《Heart of a Mer》71. Game Pieces


The atmosphere in the room was tense enough Sophie could almost see it. After the phone call with Devin and Az, Sophie had refused to sit idly any longer. Lewis had accompanied her and – as much as she had wished the girl would’ve remained with the others – Riley had refused to be left behind. They were in what looked like a small employee lunch area. Riley had pulled herself up onto the flat of the table, which Sophie might have scolded her for previously, but now she appreciated why the Mer might want the intimidation factor of being at eye level.

Devin was leaned forward against the back of one of the chairs pushed in at the table, and she’d pinched the bridge of her nose with one hand. “Lukshia, I don’t want to argue or fight, and I don’t want things to escalate. We’re not looking for retribution, we just want you to tell us what you know.”

Lukshia scoffed and Sophie’s frown deepened when she did. She was leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. “Devin, I appreciate your follow-through, but you and Carson have done your part. You performed beautifully, saved a family of Mer and are going to help a little girl earn her freedom. That’s where your focus needs to be. You need to let this go.”

Sophie hadn’t known Devin long, but the younger woman always seemed to have a cool, level head, so it was shocking to see Devin straighten up and glower at Lukshia. “Done our part? Do you have any respect for what we’re trying to do here? Any at all?”

Lukshia blinked and dipped her head. “Of course I do, Devin. That’s why I came to you in the first place. But you were given all the details you needed and I’m afraid that hasn’t changed. Continue with what your initial plan was and don’t worry about the rest.”

“If you truly do respect us, I hope you understand why I can’t just ‘forget’ that a young woman’s life is in danger. Just tell us where she is! If Lemuria thought she was loaded with the others, what actually happened to her?”

Lukshia shook her head once more. “You got the Mer you needed to. Forget the other stuff.”

Sophie clenched her fingers into fists. When Lewis placed a hand on her shoulder, she would have normally found it soothing, but now she was so enraged that she merely shrugged him off. “I hope you are not suggesting I simply forget about my daughter,” she hissed tersely.

Lukshia sighed and glanced at the watch on her wrist. When she looked back up and met Sophie’s gaze, she wore a tired expression. “Of course that’s not what I’m saying, Sophie. I know you could never forget and I know you’re not going to want to let this go. But right now there’s a lot of other things going on and I’m sure Devin would agree with me that you all need to push forward with getting yourselves more secure. They took a big risk today and Lemuria is still looking for all of you. Right now, your biggest priority needs to be taking care of the loved ones you do have here because Luna and her family – whether they want to or not – are depending on you. Make that count.”

Riley snarled before Sophie had a chance to respond. Her tail lifted and then thumped down on the table with a loud bang. “Not without Katie. I warned you once what would happen if you betrayed Lewis’ faith in you. This is your only chance to persuade me not to act on that vow now. Where is Katie?”


Lukshia quirked a brow as Riley bared her fangs and opened her gliders partway. While Sophie had found Riley’s threat display disturbing only a few hours ago, Lukshia seemed unfazed. Sophie could not tell if it was just a bravado or if she was just that arrogant, but it made Sophie wince. She knew Riley was easily antagonized and would rise to a challenge. Lukshia remained silent and the room fell quiet with her.

Riley only seemed to have a couple of minutes of patience in her, because she growled again. “That was not a request,” she reminded. Riley fingers curled around the lip of the table and her knuckles bled of any genuine colour to an ashen white as she gripped it. Sophie understood her fury. She was growing weary of Lukshia’s game very quickly too.

“I know,” Lukshia agreed. “But my answer remains the same. Katie is not in the picture right now and you need to accept that whether you like it or not.”

“You don’t mean she’s dead?” Devin clarified.

“No, she is alive,” Lukshia responded. “She is alive and as well as she can be for the moment, but you’re all wasting your time, and mine.” She glanced at her wrist once more and Sophie frowned. It was the fifth time she’d seen the woman do it.

“Why do you keep checking your watch?” she inquired.

Lewis coughed. Sophie glanced at him and found his brows furrowed and his fists clenched. “Because she’s stalling,” he growled. “There’s a timer counting down that we don’t know about. What is going on, Lukshia? The truth now, you owe us that. Where is she? Is she alright? What are you waiting for exactly?”

The silence ticked by again and Sophie frowned. She was beginning to feel like Lukshia was treating this like a game, and she didn’t feel like playing. After a moment, Lukshia inclined her head towards Lewis. “What I’m waiting for is irrelevant, Lewis. The only thing you all need to know right now is that you don’t have to worry. Katie is going to be fine, but you all need to move forward with other plans and forget about her for the moment,” she stated. Instead of waiting for a response, she ducked past Devin and strode towards the door.

