《Ingame 2 Homeland》Ingame: Endgame Chapter 1 Alone


Ingame: Endgame

Chapter 1

I slowly made my way into the village using stealth and Shadows to make sure no one was aware of my presence. I was mad and frustrated, it was hard to control how I felt, having two higher entities become one with my soul and spirit was not easy. I could feel myself changing still and experiencing feelings and emotions, hints of thoughts that did not originate with me as my consciousness processed everything.

Taking a moment to center myself I stood in the Shadows and watched the whole village as they stood at the far side of the square and talked about what had happened. I noticed the Mayor talking with the Innkeeper and decided now was the time. Slowly moving towards the far river, I crossed a bridge and entered the yard of the largest house in the village.

Making my way to the back I noted that the lights were all out and the house seemed to be empty, my Perception did not reveal anyone to be home. I quickly had my lock picks out and had the door open in a flash, if had really taken no time, practice makes perfect I thought.

Making my way into the house I started in the kitchen and quickly checked every room. They were all empty but I knew the bloody bastard had a stash, it was a Dragon thing, I could always tell when someone was stashing treasure. Going back to the kitchen I noted that the table itself was fastened to the floor, and that seemed strange.

Grabbing the table I attempted to lift it and discovered that the table and half the floor lifted up. A normal man would not be able to lift it but then I was far from normal. Seeing a wooden leg swing down to hold the heavy table and floor into position I quickly placed it into its notch and then descended into the cellar.

Twelve steps down and a narrow passageway led to a small room, and in the room, were three small chests. I walked over to the first and examined it, then did the same for the second and third chest. The all seemed to be well made and were stout with good locks. Pulling my lock picks out once more I went to work.

The locks opened up one by one as did the lids revealing hundreds of gold and silver coins. This bastard has been stealing from his people for a long time I thought. Grabbing the first chest I slid it into my bag than did the same for the remaining two. I was now carrying well over two hundred kilos and yet felt nothing, my nanobot modified strength just kept increasing as I leveled and I had just leveled up to thirty.

I made my way back up the stairs and then put the table and flooring down, then taking my leave I made my way to my wagon. I was not going to be leaving my Gryphon, I suspected that it would bond on the first thing it saw and I wanted that to be me. As I made my way to my carts I saw Reona and Tasia enter the Inn with Ingar. Seeing no one else around I quickly entered the cart and made my way to the stove.

Grabbing the egg, I stuffed it into a pack and then shouldering the pack slipped outside and slowly walked through the shadows, heading towards the east road that left the town. I traveled for several hours, half expecting to see armed guards approaching on a horse but the road remained empty.


Deciding that I had gone far enough on the road I headed into the wilderness, the land was forested and had many bushes as well as trees. There was no path but I managed to make my way into the forest, hopefully not leaving any tracks.

In the real world, Native Americans had been known to track a man for many kilometers, it was a lost skill for the most part and I hoped that anyone searching for me using some kind of tracking skill would not be as proficient as those old warriors from the Comanche and Apache nations.

Still, I would have a price on my head now and would have to take precautions, staying out of large urban centers, and staying off the main roads. Opening my map, I saw that if I cut to the north east I would end up on the only road that led to the Dwarven kingdom.

The area I was in was covered in low hills with the occasional higher peak jutting upwards. There were villages along the roads but hundreds of kilometers of wilderness lay all around. Another thing that occurred to me was that this area seemed to have an unusually high number of Goblins and Orcs running around.

While they may have been sent here to meet up with the Dark God and help him to set up his temple, they may also be the forerunner to a larger war party. The northwest and northeast were covered in towering mountains that put these little hills to shame, and the only way through them was along the Kings highway going up to Craika pass then descending into the Dwarven side of the mountain range.

Knowing that is where I had to travel to I decided to forage and hunt as I traveled and to investigate any parties of Orcs and Goblins, it would be good to know where the hell they are coming from. Suddenly I could feel the presence of the stone Dragon and then he landed with a heavy thud. Walking over to me he spoke in my mind, “Master, I have flown across the land and have seen several parties of the Green ones as well as men on horses riding the roads.”

I nodded and then said, “They are all enemies and are looking for me I suspect, we must avoid them if at all possible.” Gazing at the huge blackness I felt a wave of affection come over me, even abandoned and shunned I still had beings that cared for me. It was a good feeling.

I spent the next hour talking to the stone Dragon, eventually naming him, Stoneskin. The Diggerduggers personality was there and I knew he felt an intense loyalty towards me. I asked and was told about the earth magic I had received and felt a bit more confident in my ability to manipulate the earth.

With that confidence, I decided that I would make a shelter, the wind was picking up and it had started to snow. The temperature was also dropping and I did not want to expose my Gryphon egg to cooler temps. With Stoneskin watching with curiosity I began to cast Earthmover, and carefully began to strip the topsoil of the land in a three-meter rectangular shape all the way down to the bedrock.

Once that was done I had a pit one meter deep with an uneven bottom. I then cast Dig Deep and began to pull the living rock together into a smooth surface for the floor. I then began to raise up the walls, I could feel the mana load increase as the walls rose five feet above the surface. The walls were two feet thick and very sturdy, as I had managed to do all four at the same time.


Looking up I began to have the stone meld into three cross beams that joined the long portions of the roof together, then the stone began to spread until the entire roof was covered with a five-centimeter-thick ceiling of stone. It was dark inside the small stone cabin, but the light from the fires burning within my eyes was enough to illuminate the interior. I quickly shaped a narrow door and then made a stone bed platform with a fireplace underneath the stone. It was relatively easy at this point to make a small chimney and have the stove vented to the outside. I finished by attaching a large stone sink to the fireplace which I would fill with snow to have hot water with.

