《Rise of New Olympus》Chapter 15



The gang, with Hestia, Drassus and Asterius retired to the barracks. They were sitting around the dining table. The dining hall was quiet. Everyone had questions and Hestia had answers, but no one dared to speak.

The silence was broken by dryads bringing in food and drinks. Apparently, while the gang was away for the whole year, Olympian residents had ventured into the outside world. They learned of the culture and adapted very quickly. The dryads brought Cheeseburgers and French fries. Everyone was surprised, but no one said a word.

Everyone started eating except Percy. He just sat there looking at the burger.

"It's alright, dear. I will explain everything, but first eat that Cheeseburger or do you want something blue?" Hestia said warmly.

Percy looked up at her, his eyes had gone red from crying. Ever since he found out that he was in another world, he worried about only one thing, his mother. He had suppressed every sad emotion, but when Hestia said those words, it broke a dam inside him and all the emotions filled his heart. Hestia understood his gaze and moved her fingers over the Cheeseburger. A blue cloud of smoke swallowed the burger and when it dissipated, instead of Cheeseburger, there were blue pancakes. As he took a bite his eyes filled with tears and he started eating them as if he had never eaten one before.

"They are perfect." Percy managed to say with his mouth full. Hestia smiled. "How do you know how to make them?" He asked.

"I learned from your mother." She said casually.

Surprised, Percy asked, "learned from her, how?"

"I will tell you, but first you need to understand how you came here? Why you came here?

You were born to be a God, Percy. A God, but not of that world, the god of this world. You were destined to come to this universe. I was the only one who knew about your fate, Fates had told me, I mean the Hestia in your world. That day, when you crossed worlds, I was the one, I mean Hestia was the one who hit you the head.

"How do you know that? You were sleeping in the temple."

"When you were transported through the wormhole, somehow Hestia's memories were also transferred to me. I saw those memories as dreams. When I first saw you, I could not feel anything, but sorry and told you about your mother. When you left home I, She met with your mother and told her everything." She twirled her hand in the air and a cloud of green smoke appeared on the table. Slowly it took the form of a woman. She was facing towards Percy, sorrow was in her eyes. As he saw the women his eyes widened.


"Mom?!" He whispered.

"Is it really his fate?" The women spoke, her voice felt like melodies to Percy. "That… that is… will he come back after it is done, like always?" Whatever was the response, it was shocking to her. She slumped into the chair behind her. "I wish I would've known sooner, I would've given him his favorite blue cookies for the journey." She hid her face in her palms and started crying.

"No… I shouldn't cry." She wiped her tears, "Percy's going to be a God, I should be happy for him, I'm proud of him." She forced a smile on her face. "I just wish I could talk to him one last time. Yeah, I'm fine." she wiped her eyes, "I just… I'm worried about the girl now, she really loved him." She gasped, "Oh, god! His father…!"

The image disappeared and smoke dissipated.

"After that I went to Hades and waited there for you to arrive. I remember, Poseidon was calling me furiously in the Pantheon Hall. He must've learned about it."

"So, that means he can't go back?" Artemis asked.

Hestia nodded. "I don't have any memories after that. I'm sorry dear, but…" Percy raised his hand and she stopped.

"You don't have to be sorry, you couldn't do anything about it. It was those old ladies, I hate them." He said.

"Yes, Fates have a unique way of doing things."

After eating Percy went to the Poseidon palace. There he cried for hours and slept the rest of the day.

Next Day-

The gang was standing in the Pantheon Hall. The Pantheon Hall wasn't in the ruins anymore. All the rubble and broken thrones were removed by Hestia. In the middle of the hall was Vesta's Hearth blazing with golden fire. All the Gods were standing in front of their seats in the council. Gilgamesh, Drassus and Asterius were standing beside Hercules. The hall was filled with satyres, nymphs, centaurs, minotaurs and olympian citizens, Amazons, and Atlantians. Everyone was looking at Percy who was kneeling in front of Hestia, his head down.

She looked at Percy, "Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Hero of Olympus, King of Atlantis. Do you accept your duty as the King of Olympus?" She asked in a booming voice.

"I accept." Percy answered without looking up.

