《Star Wars: The Untold Stories》17: Ready Made Army
"The boy is not ready for such a task, especially considering his emotional state after what happened with Obi-Wan."
Sar's calm voice echoed out in the dimly lit room.
After having visited Obi-Wan and Anakin in the hospital he had moved over to this room where most of the Council members had gathered to discuss their next course of action. There was an overall heavy air in the room. It wasn't something common for a Jedi to get this badly hurt and never before had it happened on Coruscant.
"Hah, while I agree with you Sar, we are truly out of options." This voice belonged to Plo Koon who sounded just as tired as Sar.
Hearing this Sar narrowed his eyes.
"Fine, I understand that we need to track down this Jango Fett and the other Council members are occupied with trying to calm things in the Senate, but why are we sending him and the Senator to another planet?"
This was the part that confused Sar the most. While he could reluctantly agree that Anakin was the only viable option for the Senator's protection. He simply could not understand the need to send them to another planet where not only they wouldn't be within the Order's protection but Padme would be unable to participate in the vote.
"The Senate is afraid of further damage on the city should Amidala remain. They have decided hiding her away would minimize both risks towards her and the Republic." Windu's matter of fact voice answered Sar's question.
Sar snorted at this.
"Oh? And I can guess that the Senators suggesting this action somehow has something to gain from open conflict with the Separatists?"
While Sar was not a fan of Amidala. He knew that she was the only one standing between peace and all-out war. Her voice carried weight and her character and background rallied respect from the other Senators. It was obvious that her opponents did not want her to participate in the vote.
"Perhaps, but that is not our business. The Senator will be allowed to select a representative to vote on her behalf." Windu seemed non-perturbed by the implications Padme's absence could mean for not just the Republic but the entire Galaxy.
"You realize that a representative can be bought or coerced. Should they vote against Amidala's wishes war is the only remaining option." Sar did not relent and wanted to continue but was cut off by Yoda.
"Uncertain, the future is. Strive to protect the Senator, we must." Yoda's eyes were calm and serene but his words suggested that there would be no further discussion.
"Fine, I will go inform the Senator and Skywalker of the arrangements and then I will travel to Kamino." Sar did not wait for an answer and turned around and walked out of the chamber heading towards the Senators abode.
Had it been the Anakin of yesterday he would have been jumping around in joy knowing that he would be alone with Padme, but the events with Obi-Wan had crushed such childish implications. While he could not boast that his feelings for Padme were gone. He could say that he would not allow them to get in the way of protecting her.
He while waited outside her door while she was getting ready to leave, he thought about the conversation he had with Master Landala.
While at first, Anakin had not liked the man much, he realized that Sar just took his duty as a Jedi very seriously and had little patience for willfulness. He was also surprised at how annoyed Sar seemed while giving him his orders, it was clear that the red-headed Jedi Knight did not agree with the Council's decision.
He was soon brought out of his musings by the hissing sound of the door opening. Padme soon stepped out he luggage floating on a small platform behind her. Anakin immediately noticed the dark circles under her eyes, it would seem that Anakin wasn't the only one that had trouble sleeping after what happened to Obi-Wan.
"Ani," Padme's voice was soft and held little of the same energy it had the night before. "Are we ready to leave?"
She must have felt guilty since technically Obi-Wan got hurt because he was protecting her, but Anakin did not know how he should console her so he just answered the question he was asked.
"Yeah Padme, we are ready." He gestured with his arm and Padme smiled a soft smile before she moved ahead of him towards the spaceport where their shuttle awaited.
Anakin vowed that he would not only keep her safe but also bring back her confidence.
Sar was meditating on board of his ship as he was heading towards Kamino. He was trying to calm the sense of unease he was feeling.
All of this was so strange. The Separatists, the assassination attempts, this mysterious planet Kamino, and the Dark Side blocking the Jedi's sight. It was all coming at once and Sar could not shake the feeling that what he discovered on Kamino would not be as simple as a bounty hunter's hideout.
When he sensed that he was approaching the planet he stood up and exited his meditation room and headed towards the cockpit.
