《Surviving this world with a broken meta!》Chapter 8: Impending encounter


Editor: Jack Sroft


As the sun started to rise, Shin and the girls started preparing for their first adventure.

Yuffa, together with Tanya, had just gotten back from the market while buying their travel necessities, like food and water, as Shin instructed. Shin worried that they would get lost, but his worries calmed down, as he saw the girls chatting happily while they put what they have bought on the table.

Well, Yuffa might be a bit timid sometimes but she is a proper adult after all.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you to buy a weapon for yourself Yuffa.” Shin said.

“Is that okay? Weapons can getpretty expensive depending on the grade.”

“Whatkind of price rangeare we talking about?”

“Um, I remember Tanya’s parents having a regular sword…I think it cost about 30 silvers?”

The prices here are really cheap. Or is it that I just have too much gold on me? Shin thought.

“Don’t worry about the price.”Even the money I gave them to buy food might be too much for normal expenses.

“Now that you mention it Shin-sama, you gave me quite a shock when you just handed me 10gold like it was just some spare change. No one gives out 10gold just for groceries. As I thought, Shin-sama must be the son of a noble.”

Peered Yuffa but Shin only laughed at her, seeming to avoid the topic. Not because it was the truth, but he can’t exactly tell her how he got it.

Suddenly, Tanya pulled the hem of Shin’s shirt while chomping on something that looked like beef jerky.

Shin looked at her and said in the back of his mind:

She’s totally like a hamster…

“What’s the matter?” Shin asked.

Tanya swallowed her food in one gulp and spoke innocently.“Will you give me a weapon too?”

Shin smiled and patted her small head gently.

“No. it’s still too early for you, so Leave the fighting to me. You just have to stick close to Yuffa at all times…At.All. Times.” He stressed the last part. “Don’t leave her side. Okay?”

“Kayyy~” Tanya replied while she closed her eyes and enjoyed the patting from Shin.

After a while, they started preparing and walked out of the inn. Before they did, Shin told the lady in the counter named Mrs. Ellen that they will be back by dusk, so that no one would occupy the room they were renting.

Even in the morning, the streets were already filled with people. The group walked through the crowds as they were looking for a weapon shop so that they could buy a weapon for Yuffa.

Eventually, they found a weapon shop located some distance away from the commercial streets. It looked rather old and musty, but contrary to how it looks, a number of people could be seen going in and out of the place.

They entered the store and found a bearded man tending the shop.He looked at them and asked:

“What can I do for you?”

“I am looking for a weapon suitable for beginners.” Shin replied on Yuffa’s behalf.

The man looked at Yuffa and pondered for a moment.

“What does the girl wants to specialize in? A melee, range, or magic type?” Asked the bearded man to Shin.



Shin was thinking about giving the job of support over to Yuffa. Taking Tanya’s safety into account, it’s better to have her in the back. While supporting Shin, which would probably not be needed in most situations, she can protect Tanya by just being at her side. That, and it would reduce Shin’s worries greatly.

Going by this, means Yuffa has to carry a weapon typical to support, such asa magical staff.

“Do you have a magic staff?” asked Shin.

“Do you mean a wand sir?”

“No I mean an actual staff with magic capabilities for a support role.”

“Oh, you’re going to have her as a support. What kind of a support then? Will be more offensive or defensive?”

“A little of both but more on defense, what do you think Yuffa?”

Shin turn towards Yuffa to face her.

“If I can be of any help to Shin-sama, I’ll gladly accept it.”She then agreed happily.

“Wait a sec.”

Right after the bearded man confirmed that Yuffa agreed, he left and went into the back of the store. Minutes later, he came back and brought a wooden staff. The tip of the staff is bent downwards with a shiny gem embedded on the tip.

“This item here is unique, and very suitable for support role. Using this staff enables the owner to use elementary ice magic as an offensive skill. It’s a bit weak for offense, but this staff has a side skill that grants a healing effect. Health recovery varies depending on user’s level.As such, the higher the level, the more health theskill recovers. For a multi-role item,such as this,it will cost you a hefty sum of money. I could get you a lower quality though if you are on a budget.” The bearded man explained as he tried to warn Shin of the price.

“So, how much is it?”Shin asked normally. The bearded man raised his eyebrow and told him the price bluntly.

“2_gold and 56 silvers.”

After hearing the price, normally Yuffa would make a shocked expression, but knowing her master that casually gave them 10gold, she kept her mouth shut and tended Tanya who was moving restlessly.

Shin thought in his mind. He says hefty, but that number is like .001% of the overall money I have.

“I’ll take it.”

So, he decided to buy it without a delay. He took 3_gold out of his pocket and handed them over to the bearded man.

That action caused the bearded man to give a doubting look, to Shin but he accepted his payment nonetheless.

After thanking the man, the group exited the shop and headed straight outside of the gate. Theywalked along and presented their identification card they got last time. After the gate guard confirmed, they started walking off the open field.

A distance away from the city, was the place where newbie adventurers tend to level up. It was a wide grassland, filled with low level monster like and .

The further you are from the city, the more vicious monsters roam the area, especially into the woods.If you are about hundred meters away from the city wall, anyone and everyone is vulnerable to monsters’ surprise attacks.

But for now, Shin decided to put up with low level monsters for Yuffa’s sake.

As they walked on the grassy lands, they encountered a group of wandering aimlessly.


