《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 05: Spirit


Author's note: Sorry guys for the long delay. I had alot of things to do as I have my finals in school. Anyway I sturggled with this chapter because I wasn't satisfied with the quality, so I had to rewrite alot of things.Though this chapter could be better I'll release it anyway. As I am not a native english speaker I am my greatest critic. Thanks for your supportive comments.


It has been a while since I have come to this world. Days are passing by with nothing worth mentioning. My new gained minion is avoiding me, since that day she never visits me. I think I have have to pay her a visit soon.

It has become unbearable boring, I want to go out and do something, like killing things or just taking a stroll. Still being a baby limits my choice, as my mother rarely leaves me alone.

I lost track of the time. With the side effects of my internet deprivation showing,I haverestless sleep and mood swings. You could say that I am on my boy period. I swear if someone looks at me in a strange way, I am gonna fuck him up.

For the days to come I have to be prepared, living in fantasy world with strong beings I have to become strong for survival's sake.

There is only one thing I have to do, getting strong as hell.

Like every hero I have to have a training plan, though I am not a hero.

I have to approached it in a smart way, making a plan that will boost me to great highs. They say in every craft the starting at a young age is an advantage.

"Good morning my baby"

Can't you leave me alone? Not even for a second?

Whatever, at least I get some milk. I can't neglect the feeding process because first I need nurtritons and second the milk of my mother is only a limited offer.



"You like it?"

Who wouldn't? This creamy juice of white is life it self. I was always a fan of milk, I liked it in any form they come whether it was just some plain cow milk or flavored ones.

After she feeds me, I pretend to be sleepy.

"Tiered already? I think a nap wouldn't hurt much"

Good deduction Sherlock. As she carries me to my room my eyes are already closed. I put my thumb in my mouth for the extra cuteness bonus.

With my eyes closed I get carried to my bed.

"Aaaww so cute, I want to eat you whole"

What the fuck is wrong with these peoples and their customs.

My mother giving me a kiss leaves my room. Finally alone again I think about my training plan.

Meditating is a effective way of getting good control of my mana. With every session it feels more natural. But what use does mana control have if I have a shitty mana pool.

I have a theory of how I am going to increase my mana pool. I approach it like I would train my muscles. The muscles grow if it is strained. My mana has to be used up daily to increase it. It is still just a theory but there is nothing else I could do. So why don't stick with it.

Also I have to train my converting power the god of madness gave me. Maybe if I use it often enough I could make it more efficient, so making an atom bomb out of a sand grain isn't just some dream anymore.


Still being a baby, the converting power uses a lot of my mana. I would kill two birds with one stone, if I convert things and use a lot of mana while doing it.

About physical exercise, I shouldn't neglect it. I don't want to get fat and having some badass biceps will give me a badass look. The problem is if I overstrain myself it could cause some serious damage to my still my developing body. Whatever I'll go through hellish training, fuck it.

Having thought up my training plan, it'll look like this:

3x10 push ups

3x10 sit ups

3x10 squats

10 minutes doing the superman

I wanted to do more, like thousands of repetitions but that is out of question. I change my trainings menu accordingly.

After the physical exercise I'll mediate about one hour.

Then I'll convert my toys to various materials and shapes.

Nice, that's some real good exercise plan. To bad I have to do it in secrete as seeing a baby doing push ups is a ridicules thing to see.Time for some training.

I start with the push ups. I am counting one, two, three, holy shit I broke my record of my former life.

Doing the push ups is a easy feat for me. I think that is because I am half demon. After my three sets I do the sit ups.

As I finished doing three sets of sit ups and squats. I am slowly beginning to get exhausted. Now comes the superman.

The superman is a exercise where you lay down on your belly and raise your arms and legs. It sounds easy but it is difficult to hold it even for a minute. I was not to keen on doing it, not just because you look like an idiot doing it.

After 8 minuets I give up, it is just too much. Pearls of sweats are dropping from my face and I try to calm my breath.

Time for some meditating.This time I do it on my my bed laying on my back without moving an inch. As always I get a warm sensation in my belly. Getting rid of all my thoughts my body starts vibrating.

As I have become one with the universe, I almost fall asleep. This time however the vibrations are becoming much more violent. My body enters a phase of paralysis.

