《The Legendary Bard》Chapter 25: Grove of the Young Thak


First chapter in two week...been busy with work


Grove and I decided to make large cluster groups that surrounded each of the three mini-bosses and then use the rest of the spawns in roaming groups.

It cost me a little bit of extra dungeon points, but I thought it was worth it in order to make the dungeon a little more challenging.

-4 DP. 89/100 Remaining

I had used up eleven points already and I was only finished with one of the four main tabs…I didn’t know if that was good or not so I decided to ask Grove.

“Is…” I started to speak.

“Its not bad. I would have preferred you to use less than ten, but in the end we can always forego making a boss monster and just supplement it with you.” Grove answered quickly as he picked up on my thoughts.

I found it kind of creepy that an NPC was privy to my private thoughts, but it made the conversation part a lot easier.

Exiting out of the ‘Design’ menu I called up the main dungeon interface in order to move on to the next tab.

Dungeon Creation InterfaceNameGrove of the Young ThakOrder Level3rdBossMini-BossesCreaturesDesign

I slid my eyes over to the creature tab, because Grove was pushing me to decide on the type of monster that would inhabit my dungeon before designing the mini-bosses.

I pouted briefly…its not everyday you get to design a boss.


My eyes glowed as they scanned over the bright blue tabs…my first instinct was to click on the ‘Legendary’ tab, but Grove swatted me in the back of the head with his branch.

“Its not worth it…you’ll only become depressed when you see the DP prices.” He sighed as he spoke.

“That tab includes things like dragons and demi-gods. I think the lowest DP cost is 2 or 3000 per cluster.” Grove added.

I nodded my head as I listened to the young little tree talk. “The ruin type gives natural bonuses to Elementals and Beastmen. Which one do you think would be tougher to fight?” I posed another question.

Grove wiggled his branches for a moment before a small smile stretched across his face. “Elemental would be trickier for mage types, but beastmen would be harder for warrior types and the negatives vice versa. Beastmen would be cheaper depending upon the type, while most elementals are around the same price.”

I took the information in stride and decided to review the two tabs before making a decision.

Humanoid Types:

(Beastman Specific)

Tiger-men – The Tiger beastman race is full of all-rounders. They are decently strong, fast, and agile. They fight best in groups and possess the racial skill: Eye of the Tiger. A Skill that gives the enemy two randomly selected debuffs for a short period of time. (Single: 2) (Group: 5) (Roamer: 3) (Group Roamer: 6) (Boss Single: 5) (Boss Group: 7)

Panther-men – The Panther beastman race is full of assassins and rogues. They are incredibly fast and dexterous. They fight best by themselves and with the element of surprise. They possess the racial skill: Stealth. A skill that gives them near-invisibility while they are not moving and lowered perception (Of them) while they are. (Single: 3) (Group: 4) (Roamer: 4) (Group Roamer: 5) (Boss Single: 5) (Boss Group: 6)


Elephant-men – The Elephant beastman race is full of powerhouses and tanks. They have incredible defense and attack, but are hindered by their slow movement. They fight best in enclosed areas, which cut down on movement. They possess the racial skill: Stomp. A skill that causes an area of effect stun. (Single: 4) (Group: 7) (Roamer: 3) (Group Roamer: 5) (Boss Single: 7) (Boss Group: 8)

Cat-men – The Cat beastman race is full of agile warriors and enchanted archers. They have high dexterity, wisdom, and intelligence. They are known for fighting smartly rather than viciously. They possess the racial skill: Pounce. A skill that allows them to gain a sudden increase in stats and attack power for a short period of time. (Single: 1) (Group: 3) (Roamer: 5) (Group Roamer: 7) (Boss Single: 3) (Boss Group: 5)

Wolf-men – The Wolf beastman race is full of vicious warriors and lunar mages. They have high attack power and endurance with a decent amount of speed. They are known for fighting in packs. They possess the racial skill: Dark Side of the Moon. A skill that allows them to enter a berserk state for a few minutes, which doubles their stats but leaves them weak afterwards. (Single: 3) (Group: 5) (Roamer: 5) (Group Roamer: 7) (Boss Single: 5) (Boss Group: 7)

