《Lorian Ellins [Dropped]》Chapter 29 Peaceful night


Quest 1 complete

300 general Exp awarded

Quest 3 complete

Villagers alive: 781/874

781 general Exp awarded

Lorian grinned upon receiving the notifications. Seems the villagers have dealt with the remnants of the beast tide and he benefitted from it.

He quickly dumped the Exp in his warrior profession bar and felt his condition become better.

The Oculus was also lying defenseless. Nobody was in the way to obstruct him.

The Oculus used mind attack as a last-ditch effort, but it was useless.

In the end, it met its end by Lorian's hands.

+998 (Doubled) Battle Exp for killing 1 rank higher enemy

Quest 4 complete

500 general Exp and 1 bronze chest awarded

5th floor of the instances has been constructed

A wave of fatigue started overcoming him. Lorian forced himself awake and dumped all the Exp to strengthen his physique, so he would survive. He wanted to finish off Zenos and others, but his body had long since reached its limits.


He embraced the darkness, entering a coma.

* * *

'Huh? Where am I?'

Lorian felt weak, dizzy and confused as he woke up in an unfamiliar bed.

- Mr. Hunter, you're awake.

A joyous voice rang in Lorian's mind from close by.

He turned his head and recognized Ania. Her face conveyed her surprise, joy and there was a hint of fatigue.

Lorian's mind spun and asked

- How long have I been out for?

- You've been in a coma for over 1 month. Your injuries were...terrible, but they are healed, except for...

She hung her head low. Lorian's eyes flashed as he tried moving his right leg, but waves of pain gushed in his mind. He failed. He smiled bitterly.

- So I've been...crippled?

Ania panicked as she hurriedly said

- Don't say that. You'll get better. The treatment isn't impossible, but...

Lorian didn't need to hear the rest. He guessed, that treatment would cost a lot of money.

- Right, who's been taking care of me all this time?

Lorian asked, half guessing the answer. Ania hung her head low as her earlobes turned red.

Lorian laughed hollowly, embarrassed.


- Thank you.

Lorian closed his eyes, still feeling very weak.

- Umm, are you hungry?

He heard Ania's mosquito-like voice.

- Haha, indeed.

- Then...let me feed you.

Ania beamed. Lorian was dumbfounded.

- That, I can do it myself.

He replied embarrassedly.

- No, let me do it.

Ania insisted. Lorian could only comply, helpless.

She fed him spoonful after spoonful with care. Lorian's heart warmed as he felt overwhelmed. He always felt empty, as if he didn't belong here. But now...he was grateful.

- Thank you.

He smiled sincerely.

- Ok, rest well, I'll be back.

Ania stood up, somewhat embarrassed and happy.

- Take care.

She left. Lorian closed his eyes.

Did he regret? Probably. A moment of greed cost him a lot. Life was no fiction. Turning every adversary into a benefit was impossible.

Frustration and depression overcame him. Fatigued, he drifted to sleep once again.

* * *

1 week later, Bluehorn village, evening

The thin layer of snow has covered the whole village. It was a beautiful sight. The children were lively as they made a snowman and laughed as they threw snowballs at each other.

In the distance, a middle-aged man could be seen chopping the wood. The young wife was reprimanding her child to not catch a cold. Some people laughed at her overprotectiveness. The child was wrapped in winter clothes like a dumpling, only showing his big cute eyes and chubby cheeks.

Several middle-aged women could be seen gathered in the balcony of the shack, doing the chores while gossipping in low voice.

The men had just returned from the forest, showing off the hunted boar with proud, broad chests.

graveyard could be seen in the distance. The feeling of desolateness could be felt from it. Several old and middle-aged women were gathered there, weeping silently.

A lonely figure sat on the wheelchair. His gaze was somewhat absentminded. He gave one the feeling of melancholy and desolateness. The young woman could be seen standing behind him. They silently accompanied each other, neither saying a word.

- I need to talk to the chief.

Lorian spoke softly. Ania nodded her head and gently pushed the wheelchair.


The duo moved at a slow pace. Evening breeze ruffled Lorian's hair.

The chief sat under the naked tree. His eyes were closed. The flowers he took care off had withered.

- You've woken up. Good.

The chief muttered as his eyes opened. Lorian pushed the wheels and got near the old man.

- I've not been much of a help. I don't deserve this reward.

Lorian stretched his hand, which was holding Fanar's legacy.

The chief showed a surprised expression but soon hid it.

- You risked the life for the village. The reward was well deserved.

Lorian shook his head and plunged the sword in the ground.

- What happened to the soldiers?

The chief furrowed his eyebrows. A hint of worry and anger flashed in his eyes.

- They abducted the girls. Fortunately, the abductor hadn't gone far, probably waiting for Zenos and others. We managed to track them down and retrieve the girls, but the abductor escaped. Zenos and one other soldier also escaped...We'll get in a lot of trouble later...

Lorian sighed.

- I see.

After a round of silence, the chief spoke up.

- I'll be gone for a week. I'll leave everyone in your care.

Lorian was startled.

- Leaving them in my care? Isn't it in reverse? Are you mocking me, chief?

Lorian spoke with a hint of anger.

The chief stared at him. Lorian wouldn't imagine how much of an impact he had left in chief's mind.

The chief stood up and patted dust off his butt, then walked with hunched back, hands crossed behind his hands.

- I've seen your type. It'll be a waste to keep you here. I'll do my best, but I can't guarantee anything.

He left these words behind.

Lorian's eyes widened and reddened a bit. He clenched his fists with emotion, then muttered.

- Thank you, chief...

- It's a small favor. Haha, this old man has not much time left, I won't ask for much, I just want the village to live on.

Leaving these words, his figure disappeared in the horizon.

* * *

Ania pushed the wheelchair and took Lorian home. There were only a few villagers left outside as the night was approaching.

She proceeded to take him out of the wheelchair so he would lay down on the bed.

- No, let me.

Lorian pushed himself up. His strength was nearly 2 times more than average adult after that battle. He bent to take off his socks, but waves of pain made his face turn pale.

- Don't push yourself. I'm here, aren't I?

Ania said with panic. Lorian just sighed and allowed her to help him.

- I've become so useless.

Lorian sighed.

- Don't say that. You shouldn't give up. I, I won't leave you, so don't show me such face, ok?

Ania said with a hint of fake anger and care.

Lorian went in bed and pulled bed sheets over himself. Somehow, his chest felt stuffed and grabbed Ania's hand as she was about to leave.

- Don't leave me.

Ania's face turned red as she looked like panicked deer.

- What are you saying? Let me go.

- Just for a while, I'm cold.

She hesitated for a while but found Lorian's eyes pitiful so she jumped in the bed with clothes on.

Lorian hugged her. Ania struggled in his embrace but then quietened down, feeling Lorian's state of mind.

- You're so warm. You are real. Everything is real. I could have died. I could have. I won't do it again. I've had my doubts, but now I'm sure. Everything is real...everything is real...

Lorian whispered like a madman. Ania felt scared as she didn't understand.

- Thanks for being here. You can go now. I...I'm very tired.

Ania left his embrace. A hint of disappointment couldn't help but flash in her heart. She looked at Lorian who had fallen asleep. She caressed his face with love and left after making sure he wouldn't feel cold.

- Good night...

Her soft voice sounded in the darkroom, then it was silence.

This was the first night Lorian slept so soundly after transmigration. His doubts and fears, which lingered in his heart finally vanished.

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