《Death Incarnate (Completed)》Chapter 1: Death Goddess


Kei opened his eyes to what awaited him: An empty void of darkness. It was quite redundant, but those were the only words he could use to describe what he was seeing.

“Am I in Purgatory or have I gone blind?”

Kei was thoroughly confused. He felt up his body, yet he did not feel pain nor the caress of his own hand. He felt as if he was floating in wind.

“No. You are not in Purgatorio. Rather, you are deceased.”

A light and soft-spoken, feminine voice filled the empty void. Hearing it from behind, Kei turned around. Once he did, he made a few steps back and took a defensive stance with his fists.

A stairway that led to a throne of bones.

A skyscraper-size silver skeleton wearing a night blue gown with long black hair.

Multiple star-like balls of white fire scattered around the area.

“There is no need to be so defensive, little Kei,

I am the Goddess of Death, Deco. I have snatched your soul from the reincarnation cycle to offer you a deal: A second life.”

Fighting against this colossal entity? Kei had no chance. He then dropped his guard to see where this charade will lead. He’s dead in the first place. What’s there to lose?

“I’ll bite. Surely, there's a catch?” Kei said to the towering being.

“You are quite correct. I want you to pledge your allegiance to me and save my children; Save the demon race.” Replied to the Goddess.

“You want me to be a savior? Bwahahahahaha!” Kei laughed at this seemingly hilarious pledge.

“You’re hysterical! I don’t know about you, but I know that I do not have the qualities of a hero, moreover a savior. You should hire some goody-two shoes and-“

Before Kei can finish his statement, Deco raised her bony hand and forcefully silenced Kei.

“Don’t be so… humble with me, human. You’re brutal. Decisive. Most importantly: cruel. I know of your deeds and your true nature. I do not require your so called “goody-two shoes” nor a softhearted fool to have second thoughts. I need someone to be concise and do what is necessary. If you are not an adequate candidate, then no one else is. Do not instantly refuse and squander my offer.”


The thought of being selected out of millions, no; billions of lives just puzzled him. It was as if he won the lottery by snatching someone else’s winning lottery ticket when it was blown in the wind. Really? Him? Contemplating upon the choice, he knows that this is the only chance he’ll get to receive to get a-second shot at life! He’ll be able to do things he didn’t get to do. He’ll be able to achieve the life he craved for. Does he deserve it? In his opinion: Yeah. Screw other people.

Kei raised his hand as if he was back in school as a student in order to get the teacher’s attention. Deco released Kei’s forcefully closed mouth and stared down at him.

“Swear my loyalty and save the demon race, right? Can I do whatever I want besides that?” Inquired Kei.

Deco nodded her skull. “By pledging to me, I shall create you into the ultimate being among mortals in the world that I am an overseer of: the world of Edoli. This world is one with sword and magic without the modern conveniences from your previous world.

Save the demon race from decline and lead them into prosperity. You can do whatever you wish to achieve this, whether to commit slaughter or to create a paradise. As long as it does not undermine or hurt my children, I will not restrict you. I do not care for the other races. In fact, I despise the human race made by my counterpart.

Do we have a deal?”

“And if I fail?” Kei asked.

“Endless suffering. A painful, agonizing, excruciating torment is the only thing waiting for you if you fail.”

Her voice was literally so cold that even mist came out of her mouth. Her words sounded like mountains weighing upon his soul. At the same time, he can’t help but look at her with awe and sheer admiration.

“Alright. You got a deal. I might be a bastard, but I always keep my vows, promises, and debts.” Declared Kei.


Deco ascended from her throne of bones and slowly walked down her ominous stairway. She showed composure and elegance, descending like the death goddess she was with her bone-chilling aura. She stopped in front of Kei and overshadowed him, waiting for his answer to her previous question.

Kei wholeheartedly accepted the deal. Why wouldn’t he? An opportunity like this will never come again. A huge advantage over others and a goddess as his backing; Who can stop him on his path of conquest?

Kei put his right hand over his heart, went down on one knee and lowered his head. Mustering his breath to show his commitment.

“I pledge to serve the Goddess of Death, Deco! I will keep my end of our bargain for a second chance at life! I will not disappoint you!” shouted Kei.

Not the most chivalric of pledges, but the semantics didn’t really matter. Deco nodded in satisfaction. She raised her hand over his head, and a circle of white light lit up under him.

“I will bestow upon you a new body and power like no other. I shall send you to the remnants of the Demon race. Within, you shall meet a priestess who I-“

Kei raised his hand and interrupted her.

“May I offer a suggestion?”

Deco didn’t show much of a reaction for being cut off, but there still was one. On the bright side, he was polite… sort of. Deco nodded for him to continue speaking.

“I wish to go to a human-controlled land.”

Deco raised her nonexistent eyebrow in her confusion and asked, “Why?”

“So I can see the culture and sightsee. After I do that, I can make my way towards the demon capital. Can I have some fun on my way there?”

Kei did not disguise his true motives behind why he accepted the proposal; He really wanted to explore and have fun in this new world called “Edoli”.

Deco contemplated and thought seriously about the war between the Demons and the Alliance that ended two decades ago. The social status of the demon race had hit rock bottom, but they have not given up trying to rebuild and restore their former glory in their new home. The war brought a false sense of peace on the surface, but the feuds between the races, nations, and former alliances still continue, a la Cold War.

Kei can wreak havoc in the human lands, after all. As long as his goal remained clear and first priority, why shouldn’t she allow a little amusement amongst the agony of the planet?

Deco came down on her knee in order to draw her face closer to Kei. She stared at Kei’s eyes, and Kei looked back, staring at the seemingly endless darkness in her eye sockets without fear. Like a certain German nihilist and philosopher in his world: Gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. With her bony fingers gently caressing his cheek, she said, “Take care.”

The touch brought motherly warmth rather than heart-shattering and bone-chilling cold as Kei thought it would. Why would she suddenly act all motherly? No one can answer this question except the one who acted herself.

The circle of light became increasingly radiant and glaring, eventually becoming blinding. In a flash, he became as gone as the wind; disappearing in an instant.

Whether Kei will become a bringer of ironic light or a bringer of doom, it doesn’t really matter. Either way, Deco always has the capability to take away both his life and powers if he ever betrays her.

Kei remembered his previous life, knowing it was one of little color. Despite this, danger always lurked around every time he stepped outside. A 20-year-old man who was abandoned by both his family and the world, and shunned by the public eye. Finally; another chance.

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