“No,” Riley growled. Before Sophie could react, Riley crouched low on the table and then sprung away from it in a mighty leap towards Lukshia’s back. Just as Riley connected with Lukshia’s back, the woman tucked one shoulder while her other hand came up to fist in Riley’s long blonde tresses. Riley’s aggressive snarl morphed instantly into a yelp as she was dragged headfirst over Lukshia’s shoulder and allowed to drop to the floor below.

Riley hit the ground flat on her back and her spine instantly arched. Her eyes widened and her lips puckered as she gasped for breath. As she went to roll onto her side, Lukshia planted the toe of her heeled boot on Riley’s throat.

“I suggest you stay down, hon,” she murmured. “It was a valiant effort, but you should never be quite so hasty if you don’t know your opponent's skill level. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Let her up,” Lewis growled as he took a step forward.

Riley wheezed as Lukshia pressed down harder on her neck. “Stay where you are, Lewis,” Lukshia warned. “There’s no reason for anyone to risk further injury. I have no desire to fight with any of you, but I’m not going to be threatened or attacked either.”


“Why are you doing this?” Sophie whispered. She posed the question to Lukshia, but her attention was on Riley. That had been a hard fall and Riley still looked very stunned. Sophie hoped she hadn’t been too badly injured.

Lukshia’s sigh was weary as she shook her head. “Believe it or not, Sophie, it’s nothing personal. I have nothing against any of you and actually hope everything works out for you in the end. But that doesn’t mean I can afford to drop my guard or do things any differently than I am. You need to calm down. Katie is not in any danger. If she was, I wouldn’t leave you out of the loop like this. Let it go for now, okay?”

“I can’t do that,” Sophie refused. “Not when you’re holding one of my daughters hostage and pinning the other down by her throat. You’ve proven yourself selfish and untrustworthy. Your word means nothing.”

Riley, who had previously been limp beneath Lukshia’s foot, suddenly twisted and grabbed the woman’s planted foot before surging up. Sophie was a little stunned as she watched Lukshia careen back and for once the woman looked genuinely shocked as she crashed heavily to the floor.

Riley was on her in a second, pushing her hand down on Lukshia’s throat and tangling her tail around her legs so it would be harder for her to get back up. She bared her fangs and hissed viciously in Lukshia’s face. “Since you seemed inclined to share some advice, I shall return the favour. Never underestimate an opponent simply because they appear defeated!”

“Well played,” Lukshia acknowledged. “You’re right, I didn’t give you enough credit.” She winced as she tried to sit up, only to be shoved back down.

“No,” Riley snarled. “You can get up once you have told us where to find Katie. Either you talk now and redeem yourself or you are useless aid and nothing more than a threat. I seek to remove threats from my life.”

Lukshia took a breath. “Riley, I don’t want to antagonize you. I lost the fear of death a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean I want to stop breathing anytime soon. But I can’t tell you where she is. If I do, Katie will die.”

“How could she possibly be fine if her life is on the line?” Sophie hissed. “Enough games now, Lukshia. What do you know?”

Lukshia pursed her lips and said nothing in response.

“Just give us something!” Lewis demanded.

When she still did not reply, Riley huffed. “Enough of this now, there is another way.” Her jaws parted and she bowed her head closer to Lukshia. Sophie hoped she would be able to glean some clues about Katie from the woman. But just as Riley did so, Lukshia twisted and flung a hand in Riley’s face.

Riley reared back and began to cough and sputter as a small black cloud settled around her. She squeezed Lukshia by the throat with one hand while the other rubbed desperately at her streaming eyes. “What was that?” she gasped when her coughing finally began to settle, though her nose was running and her eyes were red and tears continued to race down her cheeks.

“Sorry,” Lukshia wheezed. “But I came prepared for that little trick. Hard to smell much else around the pepper, isn’t it?”

Riley growled at her and then began to sputter again. Lewis hurried to her side and crouched down to put his hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?” he checked.

Riley sniffed and nodded. “Yes,” she gasped. “It is unpleasant, but I will survive.”

Lewis nodded. Sophie stepped around him to Riley’s other side and rubbed her back. She was still effectively pinning Lukshia down, but Sophie was no longer sure how they were going to entice the woman to talk.

“That was cruel,” Lewis scolded. “I’m not in the mood for any more games, Lukshia. Tell us where Katie is and we’ll assess the risk on her life. You might not be afraid of Riley or of physical consequences, but you are going to tell us.”

“That so?” Lukshia inquired. “The floor isn’t actually too uncomfortable; I’ll play as long as you can.”

“I don’t like to threaten people,” Lewis growled. “Ultimatums and blackmail should be saved for extreme circumstances, but you’ve pushed me far enough. You betrayed us, but we were never your clients and I’m sure that’s how you compartmentalized. You’re a very logical person, Lukshia, but you have weaknesses just like the rest of us. I happen to know your biggest one personally and I’m no fool. I wonder how she’d feel learning about everything that’s been going on.”

