《Heart of a Mer》66. New Surroundings


The room was small and simple, with muted blue walls that the overhead light danced off of. Other than a cot, there was not much else in the room. There was a small desk with a short, wheeled stool, and a painting on the wall of cresting waves. On the cot were two Mer.

Nero was still unconscious, sprawled on his belly with half his fin hanging over the bed and his head resting on one arm. Beside him, Karina was awake. She had her tail curled up under her and she was tenderly stroking Nero’s shaggy gray-brown hair.

Her protective fins were wrapped tightly around her chest, and she had pulled one of two thin blankets provided up around her shoulders. The thumb of her free hand rubbed continuously over the soft, light brown fleece. She had draped the other blanket over Nero’s lower back and tail, just behind his dorsal. “Nero,” she whistled in a hushed tone laced with concern.

Footsteps echoed beyond the door sealing them in the room and Karina’s gaze snapped up and her muscles tensed as she watched the door. Eventually, the footsteps faded away and Karina returned her gaze to her mate. “Please wake up,” she whispered. She took one of his limp hands and bent to kiss the bridge of it.

She hummed in the back of her throat, but tears were glistening in her eyes as she watched him. She shifted to lie on her side and rested her head on his shoulder.

Karina remained cuddled up against Nero until a knock on the door disrupted the silence. Karina whipped her head around to focus on the noise. The handle turned with a soft squeak and then the door opened just enough for an older man to poke his head through the door. The man had gray-white hair that sprouted from beneath his nose as well as over the top of his head, and when he stepped the rest of the way through the door, revealed a long white coat and a thicker frame. Karina tensed and sunk low over Nero. She hesitantly bared her fangs and managed a shaky hiss.

The man blinked calmly and lifted a hand to adjust a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. “Sorry to intrude, my dear. You have nothing to worry about, I don’t mean either of you any harm. Do you speak English?” he inquired.

Karina shuffled her weight and did not reply.

Her silence seemed to satisfy the man, for he simply nodded. “I’ll take that as either a ‘no’ or that it’s not a preferred means of communication then,” he acknowledged. “Can you understand it?”

Once again, Karina shifted on the cot. Unease was etched across her features but after a moment, she nodded once.

The man grinned. “Good, that makes things a little bit easier then. I’d like to help get your mate up and moving again. Sounds like he had quite the heavy dose. Will you allow me to come near you both?” he inquired.

Karina bared her fangs again and hunched protectively over Nero. There were fresh tears in her eyes on the verge of spilling over.

A sympathetic smile pressed the man’s lips and he nodded again. “You’ve been through a lot,” he stated. “I understand why you’re frightened, but I only want to help.” He set the travel bag he was carrying down on the ground and crouched to pull out a clear stick about as long and wide as his thumb. He held it up to show Karina. “The sedatives in his system should be weakening by now. Take this and hold it under his nose, but hold your breath when you do; it smells quite foul and should rouse him without issue.”


When the man held it out towards her, Karina chewed her lip before reaching over and plucking it from his grasp. She lifted it close to her nose for a wary sniff. Her nose crinkled and she gagged as she pulled it away from her face.

Her reaction elicited a chuckle. “I did try to warn you. It’ll wake him up,” he assured her.

Karina snorted and shook her head. She held the clear stick out close to Nero’s face. After a moment, Nero began to cough. His eyes opened and he reared back. His weight worked against him and he would have pitched backwards off the table if Karina had not grabbed his arm with both hands and yanked him back. She stared at him and then burst out laughing. Her airy giggles filled the room and she shook her head. “Are you okay?” she whistled between chuckles.

Nero sputtered once more and then pulled Karina close. “Are you? How long were you alone? Did they hurt you?”

Karina wrapped her arms around her waist and shook her head. “Long enough,” she whispered. “But I am unharmed; just weary. I did not rest well while we were moved.”

Nero leaned in to kiss the crown of her head, but his eyes were narrowed at the human man still standing there, calmly watching them. He rested his chin on Karina’s head and bared his fangs at the human.

The man folded his hands behind his back and took a polite step backwards that made Nero’s snarl falter. “You don’t need to feel threatened, I don’t wish any malice on either of you. Do you know English as well?”

Nero growled low in his throat and his eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Yes,” he confirmed after a moment.

The man placed a splayed hand against his chest. “My name is Nicolas Scott, but I tend to go by Nick. May I know your name?” he inquired.

There was another pause of silence as Nero regarded the man silently with his lip still curled. The tip of his tail flicked as he studied the other male. The silence stretched on for longer than the first one before Nero finally spoke. “Nero,” he introduced with a warning growl. “And this is Karina. What do you want?”

As he spoke, Karina shifted so that she was looking at Nicolas as well. Nick merely smiled softly and gestured to her. “May I use your name?” he asked.

