《I Just Wanted To Die But Instead I Became Immortal》3 - Lowlifes


After untangling myself from the rocks I noticed I seemed to be in a stream of some sort. I gulped some of the water down to quench my thirst. I suppose that wasn’t a smart choice if I wanted to die from dehydration, but I was thirsty okay? It wasn’t like I could die anyway.

My body seemed to be mostly intact. Aside from the blood covering the sharp jagged rocks I landed on. My back was killing me too. I bet it snapped right in half when I landed. Good thing I lost consciousness.

To one side of the stream there was more forest, and to the other was that cliff I fell down, and… Hey, isn’t that person? Up on the cliff I saw what looked to be the figure of a woman, but she disappeared as soon as I noticed her. More hallucinations, I bet.

Having had enough of the forest, what with its giant centipedes and giant dog monsters, I started heading downstream. It had turned back to night while I was unconscious. Pretty dark night too. I’m pretty sure the moon was full the night I jumped from the bridge and washed up on the beach, but now it was just a crescent. I thought I was only here for a few days though. I must have spent a lot more time unconscious than I imagined. Half a month? I guess it wasn’t long enough to starve to death, though I was feeling very hungry. Shouldn’t I have dehydrated though? I mean before that nice drink of water I had earlier. If I went for half a month without water, surely I would have died. Maybe I did.

After walking for a while, lost in stupid thoughts, I heard another rustle in the bushes. Oh no, I knew where this was going. More wild beasts right? I burst into a run and promptly slip on the wet rocks falling on my face.


I groaned, holding my head as I sat up, seeing double. It felt like my head was split open. Wait, it actually was. I tried to keep the blood out of my eyes as two dark figures approached me. Humans? Human-shaped monsters? I couldn’t tell, it was dark and my vision was blurry. I think they said something, but my ears were ringing and my head was killing me so I couldn’t hear a thing. “Ah, just get it over with and kill me already!”

Hands wrapped around my arms and began pulling me backwards. Oh, that was different. They weren’t trying to eat kill or eat or maim me, instead dragging me back to their den first so they could eat kill or maim me there. The rocks scraping against my butt were really unpleasant so I dug my nails into my arm to distract myself.

They dragged into a cave at the edge of the cliff and strapped me to some sort of wooden device. Okay, hold on, this is starting to feel a little rapey. Please don’t let them do what I think they’re about to do. I’m still a virgin after all, at least let me die with my purity. I prayed to myself. Myself and not God because I was an atheist.

“Listen, please at least kill me first,” I pleaded, though it’s not like it would do any good since I couldn’t die anyway. It seemed they listened though, because in short time I felt a knife running across my neck. As blood started flowing down my body, soaking what was left of my clothes, I lost consciousness.

Then I started to hear some voices. “She’s still bleeding? Jeez, how much is in there?” mused a rough voice, like some sort of stereotypical vagabond.


And then a deeper voice. “At least the flow has slowed. She should be empty soon.”

“Hey, look at her wound. Isn’t it… Closing?”

I felt breath on my collar as the man leaned forward. “I think you’re right. We might have an immortal on our hands!”

The rough one pushed the other out of the way. “We have enough blood for the tribe, and if she’s really immortal we have more than we’ll ever need! I want a taste!”

I felt a sharp pain, like two daggers stabbing into my neck. I couldn’t help but emit a weak cry.

“Get off her!” the deep voice yelled. The daggers were pulled out, and instead a hand desperately clawed my throat, digging in with sharp fingernails. The men struggled, and as the hand was pulled away from my neck it took my wind pipe out with it. I blacked out, of course.

Some time later, I felt myself coming to again.

“She’s immortal all right,” said the deep voice, “but with pathetic regeneration. She’s producing blood so slowly. We can’t feed the tribe with just her.”

“So we just need to keep hunting then. Nothing has changed. Why are you so angry?”

“Because you wasted all that blood! You spilled her all over the ground!”

“She’s almost healed though. She can replace the blood.”

“Just go find the rest of the tribe already. I swear, bunch of incompetents…”

A set of footsteps wandered off. I was left alone with the deep voice man. Even if I forced my eyes open, it was too dark for me to see anything in here. These people were vampires, I guessed. At least they didn’t rape me, but I can’t say I really approved of them bleeding me to death and ripping my throat out. I mean, if I could actually die, maybe I would appreciate it then.

I struggled to move my arms. No good. Leather bindings. Feels pretty tight. Can’t wiggle out. Maybe if I cut off my hands and feet? If I could find a way to do that.

I gathered my courage and spoke. “H-hey…”

“Oh, you awake?”

“Yeah… Umm… Could you untie me?”

He laughed. “Sorry, no can do.”

“Can you… Kill me at least? I mean, I know you know I’m immortal, but can you?”

“Kill an immortal? There are ways. We need you alive though. Mortals are too… Fragile, you know? Die so easily from being bled a bit.”

I shivered. How many people had these guys killed? At least there was some good news though. There was a way for me to die, even if he wouldn’t tell me it.

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