《The Two-faced Otaku》Shocking the Whole Arena


After training Blood Manipulation for an hour Kei opened his eyes and checked the time, there's only an hour left before his fight, he left the sleeping quarters and started heading back to the coliseum's waiting room

When Kei finally reached the door, he quietly entered the waiting room and noticed that it was quite a spacious room with no decorations and only different types of weapons can be seen in the corner. There were also comfortable seats for the competitors to sit on while waiting.

Looking over the students he didn’t see anyone that would attract his attention or threaten him and just found a free seat where he could wait until his match began while making up plans.

Kei started thinking about his opponent and making a plan based on the information that he gathered about him yesterday.

His opponent is a second year, He's called Craig Akai, He is the prince of the requiem kingdom, a class E fire spirit manipulator, He is the strongest 2nd year student in the school

Kei couldn't help himself from getting excited. Because for him the stronger the opponent the better, he needs someone to use the new skills he had now.

In this fight Kei isn't scared in showing what he's really capable of because there's no one who can threaten him aside from the students because the four kingdom has signed a treaty that if there are problems with the younger generation, they will have to resolved it themselves and the old generation are not allowed to interfere.

Showing off what he's capable for now helps him gain authority in this school because in this place only the strong are respected and this is his only chance because the third and fourth year students are currently on hunting expedition.

After waiting for about ten minutes, one of The Academy’s workers slowly came up to him and started informing him. “Mr. Kei, the next match will be you against Mr. Craig so please prepare for the mean time.” Nodding gratefully at the man Kei stood up preparing to go to the arena for his match.

Unexpectedly someone stood in his way as he wanted to walk through the doorway. Directing his gaze at the person Kei was slightly stunned to find that the one standing in front of him was actually Keisha De Rov.

She looks even more beautiful when seeing her up close, she looked like a goddess with white hair and red eyes almost similar to his mother.

Kei simply stood there and waited for Keisha to start speaking, thankfully he didn’t have to wait for long since soon Keisha opened her mouth. “I truly cannot understand. Are you really going to fight a class E fire spirit manipulator? Just forfeit the match it's never too late to fight him once you're strong enough.If you plan on facing him now he will completely destroy you. I am also annoyed that the organizers are giving you an unfair match up, you are powerless against him so just give up and let me take care of him. I know I'm not in the position to warn you since we have only met twice now but I'm concerned about our race reputation”


Hearing Keisha's words Kei looked at her strangely, trying to understand if she did actually come just to say this. As Kei eyes stopped on Keisha's face he could see on her expression thay she seems concerned and there is also a slight worry in her eyes

Kei was about to speak, but at the last moment decided to keep his mouth shut and simply walked past Keisha without replying. This made her felt defeated because of this guy's stubborness

Kei started walking towards the arena and suddenly stopped while saying his last words. “You should stop worrying about me and start worrying about my opponent” after that he started walking

When Keisha heard this, it only made her more confused of why he is so confident despite being a class C in terms of strength.

Going out into the spotlight Kei saw the already familiar stage and could hear many cheers directed at Craig's entrance. He seemed be quite popular with the students because of his status, looks and strength, on the other hand, when it was Kei's turn most of them were just awed by his handsome appearance, but didn’t have any hope that he would be a fit opponent for Craig.

No one could truly blame them, since no had ever seen Kei fight before so they're almost 100% sure that Kei will lose. However soon they will be shown how mistaken they are.

As Kei came up onto the stage he could see Craig standing on the other side with his handsome face holding the same arrogant look as those nobles that Kei wants to discipline. Craig's wearing school uniform and a red armband, signifying that he was a fire spirit manipulator.

When Craig saw Kei, his smile became more ferocious as he spoke. “So you are the White Crimson Prince, I've been wanting to meet you. I don't know what Keisha saw in you that made her obsessed about you. I know that Keisha is not someone who can be taken easily with just status so I'm sure that's not the reason for her actions.” Craig continued "Well doesn't really matter because you'll just lose anyway and I'll make sure you lose in the most pathetic way that will make Keisha just forget about your existence" Hearing this made Kei was annoyed, so he responded. “You seem really confident Craig and it seems like you're also good in trash talking, I hope you have the actions to back up your words.”

Kei’s sharp words caused Craig to be taken aback because this is the first time someone lower than him in strength talk back to him. It made him angry as he let out his last threat. “If you want to experience humiliation, then I'll help you out NOW.” Finishing his sentence, Craig prepared to cast his flame spirit.

Seeing that the two of them stopped talking, the referee declared the start of the battle. Craig instantly started controlling his fire spirit. While Kei only stood there, not moving from his spot and was only looking at Craig, seems like expecting a great show.


