《The Gods' Chosen Few》Gods' Chosen Few: Chapter 2 Why is it always him


As the room’s temperature begins to plummet everyone is looking at Haley with a hint of admiration and mostly fear as no summoned had ever accessed their deity’s power that quickly. Only in times of crisis or emotional stress would any hero be able to bring out their abilities without any proper training.

As she stared at the royalty in the room many of the guards stepped forward yelling things at her to stop and for the kings and queens to get away. When one of the guards stepped forward to spear Haley through the chest he was meet with a large fist to the front of his helmet enclosed face. Matt had rushed forward to get in close enough so his reach with the spear would be a disadvantage but he was only focused on killing Haley.

As Matts hammer of a fist hit the man’s helmet instead of break his hand which he was fully prepared to do the marble from the floor flew up broke into thousands of tiny specs encased his hand an enabled him to strike with full force without having to worry about damaging himself.

Of course he didn’t do in consciously as such the marble dust fell to the ground after covering his fist and slamming into the idiot who threatened his cousin. They then heard a shout from one of the robed men and a red ball flew towards Haley looking like a homing rocket. Max ran towards the streaking light jumped up to catch it. After it hit his hands he held it and threw it right back at the man who’d sent it their way.

While it streaked back every one scrambled to get away from it and as soon as it hit the ground it exploded with a force much greater than any robed figure present had anticipated sending about seven people flying as they weren’t far enough away from the blast radius. Then arrows were let lose towards all five of them.

One hit Matt in the shoulder with which her broke the head off and bellowed at them like a large monster that was about to unleash some hurt. After the first struck Matt the rest were battered away by an immensely strong breeze that knocked several of the archers down. It originated from Jess the second she saw and heard Matt in pain.

Just as this was starting off the Kings and queens of Luetania stared in utter horror as one of the heroes was enraged prompting an incredibly rash decision from a guards man to attack them. It all spiralled out of control after that. They watched as some of the most elite warriors, archers, and mages all four kingdoms had to offer were taken apart by people that had only just been brought to a world with magic. After most of the guards were on the ground either from a goliath’s fist and raging man’s fire balls an airheads gusts or an ice cold stare from the one who’d started all of this.


As it wrapped up and Matt and Max got done beating the ever living tar out of most the guards present Haley slowly approached the queen of Aquas as she’d been the one who’d answered Matt’s questions she asked. “I said WHERE IS MY BROTHER”. Before anything else could happen Jess quickly grabbed Haley from behind and hugged her. Haley begin to calm down and then cry while still asking “where is he”.

The others knew she had a somewhat special relationship with her brother as he and her had done most things together and when he’d gotten into school he had trouble making friends with his quiet and gloomy demeanor to anyone who didn’t know him he was just creepy.

For anyone who’d try to get to know him they’d find he was just shy and wasn’t sure how to insert himself into most conversations so he just enjoyed being able to hear them and pretended he was a part of a group. After a while he’d stopped as many found him even stranger after that. So his sister had go out of her way to include him in what her and her friends did.

This helped slightly as after her friends saw how he acted when he knew the person he was talking to they’d warmed up to him and treated him like their own little brother. After a while though his sister and her friends had ended up moving up the ladder that was school. So as a few years behind he’d just learned to accept his loneliness again. After high school his sister got a boyfriend and he treated her horribly.

Logan decided to do something about it and ended up in a hospital after being beaten repeatedly by her boyfriend and his gang of friends. He didn’t remember anything that had happened after the first punch then boom hospital. With his sister and cousin Matt next to his bed crying. Apparently he’d died once or twice on the way to the hospital and then once more as then got him to the ER for ruptured organs.

Turns out when he’d gone to confront the dickhead boyfriend he had decided he was done with Haley. As a final send-off he’d decided to give her a good bye party which consisted of him and five others of his friends raping her. Then the wannabe hero showed up before they could do anything giving her time to run and call Matt and a friend from school by the name of Max. When they’d gotten there the beat down was just about over. Blood was all over the floor of Haley’s apartment and the walls and ceiling. Just blood blood everywhere.


Turns out it wasn’t all Logan’s when they got inside and saw what had happened. Yes Logan was lying on the floor bloody and broken but so were two of Dick’s friends with their faces pummeled and most of their teeth missing. The other two Dick and lackey number one were just a foot away from Logan looking scared and angry.

As Dick picked up a knife to kill the crumpled young man on the floor Matt jumped forward and gave him a kick square to the chest breaking several ribs as he put his full two-hundred and sixty pounds of muscle behind the kick. Meanwhile Max started beating lackey number one like he was a punching bag as Hayley called for an ambulance.

It was a racking fifteen minute wait until the EMT’s had arrived they’d taken Logan to a nearby hospital as more ambulances were on their way for the others. Turns out that the person who’d arrived and brought Logan back to life twice in the back of the ambulance was none other than Jess. Logan had a good laugh after he found out Haley and Max started dating right after the incident. The same with Matt and Jess. Logan thought to himself while in a hospital bed for a few months that it was just his luck.

“Go and try to play “hero” and save his sister only to have some other people come and make him look like a loser then sweep girls off their feet.” It wasn’t like he went to up his "street cred" but hey it’s nice to get recognition for doing something good. Afterword’s he’d see Jess everyday as she came to check up on him for Matt. Max would drop by occasionally to talk to him and thank him for trying to protect my sister.

He only saw Matt the one time when he’d woken up before he was shipped to Iraq. Haley only visited once after the first time. She seemed to want to apologize for leaving him there but couldn’t muster up the courage to tell him anything even with Jess holding her hand and Max right beside her.

Logan just looked up at her and said “it’s okay sis I still love you”. Which only got her to run away while bawling and Jess started to cry as well. As Haley came back to her senses she was in the same room somewhere else with people staring at her as she cried in Jess’ arms. The human queen Mary looked at her and asked who she was talking about.

Hayley managed to blubber something about her brother who was right next to them when the light stole them from their world. To which the Queen had a sad look on her face and said “I’m sorry but anyone who was caught in that light when you were summoned should have been brought here if they survived.”

Hayley’s eyes flew up and stared at her intently and asked “what do you mean IF”. Once again it was queen’s turn to answer but she looked around to her fellow royals for help and they all stared at her helplessly. “Well they only people we’ve summoned have all been pinpoint summoning meaning only one person is taken.I’m assuming you four were with him when you were summoned and since it was the divines that brought you here their magic is much more powerful than ours. Which would make it harder for them to summon one person only and not a slightly larger area around said person. And when someone is summoned they are given protection as they cross realms."

"We’ve never seen or heard of anyone other than the intended heroes being summoned. It’s hard to say if he was in the summoning spell that he’d still be alive if being brought here. And if he did somehow manage to survive and not make it here there is only one other place you can summon heroes and it is currently in the middle of a monster infested forest home to an awful group of slavers called “Supremacy”-Mary. Hayley’s eyes start to mist over as more tears flow and Jess joins her in crying for her lost family member “Why is it always him? What did he do? He’s a good person. He doesn’t deserve this” The last part she said quietly.

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