endless suffering. The goddess Chadera and her people are to blame that we have to live in the shadows of the others. They have crippled us and made us weak."

I made a pause and gazed at the people to make it more dramatic.

Some shouted in approvement.

"That's right"

"We have suffered enough."

I continued talking.

"I admit the way we are now is weak. We are weak, we have no Kingdom, no army and no infrastructure. Admits all the hurdles, all the troubles and all the struggle we will rise. We will rise to the greatest nation of all.

We will live in pride and bow to no one except for the god of madness. Yes we might be weak right now but the weak have a weapon on their own. This weapon is even stronger than an army of thousands. Our weapon is our unshakable will. The will to get strong, the will to free our selves from the injustice of our enemies. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Free your selves from the shackles of oppression. Join the movement of the true path. In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let's satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of madness and hatred. I have a dream where my brothers and sisters can practice their faith without having to fear for their lives. I have a dream, in that dream I see our people living in a Kingdom full of prosperity and freedom. A Kingdom so strong that will make the others go on their knees begging for forgiveness. This dream shall come true for I am the champion of the god of madness. This dream shall come true for I believe in your will and desire. I hereby declare the Kingdom of Furor to be established with Blackwood village as its capital city."

With me ending my speech the people cheered. They were full of pride and some even cried.

"Hail Thorus"

"Hail Thorus our leader."

"Hail our leader."

Woah, they seem very eager to worship me. Sorry Gandhi and Martin Luther for adjusting your quote, taking your words out of context for this evil path I will go through.

I looked at the old man. He had tears of joy. He faced me and said.

"As expected from the champion of the mad god, you truly are born to rule. Your wise words gave the dark elves the courage to fight for their rights."

"Pah, that was an easy feat for me. Now shall we eat something I am starving."

"Let's dine at my humble house my lord."

I went to the elders house with Neurocarnium ,Shael and his brother. Shael's brother's attitude changed dramatically. He apologized for earlier. I said it is no problem.

"Master you were great I didn't know you had such a talent to unite people."

"Hahaha praise me more Neurocarnium."

"You are the best."

"What did you say"

"The best of the best. I am so happy you took me with you. Everyday is so much fun."

"Hahahahah, indeed I am great."

_ _ _ _ _ _

15 minuets earlier.

Garadon's POV:

What is this mana. I couldn't believe my eyes I have never seen such mana. I must go check it out maybe that bastard Thorus is there.

"Everyone pack your things we will march to the place where the mana beam came from"

Verrona's POV:

W-what fierce mana. The mana beam feels familiar. It is from Thorus. I have to be quick maybe he is in trouble.

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