A frown pulled at Karina’s lips and she tilted her head to one side. Her brows furrowed and the fin atop her head flicked before she dipped her head once.

Nicolas turned his back to them long enough to pull the small stool out from behind the desk. He sat down and scooted closer. “I’m sorry for everything you both have endured to this point. I know you both endured a long flight and a fair bit of hardship before that. The Lemuria Institute has not made your introduction to land very pleasant, but we’d like to make amends for that if given the opportunity,” he explained. “Karina, I am very concerned about you especially. I cannot fathom how elevated your stress levels have been through this ordeal, but I am concerned about the effect it’s having on your health. Yours and that of your baby.”

As he spoke, Karina shied away and her fins shuffled as she adjusted and tightened her hold on the infant nestled within. Nero growled another warning.

Nick held up a hand and shook his head. “I have no desire to harm your child or take them from you. All I want is to perform a quick, non-invasive medical exam if you’ll allow it. I’ll walk you through everything prior and it will all be at your discretion; if anything makes you uncomfortable, we stop, okay?”


Karina hesitated and sunk back against Nero as she did. He took her hand and squeezed it gently before growling at Nicolas. “No,” he refused.

Karina rested a hand on Nero’s arm. “Nero…I think I have to,” Karina whistled.

Nero shook his head and growled again. He rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “You do not have to do anything for him, Karina. We do not owe these humans anything,” he reverted to his native language as he replied to her statement.

“He has been very respectful of us,” Karina argued. “It makes me nervous, but he asked our names, he has not made a single sudden or threatening move…he helped me to rouse you. If he had wanted to enforce this, cornering me would have been far simpler if you were still asleep.”

“Showing you a basic level of respect does not obligate you to do them any favours, Karina,” Nero countered. “It should just be expected.”

“I know, but we have not been afforded that courtesy before now and I do not want to lose it over such a simple conflict. He promised I could refuse at any point; so long does not endanger our son, I do not see a reason to argue,” she decided.

Nero sighed and rubbed his nose against her cheek. “Alright, if you are intent, I will not argue,” he relented. “But if he breathes the wrong way in your direction, I am going to kill him.”

“I would expect nothing less,” Karina acknowledged. She pushed herself into an upright position with her tail hanging off the edge of the cot. She braced one hand on the mattress and the other wrapped around her torso just beneath her folded fins. She met Nick’s gaze and bit her lip before dipping her head.

Nicolas nodded back. “Thank you,” he stated. “I’ll make it quick.” He set his bag on the corner of the desk and opened it again. He removed a thermometer and held it out towards Karina. “Can you hold this in your mouth, under your tongue, please Karina? It’s just going to let me see what your internal body temperature is.”

Karina nodded and reached out to take it from him before doing as instructed. Beside her, Nero growled softly. “It is only fair to warn you that if you make any threatening motions, I will tear your throat out.”

Nicolas nodded. “I appreciate the warning, Nero, but I have no intention of causing either of you any harm; so if I make you feel that way, I probably deserve what’s coming to me. Okay, Karina, you can take that out now.”

Karina returned the thermometer to Nicolas as soon as he gave her permission, and then she shivered. Nero leaned against her and hummed, and Karina flashed him a small smile.

Nicolas pulled a blood pressure band with a manual pump out next and held it up. “Karina, I’d like to take your blood pressure now, alright? This band is going to wrap around your upper arm and puff up. It’s going to get a little tight on your arm and might pinch just a bit, but it’s going to tell me how well your heart is pumping blood to the rest of your body.”

Karina chewed her lip as she extended her arm towards him and watched his every movement as he wrapped the band around her arm and smoothed it down. The maroon wrap contrasted against her pale skin and bright orange scales. Nero glowered at the doctor as he reclaimed his seat on the stool and pulled himself closer to them.

“I’d like to ask you a few questions while we’re doing this if you’re willing,” Nicolas said as he squeezed the manual pump to begin inflating the pressure band. “Have either of you had any significant illnesses, injuries, or physical health complications that you can recall?”

Karina shook her head. Nero shrugged. “I was injured early past adolescence rather severely, but I have no lasting complications from it,” he reported.

“What happened?” Nick inquired.

Nero shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. “You would not understand it if I tried to explain. I experienced difficulties during a storm and gained some deep lacerations and a blow to the head. It took a while to heal, but has not troubled me since.”

Nick nodded. “It appears that way,” he agreed. “What about the infant? Were there any complications during the pregnancy or the labour?”

Karina chewed her lip and shuffled her fins more tightly to her body before slowly dipping her head.

“Nero, would you be kind enough to elaborate if Karina is not comfortable doing so?” Nick requested.