I can't move but inside of me my soul or whatever it is can be moved. I turn around and fall out of my body. Holy shit what in the world. I am floating looking at my own body. I can see a baby of few months with silver hair sleeping. So this is how I look huh. My soul or whatever state I am in is connected to my body by a silver threat.

I float around in my room testing the range of my new state, it would be no laughing matter if the threat breaks. Worst case I would be stuck in this form with out being able to get back in my body.

I fly to the furthest corner of my room and see the threat expanding. Ok time to check things out.

With my new gained freedom I fly out of my room to the outside world. Seems like I can go thru matter.

"Hell yes I am free"

Flying through the plains is really an awesome experience,now where should I head to. I stop mid air and look around. The Forrest should be interesting as I already visited the village.

Arriving at the Forrest I see many animals. Deer, rabbits and other small animals. Where are the monsters? Even the animals look plain and ordinary except the rabbits having bigger tooth. Looks like they could do good damage with it.


Disappointed I go further into the Forrest.

Suddenly I hear a scream.

Finally something is happening I hastily fly to the direction where the scream came. I couldn't believe my eyes.

There was a big black thing with a black aura leaking out of its very being.That thing was like a sphere of darkness. It seemed to threatened a girl.

The girl seemed like a spirit, she had green hair reaching to the middle of her back. She looked like 18 years old but had an mature aura around her.Her body shape was curvy with nice big tits.

Should I help her? Hmm I think I'll watch a bit more.

Looking at her struggling made me smile, the face of desperation is something I can't get enough of.

She used nature magic to fight against the black being but he seemed unfazed. Seeing her giving up and accepting her fate I was disappointing as I wanted to see more. Not wanting to get in trouble, I was about to fly away.

"You stop just standing there and help out"

I come out of the bush and am faced by those two.

"Crap my luck must have run out it is just a baby"

"Who are you calling a baby bitch"

"What you can speak? How are you in the astral form anyway?"

So this form I am in is called astral form.

"Anyway help me out, when you mastered the astral form you bound to have some powers."

"Why should I meddle with your business ?"

"Yeah, stay out of it puny human."

The black thing was annoyed at me for interrupting.

"Fuck off , fuck face I am not talking to you."

At my remark the black being got angry.

Shit I think I went too far. Annoyed he charges at me.

"You dare to insult the great meeeeee , prepare to die."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit"

I fly as fast as possible to get away with from this thing. He chases like a predator.

"Yo bitch help out it is your fucking fault."

"Jeez I must be stupid, I could have run away long ago"

She chases us and try to catch up.

Think. What should I do, I don't know how to cast magic yet. Well if I don't figure out in the next one or two minuets I am probably going to die.

That's it I just go back to my body and I leave this dimension. Just where I was about to praise my self the black thing grabbed me.

"Let go you son of a-"


I screamed in agony

The black aura of his was coating me trying to devour me.

This is how it is gonna end?

"Let go of him I am the target not him"

"You just wait, you'll be next."

Before his aura coated me completely closing off my eye sight I see the spirit girl being hold mid air with some kind of magic.

Complete darkness, I was in dark room with thousand of voices trying to drive me insane.

"Kill yourself"

"You insignificant being"

"Come closer"

"Death,death,death, death"

"Hahahahahahaha you serious?"

"What is so funny? You are gonna die"

I couldn't contain my laughter as his try to make me insane was really pathetic

"What? It has no effect on him."

"Are you serious? Do you think you can scare me with this shit?"

He appeared in front. Out of his sphere shaped body a pair of hands is grabbing my tiny neck.He tries to suck me in as I feeling being sucked by a huge vacuum cleaner. I resist with my whole being. You wanna play you sucker? I grab his arms and try to devour him also. I don't know how or why I could do it. I just imagine myself as a spirit sucking vacuum cleaner.

"What the hell? Let go of me you fucking human"

Desperation could be hear out his not so scary voice. Seems like I suck his life force with a much faster rate. He struggled to get out of my grip but with every second he became much weaker.


With his last scream he vanishes and the dark space I was in is now completely vanished.

I am back again in the Forrest in my astral form.

"You are still alive? I thought you were done for when the corrupted spirit tried to devour you."