Snake-men – The Snake beastman race is full of poison users and alchemic mages. They have quick striking ability and speed, but have no low endurance and defense. They are known for slowly torturing their enemies to death. They possess the racial skill: Venom. A skill that allows them to use their natural poison to negatively effect enemies. (Single: 2) (Group: 6) (Roamer: 2) (Group Roamer: 4) (Boss Single: 3) (Boss Group: 8)

Bull-men – The Bull beastman race is full of powerhouses and enhancement mages. They have high endurance, defense, and attack power. They fight better alone, because they have the tendency to fight amongst themselves. They possess the racial skill: Long Haul. A skill that increases their defense and health points for the duration of the battle. (Single: 4) (Group: 3) (Roamer: 6) (Group Roamer: 4) (Boss Single: 8) (Boss Group: 6)


I finished scanning over the beastman window and let out a sigh…the tabs contained so much information and I had barely scratched the surface.

“Keep in mind you want three boss level mobs and between 2-4 regular level ones. Then you can add things here and there.” Grove muttered.

Apparently a normal mob was made up of ten creatures and a boss mob was made up of fifteen.

Not wanting to read any more creature information I immediately decided to just stick with beastmen.

The main three boss mobs would consist of Tiger-men, Wolf-men, and Cat-men. They were the most well-rounded and they worked the best in groups.

-19 DP. 70/100 Remaining

I decided to have two roaming groups…one Snake-men group and one Panther-men group.

-10 DP. 60/100 Remaining

I placed three single Elephant-men in front of each of the mini-boss chambers and one single mob boss level Bull-man to sit in front of the main bosses chambers.

-20 DP. 40/100 Remaining

I started to panic a little, because my points were disappearing incredibly fast and I still hadn’t decided on the mini-bosses yet.


“Don’t freak out…with you as the main boss you can still spend up to ten to fifteen points on the mini-bosses, which will make them the same tier as you. The rest of the dungeon should be one tier lower.”

Breathing in and breathing out…I was finally able to calm down.

I exited out of the ‘Creature’ tab before I gave myself a heart attack over the stress…creating a dungeon was fun, but it was also heart-wrenching.

“The mini-boss tab allows you to create as many mini-bosses as you have boss group mobs, which means you can create three…I mean four. I forgot you made that randomly placed Minotaur or should I call it Bull-man…which one is politically correct.” Grove went on a tangent as it tried to find the right term.

I scanned through the Mini-boss menu and put together three mini-bosses that I liked. (To many customizations to show them all)

The first mini-boss was part of the Tiger-man race of beastmen and he was physical type fighter that focused on using a two-handed great sword.

Nalvor the TyrantHealth: 2000/2000 – Mana: 800/800Attack: 450 – Defense: 150Order3rdEye of the TigerHelm SplitterFull SwingTiger’s Roar

Nalvor was my least favorite out of the three to make, but he was a necessary mini-boss.

He had Eye of the Tiger and Tiger’s Roar to debuff and stun and then he had Helm Splitter and Full Swing in order to maximize his damage.

He could kill very quickly and mess with the flow of battle, but if a proper strategy was made the boss fight wouldn’t last that long.

Aren the SwiftHealth: 1500/1500 – Mana: 1200/1200Attack: 250 – Defense: 250Order3rdPounceCatman FuFull DrawScattered Shot

Aren was part of the Cat-man race of beastmen and he was an interesting mini-boss. He didn’t have high health, mana, attack, or defense…but he was average all around.

He was a ranged fighter that had a few close combat skills in case the enemy got to close. He specialized in ranged damage and speedy dexterous close combat.

The skills Pounce and Catman Fu were fairly decent close combat techniques used by the Cat-men beast race. Full Draw was a technique to maximize range damage and Scattered Shot was meant to damage multiple enemies.

Nyskimas the EstrangedHealth: 1000/1000 – Mana: 2200/2200Attack: 350 – Defense: 250Order3rdDark Side of the MoonLunar BombardmentWolf’s HowlLunar Shot

Nyskimas was part of the Wolf-man race of beastmen and she was a pure mage type build.

She had the skills Lunar Bombardment and Lunar Shot to do magic damage and she had the skill Wolf’s Howl in order to summon reinforcements. Dark Side of the Moon would be saved until she was at low health.

