《tales from the multiverse》shogoth sniping


(an asteroid streaks across the sky, leaving a streak of fire, untill it lands, leaving a small crater in the middle of the nevada desert, after it cools down, a black ooze breaks out of what was apperently a shell. after an hour of it slinking across the desert, a coyote sniffs, and eats it with a lick and a monch, after an hour of seeming fine, it colapses, dead)


(but then it got up, but not with itself at the metiphorical wheel, the sludge is in control of the body now)

(the thing wearing the body of a coyote, walks all through thge night, and as the sun comes up, it growls at it, before moving on, untill it colapses again, this time from exaustion. after some time in the sun, a buzzard comes to feed)


(it attacks the buzzard, and kills it, and consumes itr whole with an unhinged jaw but somthing happens, the wings of the buzzard now begin to grow from the things back, and it looks alittle bigger)

(it now runs while flappking its neww wings, gliding across the desert, but not truly flying, untill it comes across a town, one that lookms like it is not visited vary often)


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