《Dragonic Evolution [Old]》New World Part 1: The Shell


‘I died, lets get this out of the way first. I am dead in my own world, no it was not some heroic battle defending someone that got me killed. Nor did someone assassinate me. It was a bolt of lightning that took me from my original world. How do I know this you might ask? Well, I heard a loud boom, not like a gunshot or anything. Then for a split second I felt like I was being electrocuted. How do I know I was electrocuted? Because I was five and I put a fork in a plug because my parents told me not to.’

‘Now that we have that out of the way let me tell you what I was like before death. I was a normal child by the name of Glen, but I was introverted. I never really grew out of being an introvert, I wish that I had grown out of it because maybe then I would have been able to make some friends before I died. My job was simple so I will explain it in one word, poor writer. I never really had a lot of money, relying on people paying a subscription to read a couple of chapters ahead.’

‘Alright so, now that I have told you about myself, I should also tell you what is going on right now. I have no clue what is going on right now. All around me I can feel nothing. It made me feel weird, I would try to move my limbs but nothing would move. So I guess I will just sit here, talking in my head and trying not to go insane.’

‘Day 10, I have been talking to myself for a while now. I think up of stories in my head, grand tales of mages and heroic swordsman. But I have to admit that I am starting to get a little bored of myself, maybe I should think with a different voice.’


‘Day 25, today I began to feel something weird. I still didn’t know what the darkness around me was, but when I tried moving I swear that there was something moving. Still unsure, maybe I should wait longer and test more.’

‘Day 50, I can now confirm that I do have limbs, I can feel that I have legs and arms, though they are forced at an odd angle. Oh right, I can finally feel something around me. It feels like a strange liquid, but when I move around it feels like I am encased in very thick honey. With that, I conclude today’s mental journal. I’m getting bored, I hope that this darkness goes away soon.’

‘Day 100, at least it feels like that. I really have been trying to keep track of time, but all of it was just my guessing. I would like to confirm that I have limbs. Five to be specific, four legs, and a tail along with a head and after all of this thought I have realized that I might no longer be human. Perhaps I became like a reincarnation book’s main character… what were some of the tropes?’

‘Day 111, well, I think that my limbs are getting stronger, now the thick, honey-like substance is similar to water in terms of how hard it is to move around but it still feels different to water. Either way, Glenn signing out.’

‘Day 140, time to try this, ‘STATUS’.’

(Name- Glen, Level - 0, Biomass – 0, Skills: Rapid Development lvl (P)

Physical Developments: Basics 70% complete, Weak Hide lvl 1

Mutations – System lvl 1)

‘Well, this was unexpected… what is rapid development? Something to figure out later’. ‘So, guess I should try some more stuff’. So in my head, I shouted out ‘SHOP’ and a cool metallic voice said back to me [Increase System Level to Access the Store Feature]. ‘Well, how do I increase the systems level? Also, explain my skills please?’. For a second time I got the same metallic tone [Increase System Level to Access the Help Feature]. ‘… CURSE YOU TECHNOLOGY!!!’.


‘Well let's see for myself, my name is right, Level is weird. Well from my large knowledge of video games, it means how strong I am, or a measure of power… so what does that mean? Guess I am pathetically weak. Biomass is… I am not sure, maybe how big I am. Rapid Development, that probably means I gain levels faster and skills level faster. Weak Hide… alright, so I have a hide? Strange but my whole situation is really strange’.

‘Day 200, It is now escape day. Guess I should review and make sure I’m going to do this right. Ok, so I tried to do more things with the system and it kept blocking me out. After that I went and decided to keep myself entertained while this inhumane body grew… yada yada doesn’t matter anymore. The important thing is that I can feel my claws rake against something. So, lets try to break it’.

First, though I checked my status, I hadn’t checked it in a while and decided to see what has changed.

(Name- Glenn, Level - 1, Biomass – 0, Skills: Rapid Development lvl (P)

Physical Developments: Basics 100% complete, Weak Hide lvl 1, Weak Scales lvl 1, Claws lvl 1, Small Horn lvl 1

Mutations – System lvl 1)

‘CURSE YOU SYSTEM!!!, I will grow the largest horn in the world!!!’.

Quickly I moved my front right leg towards the wall. Once I felt my claw touch my encasing I pushed it through and made a swift cut. Suddenly the liquid began to pour out.

Fear encased me for several seconds and scenario's that could happen flooded my mind. What if I just killed myself? Where will I be when I come out? Is something just going to pick me off the moment I come out?.

Those were the thoughts flooding my head. But as soon as I had those thoughts they were pushed away by a new feeling. It was cold, the air was filling the spaces where the liquid was oozing out. It felt good, I wanted to feel more of it. So I began to claw at the shell more and more, feeling the air move over my skin.

After just seconds of this incredible feeling, it was gone. Running forward to try and feel more wind, I tumbled out of something. But instead of the lovely feeling of airbrushing against my body I felt a burning sensation in my chest and dizziness in my head, opening what was my new mouth, I took in a deep breath of air. Then, I screamed. I gave a scream so loud I thought that my ears were going to burst.

After that primal scream of pure joy, I realized it wasn’t human, instead, it was a high pitched shriek. Ignoring my confirmed inhuman self I quickly remembered that I had eyes. Without thinking for a moment I opened my new eyes as wide as they would go then I got hit with blinding amounts of light. Slamming my eyes shut I composed myself. That did hurt me a little, still, I got out of whatever that was 'I wonder what's next'.

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