Noticing the monsters, Yuffa panicked. She pointed her staff to where the monster are with one hand, while the other was holding Tanyaever so tightly.

“Calm down. You don’t even know how to use that staff, do you? Let me handle this. You just need to hold on to Tanya carefully.” Said Shin as he stepped forward.

He looked at the group of monsters and counted them.

1,2,3,4… there are seven of them. I could shoot them one by one, but it’s kind of troublesome.

As Shin decided on something, he () held both of his handsout, like he was holding a big gun. Afterwards, a weapon materialized as he poured his mana and used his magic, unlike any other magic possessed by anyone from this world.

What appeared in his hands was a 40x46mm Multi-shot grenade launcher (MSGL).

Shin could’ve just used a lighter weapon, but given that the enemy formed a group in one spot, it is only reasonable to use weapon with an AoE.

He poured mana into the grenade launcher, and loaded it with explosive rounds. It consumed 33% of his overall mana, because this was the first time he ever use that type of weapon. Although summoning that weapon next time would consume lesser mana, he thought that he might’ve useda bit too much this early. But if this results in Yuffa leveling up quickly, then it was worth it.

Shin aimed and fired two shots of explosive rounds.

*explosion sounds*x2!


The blast was powerful enough to reduce the monsters to ashes. It even left a mark on the grassy field. A big one to be exact, he might have defeated that monsters with just one shot of the grenade, but he fired twice to be on the safe side.

The loud noise from the blast reverberated in the open field, causing the nearby monsters feel agitated. Even the distant adventurers were startled by the explosion.

Shin was unfazed by the sound, but the girls behind him shouted in surprise as they hugged each other for protection.

“Uuuu...That scared me Yuffa onee-chaan~”

“W-what was that just now, Shin-sama?” Yuffa asked while still hugging Tanya in her arms.

Shin scratched the back of his head as he silently apologized to the girls in his head. The loudness of the explosion coming from the blast was completely unaccounted for.

“Sorry about that. I fired it at a rather close distance.”

“N-no it’s okay Shin-sama. We were just taken by surprise. That’s all”

“Shin onii-chan. You meaniee~ It scared me.” Tanya spoke to Shin as she puffed out her cheeks.

He apologized to the pouting Tanya again, as he patted her head. After that, he faced Yuffa and asked to confirm something.

“Anyways, did you leveled up?”

“Now that you mention it, I did feel a gush or information in my head. Let me see…”

()Yuffa took out her guild card, and looked at the detail beside her name that displayed her level. Before it only had “—”,but now it displayed “Lv. 3”.

“Yay! I’ve leveled up! Look! Look Shin-sama. I have leveled up!”

Yuffa was so excited, knowing that she leveled up. She was jumping and shouting, while Shin looked at her with a smile while trying to calm her down.

“So, what skill or skills did you learn?” Shinasked.

“Let’s see. Um... It says [Staff mastery Unlocked!] and a buff skill called [Minor healing]”

“I see. Congratulations Yuffa.” Shin gave an “Okay” sign to Yuffa who had a watery eyes.

By the way, the exp points that had been earned from the dead monster barely helped Shin at all. It was almost impossible to see the increase in his exp. Considering the gap between his level and the toad, naturally, it won’t give him any exp at all.

But, it wasn’t Shin’s purpose. It was for Yuffa to unlock the skills of her staff.

Skill system in this world relies on the weapon being used at level 1. Except for Shin who naturally uses a vast range of weapons and their godlike abilities, other people can also use different kinds of weapons.Everyone else, however, would need to leveleach weapon one by one. It would take time and wouldnt improve as much as compared to mastering just one weapon, which is very optimal choice.

Meanwhile, since the time was still too early and they barely even leave the city’s territory, Shin decided to go further outside the city and into the forest.

Yuffa was slightly hesitant because of Tanya’s safety, but knowing that Shin wasn’t an ordinary person and possessed an incredible power that she couldn’t even comprehend, she decided to go for it.

“This is for Shin-sama too. I must do my duty.” Yuffa mumbled.

Along the way to their destination, they encountered many monsters, including the which Shin encountered right as he transferred to this world.

To Shin, monsters in the area weren’t even suitable as cannon fodder, much less an enemy. He annihilated every monster in his path without breaking a sweat or having Yuffa to use her staff whatsoever.

Honestly, he was kind of bored of how easy things were. He felt like he was just strolling around plucking wild flowers.

Even the girls who was wearing a scared face a while ago, () were showing a rather relaxed expression. Looking at their master’s prowess made them feel more secure. Who could blame them?

As Shin was getting bored...

“Uwaaaa—Hahahaha! Circle it up!”

He heard a voice coming from the inner forest they have entered.

But he was confused about the voice. It was from a girl who is running from something. At first, she sounded like she needed help, but almost immediately changes into laughter like she was having fun.

Curious, Shin searched for the owner of that voice while the girls followed him from behind.

As they walked from the series of trees, they found a wide area inside the forest. There, they found a group of adventurers rounding up a monster.

Noticing what the monster was, excitement came back to Shin.

In the middle of those adventurers stood an 8-foot tall bear.

The bear had an armor plate in its chest, and battle scars were littered all over its body. Its paws had a metal gauntlet with spike protruding out of it.

It glared at the people who surrounded it with vicious killing intent oozing from the bear. Its fangs were visible as it growled at them.


Watching from a distance, Shin muttered those words with excitement clearly visible in his face…

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