All in all I was happy with the three mini-bosses that I had created. They weren’t too powerful, but they were strong enough to keep a strong group occupied.

The only thing was that I had ten DP left…each of the mini-bosses only took 10 DP, because I chose only four main skills.

“You should put them into that overgrown bull creature in front of your chamber.” Grove remarked.

That was my first choice, but I didn’t want to make the dungeon to hard…I wanted to fight on occasion.

If I put the remaining ten points into the bull-man he would have 18 DP invested into him, which would make him practically as strong a dungeon boss.

“The hell with it…” I finally muttered as I invested the points into him.

Sorom the BoldHealth: 5000/5000 – Mana: 3200/3200Attack: 850 – Defense: 1000Order3rdLong HaulChargeEnhanced SwingEarthquake

My eyes widened as I stared at the final result. I poured all of the DP into the mini-bosses stats and skills without any extra skills slots and I ended up creating a monster…I wasn’t sure if even I could solo this beast.

“Done…finally.” I let out a sigh as I leaned up against the side of a dilapidated wall.

“Yes, creating a dungeon is always a bit time-consuming.” Grove responded.

“Before I forget…the specifics I have to explain before I become part of the dungeon. You will receive 10% of all monetary wealth dropped from kills within the dungeon. You will also receive a small portion of all dropped loot within the dungeon. Dropped from players not monsters, which means you might get an item or two depending on how big the invading party is. Every time your dungeon is conquered you will receive a negative debuff to all stats for a period of one week, but everytime that you successfully repel an attack you will receive a random buff of 5% to two three separate stats. The number of buffs depends upon the dungeon order.”

Grove prattled on about the specifics and I listened for a little while. The only part that really held my interest was the free money and randomized loot.

All I can say is…this is gonna be a lot of fun and where can I advertise dungeons?

New Titles:….

Status: Chapter 25

Status WindowName:KaiAlignment:NeutralLevel:26Class:BardRace:CherubGender:MaleTitlesSongscryer – The One True ThakFame:120Infamy:950-Health:550 / 550Health Regen:5.0 / SecMana:700 / 700Mana Regen:6.0 / SecStamina:800 / 800Stamina Regen:6.0 / Sec-Strength:70 (+55)Agility:70Vitality:63Intelligence:70 (+5)Wisdom:75 (+5)Endurance:83Luck:44 (+55)-Attack:10-15Defense:32 (+80)Physical ResistancesSlashing:27 (+48)Piercing:27 (+48)Crushing:32 (+48)Elemental ResistancesFire:10%Water:10%Wind:10%Earth:10%Light:10%Darkness:10%


Spoiler : Iron Skin: Intermediate Lvl 6 (11%)

Willpower III: Intermediate Lvl 5 (44%)

Seven Pathways Meditation: Intermediate Lvl 1 (8%)

Mana Manipulation: Intermediate Lvl 3 (55%)

Telepathy: Novice Lvl 1 (0%)

Voice Manipulation: Novice Lvl 8 (36%)

-Empower: Novice Lvl 1 (32%)

Music Mastery: Novice Lvl 7 (72%)

-Song of Renewal: Intermediate Lvl 2 (54%)

-Song of the Slumbering: Novice Lvl 6 (45%)

-Song of Sorrow: Novice Lvl 3 (26%)

-Song of the Berserker: Novice Lvl 2 (23%)

Bare-Handed Mastery: Novice Lvl 8 (61%)

Sword Mastery: Novice Lvl 7 (50%)

-Rapier Mastery: Intermediate Lvl 3 (82%)

+Rapid Thrust: Novice Lvl 7 (21%)

Illusion Magic Mastery: Novice Lvl 3 (85%)

-Disguise: Novice Lvl 7 (11%)

-Glamour: Novice Lvl 2 (27%)

-Clone: Novice Lvl 1 (0%)


Spoiler : Grei’Thaks Vambraces (+25) Defense and (10%) Slashing/Piercing Resistance – (65/65) Durability

Torn Leather Vest (+10) Defense (-2) Luck – (6/15) Durability

Rotten Shorts of the Idiot (+2) Defense (+5%) Odor - (5/7) Durability

Rugged Leather Boots (+7) Defense (+3) Agility – (4/12) Durability

Necklace of the Black King (+10%) Magic Resistance – (24/25) Durability

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