《Star Wars: The Untold Stories》3: First Mission
The Jedi temple was silent as it was early morning and most of the inhabitants were either sleeping or meditating. Well most of them anyway as inside of one of the training hall the distinguishable sound of lightsaber hitting lightsaber resounds.
The iconic humming of the sabers as they swing through the air and the fizzing like sound of plasma hitting plasma resounds through the hall. Two figures are seen sparring in the center hall. One standing firm in a stance from the Makashi form, the other is using the Ataru form.
These two individuals were the Jedi Master Shaak Ti and her padawan Sar Landala. While Shaak Ti looked calm and relaxed in her Makashi form Sar looked practically like the dead. Pale face, sweat-soaked robes sticking to his body and his breathing so heavy you would think it was laced with Mandalorian Iron.
Shaak Ti slightly shifted her form righting her posture before addressing her padawan.
"You're still impatient young one. While you have a very good understanding of your form and your lightsaber attacks are well polished. Your urgency and desire for victory makes you predictable and exposes your weaknesses"
Sar was too tired to respond so all he gave was a weak nod of the head which looked more like the gesture one would make when falling asleep at a desk. Shaak Ti merely smiled and continued with her teachings.
"Let the force guide you saber, let it help you predict the movement of your foe. Remember Sar the force is not a tool it is an ally it will help you if you only listen to it" Once again his Master shifted her form this time slipping into the form of Soresu.
"Now come once again and this time listen and let yourself be guided"
Sar closed his eyes slowly letting the force seep into his body and nourishing his sore muscles and relieve a little of his fatigue. He then righted his form and adjusted his two-handed grip on the lightsaber.
He just stood there observing his Master trying to glean anything from her yet it almost seemed like she wasn't even there at all. Taking one final deep breath he sprinted at his master. Using the force to flip over her and try and strike her exposed back.
The attack failed as without even turning around his master merely put her sky-blue lightsaber over her shoulder behind her back easily blocking the attack, before turning around with enough momentum to catch Sar slightly off guard and try and hit him from the left.
Sar quickly pulled back his saber and did a quick back-flip away from the fast strike, but before he even landed Shaak Ti had caught up and begun her unrelenting assault. Sar was desperately blocking the heavy blows, the sound of plasma hitting plasma got more and more frequent.
Sar's mind was running faster than light speed trying to find a way to get out of the unrelenting assault, and then he remembered what his Master had said and he simply stopped. He stopped thinking about victory or defeat and merely focused on his lightsaber and the force around.
Shaak Ti felt the immediate change in her padawan and couldn't help, but let out a small grin of pride. Sar's combat suddenly changed the parrying of his Masters, attacks while still desperate, became smoother and more refined. He felt like he could 'feel' his Masters moves before they were even made.
Sar slowly but surely went on the offensive now using all his mastery of Ataru to its fullest extent. He used the force to enhance his speed and reflexes making more attacks in less time. An attack from the left then a kick followed by a flip and a strike from overhead before quickly parrying and dodging any incoming attacks from his Master.
He found a kind of rhythm in the battle, and he felt closer to the force than he ever had before. The fatigue he had felt before had all but dissipated, there was only him, his lightsaber, the force, and his foe.
This went on for a couple of minutes before they got caught in a saber lock. The violent sound of two plasma blades being pushed against each other echoed throughout the room. Sar looked into the eyes of his Master and saw the outline of a small grin on her lips and warmth in her gaze, but he knew that she would not hesitate to plant him firmly in the ground. She had proven that several times in the beginnings of the lesson.
And it would seem that this time would be no different as she shifted her lightsaber breaking the lock and crouching down low before sweeping the feet out from under him using her strong leg. Sar hadn't sensed the attack and barely managed to respond to the lock breaking and before he realized it he lost the grip on his lightsaber and fell down his back colliding with the hard stone floor his sight shifted from the front to the sky. He was now laying down on his back gazing at the grey stone dome-like ceiling.
Lifting his head a tiny bit without moving his tired and sore body he came face to face with the ends of two lightsabers one sky- the other sapphire blue. His Master had probably caught his on her way up from her position.
Shaak Ti chuckled at the sight of her padawan before turning both lightsabers off and kneeling down beside her worn out apprentice.
