《The Legendary Bard》Chapter 7: One Week in Hell - Part 1


I figured that we would go through some basic weapon maneuvers…maybe even spar a bit and get used to fighting. But I seem to have overestimated my master’s…humanity? Yes that’s probably the correct word.

I was currently sitting in the middle of an open field. The corpses of Vigorous Pythons and Horned Rabbits lay scattered around for almost a quarter of a mile.

My health was dangerously low…my blade completely soaked in the blood of the prey I was forced to hunt.

I was weak and my body was covered in bite marks from head to toe. My head was delirious from all the poison that I had injected into me by the snakes. If it wasn’t for my strong will…well I doubt that I would be standing now.

The worst part was…its only been two days.

Flashback End

I exited the cabin with Gor’thak. My new rapier was inside its sheath and hanging from the edge of my belt. So that I could easily pull it out in times of need.

I glanced down at it and checked the basic information screen the game provided for my currently equipped weapon.

Swift Iron RapierType:Sword (10-15 Atk)Durability:35 / 35Quality:CommonA standard rapier created by an unknown cherub craftsman. It utilizes a special folding technique for decreased loss in durability.

The blade seemed light enough and you could tell just by looking that it was a decently made weapon. I specifically appreciated the decreased loss in durability. It looks like this blade and I will be partners for quite some time.

“So what are we going to start with. A few practice thrusts. Maybe hitting a dummy.” I asked, because I was curious about my masters training method.

His previous attempts included beating the crap out of me and hanging me upside down…I was hoping this one might be more normal.

Gor’thak merely looked at me and proceeded to walk towards. I expected him to say something, but he simply flew up to my shoulders and grabbed me by the collar.

“Lets go find something for you to kill.” Those were his last words before we vanished into thin air. He was using his high-speed technique again. The one that I first mistook as teleportation.

He flitted around a lot. Almost like he was trying to figure something out. I figured that he was trying to find an ideal place to train with monsters that wouldn’t kill me right away.

“Gor’thak has arrived.” We stopped by the edge of the field. The scenery was quite breathtaking. In the distance we could see large bunny rabbits hoping back and forth in the field.

“This is nice. Are we going to train here?” I asked expectantly.

“Stick the pointy end in the enemy until it dies. Rapiers are made for speed and not strength. This field is infested with horned rabbits and vigorous pythons. A friend of mine wants to plow it. This way you can quest and level at the same time.”


It didn’t seem that bad at first. It was a simply subjugation quest of low-level enemies.

Two Types of FarmingType:Subjagation QuestDuration:2 DaysRank:DYou have been asked by Gor’thak the Conqueror to clear a field of monsters for his farmer friend, Wilhelm. Rewards: Experience and increased familiarity with farmers. Failure with result in Gor’thak beating the shit out of you. Rabbits 0/100 Snakes 0/100.

“Good luck, kid.”

“Wait what?” I looked up at the quest pop up and read it until the end of the message before I started to freak out.

If I don’t do it…Gor’thaks kills me, but if I do…I’ll most likely die.

“Shit.” I said as I looked out onto the field. I squinted my eyes and checked the personal information of the closest monster I could see.

Horned Rabbit (M) Lvl 11

That thing was ten levels higher than me. I quickly did a mental calculation of my stats. I was roughly level 12 or 13 with my inflated stats, but I had close to no fighting experience in this world or in real life.

I was working up my courage to try and go out and fight the rabbit, when I suddenly remembered that I was a Bard. I didn’t have to go out their with no back up.

“I see tree’s and they see me. Give me strength so that I can be free.” I sung the first words that came to mind.

The Song of Renewal activated and I could feel my strength and vitality increasing. In the case of my strength it almost double, because of how low it was.

I pulled the rapier out of its sheath and charged directly at the horned rabbit. The point of my sword pricked into the side of the large sized bunny and it made some sort of yipping sound.

The large white rabbit turned towards me at an incredibly fast rate…smacking me in the side of my torso with its long sharp horn.

Damaged Torso -10 HP

I ended up back peddling a few steps in order to keep my balance. The white fluffy creature was a lot stronger than it looked.

The creature followed up by running directly at me with its horn aimed straight for my face. I tried to dodge and I saw my life flash before my eyes as it slammed into my shoulder and sent me tumbling off to the right.

Damaged Shoulder -15 HP

I took a few deep breaths as I scrambled my way back into a standing position. I knew that that only reason I was still alive was because of my inflated endurance and defensive stats.

The monsters agility was at a level, which far outclasses my own. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to compete with it in terms of speed.