Nero bared his fangs and clenched his fists. “Her labour ran late – which can be fatal for Mer – but it would not have if humans had not seen fit to keep her from the water to satiate curiosity while her energy drained away. She nearly died,” he snarled. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer while Nicolas continued to inflate the pressure band around her arm. It made Karina wince softly, but she did not protest.

Nick pursed his lips. “I know an apology will not make up for all you two have endured, but I am still sorry on behalf of my species that you have been treated so poorly. I hate to probe into what has to be a sensitive topic, but Karina, have you experienced any elevated levels of pain or weakness, any swelling or tenderness to your tail?”

“N-no,” Karina stammered in English.

“That’s a relief to hear at least. What about the baby? Have they shown any shakiness or weakness, any reluctance to eat, any kinks in the spine or other immediate concerns?”

“No,” Karina replied again.

Nicolas grinned. “That’s good, then. You’re incredibly brave and strong to have conceived a healthy baby in the face of all the trials you have endured. Hold your arm out and we’ll get this off you now,” he decided. When she lifted her arm, he ripped open the Velcro tabs and removed the band. “You’ve done very well and I appreciate your patience. I’m almost finished. I just need you to take this-” he broke off to lift the end piece of the stethoscope around his neck up for her to see, and then placed his other hand over the left side of his chest, “right here for me. I don’t imagine you’re going to want me close to your fins or the baby, so I’ll need you to do it. This magnifies sound so I can listen to your heartbeat.”

Karina reached out and took the piece, and then her hand disappeared beneath her fins. Nicolas placed the buds of the stethoscope in his ears and began tapping on finger on his opposite wrist. “Perfect, thank you. Now, I trust you noticed that end is lined with soft protective padding. It’s just as harmless to an infant and I’d like to get a listen to the baby as well, just to make sure their heart is strong and regular. Would you be tolerant enough to press that to the baby’s back? It’s the last thing I’ll ask of you.”

Karina pursed her lips and there was a long pause before she pulled her hand free from her fins and released the end of the stethoscope. “No. I am n-not com-com-comfort,” she broke off with a hiss and glanced at Nero. “Tell him,” she whistled.

“She is not comfortable with that,” Nero repeated. “We do not know you and Mer infants are delicate. His heartbeat is fine and if we have concerns, we will seek you out.”

Nicolas nodded and rose from the stool. “Very well,” he agreed. “I respect your boundaries and I appreciate your cooperation so far. I have to leave you both now, but I’ll be back shortly. I’ll bring something back for you to eat; I know you must be getting rather hungry. Any particular taste requests?”

Nero cocked his head slightly and flicked his fin. “Karina favours crustaceans,” he announced finally.

“Shrimp and crab then, perhaps?”

Karina purred and nodded. Her brown eyes glittered as she leaned against Nero, who merely chuckled and pulled her closer. He kissed the crown of her head and tangled his fingers in her sunshine blonde locks. Her purr deepened as he rubbed her scalp and her fins flicked lazily back and forth where they hung over the edge of the cot.

When neither of them offered up anything further, Nick grabbed his bag and quietly stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him as he left.


Rebecca drummed her nails against the wood surface of the long table she and Ixion were perched at. Sixteen chairs were wreathing the length of the table, and the two were sitting three apart. Between them, Luna was sprawled against the padded surfaces of the chairs, with the end of her tail and fin draped over her father’s lap. She was sleeping with her head resting on one arm while the other was draped up over her neck and ear, and her long hair was strewn messily about.

“This feels weird,” Rebecca whispered.

Ixion grunted in agreement.

“I am worried about Nero and Karina. I do not like that we have all been split up, but I do hope they were left together,” she continued.

“If they are together, Nero will not let anything happen to Karina. His protective nature and the desire to defend his newborn son will give him additional strength. I would pity any of these humans who dared get too close,” Ixion replied. He bared his fangs. “Riley can take care of herself, though I do worry for Katie. She is smart, but she has no idea what she is or what she is capable of and it makes her vulnerable to manipulation.”

“I would hope that she is not alone. It seems odd that they would place the three of us together, but separate the others individually. Regardless, I grow weary of sitting here waiting for something to happen. We should rouse Luna now and perhaps it is time we ventured beyond the confines of this room to see for ourselves where we are and what is going on. This feels like too strange a holding place to be natural; not with how these humans have felt inclined to pen us before. Where are the small tanks or the pool and hard white ground? I do not like this new environment and I itch for the water.”

Ixion nodded. He reached across the gap Luna was creating between them and Rebecca met him halfway to take his hand. “We are not far from the shore. I can sense it. Now might be the most prudent opportunity to take our leave of the land.”

Rebecca leaned over and rested a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “Luna,” she called softly. She shook the limp girl’s shoulder and called her name again. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “She can sleep when she wants to,” she laughed. “Luna, honey, wake up,” she insisted as she shook her again.

