《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 02: Birth


Complete darkness.

I am in a place where I can't see for shit. I could feel my body and It turns out that I am as big as a baby. The regular heart beat other then my own could be heard. Judging by the situation, Istill must be in my new mother's belly. This sucks, I hope she gives to me birth soon. I am not disgusted by the fact that I am in a humans body. You see I am an expert when it comes to guts and blood. I want to get out. I try to move my feet. Its working. I tried to kick around.

"Get me out shitty woman, I have great plans, I can't be delayed by this"

New mother's pov

"Roland darling come here for a second" I say as I touch my belly.

My child was kicking around inside with great strength. The kicks of my child were strong, If I was not a demon mother I would cry in pain.

"I am here darling what's the matter ?"

"Look, touch my belly you'll see"

He touches my belly and noticed.

"He will be a great adventurer,like I once was." he smiles heartily.

"Such a lively child" he adds.

"I hope our baby will become a great mage"

"Pah, no way. He'll become a great swordsman like me. I will train him in the art of the sword."

"Whatever our child chooses, I will support him."

Mc's pov

It is day two, nothing so far. Some mumbled noises can be heard. If I had internet connection this would be much more bearable.

If I stay any longer I'll become crazy. It is really boring, doing nothing. Training is out of question, since I am in this woman's belly. I have to do something. Maybe punching my way out.Yes that sounds like a great plan. I start to punch and kick in the direction where I think the exit is. Maybe this will lead to her giving birth.

After 10 minuets of kicking and punching I think the birth is taking place.

"Yes, I think it is working" I say as I slowly getting pushed out.

"Go woman, press harder and free me from this hell."

After what felt like hours finally a light could be seen.

I am getting pulled out. My new mother is now holding me in her arms.


"Hahahahah" I laugh out like a madman but sound like a cute baby laughing.

My new parents happy expression changed into a surprised one.

Well I can understand their reactions, new born babies normally cry.


( Look darling he is laughing, isn't it strange)


(Strange indeed)


(It is like he is happy to be born, such a cheerful child)

What are they talking about? Learning this strange sounding language will be such a pain in the ass. Wait I'll just create something that will allow me to speak their language, like a translator deviece for example. I am such a genius choosing this ability, since I really suck at learning languages other then my own. If I didn't have this power they probably would think that I am a retard.

My new mother is a stunning beauty, she looks like an elf with crimson red eyes. She must be an elf or demon for all I care. She has long silver hair. Her well formed breast fits perfectly to her curvy waist. Her beauty would put any model to shame.

On the other hand, My new dad is like a freaking body builder. He seems human judging by his ears. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. His old fashioned mustache makes him look cheesy.

I have to be careful not to reveal my identity, worst thing that could happen is that they abandon me, since I am not their real son. I look around and see a very spacious house. Good, doesn't look like we are poor. I am not so keen on child labor.

Suddenly my new dad grasps me and spins me around. You bastard I am not your toy. He stops and looks at me with a face full of joy. Don't look at me you fucking geezer, I say to myself as I kick him in the face.


(Not bad my son as expected, you have a strong kick)

Next time I am going to pee on him.

My mother made an annoyed angry face, I think she was not pleased how my father spinned me around. That's what I call mothers instinct, great something new to exploit.

In my former life my mother run away with a rich man, leaving me alone with my dad who became an alcoholic. I know most people would laugh how cliche this is, but my whole life was a stereotype.


I don't know how trustworthy these guys are but as long as I am still a baby, I have no choice but to rely on them.

My mother takes me into her arms and starts putting her breast out. Holy mother, these are some high grade tits. I start to suck on them like a vacuum cleaner. The taste of the milk is actually not so bad,I imagined worse. I got a feeling of security, something I never dreamed of feeling in my former life. This is bad, I won't be fooled by this. It is just primal instincts and chemicals, there is no love. Humans only bond to each other to have a a higher chance of survival and to have offspring.

I who has seen the truth won't be a slave to my brain's wiring. I can't give in to my desire. I have to be cold as ice, with a focused mind. Even though I think like this, women give me the most trouble. Attraction can be a curse.

I can't wait to test my new powers. Learning its limitations is a must, only an ignorant fool would think he is almighty. I don't know how strong the people of this planet are, so I better be careful or I might die a fools death.

After some lovely time with my new parents which almost made me vomit, I pretend to fall asleep.

They put me into my bed and leave. Nice, time for some action.

I crawl out of bed and try to stand up only to fall on my butt after one or two steps. Great, I have to learn to walk aigan. Patience, one must learn to crawl before running.

Now, how do I activate my power and what things should I convert. I don't want to strain my body as I don't know the side effects when I overuse my power. It would not be a laughing matter if I died just after I arrived.

I look around the room, seems like it is mine as it is decorated befitting a child. I see a chest, looking inside it holds various toys like a wooden toy sword and a magic wand. The other things didn't spark my interest. Maybe I should try to turn it into a real sword now that would be awesome.

Holding the wooden sword in my hands I carefully inspect it. This seems to be of good quality.It looks handcrafted and has a smooth surface.

"Turn into a sword" I command.

Nothing happens. I feel like in Spiderman where he tries to figure out how to shoot his webs for the first time. Maybe verbal commands won't do good. In various magic themed animes the caster had to use his imagination, maybe this will work.

I close my eyes holding the wooden sword, I imagine it turning into a steel sword. I could feel a surging energy coming from my stomach. It runs trough my right arm. I open my eyes to look whether it had any effect. The wooden sword was coated in a red aura. It shines changing its size. I can't believe it is working. The result however was disappointing. It was made out of steel but it was as big as a tooth pick.

I have a theory to why this happened so I tried to change it to a long stick. It was as long as the wooden sword. I then took the magic wand and the stick and imagined a much lager stick. It was about twice its size.

Now I understand, depending on the material I can create greater things, so creating an atom bomb out of a sand grain is out of question. How disappointing but it was to be expected.

After I turned the toys into its orginal form I became tired almost to the point where I fainted. With my last remaining strength I tried to climb back to my bed, but it turned out to be futile. What ever sleeping on the floor isn't so bad.

For today I did enough, I better take it slowly. Even if I have the mind of a teenager I am still in a baby's body.

I close my eyes, images of my former life appeared. I was not so proud of my lifestyle. The only thing I took pride in was the way how I died. I was so badass, no whining or begging to be spared. I looked into the eyes of death with a smiling face. An attitude like that is necessary if I want to survive.

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