《Dragonic Evolution [Old]》To Friends, Enemy's and Evolution, Part 5: Humans


There were three to be specific. Two girls and one guy. The girls both seemed to be wearing linen. One had a bow, must have shot an arrow at a deer. The archer girl also had a dagger strapped to her side and bright blonde hair tied in a braid that went down to her shoulder blades. The other girl had brown hair and a weird walking stick, maybe she was a mage. It would make sense as she had a book strapped to her side and looked a little timid.

But the brown hair was nowhere near as timid as the man. He had short red hair and had clothes that seemed to be from… earth. He was in jeans and a black shirt with white letters saying Panic!. Seemed like his shirt described his face completely. He was standing back, even though he had a shortsword no longer than his forearm in his hands. The thing that interested me was his red eyes, the same as me and Yarm. No impossible, I refused to accept a connection.

It made me a little sad to see these people, the blondie was aiming an arrow at me, meanwhile, they were all muttering something and the mage pushed the red eyed man towards me. “Damn it, well… I can’t kill these people, it would be annoying if they attacked me. Alright, I kill them if they attack but I will try to scare them off”.

Taking in a large breath, I let out a shout. A shout that got cut off halfway through as they shot an arrow at me. It bounced off the side of me, hitting the dirt. “That’s it, you die archer lady”. This time I gave a different shout, a frenzy. My mind once again began to feel like it was closing in on itself then I pounced at the archer. She screamed as she fell down on the ground with me on top of her. I lifted one of my claws and slashed her face, taking her right eye and cutting her up from hairline to the end of her nose going diagonal.


Quickly my senses returned to me, I jumped off her. The girl's screams tore through me, I wretched and threw up. I had been killing and eating animals since I got here, but never had they let out such a horrid scream. By the time I looked up, all of them had fled far away. ‘Damn it! I let them get away… I was weak there. No, I held on to any hope of staying a human at heart. Either way, I best eat these deer and then go home. I doubt any other deer would come after hearing all of that noise or the smell of blood would scare them off.

So I solemnly began to eat my meal, slightly in awe of how I could eat more than my total body mass. I guess that the system had something to do with that but I would never be certain. ‘I could use the help feature… nah I don’t need to know’. After getting through all of the meat and organs I looked back at the shining blue antlers. They looked amazing to me. So I walked over to them and took a bite.

Surprisingly they snapped off easily, melting in my mouth as I chewed it. After finishing I noticed that it felt like I had more mana than before. ‘Impossible, ok fine this is awesome. Looks like I am going to have to find a larger food source though because fifteen or twenty can’t increase it more than double what I have now’.

After all of these new discoverys my head was going in every direction about what to do next. ‘Humans though, I can’t believe there are humans. After so long here I had given up hope of finding humans. But judging on the way that they treated me I am not welcome right now. Still today has been amazing, I will check my status when I got to sleep’. I went to Yarms hiding spot. “So I take it you didn’t get stomped on”. Snarkily I replied to Yarm. “They got stepped on worse, come on, time to go back to the nest”.


We chatted on the way back, mostly making fun of each other. To my surprise, Yarm had a sharp tongue and a knack for making me roar with laughter. By the time we got back the sun was starting to set. I decided to practice my charging skill before bed. Once the sunset I got in and laid down, checking my status.

(Name: Glen

Level – 10 (MAX)

Biomass - 40

Skills: Rapid Development lvl (P), Frenzying Roar lvl 1(+), Pain Resistance lvl 2(+), Heat Scales lvl 3, Mana Infusion lvl 3(+), Charge lvl 2(+)

Physical Aspects: Small Horn lvl 1(+), Weak Hide lvl 1(+), Weak Scales lvl 3(+), Claws lvl 3(+)

Mutations: System lvl 2, ??? lvl 1, Smoke Breath lvl 4(+))

‘Well, that is all new. Wait I am max level, SYSTEM WHY BE SO CRUEL’. [The system has no sense of cruelty, only a sense of fairness in how things are distributed and what things are worth in terms of biomass. Level 10 is as far as the Child form of a Crystal Dragoon can reach]. The name of my species his me like a truck. ‘System why are we called Crystal Dragoon’s?’. [This is because your species has a special core that lets you use mana, the horns of the Crystal Deer you killed acted the same way. Your core lies near your lungs]. I felt like I just got a ton of information. But it wasn’t too helpful for information. At least at the moment I saw no way for it to help me know that I still count as a child in terms of my races age.

‘Alright system, how do I become a not child’. The system responded in an almost cheerful tone [Simple, evolve. You can evolve easily and it will be of great benefit for you to evolve, would you like to evolve now? Yes/No]. ‘God damn it system, I don’t like you right now’. I went and laid in the nest, then with an audible sigh “yes, lets do this”. Suddenly I was surrounded by darkness.

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