"Quite the impressive display you put on there at the end. Though your inexperience still shows, that will quickly be rectified through our training" Shaak Ti laid Sar's lightsaber down beside him before holding her arms palms on his chest. As soon as Sar felt her hands touch his chest a warm feeling spread out in the area her hands were touching.
Force Healing is a technique that many Jedi use though their skill in it varies Shaak Ti is one of the best in the temple even surpassing Yoda in this department. While she was healing the young padawan she continued the conversation.
"Entering a battle trance is quite the achievement little one, and I can see that the instructors weren't lying when they said you were incredibly talented in the use of Ataru"
She stopped injecting force into Sar who sat up into a sitting position as soon as his Master removed her hands. Sar hung onto the concept she had mentioned, so the weird state he had been in was called a battle trance. Something he should probably learn more about at a later date. Sar was once again brought out of his musings by his Master something he felt was quickly becoming a habit.
"While it is good to focus on one form to specialize in we will need to train you in the other forms as well. It is very important to be able to shift smoothly between the forms, and it always a benefit to know how the forms work if you are ever against an enemy who uses one of them"
Sar agreed quickly with his Master while he had never really thought about it that way, but the logic behind was as sound as any. Seeing that her padawan agreed she moved onto another subject.
"So how goes your force training?" She knew it had only been one day, but she needed to keep a record of his progress to review. Sar stood up and attached the lightsaber to his waist as he answered the question.
"There has not been much progress I have not even been able to lift one of the monoliths yet, however, I was thinking heading over now to continue the training" Sar responded in a calm voice, but could not hide the slight bitterness at his failure to lift even one.
Shaar Ti merely let out a soft sigh before telling him.
"Once again there is one thing you tend to forget my padawan. Patience." The last word was said in a strict tone of voice, but without any irritation or reprimand for the young Jedi. Sar nodded quietly in response.
"Well, I see no reason to keep you any longer. Go train your force abilities" Shaak Ti was just about to head out before she turned around.
"I almost forgot later this evening meet me outside the council room in the fourth tower it would seem they have a task for us to complete. Do not be late" Finishing that she once again headed towards the door.
Sar smiled and said.
"You know Master for one that keeps reminding me that to be patient you always seem to be in quite the rush"
Had this been the Sar from yesterday he would never have dared make such a joke at a member of the council, but after getting to know his Master he felt comfortable coming out of his shell a little.
Shaak Ti stopped in her tracks right before the door because it came as quite a surprise that the quiet boy of yesterday would crack a joke like that. She turned around a little looking down at him before responding with a smile of her own.
"Hoh? Interesting observation little one yet I do not remember hearing you complain about me rushing through our little sparring sessions"
A little teasing grin formed on her face, while she had always been serious about her duties she could not see the harm in participating in some light banter with her padawan.
Sar's grin froze at the mention of sparing. Hoping he had not just dug his own grave he quickly went on the defensive.
"Of course Master! Forget I said anything you truly are wiser than me" Sar said it in such a polite tone of voice that Shaak Ti could not help but chuckle a little before turning around and exiting the hall.
Seeing his Master had left Sar remained for a few more minutes in the training hall, almost as if he was waiting for something, but he quickly snapped out of it and headed to the stone garden to continue his training.
Sar was once again sitting in the stone garden in his kneeling meditating position. At the moment he wasn't trying to lift the monoliths he was merely immersing himself in the feeling of the force.
As time went on Sar began to hear soft whispers these whispers had come in his meditation last night while he was meditating in his room. Sar knew that these whispers were the dark side trying to seduce him, but his will was strong and soon the whispers faded.
When the whispers were completely gone Sar began reaching out with the force. He had decided that starting with lifting one of the monoliths would probably yield a better result than trying to lift both at the very start.
Feeling the distinct feeling of the force around the monoliths Sar began to lift it. There was only one word to describe the task difficult. The monolith was heavy and no matter how much Sar strained he could not lift it more than a millimeter, but soon his strength faded and the monolith dropped popping back into its socket.
Sar felt frustrated and was just about to try again when he remembered his Master's teachings.
