《Heart of a Mer》52. Master Plans


It had been a hard morning. Tears had been shed and most of the conversation came from choked, shaky voices, but Katie felt better knowing that it had happened. She glanced at the clock and found it pushing into the early afternoon. They had talked and argued for a few hours now, but it was finally decided that at the first opportunity – separately or together – her mom and Lewis would slip away and disappear.

That part hadn’t bothered her mother quite as much as the next debate. It was safest for them to stay silent and in hiding for several months before they sought out help. It was riskier that way, allowing potential cold trails, but if they poked their heads out too early, they were liable to get them bitten off, and that hadn’t sat well with her, and not with Luna or Riley either.

They didn’t iron out all of the details, but that was probably safest for now anyway, so they had all begrudgingly dropped the subject.

Now that silence had begun to stretch, Katie found herself glancing guiltily at Rebecca, who was still perched calmly on the floor a few feet away. Katie chewed her lip and shifted her weight. “I’m sorry that I pushed you,” she said finally. “I shouldn’t have done it; it was rude and immature.”

Rebecca shook her head. “You have nothing to apologize for, Katie.”

“I do,” Katie insisted. “I don’t really approve of unnecessary violence; there are better solutions to my anger. I shouldn’t have reacted that way.”

“I wanted you to,” Rebecca argued. “Katie, I was goading you on purpose. I wanted you to get angry and have an outburst. You needed to accept the truth, no matter how hard it was. I should apologize to you, it was not my intent to distress you so thoroughly. But I did wish for you to get angry and to lash out. While it is not necessary for Mer to be hostile or violent, it is important that you know that is okay. It is in our nature and how we survive.”

Katie shivered and hugged her shoulders. “I know,” she murmured.

“Katie,” Rebecca pressed. The woman leaned closer until Katie peered up at her again. “I understand that you have lost much and this last cycle has caused you a lot of pain, but until you can embrace the identity that has been forced on you, it will continue to plague you. Do not continue adding to your burden. You are a Mer, and you were raised human, and you do not need to feel shame for either half of that identity.”

Katie bowed her head and nodded. Tears still stung in her eyes and she chewed her lip but didn’t reply. “I know,” she whispered. “But it’s hard.”

“Do you truly hate it that much?” Rebecca inquired.

Katie shook her head. She didn’t want to give them the wrong idea about her feelings. “I don’t hate the tail…at least, not often. I had a lot of dreams I’m bitter are unachievable now, but I don’t hate it. I hate not having had a choice.”

Rebecca nodded. “I respect that; I am sorry that I goaded you.”

Katie shook her head. “No, it’s okay; you’re right that the outburst was healthy. I’ve been learning that more and more lately.” Katie bowed her head and chewed her lip. She hated what Lemuria was doing to all of them. She wanted it to end.

She took a breath and it whistled back out between her clenched teeth. Her mind drifted back to something Dr. Auldon had said to her. It was still bothering her, and after Rebecca’s comments, Katie was starting to believe she needed to prove him wrong. “Maybe…maybe it is also time for violence,” she commented.


“Katie?” She could hear the frown in her mom’s voice, but she knew she wasn’t disappointed, just confused.

Katie twisted onto the butt of her tail so she could look between her mother, Lewis, and the other Mer. “We’ve been keeping the peace and I’m tired of it. Luna and I kept our heads down for months…moons,” she clarified when a confused look crossed Rebecca’s features. “All it did was give Lemuria what they want. They’ve exploited us and hurt us and put us in cages, and we’ve let them. We’re still letting them. And why? For what? Because they threaten that they’ll punish us if we don’t comply? They’re going to hurt us either way.”

She gestured to Luna as her example. It felt cruel to call attention to the bruises wrapping around Luna’s sides from where Dr. Patron had kicked her. They’d filled her and Riley in on what had happened, and she was proud of Luna for finally standing up for herself, but she was also proof that Lemuria was going to do whatever they wanted, whether or not it was warranted.

“We should stop just letting them do what they want. What more can they do to us that they haven’t already? That they won’t continue to do? We should fight back; at least stop making their job so easy for them.”

She was expecting some resistance to her suggestion – it put them all at great risk, after all – but instead, a wide grin split Rebecca’s lips and she nodded.