"You knelt as Perseus, Lord of the Waters, Earthquakes and Storms. Now Rise, as the King of the Olympus, take your throne and become the God of Waters, Earthquakes and Storms, Rise!" Percy slowly rose to his feet. Hestia moved and stood in front of her throne at the bottom of the stairs.


Percy walked to the bottom of the stairs. He looked at his throne. It was glowing in faint blue light. Percy climbed the steps and stood facing the chair. On the backrest of the thrones was the Symbol of Percy, a Sword crossed with a Trident. He conjured the Trident in his hand. He turned around and slowly lowered in his throne. As he sat, the throne started glowing so brightly that everyone had to avert their eyes.

A moment later light dimmed and everybody saw Percy glowing with Power. He had closed his eyes and when he opened them there was divinity in them.

"ALL HAIL, KING PERSEUS! God of Seas and the king of Olympus." Asterius cheered with his bellowing voice and the entire Pantheon Hall roared.

Percy raised his hand and the entire hall quieted down. He looked at Hestia.

"Lady Hestia, you are the oldest and the wisest goddess in Olympus. In my world you are one of the few gods whom I trust. I'm just a warrior, a fighter, not a ruler, I'd need help. Would you be my guide?" He asked her.

"I will guide you with all I have." She knelt.

"Lady Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Fire, take your seat as the Goddess of Wisdom and the councilor of the gods." She stood up, bowed her head and took her seat smiling.

"Ares!" Ares stood up. "You used to be the God of War, and you will be the God of War once again, but there is one more position that needs to be filled. Ares, will you accept the title and the duty as the Lord of the Underworld?"

"I was gonna ask you the same. I accept." He bowed his head.

"Ares, the God of War and Underworld, take your seat." Ares took his seat.

"Artemis, Goddess of the moon, hunt, and archery, you helped us find Olympus, will you become the messenger of the gods?"

"Gladly!" She bowed her head and sat back.

"Hercules." Herc stumbled while getting to his feet. "You are the first Olympian I met when I arrived in this world. You were with me on every adventure. You are a really great friend. I don't know what gift to give you, tell me what you want, I'll give you as long as it's in my power."

"Wow! I don't know what to say. Percy, I mean King Perseus. You know, for many centuries I've missed being a hero and going on adventures, you can ask Gil, he's with me for more than a thousand years. Then you came and I got to experience it once again and most importantly you returned Olympus to its former glory. I think this is the best gift you could give me. I don't need anything else."

Percy was about to say something, but the sound of a horn interrupted. It was Dario's horn and It came from the Bridge of Heroes. In a couple of minutes all the gods were at the bridge. There they saw three people surrounded by minotaurs. One of them was Odin himself. One guy was blue and he had four arms. The second guy looked like a Chief of a native American tribe.

"Lord Odin, what brings you, Lord Vishnu (AN- from Daevas, the Indian Gods) and Lord Manitou (AN- from Manidoog, the Native American Gods) to Olympus?"

"We came here to meet the new Godhead and the Skyfather of the Olympians." The native American guy said.

"Indeed, we were informed by Lord Odin, that the new king of Olympus is rising. Two of your predecessor were one of the leaders of the Council, so being the current leaders of the Council we had to come to Invite you to the council" The blue four armed guy said.

"Welcome to the Council!" Odin offered his hand for Percy.

Percy shook it, "Gee, thanks. I don't know what to say?"

Suddenly a minotaur came running from the other end of the bridge. He stopped abruptly when he saw people standing there. "Dario! There is something you need to see." He said.

"What is it?" Percy asked.

"Oh, Lord Percy! Sorry I didn't see you." He knelt.

"It's okay, tell me what you saw."

He got to his feet, "there is a large man outside. Bigger than the mountain."

"No! It can't be!" Hestia gasped and ran for the door to the earth. Percy and other followed her.

As they exited the portal Percy saw Hestia looking at the sky. He followed her gaze was awestruck.

He was looking at a huge bearded man. He was bigger than anything Percy had ever seen. That person looked straight at him and smiled.

Percy then noticed something he was holding. The huge man had his hands lifted above his head. He was holding the sky. It was Atlas, the Titan.

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