《Breathe in the Embers》Part 23


Breathe in the Embers

Part 23

Though it was rather unnerving to meet someone who immediately saw two layers into her deception, Lithuega immediately grew excited. He was an astute one, this Mr. Ludo, and had knowledge of her race beyond the very flawed concept of a ‘demon’. Come to think of it, Icarus had even called her by the proper name, so clearly this knowledge was being passed on. Very curious. “Well that would make this as much my fault as your own. I failed to give notice beyond the last two days.” Lithuega insisted, politeness always key when dealing with potential allies.

“Then we shall both of us blame the Mayor, and we can begin with a blank slate as friends.” Mr. Ludo insisted, offering his hand. “I gather my reputation precedes me, which is unusual. What is more expected is that your own precedes you, Nightfire. A pleasure to meet you though. I have been most eager to do so, especially since I’ve spent a great deal of time in the last week clearing up misconceptions about your appearance.”

“Much appreciated. It is a PR struggle that I imagine will be difficult to overcome.”

“I doubt you ever shall, but all we can ever do is endeavor to succeed. Some will see that effort and admire you for it, whatever they believe regarding your nature.” Mr. Ludo seemed a font of wisdom and knowledge both, and therefore the ideal person for her to be speaking to. “Was there something specifically I could help you with, or are you simply making the rounds?”

“I must admit that small talk interests me little, especially when I can’t really make it myself. I came here hoping to make connections, specifically with those who know their way around magic.” Lithuega admitted without shame. Some of her kind were notorious socializers and flirts, and while she would amuse herself once in a while by making Martin uncomfortable, this was still not exactly her scene.


“Ah, but small talk is the essence of making connections! How can one get to know another without speaking to them?”

“Small talk to me means meaningless chatter that is merely the observing of niceties, rather than discussing anything of actual import, or discovering more about the person you converse with.” Lithuega replied, her own smile matching his, their eyes equally alight with mischief. He was playing with her. “I like to have discussions that matter, with people who matter. I must say, I am very interested in speaking with Icarus again. I’m told she was a student of yours.”

“In a manner of speaking. She went to Azimuth Academy but never took my classes. Magic was never her strong suit. I did mentor her on occasion though, as is pretty common at the boarding schools.” he took a small sip from his wine glass. “You’re a role model, mentor, and stand in parent at times in such places. Some of those kids have been basically abandoned, and often times the school is the only family they have. It isn’t easy being born with powers, or at least it wasn’t then. Things have greatly improved since those first rounds of graduating classes.”

Ludo had a way of packing an awful lot of content into seemingly idle comments, such that Lithuega took several seconds to just nod, smile, and unpack all the information. “A friend of mine mentioned the schools for those with powers, but never that they were anything unusual or new.”

“They aren’t new any more. They’re old news. But unusual? Most certainly. And in the beginning, they were highly controversial. Quite a few bouts of excitement in those first few years, let me tell you. Icarus ran with one of my most notorious groups of troublemaking heroes, and they consequently saved the school on several occasions. The very essence of vigilantism, and the problems facing it, in those days. I must say I rather miss them though. School is quite mundane now, much closer to regular teaching.”


“I admit to enjoying moments of unusual excitement myself. Perhaps teaching wasn’t the profession for you.” Lithuega suggested, wondering if he missed his calling as a hero. It seemed odd to live in a world where such powers could lead to such an interesting life, but then settling for an entirely ordinary existence. Martin strove for adventure with all his might, had always dreamed of it, while others who could so easily grasp it simply let it slip away.

Humans certainly hadn’t changed, no matter how much society had developed.

“No, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” Ludo replied with a contented smile. “My students are my life. Speaking of which, if you really are interested in learning something about magic, you should swing by the school sometime. I would be happy to let you sit in on a class, and we could talk during an off period. As for now, I myself thoroughly enjoy small talk.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t want to monopolize your time.” Lithuega inclined her head.

“A pleasure to meet you Nightfire.”

“And you Mr. Ludo. I’ll pop in the school and derail your class sometime soon.”

Ludo grinned. “I look forward to it.”

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