《Surviving this world with a broken meta!》Chapter 21: An Ominous Sight


Sounds of countless footsteps and armors clanking permeated the open field.

After the planning and the preparation, Shin, the girls and Emilia’s knights walked towards the village cautiously.

Their sword and shields were positioned forward to intercept against their opponents.

Upon approaching, monsters residing outside the village noticed their arrival.

Sensing their intent, the monsters glared at them dangerously at the distance.

Their numbers were few on the outside of the village but albeit their considerably low level, their well-built constitution makes them not suitable for new adventurers.

However, the knights here were all veterans in the battlefield so Shin can rest easy and not worry too much about his personal companions.

“This should be easy”

“Quite confident, are you?”

Emilia smiled as she replied Shin’s remark.

“Oh, I’m not just talking about myself. I’m sure your knights can handle this easily right?”

“Why do you think I only brought few of them?”

“Who’s the confident one now?”

“Who knows?”

Emilia shrugged off her shoulders intentionally and they both laughed as they continue advancing to the village.

Watching their carefree exchanges, Tia knotted her eyebrows and decided to speak up.

“Pardon me, I get that that both of you are strong, but think about the morale of the knights present here, especially you Emilia-sama. This isn’t a walk in the park you know”

“Hmm? Isn’t the sight of the leader being carefree makes them ease, don’t you think? And Shin’s attitude is quite contagious?”

‘How is that my fault?’ Shin complained his mind but decided to keep quiet.

Meanwhile, as they get closer and closer, all of the monsters’ attentions within the vicinity were now focused on the approaching intruders.

They grunted at them.

Back in the game he used to play, monsters of these types are common. They are the passive type but highly territorial. So if they treat this village as theirs then most likely Shin and his companions will be greeted with warm welcome.

To test if they are the same as the in the game, he raised his hand to halt everyone.

‘What is it Shin?’ asked Emilia but Shin didn’t respond and walked towards the closest monster face to face.

The orc he was facing was about 7m tall. Shin was looking up because it was much taller than he is.

Its appearance is just as he expected. A green-skinned pig-like appearance with bulging muscles wearing only dirty pants like it was made from rug. On its hands was a club, a type of blunt weapon that has no edge instead deals heavy physical damage.

The orcs aren’t so different compared to goblins, the only difference is that they are like the improve version. They are much bigger and stronger compared to them. They fight recklessly and they had significantly high stamina. However they are not organized compared to goblins that fight in numbers and excelled in ambush attacks. Goblins are more crafty and cunning. If in a situation in which both teamed up, it will be troublesome. Shin is sure there will be casualty. But luckily, as far Shin have observed, there are only orcs around.

‘Are they aggressive?’ Shin thought in his mind as he mindlessly approach one nearby.

Tia was about to question his sanity when she saw that Shin was looking straight at the face of the orc.

She was about to question Shin when the orc shouted first and raised its weapon.

It swung violently and caused the wind to howl as if being punished.


Everyone who saw that grasped in surprise.


Something went flying and dropped to the ground with a thud. They searched for it and found what it was.

It rolled in a circle and stopped. It was the head of the orc.

“Ohhh? They give big exp than expected. Lucky”

Everyone looked at the man who said those words with nonchalant tone.

While looking at his status panel curiously, on his shoulder rested a katana with unusual length and on his feet was the headless orc lying lifelessly.

It twitched for a couple of seconds and stopped.

Guess orcs isn’t even a decent opponent to him, huh? Emilia sighed in amazement.

“You weren’t kidding when you said this would be easy, huh?”

“Hmm? Did you say something?”

Shin turned around and tilted his head. His thoughts were preoccupied on watching his status menu in silent so he didn’t hear what Emilia had said.

“Forget it. More importantly, we should hurry up and rescue the villagers. It seems that quite a number of monsters lurking in the village have made an appearance.”

The monsters residing inside started coming out so the number of monsters outside started to increase by each moment.

If they won’t move now, getting inside the village would be harder by the minute.


Deciding this would be a good time to advance, Emilia turned to her knights.

“Form a group by four. Each group should watch each other’s back. Let us retake the village with might!”

((((Yes ma’am!))))

“Um.. if we can be of any help, we’d like to do our best to support you” “Do our best!” “… I’m coming mother, father, everyone...” Yuffa, Tanya and Clarisse voiced out their support.

Shin watched their expression and saw resolved in their eyes especially Clarisse who didn’t hide her intent as she looked at him and nods with determined look.

He then looked at Yuffa and their eyes met. Her smile hinted assurance like she’s saying subtly ‘don’t worry about us’. She is the oldest in his party so no wonder despite in this situation; she’s the most calm amongst the girls.

“Shin onii-chan, Shin onii-chan, leave Yuffa Onee-chan to me~ fufu”

“Ho~ is that so? Then I’ll leave her to you Tanya. And when we get back, I’ll treat to whatever you like, okay?”

“Really!? Yay! Shin onii-chan is the best!”

The overly excited Tanya hugged Shin between the legs and caused Shin to laugh. ‘It really feels like I had a younger sister’ is what entered his mind and rubbed her forehead.

Her innocence in the current situation eased the tension on their party.

He was worried in all of them but it was a needless worry. He also trusts the female knights with them. And so there is only one thing he could do.

Suddenly, his arms were pulled lightly.

Shin looked at his arms and found that Clarisse was looking at him with a determined look.

“I believe in Shin. So, please save my family and my village. In exchange I’ll do anything you want!”

