《Horizon of War》Chapter 8 : The Coming of Spring


Chapter 8

The Coming of Spring


What happened between Lord Lansius and Captain Audrey was the hot topic in the castle. A love story between a lord and a low-born had always been the people’s favorite.

In this matter, as a cup-bearer, Cecile got the first row in the ensuing drama.

At first, she was doubtful, but as it unfolded, she became rather fond of them.

Cecile understood that the castle staff was obsessive about this because Audrey’s background was similar to theirs.

Unlike Cecile whose father was a knight, all other staff was coming from esquire families. Meaning their father or grandfather was once a squire or a knight.

Lower nobility status ended once said member passed away. As a rule, the lower nobility title wasn’t inherited. A knight’s son couldn’t take his father’s title, only his estate.

Thus, the esquires were at the fringe of the middle social class. Not a noble, but still more than just a commoner.

Naturally many of the younger staff became invested in this interclass romantic struggle. To them, Audrey was their champion.

On the contrary, the older staff were against such unison because it usually ended in a tragedy.

As for Cecile herself, her first impression of Audrey was regrettable. The Captain’s gaze almost made her pee. Not even her knight father in training sessions ever showed such murderous eyes.

However, despite her scary looks, Audrey was actually warm and helpful. Later she found out that it was a skill that unconsciously came out despite Audrey's effort in suppressing it.

Gradually Cecile became friendly with her. As the highest-ranking female, Audrey became the matriarch of the female staff. Cecile as the cup-bearer was second in the hierarchy.

If there was harassment then the staff would come to them for assistance.

Luckily, that rarely happened. The discipline was rather good in Lansius’ household. Unlike in other baronies, the troops in Korelia were paid all year round. They were small but professional.

The small to no incident might also happen because of the lord himself. Lord Lansius wasn’t a womanizer and was disturbingly respectful toward the female staff.

Similarly, despite Audrey’s seniority, she blended in with the staff easily. Sometimes, she was a bit brash, but that was probably coming from her upbringing as a squire.

When that happened, Cecile reminded herself that Audrey wasn’t a lady in waiting. She was a fighter and a soldier through and through.

Cecile once had asked Audrey why she became a squire.

She answered that her knight master, Isulde, had decided that for her. At that time, little Audrey had been a servant. Her baronet master invited Isulde, a renowned huntress to take care of the bear that plagued their forest.

The job was done, but the baronet couldn’t secure enough payment, so Isulde took Audrey instead.

It wasn’t a rare case. Far from a true Baron, a baronet was only a wealthier version of a knight. From Cecile’s own family experience, they rarely had a surplus of cash lying around.

Despite the story of hardships, Cecile was envious of Audrey. The Captain was independent, with swordsmanship and horseback ability that surpassed many men of arms.

While Cecile was proud of her horse riding, Audrey was in a class of her own.


Furthermore, as squire and Captain, Audrey just needed a few more merit to achieve Knighthood. Now, the Lord was in love with her. Her future was altogether guaranteed.

But things seldom worked the way people hoped for.


During the long winter months, the female staff slept together in a large chamber where the heating was more adequate.

The male staff, the squires, and troops, occupied the Great Hall. Being a small castle, only Lord Lansius got a sizeable fireplace in his room.

During one of the nights spent together, Audrey casually told the girl staff about her vendetta. It was an unknown story even to Cecile.

Audrey told them that her utmost goal was to defeat the beast that had slain her knight master along with her group.

The survivors were mostly the younger generation. They had promised to gather up once they were stronger and hunt down the beast.

When somebody asked if the beast was strong, Audrey said that it was more than just powerful. It was a monstrous entity.

She openly admitted her doubt about winning the fight. Compared to her master who was an extraordinary, Mage Knight and Huntress; Audrey felt that she didn’t hold a candle in comparison.

Audrey knew they were unlikely to win, but would do it anyway. The idea was to get revenge or die trying.

That night, Cecile felt pity for this female she also envied. Cecile understood that not only Audrey’s status as squire but also her oath prevented her to answer Lord Lansius’ approach.

If Audrey were to wed him and had his child then it was very unlikely for her to fulfill her oath.

When Cecile confronted her if the lord knew, Audrey nodded.

Just like how the old staff warned them, this kind of relationship rarely ended well. Their words proved to be wise.

Winter finally came to an end. The melting of snow on the roof marked the change of season.


Cecile cleared her head and knocked twice softly. “Excuse me, My Lord. It’s Cecile your cup-bearer.”

“Come in.” The answer came from inside.

She pushed the sturdy wooden door open and saw the lord, alone, busy at his desk.

“Just a moment," he said without facing her.

Cecile knew at times like this the lord was deeply in his study. “Yes, My Lord," she courteously replied.

Without being asked, she proceeded to change the water jug at the table. Next, she prepared a clean cup and poured water on it. And then she waited.

Cecile quickly adapted to her new job. Her upbringing as a lady in waiting had prepared her adequately for the role. Not looking bored while waiting, not being nosey, and keeping your thoughts to yourself unless asked.

Her tutor also had warned her to avoid being overly social, to know her standing, and to put her master’s priority before all else.

However, Cecile never thought that she was going to be a cup-bearer. The position was much coveted because of its influence.

A cup-bearer was a confidant who not only met but also followed the Lord throughout the day. Her advice and comments went directly to the Lord’s ears.

