《The Two-faced Otaku》Newcomer Combat Competition


Today Kei woke up early and took a bath while humming and then went back to his room and started to change into his Black Jacket, He's so excited today. You know why?

Obviously it's because today is the day that the newcomer combat competition will be happening at the stadium which is located in the Coliseum of The Academy.

Leaving his Male Sleeping Quarter Building which was already empty he walked down the path towards the Coliseum while humming.

When he arrived he saw Brook and it seems like he has managed to get some quite good seats which made Kei even more happier because he will be able to check his targets skills and make a plan to counter attack it

Walking up to the entrance Kei gave his ticket to person in charge after the person in charge allowed him to enter he gave him a polite bow as thanks, Kei continued to walk into the audience corner and was about to head towards brook when he saw the crowd

He was amazed by the amount of people because there were at least several thousand, most of them were in groups talking among themselves about the freshmen who will be fighting.

It didn’t take long for him to snapped back to reality and gain back his composure, and head to his seat. As he walked a lot of people sent admiring look at him thanks to his looks, but he has long since learned to just ignore them. He then sat beside Brook and was so happy because the seats were almost perfect, you could see the whole arena from their seats yet they weren’t far enough for the spectators to not see the fine details of the fights.

Kei admired Brook's choice and thank Brook before he made himself comfortable, waiting for the duels to start.


Only a small amount of time passed until the announcer declared the start of the event. You could see all of the powerful and important people sitting at the VIP seats already waiting for the entertainment to start.

Several first fights were nothing impressive, only battles between side characters. Although soon the first battle Kei actually cared about, began. It was Brook against an unknown Big Muscled Warrior with a full body armor

From what he knows, Brook and Nami are both at the Class D. This is already considered a genius, but if it's sufficient in winning this battle That is hard to tell because it seems like his enemy is on the same rank.

As Brook started enhancing his body and gives an aura of a ferocious gray fox beast that seems to manifest itself on his back. This happens when a member of animalia race reach class D and shows itself whenever a person starts using a large amount of body enhancement

When the duel began the warrior suddenly vanished and was just making a little bit sound waiting for an opportunity to attack but too bad he's opponent is from the fox bloodline of kingdom animalia

Even when Brook's opponent is out of sight, Brook can pinpoint the enemy's exact location and started calculating the distance and how high does he have to jump, after a few minutes

Brook then vanished from his position, leaps into the air and strikes from above his opponent, a technique known as mousing, he caught the warrior from behind and started locking his neck tightly

The match quickly got into a stalemate, Brook started tightening his grip but still his opponent doesn't seem like he wants to give up and continued struggling

Despite struggling, after a few minutes his enemy started losing his strenght and the force behind his struggle started to get weaker and weaker until he was unconscious.


His opponent who was under more pressure and couldn’t do anything at all. If he was able to give Brook a single attack that would hit him, it could turn the battle in his favor but he greatly underestimated his enemy because of his speed and wanted to watch him fall into despair, so the match ended completely one sided

His carelessness made him walk straight into Brook's trap

As soon as the referee declared that Brook as the winner, the whole stadium shook form the applause. This was the first match that looks completely one-sided and was really entertaining because they felt the aura they gave off earlier

Brook let out a victorious smile and turned around, headed back to the waiting hall, most probably to get ready and come here.

Unsatisfied with the match Kei sigh in his chair and started thinking about Brook's match earlier while waiting for him to comeback.

After some time of waiting, Kei suddenly heard shouts coming from the right side. Turning his head he saw Brook walking towards him from the entrance with a victorious smile on his face. All the people around him were staring at him with reverence and worship in their in their eyes as he walked by. Brooks previous one-sided fight left a deep impression on all of them making him stand out.

As he came closer Brook held up his hand and gave a greeting. “Sigh, keeping up a fake smile is really tiring and here I thought I'll be able to have a good fight, tsk.” He seemed to be awfully sad of his victory since as he spoke he let out a sigh, he wanted a stronger opponent so that he can enjoy an interesting fight.

Looking at him Kei inwardly smiled while responding. “Yes,I guess it really is hard showing a fake smile but I'm sure you'll get used it. As for your match it's just really a bad match up and your opponent is just an overconfident idiot.” His words made Brook smile and speak “Why do I feel like your words is telling me that I'll be facing a really dangerous opponent soon?”

At his words Kei only shrugged his shoulders. “I think you’re imagining it.” Brook stood there for a while almost as if petrified and didn’t move a muscle. Only after several minutes did he sit down besides Kei without speaking another word.

The competition continued as the time went by, some matches were interesting, but most of them held no excitement, When about 15 matches passed, Kei finally heard Nami's name being called out.

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