Looking out of the window he laid eyes on Kamino.
It appeared to be some kind of water world, as a grey ocean covered the entire planet. Black clouds covered the sky and rain and lightning constantly emerged from them. If Sar had to use two words to describe the planet it would be depressing and sinister.
Flying around a bit he finally laid eyes on a huge metal structure were a couple of round platforms, probably landing spaces, extended out from the main building. Sar steered his ship towards one of the landing platforms and landed.
The rain and wind were so strong that Sar's robe was drenched as soon as he stepped out of his ship. With hurried footsteps, he arrived at a blast door. Sensing a lifeform behind the door he grabbed the hilt of his lightsaber should he be walking into an ambush.
The door slid open and Sar came face to face with the creature standing behind it.
It was a bizarre creature, it had a thin elongated body and an even thinner and longer neck, along with two huge black eyes and a tiny mouth.
Sensing no hostile intentions from the creature Sar eased his body a bit but kept up his guard.
"Ah, Master Jedi, we have been expecting you." From the sound of its voice, it would seem that the creature was female.
Hearing what she had just said Sar raised an eyebrow in confusion and wariness.
"You have been expecting me?"
"Certainly, but we were beginning to think you weren't coming," Her tone was calm and her body posture suggested that she was not expecting any kind of fight. "The prime minister will be pleased, please, follow me." She gestured to Sar before she began moving down the pure white hallway.
Not knowing what was going on, Sar decided to follow along, it would seem there were something involving the Jedi going on here.
The two did not walk far before they entered another room, this one just as white as the hallway, where an alien of the same race like the one he had been following stood.
This one looked very similar to the one he met at the entrance but wore a finer set of clothes indicating a higher status.
"May I present Lama Su, prime minister of Kamino," The alien gestured to the alien he now knew was called Lama Su. "Prime minister this is Jedi Master..." She trailed off but Sar got the hint.
"Sar Landala" He gave a small bow which was returned by the prime minister.
"A pleasure to meet you Master Landala," He then waved his hand and tow white chairs descended from the ceiling. "Please, have a seat."
Seeing no reason to disagree Sar took his seat across from Lama Su.
"Please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas that his order will be ready on schedule."
Sar immediately tensed up at the name Sifo-Dyas and his hand once again rested on the hilt of the lightsaber.
"What order?" Asked Sar trying to keep his voice calm.
Lama Su seemed a bit confused as he asked. "Did Sifo-Dyas not tell you? The army he wanted of course."
Sar felt that this just got weirder and weirder but decided to play along for now.
"Yes, of course, my apologies, unfortunately, Sifo-Dyas was killed ten years ago."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure he would be pleased with the army we have built."
Sar felt that these circumstances were truly strange, had Syfo-Dyas somehow foreseen these events and tried to prevent them or was something else at play here. He felt he needed more information.
"Just to clarify, who exactly is this army for?"
"The Republic, of course," Lama Su stood up from his chair. "Come let me show you, I guess you would want to inspect the troops."
He then went out of the door followed by the alien that had let Sar to him. Sar also stood up and followed the prime minister.
They walked a couple of minutes before they entered a glass tunnel and Sar was truly surprised by what he saw.
Countless incubators containing small babies ranging from fetus size to full-grown baby. A single word came to Sar's lips.
"Indeed, impressive arent they?" The proud voice came from Lama Su as he continued ahead without even looking back.
The further they went the stranger things became until they arrived at a small balcony, where Sar saw a truly incredible sight. Countless white armored soldiers being loaded onto transport ships each marching with perfect synchronization and discipline.
"We have used a special growth enhancement gene to make these clones reach full maturity in only ten years." Came the voice from Lama Su which forced Sar to look away from the impressive sight.
"They are much better than droids, and created to be loyal and obedient while retaining their ability for strategic thinking making them truly the best soldiers you could ask for."
Sar was truly impressed but also confused. How had Syfo-Dyas known that this army may have been required and where did he get the capital to actually pay for it? Finally, the real question Sar wanted to ask was.