Luna’s nose scrunched up and she released a feather quiet groan. Rebecca called her name once more and her vivid blue eyes finally opened. They were glassy and unfocused, and she rolled onto her back to stare up at her parents with furrowed brows. “Where are we?” she inquired.

Rebecca shook her head. “I am not certain, Luna, but we will be alright. Are you alright?”

Luna licked her lips and pushed herself upright. She rubbed at her eyes and nodded. “It was not the first time,” she muttered. “But whatever that was, it was strong. I barely remember feeling the prick.”

Ixion responded to her statement by wrapping his arms around Luna and pulling her into his lap. She snuggled against his chest and hummed.

“It will be the last time,” Rebecca growled as she pulled herself across the chairs to close the gap between them all. Ixion had Luna pressed against him and Rebecca peeled Luna’s hair away from her neck. Her fingers ran over the blue leather of the collar Luna was wearing. “Stay still, okay?” She fumbled with the tongue of the collar and threaded it back through the metal catch so she could tug it away.

Rebecca turned and tossed the open collar up onto the table where matching green and gray ones already lay discarded. Once the collar was off, Rebecca placed a hand on Luna’s head and began to rub her scalp.

Luna peeked out at her mother from behind a waterfall of hair and her bright crystal orbs were glistening, the pupil enlarged. “Ar-are we going to get in trouble for that?” she whimpered.

Rebecca shook her head. “You do not have to worry, Luna. I am finished playing nice. It is time to remind these human captors of ours why Mer are not to be trifled with.”

“That went poorly,” Luna reminded. Tears were sparkling in her eyes.

“That is because we were still attempting forceful diplomacy and making a deal. We still depended on human help. Now we are going to try a more primitive solution, even if we must drag ourselves out to the water, it is what we will do.”

“O-okay,” Luna whimpered.

Ixion hummed and bent his head to nuzzle Luna’s cheek. “Just stay close to me,” he advised.

Luna nodded and snuggled down against him and closed her eyes. A moment later, she began to purr.

Rebecca smiled and rested a hand on Luna’s back with her fingers spread to knead the flesh. “It will be alright, Luna. No matter what, I promise it will be okay.”


Riley was flat on her back on a padded cot. Her jaw was slack and her eyes slitted open. The icy irises were cloudy and unfocused and flicking back and forth in her skull. Her fins were limp, her gliders drooping over the sides of the elevated bed. She had been strapped down with her wrists secured level with her ears, while more felt-lined restraints ran across her chest, hips, and midway down her tail.

When the door opened behind her, Riley arched her back and strained against the straps.

Footsteps clicked across the tiled floor as a woman in a lab coat approached. The woman wore a surgical face mask and had her brown hair pulled up into a tight bun covered with a hairnet. She reached out and brushed some of Riley’s hair back off her face just as the Mer fell slack against the cot once more.

Riley’s chest was heaving and she was panting heavily, with a small trail of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were still unfocused, but she bared her fangs and hissed faintly at the newcomer.

The woman clucked her tongue behind the mask. “It’s alright. Settle down and be still.” She swept a little more hair out of Riley’s face and then cupped her cheek in her palm. “You’re alright, hon.”

Riley growled and jerked her head with her fangs bared towards the woman’s hand, who pulled it back just in time and tutted and shook her head.

“Now that’s no way to behave,” she scolded.

Riley bared her fangs and wrenched her body against the restraints holding her down. She ground her teeth together and growled as she struggled. Her fins lashed and she tossed her head from side to side before collapsing once more.

“You’re just exhausting yourself for no reason,” the woman sighed.

“Let…me…up,” Riley snarled between panting breaths.

The woman shook her head. “Not yet,” she refused. She walked away from the trapped Mer over to a small metal trolley pushed into the corner of the room. From the surface of it, she picked up a battery-powered bone saw and walked back over. “Now just try to be still,” she instructed as she turned it on.

The sharp whirring sound of the saw beginning to spin filled the room, drowning out the former relative silence with its harsh whine. The blade glinted off the overhead light as the woman stepped closer to Riley and angled it towards her.

Riley’s eyes widened and she froze. Her muffled whimper was nearly drowned out by the grating noise the saw produced.

After a moment, the blonde Mer began to fight her restraints once more, more frantically than before. Her back arched sharply and she hissed, even as tears brimmed in her eyes and she strained and twisted and writhed. Her skin had paled sharply and her desperation showed on her face as she tried to angle herself away from the descending blade.

The woman’s brown eyes were narrowed with impassive focus and she placed a gloved hand against Riley’s stomach and shoved her back down. “Oh stop your fussing and it’ll be over quickly,” the woman complained and she lifted the saw over Riley’s prone form.

Riley twisted desperately once more before her jaws parted widely and a piercing cry resounded from her throat.

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