“You are correct,” the Mer agreed. “I have kept a tentative peace because we were not all together yet. However, it is not quite yet the right time to break that standstill. I am not keen on it, but Karina does not have the motility to escape with us as she is, the baby will have to be born here and we require that truce with these people a little longer. But after the birth and a short recovery time, there is nothing that will convince me to maintain the peace. They have hurt my family for the last time,” Rebecca declared. She nodded at Sophie. “It is for the best that you and Lewis are not here when the fight breaks out. Mer are a people, we are sophisticated enough to recognize friend from foe, but we do have the potential to become lost in a frenzy. I would rather not worry about which humans are my enemies and which I would regret biting into.”

“They could kill you for that,” Lewis pointed out. The concerned warble in his voice had sympathy surging up Katie’s throat. Just about everyone Lewis cared about was sitting in the room. It was the same for herself and her mom too. But she didn’t want to continue being held against her will.

“Perhaps,” Rebecca conceded. “But we are dead already if we cave to that risk. It will just be a slow, prolonged death filled with misery and unrest.”

Riley hummed in agreement. “I am sorry, Lewis, but my aunt is correct. I would much rather die fighting for my freedom and that of those I love than I would to grow old in a cage to be gawked at.”

“I do not enjoy tussling or fighting of any kind,” Karina whistled. Katie glanced over to where she was hovering in the small tank with her hands curled around her belly. “But if necessary, I will make the exception.”

“Our baby may have to be born here,” Nero added. Katie twisted to stare at him; it was the first time she’d heard him speak. “But they will know the ocean.”


Even Luna whimpered and shook her head. “I do not want to play their game anymore.”

Though Sophie and Lewis weren’t able to understand two of the accounts, there seemed to be a general consensus in the room. Brokering peace wasn’t an option and neither was hoping someone else would save them. Katie lifted her chin, bared her fangs, and hissed. There was an instinct, dark and menacing, that was tightening in her gut. It longed for blood, and this time, she wasn’t keen on suppressing it.

As if sensing her internal unrest, Rebecca hummed and leaned forward. “Be at peace, Katie. It is not time, but you will get your chance when it is. For now, you are reunited with your family and you should treasure that.”

Katie nodded in agreement.

Then the doors opened and the motion stole her attention – and likely everyone else’s by the way multiple heads turned – and two people walked in. A man and a woman. The man was older, with the first hints of gray in his short hair and slight bags beneath brown eyes. He was pushing a trolly with trays of food and two pitches of water. Katie felt parched just staring at it. She hadn’t realized how dehydrated she felt until now.

The woman had shoulder-length auburn hair pinned back off her face and wide hazel eyes. She eyed them all warily as she stepped around Rebecca to approach Lewis. She had a pile of folded clothing clutched in her hands that she passed off to him. “Dr. Auldon thought you would appreciate a change of clothes…both of you,” she reported in a shaky voice as she glanced between him and Sophie. “And I’m supposed to change the dressings on the mermaid that was operated on.”

Lewis took the pile of clothing with a nod of his head, and then immediately passed it off to Sophie. “You’re talking about Riley,” he reported. He nodded in Riley’s direction.

The woman didn’t say anything more to him as she turned and made her way back across the room to Riley’s side, giving Katie and everyone else a wide berth. It was rather amusing to see the woman – who didn’t quite look like she’d hit her thirties – so skittish around them. She was going to have a hell of a time with Riley, who was already grinning by the time the woman reached her.

She pulled out fresh bandages and reached out towards the brace wrapped tightly around Riley’s waist. The moment she touched it, Riley began to growl. It started as a low, barely audible rumble, and grew to a thundering sound that had the woman jumping back with surprise.

Katie couldn’t stop the bark of laughter that ripped from her lips. It caught Riley’s attention and the other girl winked at her before offering the woman an apologetic expression, complete with widened eyes and a pitiful pout to her lip. There was some slight hesitation on her part before the woman stepped closer once more.

As soon as she did, a wide grin pulled onto Riley’s features that showed off her long fangs, and her growl returned even as her smile lingered. It stopped the girl in her tracks once more, and now Luna was giggling alongside Katie.

“Riley,” Lewis scolded gently. “That’s enough now.”

Riley splayed her hand across her chest. “What did I do?”

“You know what,” Lewis replied.

“I don’t know, I thought it was pretty funny.” Katie turned in surprise as she heard her mother’s comment.

Riley seemed to take it to heart however and she raised her hand out in an excited gesture and her tone turned smug. “See? I even have Sophie’s approval; I could not possibly have done something wrong.”

