《Death Incarnate (Completed)》Chapter 20: I can be a good father... right?


While Kei and the others were enjoying their feast, a group of men came out of the shadows. But it weren't just beastmen, there were also humans.

A muscle toned human, brandishing his ax came forward and pointed his ax at Kei. "If don't want to get hurt! You better hand over the food!"

Armed men then surrounded the two golems and blocked their path. The two golems were bright red and resembled of a average man. But they don't have faces except glowing eyes, no genitalias, and were blocky.

"What an idiot," Jacklin said under her breathe.

The ax holding man wore a tattered armour and on the chest was the symbol of Cloq Dukedom.

Kei was acting nonchantly, as well as the ladies. Nobody felt any threat from these bandits. Cloq Dukedom had fallen and since the soldiers had lost the support of the country, they had lost the war and was now stuck here.

"Hey! Are you listening to me! Or do my men need to get a rough with your women!" The axman yelled.

"Do your work golems." With that, the golems began to go berserk on the bandits. Maces and swords weren't doing any damages, one after another, they turned into a bloody pulp.

The axman jumped into action and ran towards one of the women. Before anyone can take action, a little person came out of the bushes and attacked the axman!

This little person grabbed hold to the axman's neck and bited it! The axmen let go of his ax and tried to grabbed his attacker! But the attacker kept biting deeper into his neck with its canine teeth. Its teeth then tore out the arteries of the axmen's neck!

The axman finally dropped to the ground, laid dying. The little person came closer to the camp fire and it was that little beastman girl.


The fighting stopped with corpses lying around. The girl raised both of her palms towards the group, like a beggar wanted something from you.

"It seems the little one wants food for her efforts." Bridget said and chuckled.

Kei got up and stood before the girl.

He thought he would try to teach this girl that, 'just because you helped, don't expect a reward!'

On second thought, Kei turned to the group and pointed at this runt and said: "Should we let her join us?"

The group's consensus were positive, at least they didn't outright rejected. Kei led the little girl between himself and Polin. Polin washed the blood off of the girl's mouth and hands, and dressed her in cleaner clothes.

The girl didn't expressed much except the joy of eating. With a big plate of food in front of the child, she began to eat like crazy.

The golems were cleaning up the bloody mess and tried to find other bandits or the bandit's hideout in the tropical forest.

"So, what we gonna do with the runt?" Jacklin asked. "She can't come with us right?" Jacklin stared at Polin, who was combing the girl's hair and playing with her ears. The girl was distressed, she never been treated so...well.

Polin embraced the little girl and said: "She's coming with us. Isn't that right darling?" Polin was batting her eyes towards Kei.

Kei wrapped his wing around Polin and grabbed the kid to sit on his lap. He hugged her like a stuff animal for a bit.

Then he placed the child in front of him, face-to-face.

"Let's ask a few questions," Kei said.

"What's your name?"


"Do have a family?"


"Are there other hungry children like you?"


"How old are you?"



"Can you talk?"


"Are you a spy?"


"I think this child been surviving on her own. Nobody educated her." Bridget said.

"But she didn't look no older than 5. How long the war been going on?" Asked Jacklin.

"Five years, before the fall of Cloq Dukedom at least."

"So, she's an orphan?" Asked Polin.

Then Vetros chimed in: "Don't matter when born or who parents are. She have no family now."

The little girl was confused with all the talking around her. Then she felt a looming threat came to her head. What if? That she will never see them again!? Where would she eat delicious food!? Would she fight for scraps and hunt for wild animals again!

She held onto Kei's short pants and tugged it. She was wailing a bit. "Neh! Meehhh! Naahh! Ne ne!"

Seeing this girl being desperate to tag along with this group, Kei made a declaration!

Kei picked up the little girl and holded her up like when the monkey holded up baby Simba in the Lion King.

"I decided to adopt this little girl! Since she had no name. I'll name her... Umm... Kori!" Declared by Kei.

A few claps can be heard around and Polin complained about her not naming the girl. Kei told her to name their first child then. This made Polin blushed like roses.

I wonder if I can make a good father? Couldn't be hard right? Besides there's like 4 mothers here.

Kei sat down with Kori in his embrace. He looked at each women and then wondered: They can make good mothers... right?

Jacklin just knew what Kei was thinking when he was staring at her. She said: "Why am I on the mother bandwagon? I'm the only one who didn't screw with you!"

"My bad. My bad. I guess you don't have that maternal instincts."

"Huh? Who said I didn't! I will teach this girl to never fall in love!"

Then it began a discussion on how to raise Kori that night.

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