《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 12: Enhance


1998... 1999...2000

Phew I did it.

Six months has passed and I am used to the ten fold gravitation pull. I am now operating my gravity watch at 20 fold the normal gravitation pull.

Neo and I are currently at our base.

"Here Master take a towel"

"Ah, thanks Neo"

I take the towel and wipe my sweating body.

"Where is Elise?"

"She couldn't come today, it appears that she has a fever."

'Aldea can you cure diseases?'

unfortunately no Master curing diseases is a high ranking heal spell I yet have to master. I am sorry'

'Don't worry'

"What? That's not good, my cute underling having a fever. Something must be done."

I take some material and convert them into medicine from my world.

"Let's pay her a visit. I am kinda worried."

Neo smiled and said: "Yes Master."

_ _ _ _

Arriving at Elise's house I knock at the door.

The door opens and in front of us stands Elise's mother.

"Oh hello Thorus and Thomas."

"I go by the name Neo now, Thomas is a thing of the past."

"Oh, I didn't know, hello Thorus and Neo." She smiled thinking it is just a child's thing, coming up with nicknames.

"Aunty I heard Elise is sick, we were worried and wanted to pay her a visit. May we come in?"

"Of course she will be glad that such great friends pay her a visit."


Elise's mother led us to her room.

"If you need anything just call me."

"Could you please bring me a glass of water."


Neo and I went in and saw a sick Elise laying in her bed coughing.

"M-master you didn't need to bother with me. I'll be healthy soon enough * cough*"

Elise's mother came in and gave me the glass of water.


"Just call me if you need me"

"Will do"

"Elise, do you know what is the most important thing for a ruler to have?"

"Eh? Ehmm money ?"

"Hahahaha that's also important but that's not what I mean."

She blushed thinking she gave a stupid answers.

"A heart for his people,a great ruler needs to care for his people. If you don't take care of your people they will become unsatisfied and weak. Leading to many problems like a revolution or backstabbing. The same thing applies to a master servant relationship. The master or ruler is only as good as his people."


"I would never betray you Master."

"I know and I also know you fear me. You need to get rid of these fears. Fear can lead to loyalty like in your case. While your fear serves my purposes I don't want you to be afraid of me. I want you to be the real you, the cheerful girl that walked into my lair unknowingly and served me dog food."

"Y-you remember?"

"Of course, how could I forgot the day were a cute little girl visited me making me imaginary food. Although your imaginary cooking sucks."

"I see" she looked down in embarrassment.

Getting rid of her fear of me could back fire with me being stabbed in the back but I take the gamble. I don't need servants that flinch and are close to crying when ever I talk to them. I need her to know that I won't harm her or those important to her in any way.

"I didn't know how to approach you so I said those mean things. You see I am not good with people and tend to fuck things up regarding making friends an such. I only wanted to be your friend. I am sorry if there was an misunderstanding and also I won't hurt you or those close to you ever."

"Really? Are we friends then ?"

"Before you are my friend you are still my servant don't forget that. But yes we are friends just like Neo who is also my friend.

"Master." In Neo's eyes tears starts build up.

"Yes, we are all friends."

Elise was more at ease now that she knows I won't do anything to her or her family and friends.

She was relived and tears of happiness were shed with her laughing.

Oh I almost forgot why I came here in the first place.

"Elise before I forget, I brought you some medicine.This will make you better I promise. Stretch out you hand."

I put the white pill on her palm.

"What is this? I never seen such medicine"

"This is a special kind of medicine, you can't find it anywhere on this planet."

"Thank you master, I appreciate it but what am I suppose to do with it."

I take the glass of water and give it her.

"You just need to put the pill in your mount and swallow it with the water."


She nodded and did so.

"I don't feel any different."

"The pill needs time to take effect. Here take the rest. You need to take three a day after you have eaten."

"Thanks you so much master." In Elise's face a cheerful wide grin formed showing her white teeth. Jeez this girl is so cute I wonder how she will look in the future."

"You need to rest Elise, we have bothered you for too long take care."

"Wait I accompany you out."

"No need, what you need now is rest." I patted her head and she blushed looking down.

"When you are healthy enough come to our base we'll be waiting for you."


- - - - - -

"What are we going to do now master."

"I need to pay the smith a visit. I think it is time to enhance my body."

I wanted to wait with the enhancing before I had a much more rare ore than adamant, but then a Idea popped up in my head. I just could overwrite my adamant bones or mix them together with other ores.

"Great idea master. Like this you'll become much stronger."

"I know. You can go home for today Neo and don't neglect your training."

"If you say so master." He looked kind of disappointed."

Arriving at the smith the bulky man sees me and smiles.

"Oh, boy it is you, do you need more ore?"

"Yes I want all your ore including the rare ones."

"This will cost you greatly."

"Money is no problem."

This time I throw a big purse with gold and platinum.

"Boy, how the hell?" he became short breathed and his eyes lid up.

"Is this enough."

"Enough? This is more than enough. Hell its more than the most low ranking nobles have."

"Aren't I generous. You can keep the rest as always but you need to keep it a secret that I bought the ore from you."

"My lips are seals as always." he said with a wide grin.

"John take all the ore we have"

He took a enormous bag and put the ores in.

"We have adamant, mithril,moon stone,copper and iron"

"That will do, thanks mister."

"No I thank you but can you carry such heavy bag."

"Don't worry for me its easy."

I think I just made him the most rich smith on in this world.

_ _ _ _

Arriving at my base I jump around laughing like a crazy child that just got his new console.

"Hahahahahahaha, this is great, yes yes, hahahhaha"

"Now time to get serious."

On the way to my base I had a few Ideas. I could enhance my body with the materials of this world or I could form the ores into something that is out of this world. I choose the latter, it is much cooler that way.

I made a pile with all the rare ore. I think I make my bones out of Neutronium. Neutronium is substance purely out of neutrons and is extremely dense. In theory Neutronium is found in the core of neutron stars. Now how awesome is that. I need to be careful with Neutronium as it is really dense. To support such dense bones of Neutronium I also need to enhance my body further.

I make every fiber out of Duranium and Tritanium. The hulls of the starships from Star Trek are made out of these alloys. I can't say it enough, how cool is that.

I also take some mana crystals to further improve my mana channels and mana pool. I'll also enhance my mind making more intelligent and making me think faster.

That should do for now.

'Aldea the thing I am going to do now will be extremely painful. You need to keep me conscious no matter what, got it?'

'You can count on me.'

I stretch my hand out to the pile and start the operation. First my bones. I imagine them turning to Neutronium. My bones start to convert and a agonizing pain is going thru my body making me scream.


"Are you alright?" Aldea materialized herself looking with worry.

"D-don't worry just keep me conscious or I might die."

After 20 minuets of pain where I fell almost unconscious twice the bones where finished turning into Neutronium bones.

It then start to convert every fiber of my body to Duranium and Tritanium. Again the pain is unbearable but it is worth it.

One hour had passed and I finished my enhancing. The pain was unbelievable it felt like being shed apart and getting put together.

I breathed heavy.

"I did it, I survived."

Suddenly my vision went black and I collapsed. Before I fully lost my conscious I heard Aldea screaming my name.

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