“It speaks!” the woman exclaimed in surprise.

Riley glowered at her and quirked a brow. “It?” she repeated tersely. She bared her fangs again, but this time there was no humour in her features.

Lewis hurried over and placed a hand on Riley’s shoulder. “Lie down,” he requested in a calm tone. “No more games; your bandages do need to be changed, and I’d like a look at how your recovery is coming.”

“But she-”

“Let it go,” Lewis insisted. “Be the bigger person.”

“I do not know what that means,” Riley huffed.

“Being the bigger person means having the emotional maturity to recognize someone else’s faults and forgive them for it. Do not rise to the challenge of being offended and simply let it go…a first time.”

Riley sighed heavily and shook her head. “You are placating me,” she grumbled.

Lewis chuckled and nodded. “Lie down,” he insisted.

Riley grumbled something about him being no fun and reluctantly shifted down to a prone position.

“Thank you, Dr. Patter,” the woman stated as she stepped back up.

Instantly, Lewis whirled on her so fast that Katie recoiled too. “This time,” he repeated. “I can forgive your surprise if you have not worked with them before, but I won’t forgive willful rudeness. These are people. And this girl may have a mischievous personality, but she’s come to be like a daughter to me. Insult or hurt her again, and you won’t have to worry about her anger, I’ll take retribution myself, do you understand?”

The room was silent for a few moments as the two stared at each other. Katie caught Riley’s expression and by her wide eyes and parted lips, she looked surprised and touched by Lewis’ statement.

“I understand,” the woman caved finally. “And I apologize. To you as well,” she directed the last part at Riley. “I’d like to just do my job and go.”

Lewis stepped aside and the woman leaned over to open the brace. “Try not to move until this is replaced,” she instructed Riley. She began cutting away the bandages, but Katie couldn’t see Riley’s injury from her place on the ground, though she strained for a peek.

Lewis was supervising and he made a noise of surprise when the woman peeled away the bandages. “Riley, are you in any pain?” he inquired.

“Not really,” Riley replied. “A little sore, but I am in less pain than I have been for the past moon or so.”

“Your rehabilitation rate has always been high, but it’s only been a little over a day. You should need at least a few more days.”

“Does this mean I can get down? Because I would vastly prefer to be in the water.”

“Did Dr. Auldon give you any injections when you woke up, Riley?”

Riley’s brows knit together and she nodded. “Yes. Two. The second one made me feel really numb and dizzy, and then I passed out.”

“A sedative, that makes sense. What about the first one?”

Riley shrugged. “I do not know. But it did hurt. He put it into my hip.”

“Whatever he gave you is acting as an accelerant to your healing process,” Lewis stated. He turned to the other woman. “We should take her for an x-ray.”

“Dr. Auldon isn’t here right now to authorize that,” the woman refused.

Lewis sighed and shifted his weight. “Look, Riley is a willful sort. We can either take her for some x-rays to determine if she can be cleared or if she has to remain bedridden, or she’s going to just decide for herself.”

“And I do not particularly care about the opinion of your superior either,” Riley added.

The woman sighed. “Very well. But we’ll do it quickly.” She didn’t wait for his response before beginning to pull the gurney from the room.

Lewis stepped back over to Sophie. He cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’ll be back,” he assured her.

“Be safe,” she whispered as she kissed him back.

Katie felt her gut sink. Lewis was going to try to leave. She was glad he was doing it, and with Dr. Auldon and Dr. Patron gone, now was probably his best chance, but she still worried for him. He offered her a glance and she nodded at him, hoping he’d understand. Lewis had venomously refused their idea at first. He hadn’t liked the idea of saving his own skin and leaving everyone else in peril. They’d eventually talked him down and reasoned with him. It was for the best for him and Sophie not to be there.

He nodded back and ruffled her hair as he walked past and followed the woman out the door. There wasn’t much more that could be conveyed with the other worker still in the room. She hoped he got away – feared the consequences if he didn’t – but she was going to miss him.

Once he was gone, her attention reluctantly shifted to the other worker. He was setting a metal tray heaped with fish cutlets on the floor beside them. Katie pursed her lips, but it did look rather good. He then fumbled with the keys on his belt to open the lock on Karina’s tank.

Karina sunk into the corner as he lifted the lid, and the man clucked his tongue. “It’s incredibly ill-mannered to threaten a lady, especially one carrying new life. You’re alright, hon,” he assured her. He held up a plate of more fish and some slices of apples, oranges, and peaches. “Are you hungry?”

