《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 07: Secret Base



Hell yeah I broke my former record of 950 push ups.

It has been five years since I have come to this world. I kind of got used to it living in this world. With my age of five years I now have gained my freedom. I am allowed to even go outside. Since the incident were I blew my father out of his socks. They trust in my abilities to defend myself. Of course the Forrest is still off limits,but seriously you think I give a fuck?

The best thing however is that I don't have to pretend that I can't speak their language anymore. I started to speak at the age of two,I assumed it was the perfect time to speak up. Not too late to be considered a retard but early enough to be considered a genius. My mother and father were so happy, they were so eager to hear new words out of my mouth.

Anyway now I am a free man I don't have to hide my training sessions. Not even one day I have missed my training, well it wasn't so difficult given that I couldn't do anything else as a baby. I might be five years old but don't be fooled by my age, under my shirt is a godly formed nine-pack.

When my parents noticed my toned muscles I build up over the years, they asked how I have such a well build body. I told them I had trained at a young age. When they asked since when I just shrugged it off telling them I don't know either.They were really astonished.

My life right now only resolves around training. It has become such a strong habit, where whenever I don't train at least once a day, I feel disgusted and useless.

I avoid the kids in my age because I am mentally superior to them. I once saw a kid taking a pile of shit out of his pants only to give it a lick.Since that day the kids bully him and call him poop man. The people say that his parents dropped him as a baby.

I once tried to recruit him as my underling. Retarded people are easy to influence, since they lack common sense. But when I approached him he opened his mouth and the stench of shit hit my nostrils. I wasn't too bothered by it but when he smiled, I saw a piece of shit stuck between his tooth. This was overkill, I didn't want to be associated with such people so I told him to piss off calling him shit eater.

Back to topic. I also figured out how to cast magic,just as I suspected, I just had to imagine it and control my mana. When I figured it out I once casted a water ball. I underestimated its power shooting it at the wall assuming the wall would only get wet. I was naive, the whole wall was blown off. When my mother noticed it was my doing she was shocked that I was capable of using magic at such young age. But then came the scolding, telling me how dangerous it was and that I am lucky I didn't get hurt. Since that day she begun teaching me magic.


Well to sum it up, I am now the strongest five year old I guess. With my frigging huge mana pool I developed by using a huge amount of mana every day to the point I fainted. I am strong.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

For today I have great plans. Now being able to go out alone, today my dream will come true. I will build my first secret base. Every great villain needs a secret base, from there I can come up with new technologies without being disturbed. I can't wait to go.

Packing my back pack with some supplies I am ready to head out. I also take my shield with me.

"Mom, I am heading out"

My mother is standing in the kitchen preparing diner.

"Diner will be ready soon, you can go out later after you have some food."

"I am not hungry also I have taken some food with me."

She looks at me scanning me from head to toe.

"Where do you go with that much stuff and why do you take your shield with you?"

This is bothersome to explain as I am looking like a boy who is trying to run away from home.

"Nothing, my hearts just yearns for some adventure."

"Didn't we talk about this already? No dangerous stuff until you are old enough"

She stands there with folded arms.

"Mother, you know I wouldn't do anything that would cause you sorrow and pain. I just want to take a stroll and I won't go to the Forrest. I just want to play solider, you know with heavy luggage and a shield."

My mother sighs and gives in.

"I don't know what to do anymore, you always act so mature, but I see now that you are still a child, thank goddess."

She puts up a warm motherly smile. Well I can understand her, I have never played or did things that other kids usually do at my age. Like playing family or hide an seek. I lived a hermits life dedicating every second to my my training and future plans.

"Well I am off"

"Come home before it turns dark and don't go into the Forrest"

"Yes, yes, see ya later"

I don't want to waste any time so I leave the house quickly. As I close the I heard my mother talking to herself.

"Thank goodness he is acting like a normal child"

Hohoho if you only knew. With the doors closed I start my new adventure.

_ _ _ _ _ _

As always I can't get enough of the great view in front of my house with never ending plains. I make sure my mother isn't watching me heading to the Forrest. After I made sure, I run to the Forrest. I can't wait any longer so I am running much faster. The heavy luggage can't effect the great me, it feels like I wear nothing at all.

Arriving at the Forrest I decide not to go too deep into the Forrest. I don't want my secret base to be afar from home. I am looking for area were no trees are standing so I can build my underground bunker. Searching for about 10 minuets I found such spot.