So I had to study it. Learn its movement patterns and be at the right place at the right time to dodge.

It seemed like a sound plan at the time, but it wasn’t until I had lost over half my health that I had grasped its movement pattern completely.

In close range combat the rabbit would trigger a side sweep with its horn. This one was particularly tricky, because it required me to predict its attack patterns at a very close range.

Its second movement was the lunge. It charged forward like a bull and tried to impale its enemy directly. This was its easiest movement to dodge, since I just had to roll left or right of the creature when it charged.

The last of its attacks was its most powerful one. It leapt into the air and used the weight of its body along with gravity to crush you underneath it.

I knew from the indents in the ground that that wasn’t an attack I could take directly and still manage to come out unscathed.

It wasn’t long before I managed to kill the large fluffy creature. A few well placed stabs at the right time…well the bunny was covered in holes.

I didn’t have the strength or the agility to dish out high enough damage. So the fight took a lot longer than I had hoped.

It had almost been a half hour and I had successfully killed exactly one horned rabbit. If this was my questing speed. The rest of this was going to be a nightmare.

Level Up +2

I opened my eyes widely at the sudden message. I had been so focused on stats and abilities that I almost forgot about the leveling system.

I immediately opened the menu and place five points into strength and the other five into agility. They were the two stats I was the most lacking in at the moment. I needed the speed to be able to finish off the battles quicker and I needed the strength in order to inflict more damage to my enemies.

It took another twenty minutes or so for my health to recharge back to full health and then I was back on the hunt. I knew the strategy now and I knew how to kill them.

The bane of the rabbit kingdom had arrived. I was now able to kill a rabbit in a little less than ten minutes and after killing about six more rabbits I gained a few skills as well as two more levels.

New Skill: Sword Mastery

New Subset Skill: Rapier Mastery

I knew if I trained for long enough the skill would eventually appear, but I figured that I would have gotten them after the first battle.

“Description: Sword Mastery. Rapier Mastery.” I needed to take a good look at my new skills and see how beneficial they would be in battle.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Sword MasteryNovice182%Sword Mastery is a widely known skill that is used by those who train in the arts of the sword. Sword Mastery provides a 10% increase in damage when wielding a sword.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Rapier MasteryNovice232%Rapier Mastery is a subset skill of Sword Mastery and it is used by those who train in the arts of the dexterous rapier. Rapier Mastery provides a 5% increase in maneuverability while wielding a rapier.

The benefits that the skills provided would be a godsend to him and if he his Mastery’s then he would be able to farm the animals on this field even faster than his current pace.

During my breaks I decided to meditate and work on the control of my mana. The more control I had over my mana and the faster my regeneration the more potent my songs would become…well song. I only had one at the moment, which I had to reactivate every ten minutes.

I had killed my way through about 34 horned rabbits by the time I encountered my first python. It was much larger than the rabbits and it looked like it could crush my entire body if it managed to coil itself around me.

Vigorous Python (F) Lvl 16

The snakes were a few levels stronger than the horned rabbits and I was willing to bet they had quite a bit more agility and a more dangerous bite.

“I really don’t like snakes…” I whimpered as I noticed the pearlescent green liquid that dripped down its two front fangs.

Chapter 7: Status

Status WindowName:KaiAlignment:NuetralLevel:5Class:BardRace:CherubGender:MaleTitlesNoneFame:70Infamy:1000-Health:150 / 150Health Regen:1.0 / SecMana:250 / 250Mana Regen:2.0 / SecStamina:300 / 300Stamina Regen:3.5 / Sec-Strength:11 (+6)Agility:21Vitality:15Intelligence:22Wisdom:27Endurance:35Luck:0 (+6)-Attack:1-2Defense:15 (+24)Physical ResistancesSlashing:5 (+8)Piercing:5 (+8)Crushing:10 (+8)Elemental ResistancesFire:10%Water:10%Wind:10%Earth:10%Light:10%Darkness:10%


Spoiler : Tough Skin: Novice Lvl 8 (42%)

Strong Will: Novice Lvl 6 (66%)

Seven Pathways Meditation: Novice Lvl 3 (97%)

Mana Manipulation: Novice Lvl 4 (56%)

Voice Manipulation: Novice Lvl 2 (8%)

Song Manipulation: Novice Lvl 3 (14%)

Song of Renewal: Novice Lvl 5 (24%)

Sword Mastery: Novice Lvl 2 (17%)

Rapier Mastery: Novice Lvl 4 (26%)

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