Karina chewed her lip and released a nervous breath in a puff of bubbles from her gills accompanied by a high pitched, meaningless whistle.

“It is alright,” Rebecca chittered back. “You need to eat, Karina. They will not harm you or the baby.”

Karina was still a moment longer before she pushed off the floor of the tank and slowly broke the surface. The man held the plate out to her and she hesitated before her arms came up to take it from him. The moment it was free of his grasp, she swam backwards as far from him as she could get and leaned down to sniff the food suspiciously.

Katie watched the man glance at her mother. “Suspicious bunch,” he commented lightly.

“Wouldn’t you be?” her mom retorted.

The man shrugged and returned his attention to Karina, who had picked up an apple slice and bit into it. The rest of the piece disappeared a moment later and the woman appeared a bit more relaxed, though she still eyed the newcomer warily as she ate. “I don’t know much about your collective situation. It’s not my job to know or question it, but it doesn’t seem right that a soon to be mother should be penned in away from her support group. I can’t let you out or leave you unattended unless the lid is latched. But things are quiet today, so I can sit in that chair over there for a little while and let you all mingle if you like.”

Karina glanced up as he spoke. She was halfway through a long, thin strip of fish and looked caught in the attention. She reluctantly licked the rest of the meat into her mouth, and then her attention immediately shifted to the pool where Nero was. There was longing sparkling in her chocolate gaze.

The man followed her gaze. “Is that the father?” he inquired.

Karina didn’t appear to be listening to him. “I miss you,” she called.

Nero had hauled himself out of the water and he blinked slowly at her. “You are being very brave,” he assured her.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” the man commented. Neither Karina nor Nero had spoken English, so Katie understood his confusion. “Why don’t we pull that cot over for him to sit on?”

“You’d let him do that?” Sophie inquired.

“Why would it be a problem?”

“He’s not supposed to leave the confines of that pool,” her mom replied bitterly. “Lemuria’s orders.”

The man was silent for a moment, and then he walked over to the barrier between himself and Nero and crouched down. “Do you speak English?” he inquired.

Nero stared him down with an intense, brooding gaze. “Yes,” he replied finally.

“I’m not overly interested in why those above me have chosen to separate you. I’m merely a volunteer, I don’t even have a job to lose. I’ll turn a blind eye to you going over there and being with your…mate, I presume? Provided you’re willing to quietly return when the time comes to avoid getting me in any trouble. I’d prefer not to lose my position here over a misunderstanding. Does that agree with you?”

“Yes,” Nero agreed instantly. Katie figured he’d have agreed to just about anything to be closer to Karina. As soon as the deal was struck, her mom began shifting the mattress on the floor out of the way so she could carefully maneuver the gurney away from the wall. Katie shifted closer to the fence and pulled Luna with her so that their fins wouldn’t be in the way of the wheels. Rebecca was quick to join them.

Once she had the cot pushed up against the side of the tank, Sophie helped the worker lift Nero onto it. Karina was already at the edge with her tail angled away from the wall to avoid pressing her belly against the glass. She’d dropped the plate, so fruit pieces were floating on the surface while the ceramic and the meat had sunk to the floor.

Nero stretched up and cupped her face the moment he was set down. Karina hummed and nuzzled against his palm, and he leaned in to press a kiss to her temple.

“I love you,” she chirped.

Nero hummed in response. “I am glad you are unharmed.”

“The baby has been active,” Karina reported. She hand pressed a palm to Nero’s cheek, but her free hand remained curled around her belly.

“Your fins are darkening too,” Nero noticed. Katie frowned – wondering what he meant – until she noticed the long fins on Karina’s sides again. They had been pinkish-gray when Katie had first seen her, but in the few hours that she’d been here, they’d darkened to almost look red and there were more prominent veins standing out in them.

Karina nodded and her face fell. “I am afraid,” she admitted.

Nero nodded. Katie watched his tail muscles bunch, and then he vaulted himself up and over the glass separating them with a splash that sent water sloshing up over the barrier. Karina squeaked in surprise, but Nero twisted to come up behind her and wrap her in his arms. She turned in his grasp and nuzzled his chest.

He bowed his head and purred as he held her and kissed the top of her head. “I am here,” he assured her.

At that moment, with all the other stressors and problems that were happening, it felt like one of the most heartwarming scenes possible to witness, and Katie smiled.

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