Noticing that Kei isn't surrendering and was just standing while looking at his opponent made the whole audience shocked even the referee was wondeing if something was wrong with Kei.

Just at that time, Craig suddenly casted flame Devour, which made the flame formed into a dragon-like figure and started heading to the unmoving opponent and soon Kei was engulfed easily by the roaring dragon flame, making the spectator felt pity for Kei.

The referee was about to intervene, when he heard Kei's voice mumbling: "Light is RADIANT because there is Darkness and Darkness is SUBLIME because there is Light"

After a few seconds the red flame suddenly diminished. What the audience saw made their eyes widen in shock.

After the red flame diminished a black flame suddenly covered Kei's whole body and he started getting taller and older-looking, compared to his normal form. His red eyes suddenly turned crimson and narrow. His hair grows long and protrudes out the back of his head and the top half of his hair is still white while the bottom half of his hair turned black. Kei already attached his outfit to his transformation so his Black Jacket suddenly changed into a blue cloak over a black kimono.

Kei in this moment looked really intimidating yet elegant.

Craig on the other hand looked like he had seen a ghost, his smug expression earlier as he watched Kei being devoured by his flame is now gone.

From the start he never once thought that Kei could be a worthy opponent for him.

When the audience and Craig were still shocked they suddenly heard Kei's cold and indifferent voice. “Is this the extent of your strength? And here I thought you'll make me lose in the most pathetic way.”

Hearing this Craig can't even give a proper explanafion and decided to just shut his mouth

The people in the VIP rooms and the audience are now currently looking at Kei, what attracted the most attention was his sudden transformation. The spectators weren’t stupid and knew that this transformation isn't the normal transformation for red eyed sigilia and it can only belong to ancestors/progenitor. A red eyed sigilia with a different transformation meant he was a pure progenitor and had the highest realm of talent. All the teachers watching the duel had their mouths wide open, the audience was completely speechless and even Craig felt his legs growing weak.

Brook and Nami, just like everyone else were shocked beyond belief as their eyes were about to pop out. Only Kei's footsteps still rang out through the silent stadium.

Getting his wits back together Craig looked towards his opponent, only to see two emotionless and cold eyes staring back at him, making his blood freeze over and reminding him how ineffective his fire spirit was. Seeing fear on Craig's face Kei continued slowly walking while speaking. “Heh, so you're now scared. Well, let me try something that will scare you even more fufufu” As Kei said those words his body was suddenly engulfed by black flame and vanished

He suddenly appeared behind Craig and spoke near his ears "picka-boo"

This made Craig jumped in surprise and saw Kei started laughing

This made Craig furious and humiliated, lessening his fear he spoke. “Do you think just because you are a progenitor you’re stronger than me? Let me show you what a true power is.” Craig has long since lost his cool and completely forgot the possible level difference between them as he started to manipulate the fire spirit forming it into a red flame sword and slashed Kei's body into half

seeing that his sword was able to cut Kei he started to smile but

After a few seconds his smile stiffened because the Kei that he cut into half in front of him earlier suddenly vanished and suddenly appeared on his left side

When Craig saw this all the previous composure he had slowly fell apart as he started letting out more fire devourer towards Kei which seemingly did nothing it just seemed like the flame destroyed Kei and after that another Kei will appear

Kei was actually using Kyoka Suigetsu It distorts an enemy's perception of him by creating an illusion akin to an afterimage. Those under the influence of the technique can be easily outmaneuvered by the one using it.

Seeing that no matter what he do he can't defeat his enemy Craig took several steps back, Kei on the other hand let out a smile and spoke. “You only reached this level and you're already so arrogant. What an idiot, Let me discipline you so that you will never become arrogant again.”

Ending his words Kei started manipulating his blood forming into a whip. Craig understood that this time Kei will finally start his attack and tried defending himself by quickly forming a fire spirit barrier

However his power was way to low to resist against Kei's whip and it shattered his barrier and went directly to his face

Feeling the pain, Craig let out a miserable shriek as he started rolling around in his own blood.

When the pain slightly subsided, Craig noticed Kei standing besides him and fear instantly crept into his heart. Barely able to speak he started to stutter. “Wh-what are you planning to do?"

Kei didn't bother answering his question and started to make a whipping gesture making Craig unconscious from fear with white foam started gushing out from his mouth

The audience which was petrified the whole time suddenly broke out into cheers. The teachers also held satisfied expressions while looking at Kei as he left the stage, not paying mind to the unconscious Craig.

Kei was satisfied in discipling one of his targets and was looking forward into finding a worthy opponent to test his limits. He then started exiting the arena

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