Going outside I began to grab loose fir tree branches and then take them in and spread them on the bed. I also placed three large stones within the fireplace and then cast Dragon fire on them till they glowed red hot.

Trooping back outside I scooped a large bagful of the wet and heavy snow that was now laying on the ground. With the bed made the sink full of snow and the stone cabin starting to warm up I cast Dig Deep again and made a tunnel the sloped slightly up from the bottom of the cabin to an exit about seven meters away.

Finally, I cast Earth Mover again and covered the whole thing with a pile of sand and dirt which I fused together. Once it was all done it had the appearance of a small barren hill and did not look out of place at all. The exit was in a small corpse of trees and not easily seen. Entering into the cabin I realized I had forgotten to include fresh air vents and went back to work.

Once I was finally satisfied with the results I propped the door against the exit and asked Stoneskin to keep watch. Then placing my egg beside me on the sleeping platform I opened my pack and removed some blankets and a small pillow. The cabin was warm if not hot and very cozy. I felt a sense of security I had not felt since the dance. I closed my eyes and soon was deeply asleep, without realizing it the Gryphon egg had rolled against my head.

When I awoke several hours later I could hear a small voice in my head saying, “Hungry.” Shaking my head, I now realized I now had several beings up there. All of the essence I had acquired while not individuals anymore still were a presence in my brain. As was Stoneskin and Crusty when they were present. Smiling to myself I debated if ascending to the heavens or in my case Mount Olympus was driving me crazy.

It was a possibility I concluded and then asked Stoneskin what the weather was like out there. His reply was a laugh and then he told me to go back to sleep, it was cold and dark. I thought that was good advice and closed my eyes again and quickly fell back to sleep.

Waking up the second time I noted that the cabin was getting a little cooler. Standing up I cast Dragon fire again on the rocks and then stood and stretched. Going to the sink I grabbed a cup from my pack and then helped myself to some tepid water. What I would not do for a coffee right now I thought.

Pulling on my cloak I sat down and began to examine my armor, I recalled when I had received it, that it needed to be blessed by a God to achieve its full potential. Just before Nyx had died she had touched the armor and blessed it. I was curious to see what its stats were now. As I scanned it I sat back in shock.

God touched armor

This armor has been blessed by the Goddess of the Night, Nyx

The wearer's attributes are doubled while wearing the armor

This armor is soul bound to you

This armor will level with you

Dodge increased by 90 percent while fighting Gods

Block increased by 90 percent while fighting Gods

Dodge increased by 25 percent while fighting all others

Block increased by 25 percent while fighting all others

Nyx had gone all out in blessing this armor, it was now made to kill Gods and anything else that was alive. I doubted that there was anything like this in the game, in any game. As I sat there I realized that Nyx had given me a great gift, so that I could accomplish my goals.

Next, I pulled the sword Godslayer out and held it in my hands, it felt light as a feather but had to weigh at least five kilos. As I held it I could feel a presence within the sword, I knew it was a part of Nyx and a part of the Dark God. It was not hostile to me, indeed it seemed to have a connection with me, but I could tell that it was not sentient, at least not yet. The stats on the sword were incredible,

Seventy-five percent chance to crit on base damage

One hundred percent chance to crit on soul stealing

The sword acts as a living conduit between you and your spells and has a fifty percent chance to crit with any spell known to you

The sword is alive and is soul bound to you and will make every attempt to help keep you alive

The sword has a mixture of two Gods essences and may occasionally display the power of a God

This sword has tasted the life and death of Gods and no God is immune to its power.

Between the armor and the sword, I began to feel better, knowing that sooner or later another God was going to show up to try to kick my ass and steal my soul, I now felt I might have a chance.

I slowly began to gather my things together, and then carefully putting the egg into my pack I opened the door and walked out into the cold air of the early morning. Greeting me Stoneskin asked what we would do today.

Telling the black Dragon that I wanted him to fly towards the northeast and to let me know if a small village would appear on my path. I also asked him to keep an eye out for the Kings guards or any roving bands of Orcs or Goblins. Taking one last look at my buried in a hill cabin I sealed the doorway to the living stone. It had taken me two hours to make and now I knew what I was doing I was sure I could do it faster.

It felt good to know I would have a safe and warm place to bed down at and something about creating it myself felt good. I was not much for the crafting aspect of the game but this I enjoyed. I began to hum a little song as we left the cabin, with Stoneskin circling far above me I set off, determined to get to the Dwarven kingdom.

The day passed into evening, and then into night, my vision enabling me to keep going and my body not tiring at all as I strode through the forest. Stoneskin would occasionally give me directions if I began to go off course. I finally decided to stop and rest, I was halfway up a small mountain on a plateau and I did not want to risk tripping on the descent, not while I had my egg in my pack.

I walked over to the cliff face and saw that it would make a great place to make a cave shelter. I made the opening small and the expanded the room to the same size of the stone cabin. I basically copied the cabin in the cliff and once I was finished I sent Stoneskin off to find me some branches. He returned with the branches for the bedding and something else. A deer hung from his claws.

Thanking him I quickly hung the deer on a rocky outcropping and then began to skin and dress it. I knew I had to bleed it out and then remove the organs and the skin. Once that was all done I cut off several large chunks of meat ant returned to the Cabin. Grabbing my few cooking supplies from my pack I quickly oiled the small pan and seasoned the meat, the placing the pan in the fireplace I waited for the meat to cook.

Once I thought it was done, I pulled the pan out and began to eat. The damned meat was hot and I burnt my tongue but it tasted good, very good. Suddenly a window popped up and I read,

Congratulations you have learned how to Cook

You have learned how to cook a deer steak for plus 4 to random stat

Wow, I thought, no wonder it tastes so good. I wonder if everything I cook Ingame will taste good.

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