The position also indicated the Lord’s complete trust in the person. Formally a lord would only drink from the cup that was prepared by the cup-bearer.


However, in Cecile’s case, the circumstances of her appointment were rather different.

Usually, a Lord picked his old-time friend as cup-bearer since he trusted the person. It wasn’t the norm to pick someone he never met.

At first, her appointment even made Cecile doubtful.

She knew she got the job because of her father who joined Lansius's side. Nevertheless, she didn't let that fact discourage her.

Cecile understood that this was a rare chance for her House and she was giving it her best.


“Sorry for waiting. Ah, please take a seat.” The lord finished with his work. He approached the table and drank from the cup.

The lord only asked for water during the morning and a light small ale during lunch and supper. His only concern was for the water to be boiled to avoid impurity.

“Have you eaten?" he asked after Cecile took a seat.

“Yes, My Lord, your servant had some porridge this morning.”

“Was it good?”

“It was, My Lord. It was warm and hearty.”

“Ah, that’s good to hear. I still got some fresh bread that Margo brought this morning. You’re welcome to grab a slice or two.”

“Thank you, My Lord, but your servant will have to decline.”

The lord smiled and then proceeded to relax in his seat.

Growing up in the circle of nobility where the ability to socialize was paramount, Cecile could tell at a glance that the lord wasn’t fond of small talk. However, he was kind enough to do so even for a subject like her.

After spending the whole winter close to him, Cecile also understood that the lord was genuinely friendly. Unlike most nobles who exerted dominance and influence, Lord Lansius was approachable.

He treated his subjects well, even almost intimate, like a family.

The discipline in the castle was actually maintained by the Marshall and to a lesser extent Thomson as the guard’s leader.

Cecile couldn’t decide whether this setup was ideal or not, but the castle staff seemed to be in high spirits.

“Today we’re going to the workshops. I wanted to check the work condition. Let’s go incognito," the lord declared from his seat.

“Understood, your servant will need to fetch her traveling cloak-“

“Yes, please do, no need to hurry. We got plenty of time.”

“…. But first, My Lord." Cecile’s reluctance was showing.

“Speak up. What’s on your mind?”

“Gratitude, My Lord. It’s about my father, Sir Callahan. I want to thank you. Because of your letter to Midlandia, father received the best treatment available.”

“Ah, don’t mind it. It’s my duty to care for my retainers. How is he, is he feeling well?”

“Indeed, My Lord. I just received the letter this morning. It's said that Father’s injury was completely healed. Before, even the night’s chill was painful, but afterward, he could endure winter just like everyone else.”

“I’m very happy to hear that," he said with a smile. “You ought to visit him. After being trapped in the castle all winter... How about if you take a week off or two, starting tomorrow?"

Cecile was surprised by the sudden offer.

"The road should be clear from snow. Oh, you should take a sack of salt, some fur, and a barrel of foodstuff as gifts. I hope it’s enough," the lord said casually as if those weren’t a big thing.

Hearing that Cecile could only go down on her knees. “M-My Lord, you’re too kind. How could we ever repay this?” She trembled.

In truth, Cecile was desperately homesick. Ever since the appointment, she fully expected never to see her home again. Yet Cecile had returned home last season and now another one was promised.

“Please, Cecile, it’s unnecessary. Stand up.”

“My Lord, you went as far to arrange for a Saint Candidate to heal Father and paid for it. My House and I are greatly indebted to you. Please at least let me pledge my loyalty.”

“I already received your oath as cup-bearer, remember? Cecile, please stand up.”

Lansius took her hand, but she refused. Cecile knew her family never received such generosity.

Despite the hair color and the knight status, her once-great House had fallen. Aside from her father’s horse and the armor set, they were no better than average townsfolk.

The treatment by a Saint Candidate was already luxury and now a considerable gift was promised. That would easily secure her family’s lifeline for another year or two.

“I, Cecile, daughter of Sir Callahan, hereby pledge my life in your service, My Lord," she solemnly said.

“That’s too much, Cecile. It’s unwise," Lansius’ rebuke her.

That shocked Cecile who thought that her pledge was refused.

“Listen, we’re going into a war soon.”

“A war, My Lord?" she asked while holding tears.

“Yes, and it’s likely against a larger force. I’m not certain that we're going to win. So I don’t want to put you at risk. Don’t pledge your life for me. Pledge it to someone you love dearly.”

The fatherly-like words struck her deeply.

Lansius didn't behave or think like a normal lord who would gladly take any pledge of loyalty from his retainers. He was different, someone who cared about the well-being of his followers.

“My Lord, forgive this servant. But, even if you reject it, it is my wish to serve you.”

The lord let out a sigh. “How old are you Cecile?”

“I’m turning 16 this year, My Lord.”

“You’re too young to make such a heavy promise. There’s a long way ahead of you. I don’t want you to regret it later.”

“My Lord, your words are too kind, I’m just a servant....”

Lansius offered his hand again and this time Cecile accepted. She rose out with face reddened and eyes moist.

“Cecile, you can take a rest for today. I’ll have Margo accompany me.”

“You don’t need to, My Lord. This servant will fetch her cloak with haste.” She exited the chamber and make her way to her room. Her dull blonde hair flowed as she ran.

Her heart was elated. She just pledged her loyalty to a lord that was well deserving of her service.


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