Lukshia surged beneath Riley and Sophie leaned in to help the Mer hold her down once more. “You leave Olivia out of this, Lewis,” Lukshia hissed.

Lewis shrugged. “Believe me, I don’t look forward to making that call, Lukshia, but you’re threatening my loved ones, so either talk to us or I’ll have to get yours involved. You went through all the trouble and risk initially simply because she asked you to. Don’t make me ruin one of her closest friendships.”

Lukshia sighed heavily. “I meant it when I said that her safety depends on you not knowing. I won’t tell you.”

Lewis glanced up past her and Sophie assumed he was making eye contact with Devin. “Can I borrow your phone?”

“Of course,” Devin agreed.

“Lewis, listen to me,” Lukshia snapped. “Do not call Olivia. I won’t tell you where Katie is, but I was already going to be leaving in about two hours to go and get her and bring her here. I just need you to be patient a little longer.”

“I don’t trust you,” Sophie snapped. “I’m not just going to sit here with no information and leave my daughter’s fate in the hands of a woman who has betrayed us once already.”

“Then you can come with me,” Lukshia offered. “That’s the best I can offer, but I have conditions. I’ll take no more than two people with me. I don’t care who comes, but just two. And this one,” Lukshia paused to jerk her chin at Riley, “has to stay here. I’m not bringing any Mer.”

Riley bared her fangs and hissed.

“You’re not really in a position to make any sort of demands,” Lewis reminded.

“This is the best compromise you’re going to get,” Lukshia replied. “You call Olivia, you lose your only bargaining chip and I won’t tell you a thing. Riley can threaten my life all she likes, but if I die, then there’s no one to bring Katie back safely. You can take it or leave it, but I grow weary of lying on the floor, so make a choice and let me up.”

Sophie glanced at Lewis and studied the conflicted expression on his face. This required more trust than either of them was willing to offer the woman. “I don’t know if we have any other options,” Sophie admitted with a wince. When Lewis nodded, Sophie placed a hand on Riley’s back. She was careful to avoid the large bruise that was beginning to spread like spilled ink across the Mer’s spine. “Riley?”

“I want to come,” Riley argued.

Lukshia scoffed. “Last I recall, you didn’t do so well in enclosed spaces. It’s quite the drive.”

“I will manage,” Riley retorted.

Sophie winced. She didn’t want to leave Riley behind any more than it sounded like Riley wanted to be left here, but she knew it was safer for the headstrong teen to be with the others in as secure a location as they had available at the moment. She was still feeling a little wary of Devin and Carson, but Az had assuaged most of her fears, and Riley and the other Mer all seemed at least tolerant of them as well, so while they had yet to fully prove themselves, she was far more comfortable trusting them than Lukshia and whoever she was actually working for.

“Riley,” she began carefully. “This is your decision, but are you willing to remain here? I don’t know how many other options we have, but I would feel a lot better knowing you were out of any immediate danger. I don’t want to risk anyone else.”

“I do not want to be left behind while my family goes into a risky situation,” Riley whined. Her face was full of a desperation that Sophie rarely saw in the girl. “Are you both going?”

“No,” Lewis refused. He looked incredibly torn as he answered, and the wobble in his voice spoke volumes for him as he elaborated. “I don’t like the idea of leaving the others alone any more than I enjoy the thought of us splitting up again, but we can’t be in two places at once and one of us should be here, just in case.”

Sophie sighed and nodded. “You stay,” she said. “I have to go.” When Lewis opened his mouth to argue, she shook her head. “I’m in a better position to defend myself if need be, and I have to see this through.”

Riley hissed and gnashed her teeth. Sophie tensed. Riley tended to be difficult to sway once her mind was set on something, and in this instance, it felt wrong to deny her, but it had taken this much effort just to get what they had out of Lukshia. The woman was not going to bend further. Instead of arguing, however, Riley leaned close until she was nearly nose to nose with Lukshia and saliva dripped from her fangs as she snarled at the woman. “I will remain behind, but you will ensure Sophie and Katie both come back safely or there is nowhere on land or water that you could go, and I will make death seem like a pleasant mercy, do you understand?” Her spines flexed open and closed as she issued the warning.

Lukshia pursed her lips, but Sophie thought maybe she did look the slightest bit rattled – or perhaps Sophie just hoped that was the case – and then nodded. “I have no desire to hurt anyone, Riley,” she agreed. “But you’ve made your point. Now let me up.”

Riley hissed again, but ultimately surrendered the pin and slid sideways off Lukshia to allow the woman to sit up.

“Why don’t the three of you head on down to the pools?” Devin suggested. “Carson should be down with the others as soon as they’re finished with the video. Apparently, I have a couple of staffing issues to deal with. I’ll join you afterwards and we’ll get on the same page about what happens next. I won’t be long.”

“How do we get there?” Sophie inquired.

Devin grinned. “Head east out the door. Trust me, you can’t miss them.”

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