"Who do you think I am? His try to drive me insane and devour me was really cute."

"Not many can resist the force of a corrupt spirit"

"Corrupt spirit? Hmm"

"A corrupt spirit is a spirit who-"

"Yes, yes whatever, I don't give a fuck. You don't have to know everything."

"Jeez don't interrupt my explanation. Your arrogance can cost your life one day."

"That I want to see,the corrupted spirit wasn't much"

"You must be more insane then him, who the heck are you?"

"I am Thorus the madman, don't be fooled by my appearance"

Suddenly her face showed fear and confusion

"Your astral body look!"

I watch my transparent astral body and see an accumulation of something dark. In me resides something similar to the corrupted spirit.

"What the hell is this?"

"This can't be, I think as you devoured the corrupted spirit your soul must have also have been corrupted"

"Awesome now I am really a sinister being ain't I hahahaha?"

Her face was full of worries.

"Did something changed?"

"Other than feeling stronger and more awesome no."

Her face relaxed a bit but still worried. I think she was worried that I also might turn in an evil corrupted spirit.

Shit I can't hold back I have to do this, hohohoh

"Arggg, must ... Devoured.... you!"

"Hiick, no aaaaaahh"

The face of the spirit is now full of fear. She looks like she just shat her pants.

"Stay away you monster"

"Hahahahahahahah you fool"


"I was kidding you idiot"

She was red as a tomato

"Don't ever do that again"

Teasing her is much more fun than I thought it would be. Maybe I won't devour her after all, I thought of doing it since I was able to devour a corrupted spirit. She could be more useful when not devoured. Entertaining me all day with the faces she is capable of making.

"Well thank you anyway for saving me I am in dept to you"

Now we are talking.

"You could pay of your debt right now."

Thinking whether she'll do it she asks me,

"Tell me I'll do anything expect perverted stuff"

"Hahahahah, even if I wanted to how am I supposed to fuck a spirit? Anyway back to the topic I want to form a contract with you and you'll serve me as a servant"

Her face red again she is considering the offer.

"Hmph, why should I form a contract with you?"

This spirit drives me mad, maybe I should devour her after all, no patience. You can pursued her.

"You fucking kidding me? First off I saved your life and you said you would do anything and now you refuse my request. You fucking spirits must all be lying pieces of shit. Without me you wouln't stand in front of me now. I all ask for is making a fucking contract, you make it sound like I want to rape you."

My burst of rage startled her and made her afraid.

"W-well I think you are right but I only form a contract with you because I want to observe your corrupted spirit."

"Whatever, before you proceed, won't their be a problem with my corrupted spirit"

"I don't think so as you are my master you can't do me any harm and I can't do you any harm. Also a corrupted soul is different from a corrupted soul.And don't underestimate me I might not look like it but I am quiet strong"

"Yes, I could see that your elegant style of running away is a sight to behold."

"Jeeez,stop that"

"Hahaha I can't get enough of that face you make"

"What face?"

"This one"

I mimic her face with the intend to mock her focuses I over do it and it didn't look close to her face she made.

"I don't make faces like that stop"

She nearly was about to cry.

"Yo chill, it was just a joke, now lets make the contract before my mother wakes me up."


She approaches me and holds my cheeks giving me kiss on my forehead. Around us a green aura surrounded us. After a few seconds the green aura vanishes.

"That's it?"

"Yes I am yours now"

Well that was lame.Whatever I now have a spirit servant how cool is that.

"I forgot to ask what is your name?"

"My name is Alena but if you want you can change my name as you are my master now."

"How about Dumb Bitch"

"Ehh? I don't like it at all"

She stood there shocked.

"It is a joke dumb ass, you can keep your name."

She sighed relived.

"Anyway we should head back now"

"Yes master"


We arrived at my room and I went back to my body.Waking up in my physical body I look around for Alena but she is nowhere to be seen.

"Where are you"

"I am right here" a voice in my head says to me, it is Alena.

"I see"

So she must be somewhere inside of me,

"Should I come out?"

"No need just stay where ever you are"

Well today was a good day, I gained a new spirit servant even though she is dumb. At this rate world domination isn't far off. Hohohoho.

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