"Who did you clone?" This was what Sar had a pretty foreboding feeling about as he had a suspicion he already knew the answer.
"A bounty hunter called Jango Fett," Lama Dyas turned around and began walking back towards the way they came from. "He only asked for an unaltered clone to be given as payment."
It would seem Sar had been right and this clone army just kept getting stranger, but that last sentence caught his attention.
"Unaltered clone?"
Lama Su nodded a strange sight due to the long neck and answered.
"Yes, no accelerated growth or other augmentations just the unaltered DNA."
So the bounty hunter had a son? Sar did not know how to feel about considering what he may be forced to do should Jango attempt to evade capture.
"I would very much like to meet this Jango Fett, would a meeting be possible?" Sar asked.
This time it was the female who answered Sar's question.
"Of course, follow me."
They arrived in a different section of the facility this one seems like a barrack with countless grey doors marring the pure white walls. They stopped in front of the doors and Sar's guide pressed a couple of buttons.
Shortly after the door slid open revealing the figure of a young boy no older than ten. His face was expressionless until he laid eyes on Sar after which his face immediately twisted into one of suspicion.
"Well hello there Boba, is your father here?" The alien spoke in a kind voice and received a nod in response. She turned to look over her shoulder and nodded at Sar as they both entered the room.
Sar caught the glare he got from the child but ignored it.
They entered what looked to be a living room and finally, Sar came face to face with Jango Fett.
The man had a lean but muscular built. He was slightly short in stature but his whole body looked like it had been forged for battle. His face was square and he some rough features. His head was adorned by a head of short black hair.
Sar stepped forward and reached forward with his hand.
"Jango Fett?"
Jango raised an eyebrow but took his hand and shook it.
"That would be me." His voice was gravelly which went well with his overall appearance.
"You wouldn't happen to have been to Coruscant recently?" Sar maintained a soft smile but his tone was anything but friendly.
Jango's eyes narrowed and Sar could see his body tense up. "Can't say I have. I have plenty to do here after all." He gestured to his son.
"Yes...I can see that." Sar moved a little closer to the bounty hunter. "I must admit I find it strange why a bounty hunter would volunteer for this."
"I didn't volunteer, some guy named Tyranus hired me." Came Jango's reply.
Hearing that name Sar dropped all pretenses and outstretched his right hand using the Force to send Jango into the wall. The people in the room were surprised, the boy Boba ran into one of the adjoining rooms, the alien seemed uncomfortable but did nothing to stop Sar, and Jango himself glared at Sar as he struggled to get free.
"Jango Fett, I'm placing you under arrest for crimes against the Republic." Sar's voice was calm, but his eyes blazed with a kind of fierceness that said that should Jango even try to escape he would be cut down.
"I don't think so Jedi." Jango gave a smile, which unsettled Sar.
He then sensed something and turned around just in time to see Boba coming out of the room he had run into holding an implosion grenade.
Boba primed the grenade and threw it towards Sar. His eyes widened and he released his grip on Jango before he dove for cover. Jango wasted no time and ran into the room Boba had come from.
The female alien had already vacated the room and Boba was also nowhere to be seen so Sar did not have to worry about them. He used all the Force he could gather to protect himself from the impending explosion as the grenade hit the floor with a metallic click, but instead of an explosion smoke emerged from the shell of the grenade covering the room in a layer of grey smoke.
Using the Force he had gathered to blow the smoke away, but Sar was not pleased with what he saw. In front of him now wearing his distinct set of Mandalorian armor was Jango. His back was bent pointing the tip of the missile attached to his jetpack right at Sar.
Sar barely had time to raise his hand before Jango fired it straight at him.
Sar managed to stop it with the Force but the missile's continued velocity made it hard to keep it still. This made Sar incapable of stopping Jango from pulling out a detonator.
Sar had a very bad feeling about what that detonator did.
Sar was proven to be right because as soon as Jango pressed down on it the momentum of the missile stopped completely and its tip began glowing red.
Sar's face grimaced as he uttred a single sentence through gritted teeth.
"Oh shi-"
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