"I need to be patient. I can't control the force I need it to help me willingly" Sar muttered this to himself before closing his eyes once again and entering meditation. This time however he did not focus on the monolith but merely immersed himself in the force. He guided it like it was his own hand towards the monolith, he felt the force surround its structure and while it still felt heavy it wasn't nearly as bad as before.
And then, he lifted it.
Sar slowly opened his eyes and became overjoyed at the sight before his eyes right in front of him was a clearly floating monolith spinning slowly above its socket. Sar once again closed his eyes and slowly lowered it back into its socket.
Sar opened his eyes stood up from his position before throwing his hands in the air and exclaiming.
"Woohoo! I did it, take that you overgrown Kyber crystal" A huge grin was spread on his face.
After a few minutes of celebrating Sar gathered himself once again, but the smile was still clear on his face. That was until he glanced at the time and he turned a bit pale.
"Oh, kriff! I'm going to be late" Sar quickly force sprinted towards the exit quickly heading towards the council room. Sar knew that if he was late his Master would have his head when they next sparred.
Sar was currently standing inside the council room next to his Master. He had just made it on time so he escaped any punishment that his Master might have given out, and while only for a moment he sensed his Master being a little disappointed at this which just made Sar sweat a little more.
The council room was actually smaller than what one might have expected it was located at the very top of one of the four towers that made up the temple. The room was barren except for the huge windows that made up the walls, and the twelve seats that were placed in a semi-circle along the edges of the room.
Currently, only five of the twelve seats were occupied and one seat remained open due to the Jedi Master Dooku leaving the order earlier in the year. The five seats that were currently occupied belonged to Master Plo Koon, Master of the Order Mace Windu, Grandmaster Yoda, Master Kit Fisto, and Master Eeth Koth. Normally Shaak Ti would also be seated, but considering that the current subject concerned her padawan she opted to stand beside him.
Sar had to admit that he was very nervous standing face to face with five of the most powerful members of the order, Grandmaster Yoda was even there for kriffs sake! But he did not show it discipline was a valued trait for all Jedi and he would not shame the teachings in front of the high council.
Master Yoda opened his mouth and began speaking. The little green powerhouses voice was laced with the calming effect of the force.
"Welcome young padawan"
Sar hearing Yoda addressing him respectfully responded.
"Thank you Master Yoda. It is an honor to be invited inside"
Yoda let out a little chuckle which sounded like the combination between an old man's cough and a child's laugh.
"Told me about your force training, Shaak Ti has" Yoda made a sound that sounded a bit like clearing his throat "Impressed with your quick understanding of meditation, I am"
"Thank you Master"
Yoda continued
"Strong in you, I sense that the force is" Yoda closed his eyes "Yet impatient in mastering it, you are"
Sar bowed a little and said.
"Yes Master I will strive to be more patient in my training"
Yoda nodded sagely before Master Windu picked up the conversation in a strict tone of voice.
"Due to your quick understanding of force abilities and your mastery in lightsaber combat the council has deemed it fit for you to accompany your Master on her mission"
Sar hearing this remained calm but felt very excited at the prospect of his first mission.
"I understand Master, may I ask what the mission entails?"
Master Windu nodded slowly before responding.
"You will be traveling to the planet Eoliv as we have received information about certain dark side activities"
Sar looked confused.
"Dark side activities? Sith? "
Master Windu and the other Masters glanced at each other before nodding and looking over at the young Sar and Master Windu responded.
"We can not be sure, but we cannot rule out the possibility of Sith ever since Qui-Gonn's murder"
Sar just received some shocking new Master Qui-Gonn was killed by a Sith? He was still shocked when Yoda said.
"Strong on Eoliv, the dark side is. Careful, you both must be"
Sar and his Master responded at the same time.
"Yes, Master Yoda" bowing slightly. Master Windu then finished with.
"We have prepared a ship for you to leave in tomorrow" Seeing that the Master and padawan pair understood Master Windu gestured towards the door "Then this concludes the meeting you may leave young padawan, may the force be with you"
Sar bowed and responded with a curt "thank you Masters" and headed out of the council room and headed towards his own room. He had to be well rested for his first mission after all.
Sar headed on his way with a small grin on his face not aware that a dark presence had taken an interest in him.
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