“Eehh?! Cla-clarisse-chan?”

The one who reacted wasn’t Shin but Yuffa instead.

Hearing the word “anything you want” from Clarisse gave quite a shock. She didn’t know Clarisse would be this daring and bold.

But the person being the subject of that word didn’t seem to catch was she was trying to convey and only accepted it in a face value.


“It goes without saying Clarisse. Leave it to me, Well then, I’ll go ahead and clear the path for all of you”

“Wai-! Shin-sama?!”

Shin dashed off without looking back.

The girls watched Shin go and also followed him seconds late before he did. Except one of them looks visibly troubled.

Not long after, gunshots echoed the surroundings and monsters blocking the path started falling, together with numerous thuds and grunts of agony from the falling monster filled the area.


Inside the village, the remaining survivors took refuge on a small chapel.

As per the ordinance exclusively under the kingdom’s territory dictates that every village must have a place of worship, not just for the purpose of religion but also for the villages’ protection as well.

Its structure looks small and made only out of wood that you can mistake the building as an ordinary house. It doesn’t look prominent unlike any other chapel that you find in bigger cities or town.

In a glance, you could tell that this building cannot provide a proper shelter for the refugees regardless of how it is built; its capacity is very limited. Apart from the materials that are easy to burn, it’s not that sturdy as well.

However it was not about the building or the chapel that provides protection but rather the cleric that is assigned in every village.

According to Emilia, a cleric is also an adventurer but had a direct affiliation with the church. And before they will be dispatch, they must first undergo a special magic training that specializes in support-based skill specifically on barrier-type and seal-type exclusively for cleric class. They are also given a choice whether to go on an adventure or be assigned at a chapel in every villages. They are not prohibited to use offensive magic and they can offer support when needed.

Just like in the most MMORPG games.

Inside the chapel, there’s a man standing near the door with his hand extended towards it while the other hand was holding a long white staff and was wearing a dirty looking brown robe.

A white glow surrounded his body extending to his arms.

His name is Ronald. He was roughly 50-60 years old based on appearance. His face clearly shows his exhaustion due to deteriorating mana inside his body. He has been protecting the entire place all on his own ever since the monsters started attacking the village. Fatigue from mana depletion is now showing in his face. He looks exhausted.

“When will the help coming Ronald-sama? It’s been three days and no one is coming! Are we going to die here in starvation?!”

A woman wailed while hugging her daughter. Her voice of dismay and anger also fuels the anxiety everyone felt who have been stuck in the church for a long time. They also started to voice their frustration one by one. Like their food and water is starting to run out that it became noisy inside the church. But one voice silenced all of them. It was rather low but carried intensity with it.

“Everyone calm down!”

“B-but Chief! Aren’t you hungry too? Don’t you feel-“

“I feel the same way as much as everyone else does. More importantly, we may be in a barrier but too much noise might reach the monster outside and might start attacking this place again. Complains won’t get us anywhere. It will only raise panic and anxiety. I know what you feel, all of you. You may not be aware but the one who is suffering the most is Ronald-san. He’s been there from the start. There is nothing we can do at the moment and i cannot risk all of you to get out there and sneak our way out. There are children here and we are only bunch of farmers. Even if we get away, the monsters will catch us eventually. It is frustrating but all we can do right now is to wait and continue waiting. Don’t lose hope. I’m sure someone will come for us.”

“..” “….” “…”

Everyone turned silent.

Just as the village chief has said. There’s nothing they can do but wait until help comes.

As expected of the chief, he is calm and logical person amongst them. But unbeknownst to them, he didn’t believe his own words. Because of his role as the chief, he must remain collected in all occasions especially this one. Panic must be avoided and so he is left with no choice but to lie, even to himself. He hung his head in despair silently as to avoid seeing everyone his expression he is making right now, hoping that help may come as soon as possible.


When silence befell, a sound of hope from outside was heard; the sound of gunshot they were unfamiliar of.

The barrier surrounding the entire chapel wards away nearby monsters. Additionally, it blocks the sound from escaping outside the barrier in order to avoid the attention of the monsters and it is sound-proof only in the inside not outside to have the awareness of what is going on outside.

Simple yet effective.

And because the barrier only blocks the sound inside but not outside, everyone heard it.

The silence didn’t last long. Their unease resurfaced again and they became rowdy again.

Everyone turn their attention to Ronald for information but naturally, he only shakes his head.

They were anxious, until someone knocked on the door.

“Hello? Is everyone safe there?”

Shin already noticed the pale sky blue dome-like barrier surrounding the chapel and walks right thru it.

“We’re here! We are all good. We’re saved!”

“I’m glad to hear that. Oh but don’t get out yet.”

Everyone inside was greatly overjoyed just by hearing the voice. They were all eager to go outside but were halted by Shin because there are still things left to do.

“There are still monsters left in the village but rest assured. We are almost done. After that, we will come back here, okay?”

He immediately left the vicinity and headed straight to the main battlefield which is currently happening at the center of the village.

Shin was confident that the situation is under control since Emilia was there together with her female knights.

He was about to arrive at the scene but what came into his view were the female knights were scattered and lying unconsciously on the ground together with the bodies of the orcs mixed in. What’s more is that Emilia was kneeling in one knee while holding her shoulder.

Few meters away from Emilia, he found Yuffa and Clarisse covering Tanya with their bodies.

Shin had a sense foreboding that something bad will happen.

Without a doubt, a huge ball of fire is heading straight towards the place where Yuffa and girls were.

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