This place is huge enough for my bunker and has even a big rock I can use to build my base.

I start using my earth magic to make a hole of square shape. It should be about 20 meters deep.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"I am making a underground secret base"

Aldea is the first spirit I made a contract with. Over the years I have become close to her and I really appreciate her. She servers me without judging me, though she always states her concerns when I do something immoral.

"Oh, that's great. I can't wait till its finished."

"Me neither."

The digging process finished. Besides the hole there is a big pile of earth. Now comes the fun part. I stretch my left arm to the pile and my right arm into the hole, I also use the the rock. My mana coats the pile and rock making it shine. In my mind I imagine a bunker. I imagine the fundament of 20x20 meters with a height of 10 meters. For my bunker I use concrete mixed with steel. I imagine the vents for the air supply and the ladder which will lead into my bunker. After about 10 minuets I was finished. I placed the remaining earth onto my bunker making at truly underground now. Camouflaging the entrance I am now the proud owner of a secret underground base.

"As always your power is so great master"

"Hahahaha praise me more"

"You are the best"

"Hahahah indeed"

Going inside the the bunker is a great pleasure. It feels like your first time when you move out of your parents house. I put out my oil lamp and lit it up. I like it, above me is so much space, it doesn't feel suffocating at all even though there are no windows.

The problem though is that there is nothing in here. I need to change that and to do that I need materials. Time to go to the village and buy me some.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Appeals very cheap"

"Buy one for two"

I am at the market and are looking something nice to convert. I decided to visit the black smith as there is probably some rare ores I can buy.

'Brook's Smith'

Time to go in.

"Hello young boy how can I help you"

A bulky human with a moustache stood there.

"Do you sell ore?"

"Usually not, we only sell weapons and the like."

I want unprocessed ore. There is a way to achive that.

"And if the price is right?"

"Bahaha, how much money can a kid of your age have?"

If he only knew I can create gold with my powers. I put out a big sack with gold and throw it onto the counter.

"Boy" He looks astonished

"Where did you get so much gold."

"You better not ask" I chuckled.

"So how about know?"

"Well if you ask me that way I can't resist. What do you want?"

Finally, I knew it you can buy anything with gold.

"I want the rarest ore you have"

"Ok wait a a bit."

Coming back he puts 5 big chunks of ore. It is of grey color and I can sense some magic coming from them.

"This is all I have right now. It is grey adamant. The grey adamant has magic properties and is harder than steel.It is fou-"

"Yes, yes this should do.I'll buy them and you can keep the rest if you keep it secret that I brought it from you."

His eyes widened and he became cheerful all of sudden. I can't blame him, in that purse there is more gold then he'll probably ever earn.

"Thank you so much young man, don't worry my lips are sealed"

I put the chunks of ore into my back pack. I must say they are rather heavy. But for me its easy.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Back at my secret base I take out the five chunks of grey adamant. First I need a power supply, I first wanted to build a nuclear power plant but I can't be bothered by radioactive waste. I better make a generator that converts the mana in the air. That way I won't run out of power ever again. I take chunk and start imagine a generator that converts the mana in the air into electricity and magic power for magical devices. The glows as always an in front if me is a devices of 3x3x3 meters. I imagined the power cords that are leading through the wall creating power sockets. Seeing the power sockets a feeling of nostalgia hits me. I also made some lights above me. I start the generator and the whole room is lits up.

Great moving on to the next part, security. Taking the other chunk of metal I make a a separated room where the ladder is. In this room there is a thick metallic door. You need to dial the password to get in. You also need my finger print if you want to get in. After the converting process only a bit of the adamant chunk was converted. Nice there is much more to do.

The next thing I want to create is a device that takes the mana from the atmosphere and converts it in magic crystals. This is needed if I want do be independet of materials. With out hesitation I build that device. After I finished there stands a dispenser like machine with an antenna that seems to gather the mana around it. I turn it on let it do its work. I used two chunks of adamant, leaving me with only one and a half left.

Making all these things used up a lot of mana. I am really tiered and want to head home as I did enough for today. I get out of my base and see it is turning dark soon. I hurry up and go home.

What can I say, this is a dream come true. Because of such things I did today I wanted this kind of power where I can do anything I want. Even If I were to become a hobo I could lead my life to the fullest.

Anyway I let the converting device do its work, making me some nice mana crystals. Tomorrow I'll check thinks up, making my laboratory.

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